Transcribe your podcast

How are you feeling?


To just episode 282.


Is it 282?


I don't think so.


What episode is it?




Yeah. 230? Oh, wow. I was way off. When it hits 500, I think that's when I'll be done for sure.




229. I think episode 500, I think will be my exit for sure.


You think so? Yeah. Let's make it to a thousand.


Are there people that have a thousand podcasts out?




Joe Joe Rogan, I'm pretty sure he's- Joe Rogan posts three times a week, so that makes sense. Because he's posted what? He's already at 333 after a year.


Yeah, but I mean, he's been doing it since 2012, even longer. 2010, probably.


They make a talk, though.


2700 episodes, The Jack and Stent Show, 12 years.


Oh, The Stent Show.


The longest running monetized podcast.


What podcast do you listen to?


Matt, I don't listen to podcasts. What? I can't. I just can't do it.


But that's what we It's weird. I don't listen to a podcast either. I don't consume.


But that's like... I never listened to a podcast before we started either.


It's like a director never seeing movies. A chef never eating any other food.


I'm a fraud.


There's nowhere to pull inspiration from, and that's what makes us so unique and beautiful.


Zane and Heath, unprepared. Yes.


We all are always like, I just feel like we don't have anything to talk about. Or like, oh. But if you were listening to a podcast- You're not supposed to tell them that they're bad.


Yeah, they're not supposed to know that.


We Curious what other podcast you listen to.


I've listened to Theo Vawn sometimes. I've listened to the Brosky report.


We do our thing. We do our thing.


I don't have a problem with the way we do our shit.


That's what makes us raw, real, and authentic, and for people feeling like they're in the room hanging out with us.


Guys, if you want to make a podcast, you don't have to listen to podcast. Just turn on that camera, grab a mic, and just start talking.


Baby, just let it out.


Exactly. Run the intro.


Give it to him.


Welcome back to Zane and Heath unfiltered Season 4. I'm Zane.


I'm he.


I think we're in five. We are in five. Welcome back to Zane unseasoned. Welcome back to Zane unseasoned. Filter five. I'm Zane. I'm he. I'm that. I'm Mariah. We are here on another episode. We are here to stay. We are here on another episode. I shouldn't have taken that fucking gummy.


You wanted to. We did the high episode, and he felt really good for Patreon.


Speaking of the high episode, we actually just posted a brand new high episode with the three of us, me, he, and Matt. It was he. It was me, boy. Me, he, and Matt on Patreon right now, patron. Com/zaneandheath. You get a ton of videos. You get bonus episode. You get high and drunk videos. You get live Q&A's. You get Discord Discord, private Discord. We also post the unwinds where we roll the cameras after every episode. We just keep it rolling for 15, 30 minutes. It's a little bonus episode every episode.


It's like an extended cut. It's a really good time. Again, patron. Com/zaneandheath, if you want to check it out. You get all of that for $5 a month, and you get access to everything we've ever posted on there. So, it's stuck up, baby.


You just had your little cheerio thing, too. Your stomach is still filled with food as well.


It is, too. I got a cereal cup now where you can put cereal and milk and you can eat it and drink it at the same time. You've seen it on TikTok, right?


Yeah, but you're in your house. You weren't on the go.


Well, I was trying it out today. On the couch. But I will be on the go when I use it.


It's a really silly product, but it's genius. It seems like something Kevin from the office would bring in, be like, It's an amazing thing. You could have fruit loops and the milk.


But you have to put fruit loops in it. It has to be like, chunky cereal. I tried cornflakes, did not work. It was just like...Crunch cup is the name of it. Crunch Cup is the name It's a bit. Crunch cup. Yeah. Oh, my God. Look at that one. The spoon and all that. That's unnecessary. I don't want to have a bowl of cereal at work. I want to be able to hide it from my coworkers and enjoy something that's embarrassing to eat.


Did you ever have the cereal bowls in the '90s that had this straw built into the bowl?


Wait, what is it? It's different colors.


It sounds familiar.


It was a cereal bowl, plastic cereal bowl, but built into the side of the cereal bowl was a plastic straw as well. After you ate your cereal, you would drink the milk out of the straw.


I love this. Why was it so disgusting? It's every time I would eat out of one, you would see the crust coming from the side. And not only that, you would taste it. When you drink it from there, you're like, Oh, I taste the plastic. And normally, you don't taste the plastic.


Also, that straw with that angle is probably hard to clean.


Yeah, the milk, that's the only thing that's going through it is milk. Yeah, you got to get a pipe cleaner for that. And that went on for a long time, too.


And you know people still have that shit in It's gross.


Yeah, and that and Zoom house, man, they really...


Zoom house? The Zoom house were the paper plates? Yeah, where they got the ears for the side dishes. That was a party, man.


I know you ate on those plates until you were 20. I'm sure. How's everybody's week been? Good?


Yeah, not too bad. The jet lag is wearing off, coming back down to reality, leaving for a wedding this weekend.


Wait, jet lag still from South Korea?


I still feel like I'm always an hour off where I need a nap in the in the middle of the day, or I'm waking up just an hour too early. It's only been six hours of sleep.


I was wrecked for a long time after we got back from Japan.


For me, jet lag is not bad. Coming back, it's always going there. I'm really jet lagged when I visit anywhere. But coming back, it's the best. I just need that one night's sleep, and then I'm back.


See, I'm the opposite because right when I get there, just my adrenaline kicks in because I'm in a new place, and I don't want to sleep because I want to go out and see where I'm at.


Takes too much time sleeping when you're out like that.


But yeah, the week's been good. Good. Been busy, but good. He's just such a dad now.


He's working on his garage now. He's installing lights on the top.


He's like, Hexagon light. It looks like Batman's layer. I know.


Yeah, I've literally just been in the garage nonstop.


Simulator all set up.


Yeah, everything is good to go. He's been really hard to contact you, too. I feel like you're always working now in your house somewhere.


He's all driving. He's flying.


You flew to Egypt. You sent me a video of you flying over the pyramids.


I was flying over Egypt this morning. Then I ended up over Bora-Bora. We've pretty much been all over.


Have you crashed yet?


Oh, yeah. Let me tell you, it is real.


Is it scary real?


Oh, your gut drops. You have a mini... She was flying over New York, giving me a tour.


I was flying. Does he know what you're talking about? Yeah, I told him about that. I don't think they know. They're going to be like, What do you mean?


We've talked about on Patreon. Oh, so you might want to explain.


I have a racing simulator with motion, so it feels super real, and you You could do racing games. You could do flight simulators, stuff like that.


It's not the cheap shit. It's like that big setup.


