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What's going on, guys?


His foot's just...


Come on. This jaw, moving around.


Have you ever tried that? What?


Have you taken Adderall? No. You can tell when it's somebody's first time taking Adderall, their jaw is just unhinged, just moving around.


My doctor was driving me that, thinking it would help my... Just whatever I have going on. I don't even know.


Your TMJ?


No, my...


Your brain. Oh, your brain.


My panic attack. My panic attacks. They were like, Try this before we prescribe you Lexapro.


I remember this, yeah.


I did it, and literally, only one thing changed. I was smoking more.


That's all it did. It does make me feel team.


I wasn't focused on anything. You were focused on the pump. I wasn't getting more work done. It literally, there was nothing positive that provided me except for just terrible, terrible, terrible.


Mixing it with drinking is the worst combo.


Oh, yeah, because then you feel like you're not drunk at all. And Have another.


You can, you can, you can until you can't. And then 20 drinks in your-Do you have a come down from that? It's so bad. Do not do that.


Well, I mean, you were taking it in a different way. When you were doing it. Was I? Yeah.


Definitely crashed on that, or all. I think it's worse than an energy drink. You've grown so much.


I'm so proud of you, Heath.Life is crazy.What are we, a year and a month sober now?


A year and three.


Do you remember the exact date?


Yeah, it was the last day of Coachella Yeah, they don't...I bet he just died of natural causes and didn't want to get any treatment.Do you think they found something where they're like, Okay, this could be something different?Well, I don't know. He was also morbidly obese at one point in his life. That's why he was so pro-Oh, he was before he died?Yeah.There's hardly any photos of him when he was really overweight. That's when it started him being the health guru. Got it. Yeah. I know he was in one of Fulini's films, which is a French film in the '60s. Apparently, Richard Simmons we can have the driveway open. She's like, Oh, my God, great idea. We leave our phones and stuff inside. We get in, and the driveway is so fucking narrow. You got to be following that beep, beep the whole way down because you don't want to scrape into the walls and stuff. Patricia goes in first. I'm right behind her, and I'm pulling in my car, following the beep. Everything's great. Once again, it's 11:30 at night. All of a sudden, I hear a...I'm like, Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. I've hit something. Through my brain, I'm like, What was everything that is right there that I could have hit? Immediately, my brain, I go, There's a fucking propane tank right there. I think that I've hit this propane tank, and I immediately shut off my car, and I'm hearing just this… Then I roll down my window trying to smell it, and there's this old rot mattress near me that I'm smelling. But I'm thinking it's propane tank fumes, and I'm like, Oh, my God! I'm trying to get Patricia's attention. She doesn't have her fucking phone. She's over there, like beep, beep, and I'm flashing the lights. I'm like, Patricia, Patricia, because in my brain, I think the moment I turn on this car, I'm going to, boom, explode right in my I'm about to go on full vacation for fourth of July.You just got rid of your cancer.Come on. My whole life flash before my eyes, and I'm sitting there going, Patricia. I'm trying to yell, and I'm sweating. I'm sitting there in the dark of my car.What do you mean, turn on your car? Your car's already on.Because of the gas fumes, though. This is my final destination brain going on, where I'm thinking-I picture the drive-through in final destination where they get stuck.There's no escape.The engine just flies through and hits that guy's head. Oh, my Gosh, yeah. I think about that a lot.That's exactly the picture.Terrible, terrible.I just was sitting there, sweating, trying to get clean air because I thought it was propane fumes. Then Patricia finally comes, Patricia, because I'm just trying to keep my voice down because I don't want to wake up the entire neighborhood. I'm like, What did I hit? And she goes, Oh, my gosh, your tire's flat. I didn't hit a propane take. And the fumes I thought I was smelling was just the rotten mattress that was right there.It's crazy how your brain just accepts what you thought. You know what I mean? So you start like, No, I smell gas. This has to be gas. And you just start telling yourself that it's real and what you're thinking.I was just like, I thought I was just going to die in that moment. Then I realized my tire's fucking flat, and then I'm like, Okay, well, let's... And this sucks because we have a flight to catch. What can I do right now? Well, I'm going to try to move it forward and we'll deal with it later. Nope, if you have a really high tech car now, if you have a flat, it won't even let you to go forward.Oh, no.Then I'm like, Oh, shit. Then I'm realizing, Well, I guess I'll just leave it here.It's just stuck in the middle of the-The driveway.Then I'm like, Oh, shit. We're about to leave for two weeks. My neighbor loves his motorcycles. He takes him down the driveway all the time. I'm like, he's not going to be able to get his motorcycles out. Long story short, I managed to call Triple A, and I also got to see my neighbor and explain the whole situation.How much until you had to leave for the airport?Within just minutes. I just had to explain the situation to my neighbor. Luckily, he was awake. He took his dog out for a walk, but had to have Triple A come and replace the fucking tire within the middle of our-It wouldn't even let you put it in neutral to roll it? You know what? I think that's what they ended up having to do. But our time crunch was like, it's not going forward, it's not going reverse. Patricia and I don't have enough time to do a blind in the dark push out into our driveway. You hit that down ramp.Yeah, right?Just gone.In neutral.But I don't even know what would happen if you actually ran over a propane tank. Would the whole thing just fucking explode? Would it implode?I can't even bad. But what ended up puncturing it, though, was just the stoop out on the side of our house. It's just a brick stoop. I don't think they should have ever put the stoop jutting into the driveway.Oh, so it pretty much clipped your tire.I just clipped the corner of the stoop, and it just punctured a hole.Well, now you know what to get rid of. You need to get rid of that stoop.But thank goodness the defender has a full functioning spare tire in the back. I just now get to get a new one of those to have on the back. Got it.Has that been taken care of, though, already?Yes, all of it. But it was just right when I landed, I'm having to get on contact with Triple A, talking to my neighbor, making sure it's all good.And while you're on a bender, I mean, that must have been stressful.I would have hated that. But yeah, my whole life flashed before my eyes.Everything good, though? Two-week bender, no problems? No fights. No. No altercations. I'm saying it like I know something.No.You didn't piss anybody off. I don't think so.Okay, good. Matt, I feel like you've probably seen it, but my guilty pleasure right now is watching the Paralympics TikTok account. Oh, yeah? Have you seen it?I feel like this has been going on for a year where they play like...I just found out about it.These audios where it's like, it seems like they're making fun of the athletes.It is so absurd, these edits that they're making of these athletes.And you wouldn't say it's funny. It's more like, Oh, they're doing it really well. It's so good.It's not like playing Ed Sheer. It's funny. When your legs don't work like they used to.It doesn't look like they're making fun of it. They're just like, Oh, this audio would go really well with this situation that happened with one of these athletes.It's so funny because it seems like just random people that if they When they came across a clip, they would edit it like this. But the person running their account is just on top of all the TikTok trends.I can't believe they're doing that.It's every single video, but it's the Paralympics official page.But give them some heroic music. Why are you making it? It's like they're giving them silly songs.Do these teams know that they're posting this?The thing is, they're putting Mimi sounding Exactly.Audios on it.They're doing really well. I have a feeling, obviously, they're like, Oh, it's doing really well. But there's got to be a conversation where they're like, Is this appropriate? Do you think they ask for each player that they're about to post? Hey, do you approve? There's got to be a conversation happening within the-But somebody who's the head of it is like, If it's getting views, it's getting views. You know, HR department or something.We're going viral, baby.There was another one that was a tandem bike rider, and the guy is blind that's on the back of the tandem bike, and he's trying to feel around for the bike, and they're putting-Piano sounds.No. That's crazy, right? But this is the official Paralympics page.It's interesting, right?Does nobody own, no network, own the Paralympics? For the people who are listening, basically, there was a blind guy. He puts his hands out. He's reaching for the bike, and in a way, it looks like he's miming-Airplaying a piano. Airplaying a piano, and they play piano music on top of it.I'm sorry, what sport are they playing where they're blind?I think if this was NBC, like covering the Olympics, it would look... That's really bad on NBC's part. My issue with it is that he is a man who is disabled, and he's reaching for something that's not there, which is, I guess, funny that the disabled guy can't find it. Why aren't we spotlighting him at his moments of greatness, performing his physical feat, not at a humorous fault?These are just the videos that we saw. We didn't look throughout the entire page.They're all along the same theme of that type of edit, right? You're not treating them any differently. They're treating them like normal people. But for some reason, I feel like...It is a little, what's the word, tongue and cheeky, where they're like, It's funny, right?But it is funny.I know what you mean. It is funny. If it was a random person making edits of stuff they were seeing on a Paralympics, it's like a parody funny clip thing. But because it's coming from the official Paralympics page, you're a little like, Where's the... Not the trust, but just, You guys are here to celebrate and spotlight these athletes in a different way more than a humorous way.That's what I'm... Yeah.At the same time, if you look at it as visibility, so much more people are watching this because of these edits. It's true. There's more eyes on this where people are looking at like, Oh, that's something I can do as a disabled person.If people were smart, they can look at it as like it's an entertaining post. It's funny. But me watching it, I'm still like, They're still there. They are able to do these things. That's crazy.It's so impressive.Yeah, it's still impressive. I think you know that they're able to do things.Maybe the way they're garnering all the views is a little like, again, tongue in cheek, but there are way more eyes on it than maybe doing the heroic route of content, if that makes sense. There's different ways to look at that.I'm surprised, though, because I feel like they did this last year. Did they not?I don't remember. I just recently saw them.I think this is new. This has to be new.I just don't think someone who's disabled should be the butt of a joke. Coming from the official account that's celebrating their physical feats in a competition.You want to hear this could possibly be what could be happening, too. Whoever's running that account is part of the community.It could be.Good Zane. Because if they're part of the community, you literally can't be pissed at them.Yeah, they're disabled and they're making them. That's a really good point. I didn't