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You know what grinds my gears?




Zayn not being mindful of his microphone.




Cause you go like that, you do.


Get a little loose with it because.


It'S just easier to talk without a mic in my hand, it's more authentic.


But when we're on an arm, I need it in my hands.


I know, I know. I can't win. I can't win. But I was really good. I think your mom, after that one episode, your mom's so bad with it. I think that just kind of like.


His mic last episode, too.


You just went like this.


Oh, my. You got to tell. You guys can hear everything. You got to tell me I'm doing something better.


I know, but I feel like you're going to yell at me when I.


Touch the sign, guys. For audiologist, when I touch the sign, apparently everybody gets electrified in their ears.


Because frequencies, like, it's just emitting electricity through the sign.


I don't know if it's like a carpet. Like his feet on the carpet with the sign. I don't know.


Start doing this. Your hair.


We all hold hands, and my hair stands straight up.


Tv starts getting, like, squiggly static electricity.


I'm always like, what the fuck is that? Like, please.


Oh, when you, like, rub the carpet.


Yeah. You get on an escalator and, like, this one.


What are we?




I was in the car the other day with Todd, and he went to get gas, and it was 115 degrees outside. And he's like, I got to shut the car. I was like, leave it on. He was like, really? I was like, my dad never turns the car off. Oh, that's no way. I was like, yeah, I think that's.


Wait, I don't get.


You're supposed to turn the car off when you pump gas.


Oh, when you pump gas. Oh, okay. I thought you meant it was so hot that he was like, I need to shut the car.


Your dad keeps his car, apparently.


No, I thought. I thought it, like, it's bad for your engine explodes.




And then he was like, really? I was like, yeah, leave it on watch. And he pumped gas.




No, it was fine.


What did you think?


I thought, yeah, it would.


I thought it was.


The mechanics of it doesn't make sense, knowing that, like, the fuel is going somewhere where combustion is happening. And I just don't think, like, what.


The difference would be. If you're putting gas in, there's already gas in it. The combustion is up front in the engine.


Wait, if you think about it for, like, four, not Formula one. But, like, race cars, they don't. They don't turn off the car when they're fully.


It doesn't make any sense.


Good point.




Good point.


Wow. I don't get a lot of those. Thank you.


Okay, now, how bad can your car become if, you know, there's different grades of, like, unleaded gas and obviously diesel. You can't put diesel in, like, yeah, it's normal car. And I know there's different grades of, like, premium and stuff, but if you've been putting regular in, and then you accidentally put in premium, I mean, if.


You have a car that takes premium, it's not good for it to run it on, like, your, you know, bottom of the barrel gas. But if you do it once, it's not gonna, like, blow the car up or anything.


I feel like that's such a fucking racket of, like, that. Certain nicer cars need premium gas.


I think it's a gimmick. What is that? A gimmick where it's like.


It's like, planned obsolescence or it's this. It's a strategy to make more money.


The car is tuned to run richer so it performs better with that level of ethanol, but it make it just.


Be the same thing. A phone doesn't, you know, has a battery.


Rolls Royce should have the same gas as, like, a Camry. Like, why is it. Why does it have to be a better gas?


I think it's all, like, status. And we think, like, oh, it's a luxury vehicle, therefore it needs luxury gas within it. Same thing if you had, like, a luxury purse. You need to wipe it with luxury.


There you go, Mariah.


Gasoline vapors can come in contact with static electricity, which can ignite a fire, ultimately leading to explosion.


There you go. Mariah was right.


Everyone laughed at me. That's why they say, try being a genius.


Try being a mechanic.


I don't know if you can still think you shouldn't be on your phone when you're filling gas. That I've heard back in the day with, like, Nokia phones and shit. Like, if you were. If you got gas on that and it could combust. Yeah, yeah.


I'm just getting gas.


Being on a Nokia phone on a flight, that's bad. You know how we have, like, airplane mode? But I'm sure those Q phones were bad for planes. They could not get a single signal anywhere without. With those phones on.


When phones were on airplanes, that must have been such, like a. Like a flex to be sitting there going, hold on, I need to make a call.


Imagine everybody on the plane at once.




Yeah. No, we're landing in, like, 2 hours. So what have you been up to?


I would lose my mind.


And they had one in every seat, right?


I don't know. I've never seen one with a phone.


It's weird how back in the day, you could make a call on a plane, but you can't make a. Hmm.


It's just, I know it's like Wi Fi, but it's just crazy to me that you can do a facetime on a flight.


Can you? Yeah.


On a Wi Fi, you can. It's.


Well, I never thought, like, the data was that good for.


Yeah, you're not supposed to, but. No, I remember calling Todd on a flight.


He answered it, like, on cool.


Yeah. Really, really crazy. But what I was saying, what grinds my gears? I never got to it.