You're sitting in a chair and there's three TVs in front of you, and you can put this headset almost like an Oculus on.


I got the VR for it. That just came in, and it is mind-blowing.


Yeah, you put the headset on and you have all your gears in front of you, and you look around and you have a passenger seat. You can look 360 around the whole plane, and you can choose where to fly over. So his brother called him, and he was flying over LA LA, and he showed us Taluka Lake. Oh, cool. Everything's accurate.


The houses are exact... It's from a Google map type thing, so they pull it and it's so detailed. However long it takes you to fly it in real life with what plane at, what speed out. Everything is in the game.


So if you wanted to- It's slow. I'm like, I just want to fly a jet, but he's like, It's real speed. So if I choose to fly New York, I could technically sit in that chair for five hours and fly to LA.


You can fly through a building if you want to.It'll.


Ban you.You get banned.


Don't try it. Wait, really?


It's pretty crazy. Yeah, not good.


Because they can log it. That was a big thing about the Malaysian flight, about what happened was that one of the pilots had-Was a magician. He did. For my next trick. He had done the route where they think it landed, where he veered off course. I think he had that in his flight simulator log that had done that. I did not know that.


That's crazy.


I'm pretty sure that's crazy.


So they're tracking me.


So if you try to fly, can you fly into my house on the thing?


You can see your house overhead.


What happens if you try to fly over area 51? Is it just blurred out? Oh, Matt. Then it's just blurred out. You probably can't do it.


It ejects you out of your seat.


You lose signal. It goes black. But yeah, she was flying over New York, and she was calling out all the buildings and the bridges and everything. Got a nice little tour.


Can you do a helicopter on there?


You and the helicopter is insane because you're sitting there and you look out and look down at the-Wow.


It's not like a joystick, like a game controller. You have your...


What is it called? Yeah, it's the hotels. You have your... Well, you have your throttle, and then you have... It's still called a joystick.


You have your right-hand on something, your left hand on something, and you're up. You got to tilt, you got to... It's really fun. You can nose dive into the ground.


I think to overcome my fear of flying, I think I should-You should do it. I should do it, and I should do it a lot. Crash a couple of times, a little bit of turbulence, have my seat move. So the next time I'm on a plane and that shit happens, I will remember the simulator. There we go.


We'll do six-hour mock flights.


Yeah, long. Do the 24-hour challenge and just stay on that plane and just get through all the storms and hurricanes. Can you fly through storms?


You can set the weather, whatever you want.


I was getting motion sickness.


Is there an air traffic control mode where you're talking to other people online? Do you have to be qualified for that? Because what if you join in with a bunch of guys and they're like, Oh, you don't even know what the fuck you're doing?


I'm sure I haven't gotten really into the online stuff, but you can fly with other people. Usually, the air traffic control is automated. You still have to taxi your plane and Like a normal flight, but it's more-Roleplaying? Yeah, roleplaying, computer simulation version. But I'm sure there is a section of it where you can be that or whatever.


They got go-cart on there? I don't know. Just if you want to chill, not be on the racetrack. Is there a golf cart mode? Yeah, Mario Kart. That would be sick. Mario Kart mode.


Basically, it's in a computer and the seat can work with different games. It's just you playing a different game.


Can you play a different game? Can you play Mario Kart? Where you play POV?


You could do any driving game, anything where you sit in a car. You can use the controls.


That makes sense because it just goes through the display. That's the control.


When they do their next round in LA, when they're dropping off to Beyoncé and Jay-C, do you think they could drop off one to me, too? Absolutely. Okay. I know I don't have that brand where it's like, I drive and show off my cars and shit, but you think they'll still give it to me? You're a driver guy.


Okay. I remember when I had Midnight Club 3 or Midnight Club 2 on PS2, and my dad bought me this steering wheel, and we would set it up on a TV tray, and I had the gas pedal, and I would practice driving on the game, paying attention to the stoplights, and following all the rules.


Honestly, it's a great thing for kids learning to drive. Yeah.


Half of the songs on my iPod were from this video game. Really? I would always save it. Because they would have the song playing, and they'd have it on the bottom corner. Do you remember that? Every song that started playing, they would have it pop up. I just went and just jotted it down just so I can download it later.


In my club, man.


It just made me feel something.


Do you have also a manual control as well? It's like shift the-Yeah.


You could do a H pattern or you can do sequential. Then I also have the clutch for it, too. Dope. Then I have a hand break now.


Yeah, it's really cool. Damn, that's neat.


You'll really enjoy it. I'm excited for you to try it.


Does it take up a lot of power or is it just like... It's not that bad. You can't hear it in the other room as well?


It's in the garage, and the garage is separated.


The only time you would hear it is if we had not using headphones and I have it through the surround sound.


That I had cranked up one day getting really into it, and she heard me down the street. She was coming home, and she I was like, Yo, I can hear you a block away. Yeah, you'll have to come try it.


That's awesome. The TikTok ban happened. No. No, it's not. Well, what they say is that obviously, they packaged it up with, what was it? A foreign aid bill to help Ukraine, Israel, and what other country was it?


Yeah, we're going to ban TikTok, but we're also going to send $300 billion in small print.


Because it was a bipartisan bill, so it was going to get an equal amount of It wasn't one-sided on either way. Mutual people were agreeing on it. Now that it's passed, though, they do have this nine months, but people are saying that ByteDance will most likely sue the government. It's saying that it's unconstitutional, which will go on for even a longer amount of time. And then that has to go what to the DC Court of Appeals and then to the Supreme Court. And realistically, if it did happen, it wouldn't really go away until about 18 months or two years. From what I've read.


I know Vine didn't go through anything like that. They just shut it down. But I felt like also Vine was this constant... It took a long time for the app to fully delete, right? Yes. Because we were all off it at that point.


We all knew it was coming and it was like, make sure to start saving all your content.


You could have posted, but it was just that it was just pointless posting for a while.


Everybody was just trying to move off the platform. Yeah, okay.


But the whole thing, though, even if it does sell, China Canada, though, still owns the algorithm. They would basically be like, sure, you can have ByteDance, but you don't get the algorithm. That's the secret sauce to why the app works. Without that, they would have to build that from the ground up and I don't know.


They wouldn't give that to them?


I think the code of the algorithm or what makes TikTok work and why people love it because it gives you exactly what you're into.


But you can't buy that?


I don't think so. I think that they can give Give them the... I don't know, I guess the platform and all the users to still be on it, but they can still have their copyright.


That's like, maybe you could buy a restaurant, but if that chef ain't staying, you don't get the recipes. That food is not going to be the same.