think about that.Maybe the person behind the account is deaf. They don't know what sound they're using. It's just random.They're just looking at it. Throw it in CapCut or whatever the automated.Yeah, there could be someone in the community that's really funny. They're like, I want to run the social media.Okay, but if it was the Special Olympics, then there'd be a bigger problem, right?Yeah, that's a little-That's worse. I don't think that's very tasteful. These people are aware of the content I think that's being put out for sure, which makes it a little easier to digest.I think a lot of people that are paraplegic or have any physical disability like that, they are aware of their situation. I feel like part of their coping mechanism is to make fun of it themselves and...To have a sense of humor about it.Exactly. I feel like a lot of people do have a sense of humor about it, not so that they don't feel bad, but it's owning it almost, right? Yeah.They could be just telling people what they want to hear. But this article says, because it's controversial, the article It says that they're doing it to reach audiences that don't know about the Paralympics. So the account has a lot of support from the Paralympic athletes as well as the audience. We created a strong following through edgy and unique content that allows us to educate an audience who might be less aware of the Paralympic sport and the achievements for our athletes.Honestly, I haven't thought about the Paralympics maybe in a few years, and the first time I really saw it was when I saw it. So you are reaching audiences that don't really talk about it or know about it.It made me look up other videos, not the funny videos, real videos of this.They may also be viewing it as like, this is TikTok. This is a place where we're supposed to have fun and goof around and put funny audios to things and have a comedic entertaining spin on it more than a true highlights channel for it.Because obviously it works. Look how well the page is done.Yeah, it makes you want to just crack open a beer and watch the BeReal Olympics.I actually to your backyard. That's crazy.He may have been in a bad mood because he was just hit it. He made it more complicated for himself. It was probably like-This is a crazy interaction.Yeah.Oh, I just got you all saved the date. Did you get it? I love it. What do you think? Oh, I loved it. It was adorable.You know what's so funny? Don't flatter yourself. But when I was making them, I'm like, I wonder what Matt's going to say.I loved it. I loved the little H.We always think about what- Yeah, you and Patricia have good taste. So I'm like, Oh, if they like it, then it's good.We put your opinion at a higher regard.Stop, stop.All right, enough, enough, enough.But I love the little H. The paper clip? Wait, and the Polaroid. Did you guys individually take a Polaroid for every single- Every single person is asking that question.So let me describe what the Save the Date looks like. So we made it look like a postcard, and on the front of the postcard, it says Save the Date. And then on the back, it has all the information, but it looks like this vintage postcard. We have little vintage stamps on it. And then we put a Polaroid of us, just like a selfie Polaroid, and it's paper-clipped with a paper clip in the shape of an H. So... My sister made them. Shout out to her. So the Polaroids, he has a camera that no matter what picture you have, we could take it from our iPhone, we could take it from a different camera. We took it on another camera. You can send that picture to this other camera and print out a Polaroid.As many times as you want.So we just printed it out 200 times.Perfect. So it's a digital Polaroid. I don't know how it does it because it's not printing on paper. There's cameras where you could just print immediately, but it looks just like a normal picture.Even the Polaroid, there's Polaroid printers where you could just send it to printer and then it'll print a Polaroid.But a Polaroid is a chemical reaction. It's a chemical reaction of- Another miracle. Because I was like, damn, they took 200 of these. I was like, they look great in this shot.You know what? They would, too.After a while, it's just like you're slipping through.You're like, Our smile's fading.You would spend a whole day doing that, too. We need to do 350 stuff.It was because I had to sit there and in the camera, you have to open a new pack and you get 10 at a time. So I had to sit there and keep printing. That was expensive, too.Also, what he did was we took the picture on another just a regular digital camera, and he went into the light room and edited it to look like a Polaroid. So it's like a filter.Yeah, because it looked so real.Yeah, I thought it was like a real Polaroid. It looked good.It's crazy, though, that I don't understand the technology to make the... Because it's a developing Polaroid. You print it out and it's white, and then over time, the image starts coming like a normal... Yeah. It's pretty crazy. I don't get it.That's incredible. Did all of them look the same?Every single one's the same.Because it almost has that laminate over it, too.Where it's got the border with the little…Bound? Yeah.What camera is it called?It's a Fuji film. Instax. It prints the Instax, but I…It's this. Yeah. Okay. I've seen those. It's so fired up. Yeah, it's a perfect imitation.For the Polaroid, did you do something special so it developed perfectly, or you just left it out, facing up?No, you just… It's got the feeling of a film camera But you know how you would take a picture and then you advance the slide to go to the next picture, the little thumb thing? You do that, but doing that prints the picture out. Got it. You just go to the picture that you want to print, hit it, and then it prints, hit it, and then it prints. That's crazy. Then they just start to...That's all you use for this camera. You don't take pictures on it. No, you can. But you haven't really… You just got that just for the…I've had it for a while. It takes really cool pictures, and you could do different You can also print double exposure pictures on it that come out really cool, too.Cool. Oh, my God.I've never heard of this on camera.That's great. That's the tickets out of an ad with.Yeah, that does look like an ad. It's so perfect. You should hit them up.Wow, that's really cool.Since you already have the videos. Right?Now that that's done, now we got to move on to the formal invitation.Oh, right. Getting that all print, making sure no typos.Wait, what do you mean? What?So there's save the date.It's called a save the date. You give people a heads up. Because for weddings, you do want to tell people in advance so people show up. You know what I mean?I know. I just didn't know you needed to do two.Yeah, because it says formal invitation to follow. You get people to save the date, so they have it on their calendar. Then the one that officially comes is the one that you RSVP with. Now you've given people a little bit of a buffer time to know, Oh, we can't make it. We can't make it.There's also people in relationships You don't know in four months, if they break up, they're like, Okay, they're off.That's too partyful. I'm sending a partyful link to everybody twice.Honestly, it's a great thing. Just send it. But yeah, then the formal has more information of what hotel to stay at, the time, and you do the RCP thing. That's really important.But it was fun.It was really fun doing it. It was fun putting it together. Our whole island was a shop we had going on.We had some people actually saved the dates because we licked I don't know. We actually had a liquor do it, but the envelope stuck back to back, and some people ended up getting two of the Save the dates because Patricia put them in the things. You just put the whole stack in and some stuck together.That was an issue. They thought they could bring an extra person because they got to. Honey, you saved that on you.That's what I'm anxious about because I'm like, I know how mail works, and I've gotten text from people complimenting it. I got it, I got it, but only 10 people. I'm like, How do I even know it got to everybody?Right. I know. How?That That is true because a lot of mail doesn't get to people.I know. I feel like when we're shipping packages, we always get a tracking number, but for just envelopes, you got to cross your fingers in the mail.You should send a text to everybody, though, just be like, Hey, just letting you know that you did get invited.Well, they'll get the It's a normal invitation, too.No, I'm saying if it doesn't reach them by mail, how would they ever know?I can't text 300 people.I think when you text it, well, did you text people like, What's your address and stuff? People know an invitation is coming.Stamps are really weird, by the way.Yeah, very weird. Now you have to physically buy them, where you can buy them, how many.How expensive they are.How much is each stamp?It depends where you're sending it to.Some letters we found out will require you to put two stamps on it.If it's too thick to go through the system.We were worried about the paper clip making it too thick to where you'd have to run two stamps because it can't go through the machine. It'll clog it. You know what I mean? But yeah, the stamps can be I think the ones we got were... Jordan, what were they? 60 cents? 68 cents. 68 cents each. I didn't realize that a stamp is you buying the shipping.Yeah, Isn't that weird?If you have the stamp and it's on it, you just take it in and then send it. You don't have to be like, Can I pay for shipping this?If they don't see a stamp, do they just toss it?I don't even know if they return it to send her. I don't know how that happens. I I don't even think a mailman will pick it up if it doesn't have a stamp on it. Also with the cursive writing, because we had that on our original ones, we had some get sent back to us because the machines couldn't read the cursive.It's betterI thought about that.for the envelope itself to put that in standard print and make that so clear. Also, darker envelopes. That's why we printed ours. Darker envelopes, too. If you put on a green envelope, some machines, it comes up just all black.If you print it in cursive, does it catch it?Sometimes, yes, but sometimes, no. But it can read handwriting. You just got to hope for the best that it understood everything.So interesting. Keith, also, you can talk about when I was there and when I was looking, the post office, every single post office carries different stamps, and each register, each person had different stamps. Oh, yeah. The person when you would go up to ask for stamps, it was dependent on which ones they picked that they wanted to, right? Does that make sense?Yeah. What are they getting commission off their stamps?It's so weird.Each register is a different stamp that they're selling.Pamela doing a lot good with the postage.Is that how they... Yeah, why do they do that?I have no idea. It's just such an interesting thing. Then I was like, I get why people collect them now. They're so interesting. Then there's forever stamps.What's forever stamps? Reusable ones?Ones that never expire. Apparently, some of them are only good for the year. Oh, right.The non-expired ones are probably a It's so weird.I think I've used an expired sample time and they rejected it. I feel like I have.But yeah, it was really fun putting it together. It was enjoyable, actually.Enjoy the process. It's fun. Beautiful.All right, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. We love you so much. Also, make sure to check out our Patreon, patron. Com/saneandheath. We do an unwind. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut, bonus version of this. Then we also do a live Q&A month. We do an extra podcast every month. A lot of cool stuff on there. Again, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.You check out these episodes every Monday audio form on all the podcast platforms, and every Tuesday, video form on youtube. Com/zaneandheath.We'll see you in a sec, baby.God bless.


Yeah, they don't...