Oh, yeah.


But I just experienced. It was like, um, last week. But, you know, sometimes you'll just be having it, like, a really good day, and you're just, like, a little bit more cheery, and then somebody just throws a fucking wrench, and it goes, well, someone's cheery today. Oh, it's like, just calling it out.


Oh, you're.


Let me either let me have a.


Good, miserable every other day.


And then you immediately shut down, and you're like, well, there goes my mood.


The way it shuts me down so quick.


Yeah. Who did it?


I forget who it was, but honestly, you know, he does all the time. Danielle. Oh, does it all. I hate when they're like, what the. What the fuck?


Did you just like, you're in a good mood today.


Oh, my God.


You know, I tell Danielle I'm like, someone's on Adderall today.


That's bad.


Well, I could just tell what she looks.


She's really on the couch like this.


Yeah. She's just a little bit more focused, and we're going deep on the conversation.


Yeah, very.


You are tuned in right now.


So when she's on it, sometimes you're just like, mm hmm. It's the boy.


Should we run that intro?


Yeah, let's get to the intro.


It's coffee time, baby.


Let's go. Go.


He peed.


Did you tinkle?


Yeah, I did. And it's. And these type of shorts is gonna be there that entire episode.




Well, welcome back to Zany Heath, unfiltered. I'm Zane.


I'm Heath.


I'm Matt.


I'm Mariah. I almost said microphone.


And I microphone.


I microphone, and we are unfilled hungover.


Yeah. You were drinking a lot last night.


You drank again last night.


Why did you say that?


It was a Saturday night. You're allowed to drink again.


I know. I was trying to make it look like I was taking care of myself yesterday.


What's crazy is I walked in and I was like, oh, what'd you do today? And he's like, oh, I just been chilling here. I was like, oh, second day hangovers are worst, huh? And he goes, yeah, they are. You.


I just didn't want to. I didn't want to.


Look, you caused a scene at the fucking bar last night.


I did not with me.


Yeah, you did.


Oh, what happened?


Okay, well, we went to a club, but it's a hipster ii kind of vibey spot. Yeah, I wore my Birkenstocks shoes that night.


Those were slippers.


Open toed shoes. And I had a moment of hesitation when I was getting ready for the night. And I go, am I not? I know. You can't wear, like, branded stuff. You can't wear team logos at the place. Wait, but.




They don't let you wear, like, a team logo on your hats or on any of.


No way.


And I don't know if it's a gang thing or it's just they don't want division.


No, that, I mean, I guess that makes sense. But I have, like, a couple house. I feel he has a team on it. But you think they're. That maybe if you look like you just came from a game, maybe that's like, probably.


But I know, like, I can't wear, like, just a ut hat on there. Yeah, I can wear stuff with, like, emblems on it, and it could be a brand, but. So right when I put the Birkenstocks on, I go, wait, can I wear these in there? And I go, wait, open toed shoes? Yeah, I can wear them. Women wear open toed shoes on, like.


You went off roading on an atv.


Yeah, right. And so I was like, I'm good. We pull up and he's like, oh, sorry, man. You can knock it in. Open toed shoes. And I'm like, shit. And then even Mike was like, maybe I can give you my socks. And I'm like, fuck, yeah, do the socks. And they go, that's not gonna happen, man. Shoot me. Not gonna happen. And then I'm like, shit. And so then there's nowhere near. There's a trader Joe's nearby. They're not open. I went to find my friends. Matt Grippy hooked me up with some sneakers went ten minutes. Ten minutes back, got the shoes. I'm happy. Everyone has already been inside all club.


And night, so fast.


That's it, Don.


But I'm so excited. I got shoes on. I, like, hide my Birkenstocks on, like, the side of the bar or whatever. And I'm so proud of, like, the Birkenstocks. And they have, like, a stump that's like, you know, a little table where people put their drinks. I'm not paying attention. I'm like, I got shoes. Boom. I knock somebody's glass off their fucking table. It shatters onto the ground.


I didn't even know that you dropped it. I thought someone else said, that's why I was doing it to you.


And then I hear, what the fuck, Matt? What the fuck? You better fuck. Like, insane is just doing a bit. Yo. The entire bar, everybody turns their head and thinks we are in a fire. Like, people are about to pull out.


Their phones, going like, oh, that would have been funny.


I, like, I maybe went a little too far.


Right, right.


You know, sometimes I like, you know, I really want to ham it up a bit.


I was just like, I go, Zane, stop. Everyone's heads are looking, and Zane's like, what are you talking about? Oh, we're just kidding. It was, you know, like an inception where the people, like, realize you're in a dream. It was just that everyone looking right at us, and I'm like, stop. You're like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, baby. I'm like, you're fine. And then the person I was like, was this your drink? I'm so sorry. They go, no, it was someone else's drink. You're fine. But wasn't smart of me, but, yeah, but you were having a good time.


