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God bless you, Jordan. God bless you. Don't do it again, though.


Are you a big bless you? Anytime someone sneezes you. I try to, yeah. Patricia gets on to me all the time. She's like, You're not blessing me enough.


I would never get upset. You're not blessing me enough. Because the thing is, you sneeze.


It's normal.


For many years in the Middle Ages, people believe that when you sneezed, your spirit left your body for a second. So the thought went to say, bless you, could bring you back to life and also keep your evil spirits from entering you in the instant or two that you were believed to have been gone.


I never say. It's not in a'm about to sneeze now.


It's a sneeze train.


It's like the way yawning is when people yawn, you get tired.


Oh, it's a yawn. Oh, I don't have to sneeze.