I bet he just died of natural causes and didn't want to get any treatment.


Do you think they found something where they're like, Okay, this could be something different?


Well, I don't know. He was also morbidly obese at one point in his life. That's why he was so pro-Oh, he was before he died?




There's hardly any photos of him when he was really overweight. That's when it started him being the health guru. Got it. Yeah. I know he was in one of Fulini's films, which is a French film in the '60s. Apparently, Richard Simmons we can have the driveway open. She's like, Oh, my God, great idea. We leave our phones and stuff inside. We get in, and the driveway is so fucking narrow. You got to be following that beep, beep the whole way down because you don't want to scrape into the walls and stuff. Patricia goes in first. I'm right behind her, and I'm pulling in my car, following the beep. Everything's great. Once again, it's 11:30 at night. All of a sudden, I hear a...I'm like, Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. I've hit something. Through my brain, I'm like, What was everything that is right there that I could have hit? Immediately, my brain, I go, There's a fucking propane tank right there. I think that I've hit this propane tank, and I immediately shut off my car, and I'm hearing just this… Then I roll down my window trying to smell it, and there's this old rot mattress near me that I'm smelling. But I'm thinking it's propane tank fumes, and I'm like, Oh, my God! I'm trying to get Patricia's attention. She doesn't have her fucking phone. She's over there, like beep, beep, and I'm flashing the lights. I'm like, Patricia, Patricia, because in my brain, I think the moment I turn on this car, I'm going to, boom, explode right in my I'm about to go on full vacation for fourth of July.You just got rid of your cancer.Come on. My whole life flash before my eyes, and I'm sitting there going, Patricia. I'm trying to yell, and I'm sweating. I'm sitting there in the dark of my car.What do you mean, turn on your car? Your car's already on.Because of the gas fumes, though. This is my final destination brain going on, where I'm thinking-I picture the drive-through in final destination where they get stuck.There's no escape.The engine just flies through and hits that guy's head. Oh, my Gosh, yeah. I think about that a lot.That's exactly the picture.Terrible, terrible.I just was sitting there, sweating, trying to get clean air because I thought it was propane fumes. Then Patricia finally comes, Patricia, because I'm just trying to keep my voice down because I don't want to wake up the entire neighborhood. I'm like, What did I hit? And she goes, Oh, my gosh, your tire's flat. I didn't hit a propane take. And the fumes I thought I was smelling was just the rotten mattress that was right there.It's crazy how your brain just accepts what you thought. You know what I mean? So you start like, No, I smell gas. This has to be gas. And you just start telling yourself that it's real and what you're thinking.I was just like, I thought I was just going to die in that moment. Then I realized my tire's fucking flat, and then I'm like, Okay, well, let's... And this sucks because we have a flight to catch. What can I do right now? Well, I'm going to try to move it forward and we'll deal with it later. Nope, if you have a really high tech car now, if you have a flat, it won't even let you to go forward.Oh, no.Then I'm like, Oh, shit. Then I'm realizing, Well, I guess I'll just leave it here.It's just stuck in the middle of the-The driveway.Then I'm like, Oh, shit. We're about to leave for two weeks. My neighbor loves his motorcycles. He takes him down the driveway all the time. I'm like, he's not going to be able to get his motorcycles out. Long story short, I managed to call Triple A, and I also got to see my neighbor and explain the whole situation.How much until you had to leave for the airport?Within just minutes. I just had to explain the situation to my neighbor. Luckily, he was awake. He took his dog out for a walk, but had to have Triple A come and replace the fucking tire within the middle of our-It wouldn't even let you put it in neutral to roll it? You know what? I think that's what they ended up having to do. But our time crunch was like, it's not going forward, it's not going reverse. Patricia and I don't have enough time to do a blind in the dark push out into our driveway. You hit that down ramp.Yeah, right?Just gone.In neutral.But I don't even know what would happen if you actually ran over a propane tank. Would the whole thing just fucking explode? Would it implode?I can't even bad. But what ended up puncturing it, though, was just the stoop out on the side of our house. It's just a brick stoop. I don't think they should have ever put the stoop jutting into the driveway.Oh, so it pretty much clipped your tire.I just clipped the corner of the stoop, and it just punctured a hole.Well, now you know what to get rid of. You need to get rid of that stoop.But thank goodness the defender has a full functioning spare tire in the back. I just now get to get a new one of those to have on the back. Got it.Has that been taken care of, though, already?Yes, all of it. But it was just right when I landed, I'm having to get on contact with Triple A, talking to my neighbor, making sure it's all good.And while you're on a bender, I mean, that must have been stressful.I would have hated that. But yeah, my whole life flashed before my eyes.Everything good, though? Two-week bender, no problems? No fights. No. No altercations. I'm saying it like I know something.No.You didn't piss anybody off. I don't think so.Okay, good. Matt, I feel like you've probably seen it, but my guilty pleasure right now is watching the Paralympics TikTok account. Oh, yeah? Have you seen it?I feel like this has been going on for a year where they play like...I just found out about it.These audios where it's like, it seems like they're making fun of the athletes.It is so absurd, these edits that they're making of these athletes.And you wouldn't say it's funny. It's more like, Oh, they're doing it really well. It's so good.It's not like playing Ed Sheer. It's funny. When your legs don't work like they used to.It doesn't look like they're making fun of it. They're just like, Oh, this audio would go really well with this situation that happened with one of these athletes.It's so funny because it seems like just random people that if they When they came across a clip, they would edit it like this. But the person running their account is just on top of all the TikTok trends.I can't believe they're doing that.It's every single video, but it's the Paralympics official page.But give them some heroic music. Why are you making it? It's like they're giving them silly songs.Do these teams know that they're posting this?The thing is, they're putting Mimi sounding Exactly.Audios on it.They're doing really well. I have a feeling, obviously, they're like, Oh, it's doing really well. But there's got to be a conversation where they're like, Is this appropriate? Do you think they ask for each player that they're about to post? Hey, do you approve? There's got to be a conversation happening within the-But somebody who's the head of it is like, If it's getting views, it's getting views. You know, HR department or something.We're going viral, baby.There was another one that was a tandem bike rider, and the guy is blind that's on the back of the tandem bike, and he's trying to feel around for the bike, and they're putting-Piano sounds.No. That's crazy, right? But this is the official Paralympics page.It's interesting, right?Does nobody own, no network, own the Paralympics? For the people who are listening, basically, there was a blind guy. He puts his hands out. He's reaching for the bike, and in a way, it looks like he's miming-Airplaying a piano. Airplaying a piano, and they play piano music on top of it.I'm sorry, what sport are they playing where they're blind?I think if this was NBC, like covering the Olympics, it would look... That's really bad on NBC's part. My issue with it is that he is a man who is disabled, and he's reaching for something that's not there, which is, I guess, funny that the disabled guy can't find it. Why aren't we spotlighting him at his moments of greatness, performing his physical feat, not at a humorous fault?These are just the videos that we saw. We didn't look throughout the entire page.They're all along the same theme of that type of edit, right? You're not treating them any differently. They're treating them like normal people. But for some reason, I feel like...It is a little, what's the word, tongue and cheeky, where they're like, It's funny, right?But it is funny.I know what you mean. It is funny. If it was a random person making edits of stuff they were seeing on a Paralympics, it's like a parody funny clip thing. But because it's coming from the official Paralympics page, you're a little like, Where's the... Not the trust, but just, You guys are here to celebrate and spotlight these athletes in a different way more than a humorous way.That's what I'm... Yeah.At the same time, if you look at it as visibility, so much more people are watching this because of these edits. It's true. There's more eyes on this where people are looking at like, Oh, that's something I can do as a disabled person.If people were smart, they can look at it as like it's an entertaining post. It's funny. But me watching it, I'm still like, They're still there. They are able to do these things. That's crazy.It's so impressive.Yeah, it's still impressive. I think you know that they're able to do things.Maybe the way they're garnering all the views is a little like, again, tongue in cheek, but there are way more eyes on it than maybe doing the heroic route of content, if that makes sense. There's different ways to look at that.I'm surprised, though, because I feel like they did this last year. Did they not?I don't remember. I just recently saw them.I think this is new. This has to be new.I just don't think someone who's disabled should be the butt of a joke. Coming from the official account that's celebrating their physical feats in a competition.You want to hear this could possibly be what could be happening, too. Whoever's running that account is part of the community.It could be.Good Zane. Because if they're part of the community, you literally can't be pissed at them.Yeah, they're disabled and they're making them. That's a really good point. I didn't think about that.Maybe the person behind the account is deaf. They don't know what sound they're using. It's just random.They're just looking at it. Throw it in CapCut or whatever the automated.Yeah, there could be someone in the community that's really funny. They're like, I want to run the social media.Okay, but if it was the Special Olympics, then there'd be a bigger problem, right?Yeah, that's a little-That's worse. I don't think that's very tasteful. These people are aware of the content I think that's being put out for sure, which makes it a little easier to digest.I think a lot of people that are paraplegic or have any physical disability like that, they are aware of their situation. I feel like part of their coping mechanism is to make fun of it themselves and...To have a sense of humor about it.Exactly. I feel like a lot of people do have a sense of humor about it, not so that they don't feel bad, but it's owning it almost, right? Yeah.They could be just telling people what they want to hear. But this article says, because it's controversial, the article It says that they're doing it to reach audiences that don't know about the Paralympics. So the account has a lot of support from the Paralympic athletes as well as the audience. We created a strong following through edgy and unique content that allows us to educate an audience who might be less aware of the Paralympic sport and the achievements for our athletes.Honestly, I haven't thought about the Paralympics maybe in a few years, and the first time I really saw it was when I saw it. So you are reaching audiences that don't really talk about it or know about it.It made me look up other videos, not the funny videos, real videos of this.They may also be viewing it as like, this is TikTok. This is a place where we're supposed to have fun and goof around and put funny audios to things and have a comedic entertaining spin on it more than a true highlights channel for it.Because obviously it works. Look how well the page is done.Yeah, it makes you want to just crack open a beer and watch the BeReal Olympics.I actually to your backyard. That's crazy.He may have been in a bad mood because he was just hit it. He made it more complicated for himself. It was probably like-This is a crazy interaction.Yeah.Oh, I just got you all saved the date. Did you get it? I love it. What do you think? Oh, I loved it. It was adorable.You know what's so funny? Don't flatter yourself. But when I was making them, I'm like, I wonder what Matt's going to say.I loved it. I loved the little H.We always think about what- Yeah, you and Patricia have good taste. So I'm like, Oh, if they like it, then it's good.We put your opinion at a higher regard.Stop, stop.All right, enough, enough, enough.But I love the little H. The paper clip? Wait, and the Polaroid. Did you guys individually take a Polaroid for every single- Every single person is asking that question.So let me describe what the Save the Date looks like. So we made it look like a postcard, and on the front of the postcard, it says Save the Date. And then on the back, it has all the information, but it looks like this vintage postcard. We have little vintage stamps on it. And then we put a Polaroid of us, just like a selfie Polaroid, and it's paper-clipped with a paper clip in the shape of an H. So... My sister made them. Shout out to her. So the Polaroids, he has a camera that no matter what picture you have, we could take it from our iPhone, we could take it from a different camera. We took it on another camera. You can send that picture to this other camera and print out a Polaroid.As many times as you want.So we just printed it out 200 times.Perfect. So it's a digital Polaroid. I don't know how it does it because it's not printing on paper. There's cameras where you could just print immediately, but it looks just like a normal picture.Even the Polaroid, there's Polaroid printers where you could just send it to printer and then it'll print a Polaroid.But a Polaroid is a chemical reaction. It's a chemical reaction of- Another miracle. Because I was like, damn, they took 200 of these. I was like, they look great in this shot.You know what? They would, too.After a while, it's just like you're slipping through.You're like, Our smile's fading.You would spend a whole day doing that, too. We need to do 350 stuff.It was because I had to sit there and in the camera, you have to open a new pack and you get 10 at a time. So I had to sit there and keep printing. That was expensive, too.Also, what he did was we took the picture on another just a regular digital camera, and he went into the light room and edited it to look like a Polaroid. So it's like a filter.Yeah, because it looked so real.Yeah, I thought it was like a real Polaroid. It looked good.It's crazy, though, that I don't understand the technology to make the... Because it's a developing Polaroid. You print it out and it's white, and then over time, the image starts coming like a normal... Yeah. It's pretty crazy. I don't get it.That's incredible. Did all of them look the same?Every single one's the same.Because it almost has that laminate over it, too.Where it's got the border with the little…Bound? Yeah.What camera is it called?It's a Fuji film. Instax. It prints the Instax, but I…It's this. Yeah. Okay. I've seen those. It's so fired up. Yeah, it's a perfect imitation.For the Polaroid, did you do something special so it developed perfectly, or you just left it out, facing up?No, you just… It's got the feeling of a film camera But you know how you would take a picture and then you advance the slide to go to the next picture, the little thumb thing? You do that, but doing that prints the picture out. Got it. You just go to the picture that you want to print, hit it, and then it prints, hit it, and then it prints. That's crazy. Then they just start to...That's all you use for this camera. You don't take pictures on it. No, you can. But you haven't really… You just got that just for the…I've had it for a while. It takes really cool pictures, and you could do different You can also print double exposure pictures on it that come out really cool, too.Cool. Oh, my God.I've never heard of this on camera.That's great. That's the tickets out of an ad with.Yeah, that does look like an ad. It's so perfect. You should hit them up.Wow, that's really cool.Since you already have the videos. Right?Now that that's done, now we got to move on to the formal invitation.Oh, right. Getting that all print, making sure no typos.Wait, what do you mean? What?So there's save the date.It's called a save the date. You give people a heads up. Because for weddings, you do want to tell people in advance so people show up. You know what I mean?I know. I just didn't know you needed to do two.Yeah, because it says formal invitation to follow. You get people to save the date, so they have it on their calendar. Then the one that officially comes is the one that you RSVP with. Now you've given people a little bit of a buffer time to know, Oh, we can't make it. We can't make it.There's also people in relationships You don't know in four months, if they break up, they're like, Okay, they're off.That's too partyful. I'm sending a partyful link to everybody twice.Honestly, it's a great thing. Just send it. But yeah, then the formal has more information of what hotel to stay at, the time, and you do the RCP thing. That's really important.But it was fun.It was really fun doing it. It was fun putting it together. Our whole island was a shop we had going on.We had some people actually saved the dates because we licked I don't know. We actually had a liquor do it, but the envelope stuck back to back, and some people ended up getting two of the Save the dates because Patricia put them in the things. You just put the whole stack in and some stuck together.That was an issue. They thought they could bring an extra person because they got to. Honey, you saved that on you.That's what I'm anxious about because I'm like, I know how mail works, and I've gotten text from people complimenting it. I got it, I got it, but only 10 people. I'm like, How do I even know it got to everybody?Right. I know. How?That That is true because a lot of mail doesn't get to people.I know. I feel like when we're shipping packages, we always get a tracking number, but for just envelopes, you got to cross your fingers in the mail.You should send a text to everybody, though, just be like, Hey, just letting you know that you did get invited.Well, they'll get the It's a normal invitation, too.No, I'm saying if it doesn't reach them by mail, how would they ever know?I can't text 300 people.I think when you text it, well, did you text people like, What's your address and stuff? People know an invitation is coming.Stamps are really weird, by the way.Yeah, very weird. Now you have to physically buy them, where you can buy them, how many.How expensive they are.How much is each stamp?It depends where you're sending it to.Some letters we found out will require you to put two stamps on it.If it's too thick to go through the system.We were worried about the paper clip making it too thick to where you'd have to run two stamps because it can't go through the machine. It'll clog it. You know what I mean? But yeah, the stamps can be I think the ones we got were... Jordan, what were they? 60 cents? 68 cents. 68 cents each. I didn't realize that a stamp is you buying the shipping.Yeah, Isn't that weird?If you have the stamp and it's on it, you just take it in and then send it. You don't have to be like, Can I pay for shipping this?If they don't see a stamp, do they just toss it?I don't even know if they return it to send her. I don't know how that happens. I I don't even think a mailman will pick it up if it doesn't have a stamp on it. Also with the cursive writing, because we had that on our original ones, we had some get sent back to us because the machines couldn't read the cursive.It's betterI thought about that.for the envelope itself to put that in standard print and make that so clear. Also, darker envelopes. That's why we printed ours. Darker envelopes, too. If you put on a green envelope, some machines, it comes up just all black.If you print it in cursive, does it catch it?Sometimes, yes, but sometimes, no. But it can read handwriting. You just got to hope for the best that it understood everything.So interesting. Keith, also, you can talk about when I was there and when I was looking, the post office, every single post office carries different stamps, and each register, each person had different stamps. Oh, yeah. The person when you would go up to ask for stamps, it was dependent on which ones they picked that they wanted to, right? Does that make sense?Yeah. What are they getting commission off their stamps?It's so weird.Each register is a different stamp that they're selling.Pamela doing a lot good with the postage.Is that how they... Yeah, why do they do that?I have no idea. It's just such an interesting thing. Then I was like, I get why people collect them now. They're so interesting. Then there's forever stamps.What's forever stamps? Reusable ones?Ones that never expire. Apparently, some of them are only good for the year. Oh, right.The non-expired ones are probably a It's so weird.I think I've used an expired sample time and they rejected it. I feel like I have.But yeah, it was really fun putting it together. It was enjoyable, actually.Enjoy the process. It's fun. Beautiful.All right, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. We love you so much. Also, make sure to check out our Patreon, patron. Com/saneandheath. We do an unwind. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut, bonus version of this. Then we also do a live Q&A month. We do an extra podcast every month. A lot of cool stuff on there. Again, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.You check out these episodes every Monday audio form on all the podcast platforms, and every Tuesday, video form on youtube. Com/zaneandheath.We'll see you in a sec, baby.God bless.