Yeah, I was. Yeah. I just decided to go out again.


That's all right.


That's okay. It's okay. Zane, you're acting so guilty. We're not even saying anything. Who cares?


Oh, we went to Vegas. Yeah, we just got an unfiltered team bonding moment. You know, up in the hottest city.


In the entire 100 degrees.


It was more than that.


It was 115. It was, like, high.


Yeah, it was like.


Did you feel it walking off the flight? Did it punch you in the face?


You're like, ooh, I couldn't even walk. I felt like I was in Jello.


It was just sauna outside. It was like. It felt like you were in an enclosed space with the heat turned on.


I feel like I could have taken a slice out of the air and served.


When you open an oven to check on it too quick.


Yeah. Mad respect for anybody in Vegas who has to work around pools. They were out in that heat.


Like, dude, everybody at the airport was long sleeve shirts because of their, like, uniform and pants. And I'm like, there's no way.


And even like, when we're at the hotel, like, the people working outside in the pool area, you're like, there's no way they're not putting on sunscreen every five minutes. It like, it's impossible. Brutal in that. So it was like a uv index of like twelve that whole day.




Or they. Is there like a box where, like they get. It's like a bot. It's like a body, like a tanning disparity thing.


Well, I wonder if it's required to, like, wear sunscreen now. Like, you know, all employees must wash hands. I bet some places now, like, if you're gonna be out in the sun working for us, you have to put on sunscreen or law. I bet they have to log in that they, like, reapplied, maybe. Let us know in the comments.


Yeah, I just feel. Yeah, I felt bad for anybody, like, working outside every day like that.


Yep. We got flown up for. Well, you flown out? We got invited to attend and stay. Fountain blue for the power slap, the power slab.


I never even. I thought it was like brand new. I thought we were going to the first event. No, it's been a thing apparently for eight years.


Eight years.


Just that there was eight events.


That was not saying, but it's been.


Going on for two years, which still seems kind of small, but yeah, we got to say at the fountain blue, great little resort.


Yeah, they was like, new hotel since December. December. They. They opened it.


They did, yeah. It's right across from circus circuit.


Told me how much they spend on flowers a day for the hotel.


Yeah. $30,000 a day for flower.




For those, like flowers in the lobby and just kind of like decorative around.


Uh huh.


30,000 a day in flowers.


Wait, where do the flowers go after?


Or like, I don't know that it's just there until it dies with that flower shop.


Who was like, who got that?


Who told you that?


Someone. I forget who got that information.


We should spread one rumor per episode.




And never address it. Just see which one catches on.


I like that game. I love that one.


So instead of the secret word, there's like one complete lie.


The thing is, I would play it every, like two minutes.




Because that's what I do. Every episode. Yeah.


But you don't lie on purpose.


But we did attend the slope.




Oh, my gosh.


And for the people don't know yet, it's competitive slapping. You have these people come up. They stand at, like, a podium.


Mm hmm.


One person, the person who is getting slapped, has to hold on to the power stick, which is like the slapstick. The slapstick.


Pretty much both hands behind their back, and they got to hold it straight, and then they have to stay with both feet in the box.




Can't move. Can't flinch.


No flinching.


You're about to get slow.






Yeah, the person throwing the slaps, there's, I don't know.


I. Every slap that I saw, I. I felt like I saw palm hit first.


Yeah. I feel like they always had to keep going to the replay was like, was that a clean slot? Yeah, I mean, every time, and I guess it was. Was it divided by weight class?


Yeah, yeah.




Which seems a little class for silly UFC.


I feel like they should just be, like, the weight of your head. I don't know how they could figure out how much your head weighs, but.


Like, face, like, face to head, you.


Dip it in water. Like, what?


The reverse buoyancy of light subtracting just the area.


It was a really well done event, though. It was. They held it in, like, a conference room.


Like a ballroom? Yeah, like a ballroom.


But it looked really good. And we were, like, worried about, you know, usually these are type of events you. There's like, there might be food. They might not be food. You never know. But they had, like, food everywhere.


They had the heat lamps on.


Yeah. But then we forgot that it's also in a hotel, so obviously there's gonna be, like, those, you know. Yeah, I wasn't even thinking about that.


Rey Mysterio was there. You didn't see Rey mysterio libre?


The lucha libra.


I think whenever I see, like, a wrestler who has nacho libre, that was the movie. That's the movie with Jack. But a lucha libre is like, yeah, the, like the mask wrestler. Spanish. Yeah, wrestling. But he, I guess that's his Persona he does in professional.


Mariah was freaking out. I was like, she starts freaking out. Like, we freaking out, and she points. I'm like, who the fuck?