All you get is the name in the building, huh?


It's still, I think, two years, 18 months from what I've read, if it really does happen.


Okay, so let's say that TikTok is actually shutting down to everyone's… Realistically, 18 months. Where's everybody moving to?


Youtube, Instagram. It's tough.


To go from TikTok to YouTube like that, unless you're a giant creator and can move numbers like that, it's a tough transfer.


I feel like Instagram just needs to make their algorithm better.


Yeah, that'd be the next one because reels are becoming really popular.


Because that's the only platform I felt like... They're in YouTube, though, for when you were on an Instagram app, there's the TikTok button, there's the YouTube button. Those are the two sites that if you're going to go somewhere, shooting you to those locations. Yeah. So, yeah.


I'm seeing a lot of those Instagram. There's a lot of Instagram skit people that make those skits or just make videos in general. They're generating so many. I cannot believe how many views.


Yeah, their views are insane.


Insane. And that's all they post. Their whole page is not a picture. There's no pictures anymore. I just went through a few big influencers.


It's just straight videos, yeah.


Only videos.


And the boomers are really getting on Instagram, really. My dad has has been sending me reels all the time. I love this creator. Have you seen this guy? Most of the people, yeah, I've seen on TikTok, but he loves his-He's buying them on Instagram. It's hitting his interest big time.


Yeah. Because Instagram has the algorithm thing working pretty well, too.


I feel like you're big on Instagram reels. I feel like you send reels a lot more than you send TikToks.


It's a morning thing for me. When I wake up, I go through Instagram reels, and then later on in the day, I'll do TikTok. It's really weird. I don't do that on purpose. I just happen to... When you get videos in the morning, it's Instagram reels, right? You, too. When I'm sending Instagram reels-Yeah, and I don't open them. You guys don't open my reels anymore. You never ha ha. No.


I open every single one of your TikToks. Reels, I'm not there yet.


It's just a tap away.


I know, but it's- I'm with you because if I get the text, it comes one at a time. If I open up a DM from you and there's seven, I'm like, Dan, they're probably good, but I need to save that for a second. You got to click in, then you got to go back.


When it's seven in a row, it's real good. Matt, I don't want to reply. I just want you to watch it.


Just give me the ha ha, just so I saw that you laughed and you found it funny, too.


I don't have the time.


It's a tap away. Same thing you're saying, a tap to them that they could just open it. Just give me a ha ha. I'm not giving you seven at a time.


I don't have time for podcasts, and I don't have time to reply back to TikTok. It's a tap, it's a ha ha. I want- I drew it in the garbage. I want to be entertained. That's That's all I want in life. I'm going to be 100 years old, and I just want to be entertained. Make me laugh.


I want to bring that up really quick. One of Ethan and I's favorite quotes right now is, I drew it in the garbage, which is from Real Housewives of New Jersey, Theresa, if you're a fan.


I say it, I'm not joking, 10 times a day.


What's the context of her saying it? What did she throw in the garbage?


She talks about how somebody brought...


Do it, Bobby. You know what it is.


Somebody brought sprinkled cookies to the party, and she was like, Melissa, nobody touched the cookies you brought. I threw them in the garbage. You know what my favorite cookies are? Pignoli cookies. That's all I said. That's exactly what she said.


But I threw it in the garbage.


I drew it in the garbage. So, Theresa has a daughter, Melania, and she's a huge personality on the show. We ran into her at Coachella, and we both... We passed each other, and we both double took each other. I was like, Oh, you both watching. No, it was just me.


I didn't see it happen. It was just her.


We walked by, and me and Melania both double took each other, and I was like, She's doing it to me? And I like, freaking out over her. So it was like a really cool moment. And then I told Hito, I was like, You're never going to guess who I just ran into. And I was like, I drew it in the garbage, his daughter.


And he was like, No.


It was really cool. Tell us more. Tell us the conversation. What was the vibe?


Did you change numbers?


No, she's really young. I think she's maybe 17, 18, something like that.


I mean, it's not like you're a creepy dude. You're a married woman.


Okay, wait. Do you know the sound, waking up in the morning, thinking about so many things? Her sister sang it to her on her birthday. Wow.


Well, I'm right. These are quite the celebrities that you ran into.


Good television.


Big fan, big fan.


Out of all reality TV, I think those are the only... Those shows are the... When I think of reality TV, that's the only ones I think of, and those are the only ones that should continue to live on.Real housewives.In reality TV world, instead of all these other shows that are just fucking...


The thing is, they're always like this. I feel like this is what made reality TV so entertaining was watching people like this, and now everybody feels like they... That aren't that tight. I feel like they need to put that on.


It's like this era, the Jersey Shore era. That wasn't an act. It was authentic. That's just who they were. It was authentic. Now they're trying to replicate that nowadays. Can you just ham it up for the-I know.


When they came on the floor, Bama Shore, I fucking wanted to. That was the first time I saw a show trying to just do it again. Obviously, you just see every on the show was like, they weren't authentically like that. It was just like they knew that they have to to make this because they wanted to be the next. That stinks. Knowing that like, oh, it's not real.


I feel like so many people are getting onto these other reality shows. The new Grand Cayman Island show, you have all of these rich housewives, Girls of the Grand Caymans. They're competing, though, to be the next person on a Real Housewives show. They make a name for themselves on one show. People are like, Oh, they work on TV. Maybe let's cast her to be part of the new member of the Real Housewives. It's like people are platforming, trying to jump onto the net to be on Real Housewives.


You know what show was insane? It was during our time, and it was just a show that if it came out now, we'd be like, This is the biggest loser. How insane was that show? Just put Just put the big, large person on the scale, and everyone's just measuring their ways.


The way that the scale looked, too, it wasn't discrete, man.


It was like a large airport type, like luggage. If they saw it positive, too, for like, oh, they gained a pound or two. Get off the scale.


Everybody's face is just like, the team's disappointed. You have to have collective weight.


Just watching the show, how intense their workouts were and what they had to do.


Gillian Michael's just with that rock hard abs.


But man, I always knew, though, if I was on that show, I would make it.


Did they end it? Biggest Loser is not on TV anymore. No way.


I don't think they have a show like that now. The Biggest Loser. I mean, probably if they changed it, but just the way they shot it.


Then you would still get eliminated if you weren't losing the weight, right? Yeah.


Which was like-It's like, We're not here for your health. We don't care.


I feel like if you get kicked off the Biggest Loser, you should as a prize, is you do get a free personal trainer for the whole year because it would be cool for follow-up to see-Sticken with it. Even though it didn't work on the show, we're still allowing you not… Because that would make me just be like, Well, I'm not worth anything. I'm not worth losing the weight.