we can have the driveway open. She's like, Oh, my God, great idea. We leave our phones and stuff inside. We get in, and the driveway is so fucking narrow. You got to be following that beep, beep the whole way down because you don't want to scrape into the walls and stuff. Patricia goes in first. I'm right behind her, and I'm pulling in my car, following the beep. Everything's great. Once again, it's 11:30 at night. All of a sudden, I hear a...


I'm like, Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. I've hit something. Through my brain, I'm like, What was everything that is right there that I could have hit? Immediately, my brain, I go, There's a fucking propane tank right there. I think that I've hit this propane tank, and I immediately shut off my car, and I'm hearing just this… Then I roll down my window trying to smell it, and there's this old rot mattress near me that I'm smelling. But I'm thinking it's propane tank fumes, and I'm like, Oh, my God! I'm trying to get Patricia's attention. She doesn't have her fucking phone. She's over there, like beep, beep, and I'm flashing the lights. I'm like, Patricia, Patricia, because in my brain, I think the moment I turn on this car, I'm going to, boom, explode right in my I'm about to go on full vacation for fourth of July.


You just got rid of your cancer.


Come on. My whole life flash before my eyes, and I'm sitting there going, Patricia. I'm trying to yell, and I'm sweating. I'm sitting there in the dark of my car.


What do you mean, turn on your car? Your car's already on.


Because of the gas fumes, though. This is my final destination brain going on, where I'm thinking-I picture the drive-through in final destination where they get stuck.


