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One time Mariah's shoelace got stuck in an escalator and I I freaked. I thought she was gonna get sucked on. There we were in forever 21 and I like screamed and I ran over and like I was just like, like.


You dropped everything to like grab me and I was like.


Cuz like, you know how like shoelaces can get caught in the escalator thing where it like goes like that? Yeah. And it'll pull you under and like you it like it's multiple people. Especially that space people shoot it'll get caught and then it'll keep dragging under cuz the thing is still going so it's basically like a grinder. Like that would be pulling you underneath.


Do you ever see those tiktoks with the gears that squish a bunch of stuff like suitcases kind of like that?


Oh God, yeah. They need to like figure out escalators. Let's make just like a safer thing.