I'm just going to-I'm not even the biggest loser. That's terrible.


Yeah. Did they win? Was there a top prize? Was there money on the biggest loser?


I thought there was money in the end of it, no?


No, I have no idea what the prize was.


I mean, the things I would have done to win first place, if it was money involved, I would starve my time. I would do anything it took to get to first place. $250,000, 100%. You wouldn't catch me-You have to split that with your team. Fuck. You wouldn't catch me dead going seeking in a brownie if that was the first-place prize. Are you kidding me? All I got If I were to do is just lose weight, I would do anything I could. Anything it took. Ozempic.


I wonder if they were trying to tempt them on the side. How are some of them not losing weight? It's like, aren't we all in this together?


You think they would test them by placing certain things. They'd have to.


They'd have to. They'd have to. They'd have to. In the pantry.


Because if they made it only clean food around them, then how are you?


I don't know. Keith, that's so true. They were probably leaving- Because if I'm stuck in this house and I only have what's here, I will not eat bad. Were they stuck in a house or were they- There's just like, Entiman's donuts under the kitchen sink that are just stashed away there. I don't remember where the location was where they would film these shows. Was it in Everybody was living together? Was it by house? I don't know. If I was in this house and only healthy food, I would never gain weight. That's what I mean.


It would be impossible for me to get-If they made the circumstances.


Until I go to one of your guys' parties and then there's a cookie plate. I have to take one. I have to. So they have to be leaving shit around to test these guys, which is fucked up. That's not the point of it.


Those sisters seem to be doing well. Trying to be in my size, Amy, you don't know how it is. Was it my 1,000-pound sister?


What was it called? I don't think, though.


500-pound sister.


The show wasn't them losing weight, right? No, the They're 1,000-pound sisters.


They equally were like 1,000 pounds.


They equally weighed 1,000 pounds.


Each were like bordering on 500. But now it seems like both of them because it was Amy was the one who was slacking.


Yeah, Amy was always the one holding her bag.


But they look great. But it looks like they are on oxygen machines.Right now?


Every time I've seen Amy.Oh.


Yeah, they have lost a ton of weight. Look at that.


Yeah, they look great.




All right.


Amy's She's making better than her sister now, all that shit talking.


But the headline says, Amy Slayton is not focused on weight loss right now.


Because she's taking a break. You could plateau if you're losing a lot of weight. You got to have a little break sometimes.


You do have to treat yourself.


Was that show all focused on them losing weight, or it was just their life?


I don't know.


Because there was a lot of jokes in there. I felt like it was more of a It's like those exploited people where they just realized, damn, we've got some characters on our hands.


Let's just keep the camera rolling.


How do you think they...


How do they find them? Submissions.


Imagine pitching that idea.


They submitted themselves. It will also go out to places and they just find anybody. That's crazy. You go hang out around a bar in a small town, you're going to run as the people who need to be on a reality show.


You're the person, okay, go walk up to them, go pitch them the show. Hey, so we're thinking about doing a show about... We're going to call it Thousand Pound Sisters.


Are you guys in? With how funny they were.


That's a fucking crazy approach, no?


With how funny they were, though, I think they were so down for that. You know what? They probably came up with the idea.


Poor Honey Boo Boo, though. Her mom spent all of her money. Oh, I saw that. Oh, shame on her. Shame on you, Mama June.


It was a whole thing where she needed the money to... What was it? For her to go to-well, there's always that fund, I forgot the name of it, that child stars have to put...


Legally, I feel like they have to put money in locked away in. Mama June told a little Honey Boo Boo that she would get it by the time she turned 18. She turns 18 and finds out it's all gone.


It was a lot of money, too. That sucks. The moneymaker was Honey Boo Boo. She's the one that brought in all the money. That's so sad.


Really sad. Hopefully, she catches a good stride.


How old is she now? Were you with me when I met her?


No. Was I with you?


I don't know. I I don't know who was with me, but I remember I met her and we took a selfie. I think it was like, that was the first time I was star struck. Star struck in LA. Yeah, because I just recognized her from the show. I was like, Oh, my gosh. I'm a big fan. I'm a big fan of Bonita Insight. I was like, Oh, my God.


That's the saddest thing about these reality shows, though. They come and find these people who are not living in the best financial situation, offer them this incredible financial opportunity that's getting millions millions of views on TV that they can't hire a financial manager on behalf of the show just to ensure that their talent is spending their money wisely and setting them up for financial success.


You're talking about the show provides that-The producers, they take a back seat.


They go, We'll give you the check and let's just see what happens. That's not our responsibility. I think that also happens with so many athletes when they give their first paycheck, they go out and spend it crazy.


They were probably advised to do that, but at the same time, financial advisors are very expensive, too. I could see them going, No, why spend the extra money on somebody handling our money when we could just do it our own? Especially if Mama June was going to do that and be shady with it, she's not going to want a financial advisor over her shoulders seeing what she's doing.


Also, at the same time, your financial advisor, they're just there for advising. How many times have you been like, I want something, and your guy's like, No, and you're like, Well, I'm going toIt takes a little bit.


I want it. He's strict. At this point, he's like, It's more his than mine. We will fight.


I thought I just ran a talent network where I was like, I These people aren't maybe the most financially intelligent people out there. Just to make ourselves look good and give us the peace of mind, because it's not good press knowing that I, as the producer, made millions off these people, and they still lost everything off their own And yeah, I understand that is their responsibility, but it breaks my heart that there isn't something set in stone to look out for them.


But I know there's laws being put in place right now, stricter laws about what Honey Boob just went through with these child actors, where that money's going and that... Right? Yeah. Allison Stoner, isn't that what she's working on right now? I know she's working on this thing where it's to protect child actors from losing all their money.


Yes. When they get to that age. That is being exploited. Yeah, just making sure that they're more financially taken care of, even on behalf of the studios that are paying them out. I might have some factor kids myself.




Six kids on a show?


Would you be a stage No, no, no. I would never be a stage parent where my kid is on a Nickelodeon or Disney show. But if my kid had some good acting chops like Jacob Tremblay, then I could know he could deliver scenes, and he's doing Oscar-nominated films, one movie a year. If he had the chops, I would be like-How do you know that?


You know what I mean? How can you tell before you start putting him in auditions that, Oh, wow, he's a star? Is it his character? Is it the way he's like?


You just know.


If he's quick, he comes back with something quick as a kid.