There's no escape.


The engine just flies through and hits that guy's head. Oh, my Gosh, yeah. I think about that a lot.


That's exactly the picture.


Terrible, terrible.


I just was sitting there, sweating, trying to get clean air because I thought it was propane fumes. Then Patricia finally comes, Patricia, because I'm just trying to keep my voice down because I don't want to wake up the entire neighborhood. I'm like, What did I hit? And she goes, Oh, my gosh, your tire's flat. I didn't hit a propane take. And the fumes I thought I was smelling was just the rotten mattress that was right there.


It's crazy how your brain just accepts what you thought. You know what I mean? So you start like, No, I smell gas. This has to be gas. And you just start telling yourself that it's real and what you're thinking.


I was just like, I thought I was just going to die in that moment. Then I realized my tire's fucking flat, and then I'm like, Okay, well, let's... And this sucks because we have a flight to catch. What can I do right now? Well, I'm going to try to move it forward and we'll deal with it later. Nope, if you have a really high tech car now, if you have a flat, it won't even let you to go forward.


Oh, no.


Then I'm like, Oh, shit. Then I'm realizing, Well, I guess I'll just leave it here.


It's just stuck in the middle of the-The driveway.


Then I'm like, Oh, shit. We're about to leave for two weeks. My neighbor loves his motorcycles. He takes him down the driveway all the time. I'm like, he's not going to be able to get his motorcycles out. Long story short, I managed to call Triple A, and I also got to see my neighbor and explain the whole situation.


How much until you had to leave for the airport?


Within just minutes. I just had to explain the situation to my neighbor. Luckily, he was awake. He took his dog out for a walk, but had to have Triple A come and replace the fucking tire within the middle of our-It wouldn't even let you put it in neutral to roll it? You know what? I think that's what they ended up having to do. But our time crunch was like, it's not going forward, it's not going reverse. Patricia and I don't have enough time to do a blind in the dark push out into our driveway. You hit that down ramp.


Yeah, right?


Just gone.


In neutral.


But I don't even know what would happen if you actually ran over a propane tank. Would the whole thing just fucking explode? Would it implode?


I can't even bad. But what ended up puncturing it, though, was just the stoop out on the side of our house. It's just a brick stoop. I don't think they should have ever put the stoop jutting into the driveway.Oh, so it pretty much clipped your tire.I just clipped the corner of the stoop, and it just punctured a hole.Well, now you know what to get rid of. You need to get rid of that stoop.But thank goodness the defender has a full functioning spare tire in the back. I just now get to get a new one of those to have on the back. Got it.Has that been taken care of, though, already?Yes, all of it. But it was just right when I landed, I'm having to get on contact with Triple A, talking to my neighbor, making sure it's all good.And while you're on a bender, I mean, that must have been stressful.I would have hated that. But yeah, my whole life flashed before my eyes.Everything good, though? Two-week bender, no problems? No fights. No. No altercations. I'm saying it like I know something.No.You didn't piss anybody off. I don't think so.Okay, good. Matt, I feel like you've probably seen it, but my guilty pleasure right now is watching the Paralympics TikTok account. Oh, yeah? Have you seen it?I feel like this has been going on for a year where they play like...I just found out about it.These audios where it's like, it seems like they're making fun of the athletes.It is so absurd, these edits that they're making of these athletes.And you wouldn't say it's funny. It's more like, Oh, they're doing it really well. It's so good.It's not like playing Ed Sheer. It's funny. When your legs don't work like they used to.It doesn't look like they're making fun of it. They're just like, Oh, this audio would go really well with this situation that happened with one of these athletes.It's so funny because it seems like just random people that if they When they came across a clip, they would edit it like this. But the person running their account is just on top of all the TikTok trends.I can't believe they're doing that.It's every single video, but it's the Paralympics official page.But give them some heroic music. Why are you making it? It's like they're giving them silly songs.Do these teams know that they're posting this?The thing is, they're putting Mimi sounding Exactly.Audios on it.They're doing really well. I have a feeling, obviously, they're like, Oh, it's doing really well. But there's got to be a conversation where they're like, Is this appropriate? Do you think they ask for each player that they're about to post? Hey, do you approve? There's got to be a conversation happening within the-But somebody who's the head of it is like, If it's getting views, it's getting views. You know, HR department or something.We're going viral, baby.There was another one that was a tandem bike rider, and the guy is blind that's on the back of the tandem bike, and he's trying to feel around for the bike, and they're putting-Piano sounds.No. That's crazy, right? But this is the official Paralympics page.It's interesting, right?Does nobody own, no network, own the Paralympics? For the people who are listening, basically, there was a blind guy. He puts his hands out. He's reaching for the bike, and in a way, it looks like he's miming-Airplaying a piano. Airplaying a piano, and they play piano music on top of it.I'm sorry, what sport are they playing where they're blind?I think if this was NBC, like covering the Olympics, it would look... That's really bad on NBC's part. My issue with it is that he is a man who is disabled, and he's reaching for something that's not there, which is, I guess, funny that the disabled guy can't find it. Why aren't we spotlighting him at his moments of greatness, performing his physical feat, not at a humorous fault?These are just the videos that we saw. We didn't look throughout the entire page.They're all along the same theme of that type of edit, right? You're not treating them any differently. They're treating them like normal people. But for some reason, I feel like...It is a little, what's the word, tongue and cheeky, where they're like, It's funny, right?But it is funny.I know what you mean. It is funny. If it was a random person making edits of stuff they were seeing on a Paralympics, it's like a parody funny clip thing. But because it's coming from the official Paralympics page, you're a little like, Where's the... Not the trust, but just, You guys are here to celebrate and spotlight these athletes in a different way more than a humorous way.That's what I'm... Yeah.At the same time, if you look at it as visibility, so much more people are watching this because of these edits. It's true. There's more eyes on this where people are looking at like, Oh, that's something I can do as a disabled person.If people were smart, they can look at it as like it's an entertaining post. It's funny. But me watching it, I'm still like, They're still there. They are able to do these things. That's crazy.It's so impressive.Yeah, it's still impressive. I think you know that they're able to do things.Maybe the way they're garnering all the views is a little like, again, tongue in cheek, but there are way more eyes on it than maybe doing the heroic route of content, if that makes sense. There's different ways to look at that.I'm surprised, though, because I feel like they did this last year. Did they not?I don't remember. I just recently saw them.I think this is new. This has to be new.I just don't think someone who's disabled should be the butt of a joke. Coming from the official account that's celebrating their physical feats in a competition.You want to hear this could possibly be what could be happening, too. Whoever's running that account is part of the community.It could be.Good Zane. Because if they're part of the community, you literally can't be pissed at them.Yeah, they're disabled and they're making them. That's a really good point. I didn't think about that.Maybe the person behind the account is deaf. They don't know what sound they're using. It's just random.They're just looking at it. Throw it in CapCut or whatever the automated.Yeah, there could be someone in the community that's really funny. They're like, I want to run the social media.Okay, but if it was the Special Olympics, then there'd be a bigger problem, right?Yeah, that's a little-That's worse. I don't think that's very tasteful. These people are aware of the content I think that's being put out for sure, which makes it a little easier to digest.I think a lot of people that are paraplegic or have any physical disability like that, they are aware of their situation. I feel like part of their coping mechanism is to make fun of it themselves and...To have a sense of humor about it.Exactly. I feel like a lot of people do have a sense of humor about it, not so that they don't feel bad, but it's owning it almost, right? Yeah.They could be just telling people what they want to hear. But this article says, because it's controversial, the article It says that they're doing it to reach audiences that don't know about the Paralympics. So the account has a lot of support from the Paralympic athletes as well as the audience. We created a strong following through edgy and unique content that allows us to educate an audience who might be less aware of the Paralympic sport and the achievements for our athletes.Honestly, I haven't thought about the Paralympics maybe in a few years, and the first time I really saw it was when I saw it. So you are reaching audiences that don't really talk about it or know about it.It made me look up other videos, not the funny videos, real videos of this.They may also be viewing it as like, this is TikTok. This is a place where we're supposed to have fun and goof around and put funny audios to things and have a comedic entertaining spin on it more than a true highlights channel for it.Because obviously it works. Look how well the page is done.Yeah, it makes you want to just crack open a beer and watch the BeReal Olympics.I actually to your backyard. That's crazy.He may have been in a bad mood because he was just hit it. He made it more complicated for himself. It was probably like-This is a crazy interaction.Yeah.Oh, I just got you all saved the date. Did you get it? I love it. What do you think? Oh, I loved it. It was adorable.You know what's so funny? Don't flatter yourself. But when I was making them, I'm like, I wonder what Matt's going to say.I loved it. I loved the little H.We always think about what- Yeah, you and Patricia have good taste. So I'm like, Oh, if they like it, then it's good.We put your opinion at a higher regard.Stop, stop.All right, enough, enough, enough.But I love the little H. The paper clip? Wait, and the Polaroid. Did you guys individually take a Polaroid for every single- Every single person is asking that question.So let me describe what the Save the Date looks like. So we made it look like a postcard, and on the front of the postcard, it says Save the Date. And then on the back, it has all the information, but it looks like this vintage postcard. We have little vintage stamps on it. And then we put a Polaroid of us, just like a selfie Polaroid, and it's paper-clipped with a paper clip in the shape of an H. So... My sister made them. Shout out to her. So the Polaroids, he has a camera that no matter what picture you have, we could take it from our iPhone, we could take it from a different camera. We took it on another camera. You can send that picture to this other camera and print out a Polaroid.As many times as you want.So we just printed it out 200 times.Perfect. So it's a digital Polaroid. I don't know how it does it because it's not printing on paper. There's cameras where you could just print immediately, but it looks just like a normal picture.Even the Polaroid, there's Polaroid printers where you could just send it to printer and then it'll print a Polaroid.But a Polaroid is a chemical reaction. It's a chemical reaction of- Another miracle. Because I was like, damn, they took 200 of these. I was like, they look great in this shot.You know what? They would, too.After a while, it's just like you're slipping through.You're like, Our smile's fading.You would spend a whole day doing that, too. We need to do 350 stuff.It was because I had to sit there and in the camera, you have to open a new pack and you get 10 at a time. So I had to sit there and keep printing. That was expensive, too.Also, what he did was we took the picture on another just a regular digital camera, and he went into the light room and edited it to look like a Polaroid. So it's like a filter.Yeah, because it looked so real.Yeah, I thought it was like a real Polaroid. It looked good.It's crazy, though, that I don't understand the technology to make the... Because it's a developing Polaroid. You print it out and it's white, and then over time, the image starts coming like a normal... Yeah. It's pretty crazy. I don't get it.That's incredible. Did all of them look the same?Every single one's the same.Because it almost has that laminate over it, too.Where it's got the border with the little…Bound? Yeah.What camera is it called?It's a Fuji film. Instax. It prints the Instax, but I…It's this. Yeah. Okay. I've seen those. It's so fired up. Yeah, it's a perfect imitation.For the Polaroid, did you do something special so it developed perfectly, or you just left it out, facing up?No, you just… It's got the feeling of a film camera But you know how you would take a picture and then you advance the slide to go to the next picture, the little thumb thing? You do that, but doing that prints the picture out. Got it. You just go to the picture that you want to print, hit it, and then it prints, hit it, and then it prints. That's crazy. Then they just start to...That's all you use for this camera. You don't take pictures on it. No, you can. But you haven't really… You just got that just for the…I've had it for a while. It takes really cool pictures, and you could do different You can also print double exposure pictures on it that come out really cool, too.Cool. Oh, my God.I've never heard of this on camera.That's great. That's the tickets out of an ad with.Yeah, that does look like an ad. It's so perfect. You should hit them up.Wow, that's really cool.Since you already have the videos. Right?Now that that's done, now we got to move on to the formal invitation.Oh, right. Getting that all print, making sure no typos.Wait, what do you mean? What?So there's save the date.It's called a save the date. You give people a heads up. Because for weddings, you do want to tell people in advance so people show up. You know what I mean?I know. I just didn't know you needed to do two.Yeah, because it says formal invitation to follow. You get people to save the date, so they have it on their calendar. Then the one that officially comes is the one that you RSVP with. Now you've given people a little bit of a buffer time to know, Oh, we can't make it. We can't make it.There's also people in relationships You don't know in four months, if they break up, they're like, Okay, they're off.That's too partyful. I'm sending a partyful link to everybody twice.Honestly, it's a great thing. Just send it. But yeah, then the formal has more information of what hotel to stay at, the time, and you do the RCP thing. That's really important.But it was fun.It was really fun doing it. It was fun putting it together. Our whole island was a shop we had going on.We had some people actually saved the dates because we licked I don't know. We actually had a liquor do it, but the envelope stuck back to back, and some people ended up getting two of the Save the dates because Patricia put them in the things. You just put the whole stack in and some stuck together.That was an issue. They thought they could bring an extra person because they got to. Honey, you saved that on you.That's what I'm anxious about because I'm like, I know how mail works, and I've gotten text from people complimenting it. I got it, I got it, but only 10 people. I'm like, How do I even know it got to everybody?Right. I know. How?That That is true because a lot of mail doesn't get to people.I know. I feel like when we're shipping packages, we always get a tracking number, but for just envelopes, you got to cross your fingers in the mail.You should send a text to everybody, though, just be like, Hey, just letting you know that you did get invited.Well, they'll get the It's a normal invitation, too.No, I'm saying if it doesn't reach them by mail, how would they ever know?I can't text 300 people.I think when you text it, well, did you text people like, What's your address and stuff? People know an invitation is coming.Stamps are really weird, by the way.Yeah, very weird. Now you have to physically buy them, where you can buy them, how many.How expensive they are.How much is each stamp?It depends where you're sending it to.Some letters we found out will require you to put two stamps on it.If it's too thick to go through the system.We were worried about the paper clip making it too thick to where you'd have to run two stamps because it can't go through the machine. It'll clog it. You know what I mean? But yeah, the stamps can be I think the ones we got were... Jordan, what were they? 60 cents? 68 cents. 68 cents each. I didn't realize that a stamp is you buying the shipping.Yeah, Isn't that weird?If you have the stamp and it's on it, you just take it in and then send it. You don't have to be like, Can I pay for shipping this?If they don't see a stamp, do they just toss it?I don't even know if they return it to send her. I don't know how that happens. I I don't even think a mailman will pick it up if it doesn't have a stamp on it. Also with the cursive writing, because we had that on our original ones, we had some get sent back to us because the machines couldn't read the cursive.It's betterI thought about that.for the envelope itself to put that in standard print and make that so clear. Also, darker envelopes. That's why we printed ours. Darker envelopes, too. If you put on a green envelope, some machines, it comes up just all black.If you print it in cursive, does it catch it?Sometimes, yes, but sometimes, no. But it can read handwriting. You just got to hope for the best that it understood everything.So interesting. Keith, also, you can talk about when I was there and when I was looking, the post office, every single post office carries different stamps, and each register, each person had different stamps. Oh, yeah. The person when you would go up to ask for stamps, it was dependent on which ones they picked that they wanted to, right? Does that make sense?Yeah. What are they getting commission off their stamps?It's so weird.Each register is a different stamp that they're selling.Pamela doing a lot good with the postage.Is that how they... Yeah, why do they do that?I have no idea. It's just such an interesting thing. Then I was like, I get why people collect them now. They're so interesting. Then there's forever stamps.What's forever stamps? Reusable ones?Ones that never expire. Apparently, some of them are only good for the year. Oh, right.The non-expired ones are probably a It's so weird.I think I've used an expired sample time and they rejected it. I feel like I have.But yeah, it was really fun putting it together. It was enjoyable, actually.Enjoy the process. It's fun. Beautiful.All right, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. We love you so much. Also, make sure to check out our Patreon, patron. Com/saneandheath. We do an unwind. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut, bonus version of this. Then we also do a live Q&A month. We do an extra podcast every month. A lot of cool stuff on there. Again, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.You check out these episodes every Monday audio form on all the podcast platforms, and every Tuesday, video form on youtube. Com/zaneandheath.We'll see you in a sec, baby.God bless.


