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Did you watch that Hulu crime doc, Perfect Wife? Basically, in 2018, the husband comes home. They have two kids. Wife is not home. Turns into a huge, massive search. For 22 days, a guy pulls over and sees a woman who's been zip-tied and has chains around her body, and she was abducted. On the back of her body, she's been branded with the word exodus. Skip ahead if you don't want to know what happens. Okay. She said these two Hispanic-Mexican ladies took her. They spoke Spanish. And so the cops do this full DNA scan from all the evidence. Find a match. Is there a connection to this guy? And they finally address this guy and go, What happened? He goes, Listen, I used to date Sherry Sampini back in college. She hit me up saying she was in an abusive relationship and wanted me to take her out of it and take care of her. Basically, also abuse her, but going, Hit me with the hockey park. She spent those 22 days scrolling on her phone, watching the news of everybody out there looking for her for her own just narcissistic gain.