They're just mature. But the sad thing is, though, with those mature child actors, the reason why they are the way they are is because they've spent a lot of time around adults. If they're doing those stage productions and they need a kid role, he's spending all of his late hours not doing daycare or going to a club around other kids. He's hanging out with other adults, so he picks up on their mannerisms, how they talk. They're really charming, and they understand what the scene calls for.I.


Must have been with a bunch of babies.That's sad.


I must have been hanging out with babies.


I'm just an idiot. I didn't pick up from any adults. Any adults. My God, fucking gogo.


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We love you. I saw this TikTok that was like, it's a little unethical way to get rid of junk. Instead Instead of buying a huge dumpster removal tank to come in, which is like 300 bucks, just go buy a storage unit, put all your junk in there, and then stop making the payments, and then they just have to auction and get rid of that junk.


Oh, wait. That's genius.


Yeah, it's unethical because you're finding a loophole and making somebody else's problem your problem, someone else's problem. I get it.


A lot of them make you do a three-month Minimum. But also, I think the whole point about the whole junk stuff is the fact that you still have to transport it. If you're going to load it in a truck to take it to a storage shed, you could just take it to a dump.


Damn, I didn't think about that when I watched the TikTok.


I get it, though. But if you're going to haul it away, haul it to the dump.


The loophole is not that worth the reward.


I guess if you lived right across the street from a storage facility.


Yeah, exactly.


Do you still have your storage unit?


I do. I still put stuff in it every It's crazy. Leah tells me that there's still so much room in there with those sliding glass doors that I...


Yeah, I went there. Why did I go there one time?


To my storage unit? Probably to pick up stuff that you had in there. Probably. Because we all shared it. Yeah, I think that's what it was. I think right now, I share it with Todd there.Wow.There's just so much stuff in there.


How much do you pay a month for it?


When I got it first, I was paying $150 a month. That's not that bad. But now it's probably, what, $200, $250? Because prices have gone up. But it's so worth it. It's so worth it. Just being able to keep stuff, but it's out of sight, out of mind. That's why I have nothing in the house because it's all in storage.


I just want to go to a storage wars. I want to see the bidding on like-I don't get how people get that opportunity.


I want to spend $200 and buy whatever's in a storage shed, and then I have to break the lock and whatever's in it is mine.


I think there's certain Instagram accounts where they'll tease it and they show you what's in it and they go, Come here on Saturday if you want to bid on whatever this looks like. I think they'll show you what the inside looks like before.


But if that was me opening it up, I'd go pick whatever That's what I'm trying to get. I want the ones that are locked up. They go, This has been abandoned. We don't know what's in it.


Is this all just to cover their own cost for the person ditching their payments? Or they try to make a little bit of a A little bit of extra money.


I definitely make a little bit of extra money. I feel like it's really nothing for them. I don't know. There's so many-You know what I mean?


That's so fun. I would spend money on storage units like that. Just for the fun. It'd be such a good video. Every video, you unlock a You break a lock off of one you just bought for 200 bucks. Let's see what we got in here. Ten bucks?


Wow. But then you got to have a whole another unit to take all that stuff, too, and then be able to sort it, list it on eBay. I'll buy it.


Can I keep it here? Yeah.


Is that a whole business, or people are buying this just because they genuinely think that whatever's in there is cost. No, it's a whole business.


It's a business. They're gold hunting.


Yeah, they're just upselling. It's like pan chops. They buy stuff just to resell. Hopefully, it's worth something. They find a Tonka truck from 1975 in there that some old rich guy wants to buy.


For me, it's like, how do you find the time? There's no way that you have a job and you do this on the side.


No, I think that's someone's job full-time. Just full-time.


Definitely. I mean, people buy mystery boxes for YouTube all the time. This is a great thing.




My dad, one time when he was in college, there was this comic in one of the Dallas newspapers that was called Dunesbury. He loved it so much, but they would put poster inserts in newspaper stands, right? You go up to a newspaper stand and they would put an insert, and this was a promotional thing they were doing for this comic strip. My dad went around town and just stole all the poster boards, and so he's always had them. Then he listed one on eBay, and it sold for $200 or something. He was curious about who bought this poster, and he looked it up, and it was one of the co-creators of the Simpsons. Really? He was like, Oh, shit. He should have just not even done the bidding war and maybe just put it up with just a fixed price to see it. Does he have more? Yeah. My dad has a huge stack of them.


Yeah. I used to do that with the Xbox Live cards that were in Blockbuster. You get a free month subscription.


Wait, that comes with when you buy it?


Every new game back then used to come with the Xbox live card inside of that little screen. Oh, yeah.


It's like the normal thing that you get in every box.


You buy it. You get it for a month. What we used to do is you'd go into GameStop or a Blockbuster, and you just open all of them up, and you just take them because they were just thinking about the disk.


But every time when the trial would go up, you would just make a new screen name and then keep it going. Why didn't you tell me that?


That was the secret of the pros. If I told you, then I'd be direct competition.


I wouldn't tell anybody about it, though.


Yeah, but you'd be cutting into my...


I always loved leaving Target, and there would be the AOL stand that had all the free CDs for an AOL subscription. But you would take those home, and then you could make wall art. You would make your name with thumb tacks of the CDs just reversed. It was this cool hack to decorate your room with the AOL CDs turned around.


The case?


No, with the CD, you would take the CD out of the package, and then you would turn it around where it's just a little… Then you would stack it and maybe do your initials in your room because you would see a pack of 20 of them.


He was one of those CD initial guys. I've seen that in a couple of rooms.


I mean, I was 10 years old.


No, I know. I'm just like, I could it in the rooms that I've seen in the past, just the CD initial.


We would go dumpster diving and blockbuster to get old movie posters and then bring those back and tack them up in your room. That was so much fun.


Or the big cardboard cutouts.


I never knew where people got posters for their room because I would go to friends' house and their walls just filled with posters. I always got jealous. I want my room to look like this. But I didn't know that, though. I thought the only place to get posters was from like from Spencer.


You go to Walmart, you look at all of the... They're like, clacking back and forth. There'd be the girl in the bikini and your mom would be nearby. You'd be like, close it real quick. And then she'd leave and you'd be like, Let me look at that again.


So options were limited.


Yeah. Spencers was one cool one, and the rest were just like, psychedelic weed and mushroom. You worked at a Spencers, didn't you? Yeah.


For more than a year?


Maybe two years. I feel like I was there for a while.


Yeah, I remember you worked there because I walked in and I was like, Oh, Heathworks here. But that was like, we weren't that close.


I picture Zane walking in there when you weren't really friends and you're like, Okay, Heath works here. What if you told yourself in that moment, you guys would have a podcast together in 15 years?