bad. But what ended up puncturing it, though, was just the stoop out on the side of our house. It's just a brick stoop. I don't think they should have ever put the stoop jutting into the driveway.


Oh, so it pretty much clipped your tire.


I just clipped the corner of the stoop, and it just punctured a hole.


Well, now you know what to get rid of. You need to get rid of that stoop.


But thank goodness the defender has a full functioning spare tire in the back. I just now get to get a new one of those to have on the back. Got it.


Has that been taken care of, though, already?


Yes, all of it. But it was just right when I landed, I'm having to get on contact with Triple A, talking to my neighbor, making sure it's all good.


And while you're on a bender, I mean, that must have been stressful.


I would have hated that. But yeah, my whole life flashed before my eyes.


Everything good, though? Two-week bender, no problems? No fights. No. No altercations. I'm saying it like I know something.




You didn't piss anybody off. I don't think so.


Okay, good. Matt, I feel like you've probably seen it, but my guilty pleasure right now is watching the Paralympics TikTok account. Oh, yeah? Have you seen it?


I feel like this has been going on for a year where they play like...


I just found out about it.


These audios where it's like, it seems like they're making fun of the athletes.


It is so absurd, these edits that they're making of these athletes.


And you wouldn't say it's funny. It's more like, Oh, they're doing it really well. It's so good.


It's not like playing Ed Sheer. It's funny. When your legs don't work like they used to.


It doesn't look like they're making fun of it. They're just like, Oh, this audio would go really well with this situation that happened with one of these athletes.


It's so funny because it seems like just random people that if they When they came across a clip, they would edit it like this. But the person running their account is just on top of all the TikTok trends.


I can't believe they're doing that.


It's every single video, but it's the Paralympics official page.


But give them some heroic music. Why are you making it? It's like they're giving them silly songs.


Do these teams know that they're posting this?


The thing is, they're putting Mimi sounding Exactly.Audios on it.


They're doing really well. I have a feeling, obviously, they're like, Oh, it's doing really well. But there's got to be a conversation where they're like, Is this appropriate? Do you think they ask for each player that they're about to post? Hey, do you approve? There's got to be a conversation happening within the-But somebody who's the head of it is like, If it's getting views, it's getting views. You know, HR department or something.


We're going viral, baby.


There was another one that was a tandem bike rider, and the guy is blind that's on the back of the tandem bike, and he's trying to feel around for the bike, and they're putting-Piano sounds.


No. That's crazy, right? But this is the official Paralympics page.


It's interesting, right?


Does nobody own, no network, own the Paralympics? For the people who are listening, basically, there was a blind guy. He puts his hands out. He's reaching for the bike, and in a way, it looks like he's miming-Airplaying a piano. Airplaying a piano, and they play piano music on top of it.


I'm sorry, what sport are they playing where they're blind?


I think if this was NBC, like covering the Olympics, it would look... That's really bad on NBC's part. My issue with it is that he is a man who is disabled, and he's reaching for something that's not there, which is, I guess, funny that the disabled guy can't find it. Why aren't we spotlighting him at his moments of greatness, performing his physical feat, not at a humorous fault?


These are just the videos that we saw. We didn't look throughout the entire page.