Heath, remember I was uploading Vine through a computer, through a laptop, when we hacked it, remember I was on the bed, the Brookstone bed, and I was sitting there, I don't know how we were allowed to do that.


He used to come into Brooklyn and edit the lines on the bed that we had in store.


Just kicking his feet.


Just kicking back because he was way up there in Brooklyn. He was under the manager, but they all liked him. So I was a lot of be around.


I was assistant to the manager.


You kept getting promoted, but your money wasn't being promoted.


Yeah, no. Hey, here's more responsibility for the same price.


That's crazy. They can't get away with that shit now, right?




When you get promoted, you have more tasks, but the pay doesn't change.


I mean, I'm sure.


It's a resume booster.


Yeah. Then you get to show your next job that you were a manager or whatever.


I remember I was telling I went to the stores out of work for free just for them to hire me. I'd work here for them.


What? Because I wanted a job so bad.


You're just going in, fold in shirts.


They're like, Sir. It was hard. It was hard to find a job. It was. That's why I worked at Furrow 21 because nowhere else was hiring. I worked at Furher 21, but before that, I was just like, I was desperate to get a job that wasn't at a restaurant because I hated working at restaurants. I just was bad at it.


I would drop everything. Me too, man. Hot Mexican butter right down my whole shirt. Yeah. Dropped a drink on a baby's head.


Your skin starts smelling like the food. Your skin. I couldn't even wash it off me. That's how bad it was. Then I got to work with a bunch of girls.


Speaking of editing in Brooklyn and massages and everything, I'm sad to tell you guys that I-Please don't quit. I think I'm in the beginning stages of Carpal Tunnel. Oh, yeah. Or arthritis.


What's carpal tunnel?


It's when you drive through a tunnel with two people in a car.


It's a Tesla one in Vegas.


The carpis are the tendons in your wrist. And carpal tunnel is what they call almost like secretary wrist. People who work at computers and you're doing a lot of stuff. It causes tension. Wait, why would you get that? Or is that not right?


Why would you... Wait.


Wait, am I wrong about that?


No, he just said, why would you get that?


When are you doing this?


He's doing all the time.


Yeah, so anyway.


Well, that's the problem with those Apple keyboards. I don't know why the flatness of it is not proper to how our wrists should be computing. I'm sorry.


What is the-Oh, you're serious?


It's very painful.


Let me show you. He needs a visual. Do you see... So I am clicking with my middle finger. When you're using the mouse, you're clicking. I'm like, Cut, cut, space, cut, cut. Look, When I look up here, when I move my middle finger, do you see that muscle switching?




That is like, I have to stop editing recently, and I have to rest my arm because it won't let me work anymore.


Look, if you want to quit, just tell us.


I'm just saying it finally came.


You know what that means? That means I need to take a break for three months.


That means I need a worker's comp.




It's in my wrist and my forearm area. It's bothered me before, but it's never gotten to the point where I had to physically stop. Got it. I do have a massage machine that does little... It's not acupuncture, but it has those sharp dots inside of it, and it massages, and it squeezing my whole arm, and it gets the blood flowing again, and then I can start again. Oh, well-So if you notice, I've been taking a little longer to get stuff done. I know.


I feel bad. I know what you're doing right now.


No, don't feel bad.


Give her a break. Let her rest.


I wasn't trying to go for that. I was trying to think of a title for this episode.


She's been diagnosed. I was literally thinking of a title.


No, that honestly makes me feel like I feel very sad. No, no, no.


That's what the principle in Mean Girls has is carpal tunnel. He's like, My carpal tunnel came back. Got it. Which I think, though, it was because he was injured actually before filming, and they were like, We need a reason why you're in a cast. Oh, really? That's why he's like... Because there's no... It's a silly thing how he's in a cast. How was your summer? He's like, Well, I got divorced. Well, my carpal tunnel came back.


That's an interesting detail that I never realized that he didn't need to be in that.


Because I thought that, too, when I was younger, I just accepted it. But as I got older, I go, That makes no sense. Why would they add that in there?


You should be carpal tunnel girl in the podcast world.


Would that be carpal tunnel? I do feel it in my wrist, but it really... The pain is up here. Do you know what... Is that arthritis? Is it-That's your radialradial ulna?


It's your radiolina? It's your carburinal ulina? I don't know. I thought carpal tunnel is more in the wrist than it is.


It is, but it's all connected. It's my middle finger. You can see it moving with my middle finger. That's what's triggering it. It's my fingers, but it's hitting that up there because it's all connected.


Do you think using a mouse would help? Probably. Wow, a mouse. When's the last time you used a mouse?


I should actually try that.


Do you feel any pain right here in your middle two fingers right there? No. I know that's trigger finger.


Yeah, because there's carpal tunnel exercises, and I was doing them. I'm like, this isn't helping the right spot.


It's almost making it worse. It may not be carpal tunnel. I'm very curious.


Have you gone to physical therapy? You're not there yet. We should get a few more episodes.


You'll get there. You could get a brace and just start working with a brace on.


I have one. It just doesn't So it doesn't do anything. I have it for my wrist, and it just doesn't... I should try to get a mouse so that I'm just doing-I feel like you're going to hate it at first because the mouse pad is so good.


It knows exactly where you want to be. It'll take some time, but they just have certain settings on mouse pads or on mouse. Mouses where once you get it right, it feels so much better for your wrist and everything.


Thankfully, I'm pretty good with my left hand, too. So I can just... I have this one in the massager, and my left hand, I can get through 20 minutes.


Just overworked and underpaid.


I'm not underpaid. Did any of your grandparents, great-grandparents, have severe arthritis? Where the knuckles were buckled out like that?


You know what's weird? I think I said this on the podcast before, there's times where at the corner of my eye, I have to look down at my hand because I see my grandmother's hands. And both her hands were like this.


My grandmother's huge knuckles, and it was like she just...


It was like... Yeah, my teacher in high school, she had it really bad. It curled back like this, and her hands stayed like that, so she had to work like that, and both her hands were like that.


It could be tendonitis, sweetie.


Oh, you think? It's probably that. My brother and my dad has tendonitis.


Is Is it run on the family?


Is it genetic?


It sounds like it does. Secretaries on those typewriters back in the day where it was such a deep keystroke in a way where they had a punch and down to get it every time and having to do that over and over.


It's crazy how deep of a press you have to do on those typewriters.


If you messed up once, got to redo it or have respect to the secretaries. I just got sent that there was a robbery reported at Jonas kebab. What? 58 minutes ago, police are responding to a report of a woman attempting to take money out of the register at Jonas Kebab. Hold on.


Wait, that's crazy.


There's an audio clip. Wait, damn it, citizen. Oh, it says, I have to upgrade to listen to the full-Oh, I see it. Transcript. And then 59 minutes ago as well. See, that's where they paid for it.


This is ridiculous.


That's crazy.


You have to pay for safety. You have to pay for safety? So stupid.


Wait, that's a little silly. It's so dumb. Well, can one of you pay for it so we can listen to it?


All right, we'll wait for the update. 158. 309.


158. 309. Impossible to a lot of progress. 12461 OXARD, 12461 OXARD in the Plaza at Jonas Kabab. Just because a female, white, 35 years, brown hair with blonde highlights, a black shirt, gray sweat pants, yelling, throwing items, and is now reaching into the register attempting to take money. Go three and said... Oh, shit. That's it. Wow.


Trying to steal money from a kebab place is pretty… There's just a lot better locations. No, it It just doesn't make sense.


Sounds like a crazy person.Either.


A crazy person or it's like…With highlights.


Or it's targeted.


35-year-old woman, they said? Yeah. Female?


Wonderful. We'll get an update.


Don't people know nobody deals with cash anymore? I feel like every register is empty.


You're not going to get a lot from a register.


It doesn't seem like she's armed, though, right? Because it would be an armed robbery. Oh, wait. No, it doesn't sound. Oh, it doesn't.


They just said she was throwing stuff. Give me the cash.


Or maybe it was like you didn't give me enough sauce.


Probably. Remember that incident at the one place where it was in New York City?


Your honor.


Your honor. If the sauce was charged too much, then maybe all of us here would be a little upset. Make the sauce free. Make the sauce free. Well, maybe it did come down with the sauce. That Jonas kebab sauce is pretty good.


Were you the one, the type to keep sauce packets in your fridge and then you put it on your other food? Yeah. Really?


We had an entire pullout drawer in our fridge back home that was dedicated to all different sauces from...


That would be pretty for taco nights. If you made your own tacos, but you put your taco Bell sauce.


That's all we They do sell taco Bell sauce, though, sometimes at grocery stores, depending on which one you go to.


Depending on the season.


I heard that Walmart's store brand sauces, they have a cane sauce dupe. They got a Chick-fil-A sauce dupe, and apparently, they're pretty on point, close to the real thing.


The Chick-fil-A sauce, what is that made out of again?


What's the ingredient? I think it's like honey mustard, but a little...


It's all like the secret sauce, the mustard, ketchup, mayo.


That's thousand Island dressing, baby.


Did you see the guy who cracked the code, though, about Chili's?




I hope it's good because I love chili's.


Every fast food restaurant now, if you wanted to go to McDonald's and just eat by yourself, you're spending 15 bucks. No matter what, for a burger, fries, and a drink. It's so expensive now. Chili's has a one-person deal that's $10. You get an appetizer, an entree, your burger that comes with a side of fries and a drink. It's the three for me deal. Look at this. You get a beverage, you get an appetizer, and your main course. Ten bucks? I think it's 10 bucks for the burger one. Crazy.


You went to the cheapest one. That probably tastes like ass. It's a burger. It's the crispy chicken sandwich.


It's a real burger.


Chili's burgers ain't that bad.


I've never had a Chili's burger.


I haven't had one since I was a kid, but I remember them being not that bad.


Chili's is banging, man. The Bacon Chicken Ranch Quesadillas. Oh, yes. And Chipotle Honey Chicken crispers.


Southwestern egg rolls. Come on. Sold, man, every time.


I like when she gets you hived. It's fun to see.


It's just like, Chili's is just an amazing memory for me. It is. It was like the first place you would go out to eat with friends when you had...


The passion.


But you know what it's like. It's like your first time going out to eat without your parents there. It's a whole base, yeah.


The chips and Salsa, sipping on the beer with it, margaritas.


After you just done a recital, where are you going? Yeah. Going to Chilli's, man.


Going to Chilli's.


I love Chilli's. Last time I ate at Chilli's was the day I proposed to Patricia. Really? Because my brother picked me up and I just had time to kill on the day you propose. You think mentally, that's all you're thinking about. My brother's like, Let's just go get your mind off something. Let's go up Chilli's. We had some Chilli's.


That could be a commercial, man.


Wait, which Chilli's did you go to? The one in Encino. Okay.


There's one at the end of my street.Nice.I.


Get it. Accessible.


He said when he orders it and it gets to his house, it's hot. He ordered it at the restaurant.


It's right down. It's so close.


I want to get drunk up in a Chili's. I feel like every time I go, it's like, Oh, we're having a drink, but-You haven't been drunk in a Chili's? Not long enough to enjoy maybe being a Chili's for three hours and see what happens. I'm there for the meal and maybe one or two drinks, but I'm not at the bar partying. I remember back in Chili's, we used to be able to smoke up in the Chili's. Chilli's, man. Have a sit. No, you did. When? In at least 1999, you could smoke up in a Chillies.


They had a Chillies in 1999? Yeah.


My mom was wrangling up the smoking sections on every fast food chain.


No way, I didn't know she smoked.


Would she leave you guys? Would you guys go sit in the smoking section or would she- No, we were the whole family in the smoking section.


She'd have the ashtray right in between the mashed potatoes.


Sometimes I get into the mesh.


Did I ever tell you my mom- A little bit of ash with your mesh. I know we talked about my mom smoking during the pregnancy for me. Did you know that she had a smoking room when she was giving birth?


In the hospital?


In the hospital? In the hospital?


They I've had smoking rooms for pregnant women right when they're giving birth.


So my mom-I think it's a...


You know what? I don't see bad in that at all.


It's just crazy to think that in the hospital, do you want your delivery room to be smoking or non- It's supposed to be the most-She says, smoking, please.


Yeah, and to be a place where it's supposed to be the most sterile environment ever. I don't know.


Is it that harmful to the baby?


It was a different time.


It's not good. It's definitely not.


If I was pregnant, if I was a female and I was pregnant for nine months and I haven't smoked at all, but I'm very stressed out. I'm about to have a baby come out of me. I'm smoking a goddamn cigarette the whole fucking time until that thing comes out. Yes.


Do you remember that episode in Breaking Bad where Skyler is pregnant and she goes out to the car and has a cigarette when she's pregnant? You're like, damn. What, Walt? Anna Gunn, man. I would pay money for Anna Gunn just to yell at me. Yeah.




Matt's face.


Shut up.


Shut up. I had such a love-hate relationship with her. I just loved her as an actress, and she just killed that girl.


You need to respect me, Walt. She never had a good day.


You think her and Walter still hang out?


Well, I'm not spoiling the ending. Walter the Sun? Sorry.