They're all along the same theme of that type of edit, right? You're not treating them any differently. They're treating them like normal people. But for some reason, I feel like...


It is a little, what's the word, tongue and cheeky, where they're like, It's funny, right?


But it is funny.


I know what you mean. It is funny. If it was a random person making edits of stuff they were seeing on a Paralympics, it's like a parody funny clip thing. But because it's coming from the official Paralympics page, you're a little like, Where's the... Not the trust, but just, You guys are here to celebrate and spotlight these athletes in a different way more than a humorous way.


That's what I'm... Yeah.


At the same time, if you look at it as visibility, so much more people are watching this because of these edits. It's true. There's more eyes on this where people are looking at like, Oh, that's something I can do as a disabled person.


If people were smart, they can look at it as like it's an entertaining post. It's funny. But me watching it, I'm still like, They're still there. They are able to do these things. That's crazy.


It's so impressive.


Yeah, it's still impressive. I think you know that they're able to do things.


Maybe the way they're garnering all the views is a little like, again, tongue in cheek, but there are way more eyes on it than maybe doing the heroic route of content, if that makes sense. There's different ways to look at that.


I'm surprised, though, because I feel like they did this last year. Did they not?


I don't remember. I just recently saw them.


I think this is new. This has to be new.


I just don't think someone who's disabled should be the butt of a joke. Coming from the official account that's celebrating their physical feats in a competition.


You want to hear this could possibly be what could be happening, too. Whoever's running that account is part of the community.


It could be.


Good Zane. Because if they're part of the community, you literally can't be pissed at them.


Yeah, they're disabled and they're making them. That's a really good point. I didn't think about that.


Maybe the person behind the account is deaf. They don't know what sound they're using. It's just random.


They're just looking at it. Throw it in CapCut or whatever the automated.


Yeah, there could be someone in the community that's really funny. They're like, I want to run the social media.


Okay, but if it was the Special Olympics, then there'd be a bigger problem, right?


Yeah, that's a little-That's worse. I don't think that's very tasteful. These people are aware of the content I think that's being put out for sure, which makes it a little easier to digest.


I think a lot of people that are paraplegic or have any physical disability like that, they are aware of their situation. I feel like part of their coping mechanism is to make fun of it themselves and...


To have a sense of humor about it.


Exactly. I feel like a lot of people do have a sense of humor about it, not so that they don't feel bad, but it's owning it almost, right? Yeah.


They could be just telling people what they want to hear. But this article says, because it's controversial, the article It says that they're doing it to reach audiences that don't know about the Paralympics. So the account has a lot of support from the Paralympic athletes as well as the audience. We created a strong following through edgy and unique content that allows us to educate an audience who might be less aware of the Paralympic sport and the achievements for our athletes.


Honestly, I haven't thought about the Paralympics maybe in a few years, and the first time I really saw it was when I saw it. So you are reaching audiences that don't really talk about it or know about it.


It made me look up other videos, not the funny videos, real videos of this.


They may also be viewing it as like, this is TikTok. This is a place where we're supposed to have fun and goof around and put funny audios to things and have a comedic entertaining spin on it more than a true highlights channel for it.


Because obviously it works. Look how well the page is done.


Yeah, it makes you want to just crack open a beer and watch the BeReal Olympics.


I actually to your backyard. That's crazy.He may have been in a bad mood because he was just hit it. He made it more complicated for himself. It was probably like-This is a crazy interaction.Yeah.Oh, I just got you all saved the date. Did you get it? I love it. What do you think? Oh, I loved it. It was adorable.You know what's so funny? Don't flatter yourself. But when I was making them, I'm like, I wonder what Matt's going to say.I loved it. I loved the little H.We always think about what- Yeah, you and Patricia have good taste. So I'm like, Oh, if they like it, then it's good.We put your opinion at a higher regard.Stop, stop.All right, enough, enough, enough.But I love the little H. The paper clip? Wait, and the Polaroid. Did you guys individually take a Polaroid for every single- Every single person is asking that question.So let me describe what the Save the Date looks like. So we made it look like a postcard, and on the front of the postcard, it says Save the Date. And then on the back, it has all the information, but it looks like this vintage postcard. We have little vintage stamps on it. And then we put a Polaroid of us, just like a selfie Polaroid, and it's paper-clipped with a paper clip in the shape of an H. So... My sister made them. Shout out to her. So the Polaroids, he has a camera that no matter what picture you have, we could take it from our iPhone, we could take it from a different camera. We took it on another camera. You can send that picture to this other camera and print out a Polaroid.As many times as you want.So we just printed it out 200 times.Perfect. So it's a digital Polaroid. I don't know how it does it because it's not printing on paper. There's cameras where you could just print immediately, but it looks just like a normal picture.Even the Polaroid, there's Polaroid printers where you could just send it to printer and then it'll print a Polaroid.But a Polaroid is a chemical reaction. It's a chemical reaction of- Another miracle. Because I was like, damn, they took 200 of these. I was like, they look great in this shot.You know what? They would, too.After a while, it's just like you're slipping through.You're like, Our smile's fading.You would spend a whole day doing that, too. We need to do 350 stuff.It was because I had to sit there and in the camera, you have to open a new pack and you get 10 at a time. So I had to sit there and keep printing. That was expensive, too.Also, what he did was we took the picture on another just a regular digital camera, and he went into the light room and edited it to look like a Polaroid. So it's like a filter.Yeah, because it looked so real.Yeah, I thought it was like a real Polaroid. It looked good.It's crazy, though, that I don't understand the technology to make the... Because it's a developing Polaroid. You print it out and it's white, and then over time, the image starts coming like a normal... Yeah. It's pretty crazy. I don't get it.That's incredible. Did all of them look the same?Every single one's the same.Because it almost has that laminate over it, too.Where it's got the border with the little…Bound? Yeah.What camera is it called?It's a Fuji film. Instax. It prints the Instax, but I…It's this. Yeah. Okay. I've seen those. It's so fired up. Yeah, it's a perfect imitation.For the Polaroid, did you do something special so it developed perfectly, or you just left it out, facing up?No, you just… It's got the feeling of a film camera But you know how you would take a picture and then you advance the slide to go to the next picture, the little thumb thing? You do that, but doing that prints the picture out. Got it. You just go to the picture that you want to print, hit it, and then it prints, hit it, and then it prints. That's crazy. Then they just start to...That's all you use for this camera. You don't take pictures on it. No, you can. But you haven't really… You just got that just for the…I've had it for a while. It takes really cool pictures, and you could do different You can also print double exposure pictures on it that come out really cool, too.Cool. Oh, my God.I've never heard of this on camera.That's great. That's the tickets out of an ad with.Yeah, that does look like an ad. It's so perfect. You should hit them up.Wow, that's really cool.Since you already have the videos. Right?Now that that's done, now we got to move on to the formal invitation.Oh, right. Getting that all print, making sure no typos.Wait, what do you mean? What?So there's save the date.It's called a save the date. You give people a heads up. Because for weddings, you do want to tell people in advance so people show up. You know what I mean?I know. I just didn't know you needed to do two.Yeah, because it says formal invitation to follow. You get people to save the date, so they have it on their calendar. Then the one that officially comes is the one that you RSVP with. Now you've given people a little bit of a buffer time to know, Oh, we can't make it. We can't make it.There's also people in relationships You don't know in four months, if they break up, they're like, Okay, they're off.That's too partyful. I'm sending a partyful link to everybody twice.Honestly, it's a great thing. Just send it. But yeah, then the formal has more information of what hotel to stay at, the time, and you do the RCP thing. That's really important.But it was fun.It was really fun doing it. It was fun putting it together. Our whole island was a shop we had going on.We had some people actually saved the dates because we licked I don't know. We actually had a liquor do it, but the envelope stuck back to back, and some people ended up getting two of the Save the dates because Patricia put them in the things. You just put the whole stack in and some stuck together.That was an issue. They thought they could bring an extra person because they got to. Honey, you saved that on you.That's what I'm anxious about because I'm like, I know how mail works, and I've gotten text from people complimenting it. I got it, I got it, but only 10 people. I'm like, How do I even know it got to everybody?Right. I know. How?That That is true because a lot of mail doesn't get to people.I know. I feel like when we're shipping packages, we always get a tracking number, but for just envelopes, you got to cross your fingers in the mail.You should send a text to everybody, though, just be like, Hey, just letting you know that you did get invited.Well, they'll get the It's a normal invitation, too.No, I'm saying if it doesn't reach them by mail, how would they ever know?I can't text 300 people.I think when you text it, well, did you text people like, What's your address and stuff? People know an invitation is coming.Stamps are really weird, by the way.Yeah, very weird. Now you have to physically buy them, where you can buy them, how many.How expensive they are.How much is each stamp?It depends where you're sending it to.Some letters we found out will require you to put two stamps on it.If it's too thick to go through the system.We were worried about the paper clip making it too thick to where you'd have to run two stamps because it can't go through the machine. It'll clog it. You know what I mean? But yeah, the stamps can be I think the ones we got were... Jordan, what were they? 60 cents? 68 cents. 68 cents each. I didn't realize that a stamp is you buying the shipping.Yeah, Isn't that weird?If you have the stamp and it's on it, you just take it in and then send it. You don't have to be like, Can I pay for shipping this?If they don't see a stamp, do they just toss it?I don't even know if they return it to send her. I don't know how that happens. I I don't even think a mailman will pick it up if it doesn't have a stamp on it. Also with the cursive writing, because we had that on our original ones, we had some get sent back to us because the machines couldn't read the cursive.It's betterI thought about that.for the envelope itself to put that in standard print and make that so clear. Also, darker envelopes. That's why we printed ours. Darker envelopes, too. If you put on a green envelope, some machines, it comes up just all black.If you print it in cursive, does it catch it?Sometimes, yes, but sometimes, no. But it can read handwriting. You just got to hope for the best that it understood everything.So interesting. Keith, also, you can talk about when I was there and when I was looking, the post office, every single post office carries different stamps, and each register, each person had different stamps. Oh, yeah. The person when you would go up to ask for stamps, it was dependent on which ones they picked that they wanted to, right? Does that make sense?Yeah. What are they getting commission off their stamps?It's so weird.Each register is a different stamp that they're selling.Pamela doing a lot good with the postage.Is that how they... Yeah, why do they do that?I have no idea. It's just such an interesting thing. Then I was like, I get why people collect them now. They're so interesting. Then there's forever stamps.What's forever stamps? Reusable ones?Ones that never expire. Apparently, some of them are only good for the year. Oh, right.The non-expired ones are probably a It's so weird.I think I've used an expired sample time and they rejected it. I feel like I have.But yeah, it was really fun putting it together. It was enjoyable, actually.Enjoy the process. It's fun. Beautiful.All right, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. We love you so much. Also, make sure to check out our Patreon, patron. Com/saneandheath. We do an unwind. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut, bonus version of this. Then we also do a live Q&A month. We do an extra podcast every month. A lot of cool stuff on there. Again, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.You check out these episodes every Monday audio form on all the podcast platforms, and every Tuesday, video form on youtube. Com/zaneandheath.We'll see you in a sec, baby.God bless.