No, I meant in real life.


Mom, why are you smoking?


Mom, I meant in real life. In real life, you think they're ever grabbing lunches? I don't know.


I bet the Breaking Bad cast. I don't know.


I feel like a lot of actors, we think that they're all so close, but they're actually not that close. It's just like working the end of the day.


Yeah, maybe. Well, Jessie and Walt have the...


They have the Tequila Company together. Which I will say this, I will die on this hill. That shit should have came out the last year that they were filming that show.


Same with Los Pollos, Germanos. They were way too late on that. Way too late.


It seems like they're still around, though. I feel like I see Los Pollos.


Yeah, but it should have been out like...


Way faster.


They lost in millions.


Millions. But they made hundreds of Maybe help billions off of-No, they didn't. Breaking Bad. It was the top show.


No, I'm not talking about the show. I'm talking about just the- Does Vince Gilligan make money off of Los Pollos, Germanos? Probably like a... Well, he's directing. A director doesn't make that. I think it's the writer, whoever came up with that. No?


You know how much money McDonald's makes a day?


No, I do not know. Tell me.


I think it was 65 million a day.


That's it?


Across all locations.


You know what David told me the other day? How much money do you think Amazon makes?


63 million a day.




No, McDonald's 63 million a day.


Okay, now go to Amazon. I would say a bill. My number was so low from what I said. I couldn't believe. Okay, hold on. There Matt, don't look.


Don't look. Did you look already? Well, I said a billion. Okay, yeah.


It's $1.3 billion daily. Daily.


Makes sense.


Daily. You kidding me?


I think I'm a billion of those.


You kidding me? I want to see some more influencer campaigns for Amazon. Amazon should be paying everybody.


They don't even need to advertise, man. They know you're going to use it.


Amazon has enough money to not only end every type of just hunger, world hunger, help every country, but not only that, but provide more money to just everybody in the world, and then they would still fucking kill it. $1.3 billion a day is insane.


I'm curious how much of that Well, that's sales, probably. Then you have to-The cost of the items, you've got all your employees, you've got the locations, you've got-The trucks, the warehouses. I'm so curious.


Okay, cool. A billion a day.


Do you ever see-A billion a day in province. If you're ever out driving early in the morning, Do you ever see at a gas station, all the Amazon trucks fuel up for the day?


Oh, they go to normal gas stations? Yes. I feel like they would have their own gas pump at their stations before they go out.


It's cool to see them all roll out at the same time, too. When they're rolling out of the building, it's just a mob. Then they'll sit at the gas station together and they take every pump and they're all standing out and they're like, Hey.


It's really cool. I'm not up that early. I've never seen that in my life. Hey, if you're listening right now and you're an Amazon driver, is it Is it a chill job? Do you guys enjoy it? I would have so much fun doing that.


Is it true that they made their routes only right turns?


I know that for mailmen, they only make right turns.


That might be what I'm thinking of.


Mailmen only make right turns on their routes.


Right, Ma?


Is it just because it's faster, safer, or all the above? It avoids crashes.


It avoids from you having to wait at a light to turn left.


I think it's also a dump truck Maybe it's a garbage truck as well do that.


That's not saving a ton of time having to make a left turn.


Think about how long you get stuck waiting at lights to have to turn left in LA.


And that's gas being spent. So much figured out.


As opposed to just pulling up to a light and immediately turning right. Yeah. You have to wait for four cycles.


For me, I think what's more important is that that car doesn't get into an accident. How can we avoid accidents by all these people's mails? You know what I mean?




I feel like to me, that feels more like a main reason why instead of-I think no.


I think all of it is taken into account. They realize that's a way to save money, prevent accidents.


Should we take a truck and make a left turn and make everybody They shock everybody when they see one making a left turn.


90% of turns made by UPS delivery trucks are right turns, and that's intentional. Left turns are seen as inefficient because they leave trucks sitting in traffic longer.


No, I think I'm right.


You like this actual area scientist?


I just liked my reason better.


I want to take a field trip where I'm at home, I place an order for something that says it's going to get here the next day, first thing in the morning. I want to be picked up. I want to be taken to the warehouse. What happens? And watch the package. How do you get it so quickly?


That'd be really interesting. I'd want to do that. I'd want to experience that for sure. As soon as it gets over, I want it to show it to the place.


I would love that.


And just make my way back to my house.


How do you get my package?


There's warehouses everywhere, though, right? There's warehouses that have everything that you see on the Amazon store all in. But I just don't understand how big are these warehouses where they can fit.




Biger than I think, right? That much shit-When you're driving out to Coachella and you pass those massive warehouses, the Skechers one, they just go on for forever. To Palm Desert. Because you only fly the jet every time.


Yeah, we fly over it, and we're not looking because we're busy drinking champagne on the flight, so we're not looking out the window.


Why do I feel like that's not big enough? I don't get it.


Why do I feel like it's-That doesn't look big enough. No.


How does it have every little thing?


I could see all the shoes in Amazon fitting in that warehouse, but I don't see anything else fitting in there.


You could buy a house on Amazon. Where's that?


You could buy furniture on Amazon, a whole couch set.


There's different warehouses that hold different things, too. They don't all come from one singular one.


Which also confused me because how does it get there so fast?


It still blows my mind. I'll look at something that ships from another country or something shipping here.


Keith, that actually takes long, though.


No, what I'm saying is I'll get mad if I see something that's in another country and the shipping is 25 bucks. I'm like, 25 bucks for shipping? I'm like, Wait, I mean, this is coming from Australia. They're putting a package on multiple planes, and it's being intercepted at different stations, and multiple people have their hands on it.


It somehow gets to somehow gets to me, and I'm sitting there like, 25 bucks for shipping?


How dare they? It's on multiple planes.


It should be like $150 to ship something.


If you just say something's free shipping, though, people are more likely to buy it. You just put the shipping price into something. It just makes them feel like, oh, it's not that bad. It says free shipping, even though the shipping price is just going in.


But that's crazy.


Or they'll do $10 shipping. But if you spend $10 more dollars, it's free shipping. That's the same.


And we are adding it as a cart.


You might as well buy another object and spend that $10.


It gets me to buy. I love reaching free shipping. It's like a goal. It's a fun game, and I win every time.


I win every time.


Guys, and every time.


Got them.


All right, that's it for the episode, everybody. Thank you for subscribing and watching another show of Zini on V2. Mike said to check out these episodes every Monday on all the podcast platforms, and every Tuesdayzineandheath. We love you guys so much. Thank you for tuning in, and we will see you next week.


We love you guys. Tootles. Peace. Besos.