to your backyard. That's crazy.


He may have been in a bad mood because he was just hit it. He made it more complicated for himself. It was probably like-This is a crazy interaction.




Oh, I just got you all saved the date. Did you get it? I love it. What do you think? Oh, I loved it. It was adorable.


You know what's so funny? Don't flatter yourself. But when I was making them, I'm like, I wonder what Matt's going to say.


I loved it. I loved the little H.


We always think about what- Yeah, you and Patricia have good taste. So I'm like, Oh, if they like it, then it's good.


We put your opinion at a higher regard.


Stop, stop.


All right, enough, enough, enough.


But I love the little H. The paper clip? Wait, and the Polaroid. Did you guys individually take a Polaroid for every single- Every single person is asking that question.


So let me describe what the Save the Date looks like. So we made it look like a postcard, and on the front of the postcard, it says Save the Date. And then on the back, it has all the information, but it looks like this vintage postcard. We have little vintage stamps on it. And then we put a Polaroid of us, just like a selfie Polaroid, and it's paper-clipped with a paper clip in the shape of an H. So... My sister made them. Shout out to her. So the Polaroids, he has a camera that no matter what picture you have, we could take it from our iPhone, we could take it from a different camera. We took it on another camera. You can send that picture to this other camera and print out a Polaroid.


As many times as you want.


So we just printed it out 200 times.


Perfect. So it's a digital Polaroid. I don't know how it does it because it's not printing on paper. There's cameras where you could just print immediately, but it looks just like a normal picture.


Even the Polaroid, there's Polaroid printers where you could just send it to printer and then it'll print a Polaroid.


But a Polaroid is a chemical reaction. It's a chemical reaction of- Another miracle. Because I was like, damn, they took 200 of these. I was like, they look great in this shot.


You know what? They would, too.


After a while, it's just like you're slipping through.


You're like, Our smile's fading.


You would spend a whole day doing that, too. We need to do 350 stuff.


It was because I had to sit there and in the camera, you have to open a new pack and you get 10 at a time. So I had to sit there and keep printing. That was expensive, too.


Also, what he did was we took the picture on another just a regular digital camera, and he went into the light room and edited it to look like a Polaroid. So it's like a filter.


Yeah, because it looked so real.


Yeah, I thought it was like a real Polaroid. It looked good.


It's crazy, though, that I don't understand the technology to make the... Because it's a developing Polaroid. You print it out and it's white, and then over time, the image starts coming like a normal... Yeah. It's pretty crazy. I don't get it.


That's incredible. Did all of them look the same?


Every single one's the same.


Because it almost has that laminate over it, too.


Where it's got the border with the little…


Bound? Yeah.


What camera is it called?


It's a Fuji film. Instax. It prints the Instax, but I…


It's this. Yeah. Okay. I've seen those. It's so fired up. Yeah, it's a perfect imitation.


For the Polaroid, did you do something special so it developed perfectly, or you just left it out, facing up?


No, you just… It's got the feeling of a film camera But you know how you would take a picture and then you advance the slide to go to the next picture, the little thumb thing? You do that, but doing that prints the picture out. Got it. You just go to the picture that you want to print, hit it, and then it prints, hit it, and then it prints. That's crazy. Then they just start to...


That's all you use for this camera. You don't take pictures on it. No, you can. But you haven't really… You just got that just for the…


I've had it for a while. It takes really cool pictures, and you could do different You can also print double exposure pictures on it that come out really cool, too.


Cool. Oh, my God.


I've never heard of this on camera.


That's great. That's the tickets out of an ad with.


Yeah, that does look like an ad. It's so perfect. You should hit them up.


Wow, that's really cool.


Since you already have the videos. Right?


Now that that's done, now we got to move on to the formal invitation.


Oh, right. Getting that all print, making sure no typos.


Wait, what do you mean? What?


So there's save the date.


It's called a save the date. You give people a heads up. Because for weddings, you do want to tell people in advance so people show up. You know what I mean?


I know. I just didn't know you needed to do two.


Yeah, because it says formal invitation to follow. You get people to save the date, so they have it on their calendar. Then the one that officially comes is the one that you RSVP with. Now you've given people a little bit of a buffer time to know, Oh, we can't make it. We can't make it.


There's also people in relationships You don't know in four months, if they break up, they're like, Okay, they're off.


That's too partyful. I'm sending a partyful link to everybody twice.


Honestly, it's a great thing. Just send it. But yeah, then the formal has more information of what hotel to stay at, the time, and you do the RCP thing. That's really important.


But it was fun.


It was really fun doing it. It was fun putting it together. Our whole island was a shop we had going on.


We had some people actually saved the dates because we licked I don't know. We actually had a liquor do it, but the envelope stuck back to back, and some people ended up getting two of the Save the dates because Patricia put them in the things. You just put the whole stack in and some stuck together.


That was an issue. They thought they could bring an extra person because they got to. Honey, you saved that on you.


That's what I'm anxious about because I'm like, I know how mail works, and I've gotten text from people complimenting it. I got it, I got it, but only 10 people. I'm like, How do I even know it got to everybody?


Right. I know. How?


That That is true because a lot of mail doesn't get to people.


I know. I feel like when we're shipping packages, we always get a tracking number, but for just envelopes, you got to cross your fingers in the mail.


You should send a text to everybody, though, just be like, Hey, just letting you know that you did get invited.


Well, they'll get the It's a normal invitation, too.


No, I'm saying if it doesn't reach them by mail, how would they ever know?


I can't text 300 people.


I think when you text it, well, did you text people like, What's your address and stuff? People know an invitation is coming.


Stamps are really weird, by the way.


Yeah, very weird. Now you have to physically buy them, where you can buy them, how many.


How expensive they are.


How much is each stamp?


It depends where you're sending it to.


Some letters we found out will require you to put two stamps on it.


If it's too thick to go through the system.


We were worried about the paper clip making it too thick to where you'd have to run two stamps because it can't go through the machine. It'll clog it. You know what I mean? But yeah, the stamps can be I think the ones we got were... Jordan, what were they? 60 cents? 68 cents. 68 cents each. I didn't realize that a stamp is you buying the shipping.


Yeah, Isn't that weird?


If you have the stamp and it's on it, you just take it in and then send it. You don't have to be like, Can I pay for shipping this?


If they don't see a stamp, do they just toss it?


I don't even know if they return it to send her. I don't know how that happens. I I don't even think a mailman will pick it up if it doesn't have a stamp on it. Also with the cursive writing, because we had that on our original ones, we had some get sent back to us because the machines couldn't read the cursive.It's betterI thought about that.for the envelope itself to put that in standard print and make that so clear. Also, darker envelopes. That's why we printed ours. Darker envelopes, too. If you put on a green envelope, some machines, it comes up just all black.


If you print it in cursive, does it catch it?


Sometimes, yes, but sometimes, no. But it can read handwriting. You just got to hope for the best that it understood everything.


So interesting. Keith, also, you can talk about when I was there and when I was looking, the post office, every single post office carries different stamps, and each register, each person had different stamps. Oh, yeah. The person when you would go up to ask for stamps, it was dependent on which ones they picked that they wanted to, right? Does that make sense?


Yeah. What are they getting commission off their stamps?


It's so weird.


Each register is a different stamp that they're selling.


Pamela doing a lot good with the postage.


Is that how they... Yeah, why do they do that?


I have no idea. It's just such an interesting thing. Then I was like, I get why people collect them now. They're so interesting. Then there's forever stamps.


What's forever stamps? Reusable ones?


Ones that never expire. Apparently, some of them are only good for the year. Oh, right.


The non-expired ones are probably a It's so weird.


I think I've used an expired sample time and they rejected it. I feel like I have.


But yeah, it was really fun putting it together. It was enjoyable, actually.


Enjoy the process. It's fun. Beautiful.


All right, guys. Thank you so much for tuning in to another episode. We love you so much. Also, make sure to check out our Patreon, patron. Com/saneandheath. We do an unwind. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut, bonus version of this. Then we also do a live Q&A month. We do an extra podcast every month. A lot of cool stuff on there. Again, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.


You check out these episodes every Monday audio form on all the podcast platforms, and every Tuesday, video form on youtube. Com/zaneandheath.


We'll see you in a sec, baby.


God bless.