I was freaking out, and nobody else was reacting. And I look over at Joe Volpez, and we're looking at each other. I'm like, did you watch WWE? He goes, yeah. Did you? And we both went, Rey mysterio. Yeah. The rumors are true. Rey Mysterio, like.


Which never, I never heard, never knew that she was, like, like, to wrestler so much.


WWE smackdown, nineties? Or is this, like, early two thousands?


Early 2000? He started, I think, like, I would say 2002, maybe.


Oh, damn.


Yeah. Rey Mysterio is a WWE wrestler, and he's super tiny, but his tricks are, like, 2002.




It is 2002. I remember what grade I was in.




Big fan. So me and my siblings, we were obsessed with wrestling, the four of us, and I had two brothers, so, like, inevitably, we would just mimic all of their moods. We would watch it, and then we'd recreate it, and we'd, like, stunt with each other. So watching Rey mysterio, we would learn, like, it's called the six one nine.


Which is, like, girls back then verse now.


So we would recreate his moves. I wish I told him that he was actually a really nice guy, and he was, like, willing to, like, talk to everybody, but I just, I can't get that stuff out. Like, to me, I'm like, who gives a shit? He probably hears things like that. But it was really cool. I did see him live. We got tickets for Christmas one year, so we got to watch him live, which was really cool. That was probably, like, maybe 15 plus years ago, but he was sitting in the seat directly in front of us. I couldn't believe it. He was in the mask and everything.




Never takes it off outside.


I did not expect. When I saw the mask, I looked at Heath, and I was like, there's no way. Like, there's no way. He's outside of, like, wrestling, and he has the mask on. Yeah, but that's his thing.


It's gonna be weird when you're so famous, though, but you're known for, like, yeah, like, a certain look and, like, do I rock?


And over it, look what he looked.


Like when he first started.




Super young mister mysterio. Great mysterio.


I wanted those pants so bad, right?


You could bring it back.


I have a picture of me as John Cena for Halloween. I was ten. I went to Home Depot, and I bought, like, a huge chain link, and I bought a lock, and I made my own necklace, and I have a picture like this.


Oh, wow, that's really funny.


Cam Newton was there. Patricia was freaking out about Cam Newton was there. Yes. And she was like, I got it a picture. And I'm like, okay, then go get one. She's like, you know what? No, I'm not gonna get a picture. But she was freaking out. Marshawn lynch was there. No way. And I.


Wait, who's Marshall Lynch?


Marshawn lynch was a running back for. I don't know. He was on one of my.


Oh, wow.


He was in bottoms. Did you see bottoms? That Rachel Senate movie?


Yeah. I don't remember.


He's like the teacher.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay.


I don't know. I kind of had a few beers, walked right by, and I was like, yo. Like, I, like, patted him on his shoulder, and he went just like, yo. And I was like, I shouldn't have. I thought he was, like, coming over. I thought you were gonna like, hey, man, great. And he just kept walking. I was like, all right. Not touched him. I had too many. Too many happy dads.


I feel like I recently just had a, like. Like an altercation like that with, like, a celebrity thinking it was okay to do something, and it just wasn't.


Who was it?


No, no. But, like a. Not all altercation. No, just a. Just a.


You shouldn't touch. Yeah.


It's just not a good thing.


Yeah. Hamilton. I touched Lin Manuel Miranda's shoulder. Like, I was like, dude, awesome job. And he was just like, thank you. Thank you for coming. I was just like, I don't know. Because I think, yeah, it's the worst. After, like, five years, I'm like, I know them.


They must know me, and this should be okay.


You know who'd be really bad with that? Todd.


I. Oh.


But he actually is really. I feel like when it comes celebrities, he just. He's really respect.


Yeah, I think. I think you would. But I could see him kind of pushing it.


Max Crosby was there.


Who's Max Crosby?


I was freaking out because John Rahm was there. John Rom, one of the best golfers in the world.




He was the surprisingly super Jack dude in the red hoodie that was a couple seats ahead of us.


Oh, he was.


He was in that, like, star studded row.


Okay, now, the slap, the slapping. I really enjoyed it. Loved it. I do think, though, beards should be banned.




You shouldn't have a beard in a slap competition, cuz, like, it's free padding in a way. Yeah. I think it kind of muffles the slide.


Like, it needs to have a certain. Should be a rule for how long it is, you know? Like, that guy had a thicken ass beard. But also, they're going right through that beard. Like, I don't think it even matters with how hard they're slapping. I don't think it's making it feel any better.


It took me a couple rounds to get used to watching it, because you initially as a human, you feel bad, but then you're like, they signed up for this. They're training for this. This is what they want to be doing.


Yeah. And also right after, they're like, they're hyped up. I feel like it gives them energy every time they get hit in the face like that.


When they started falling down, I was like, that. That's your brain rattling. Like, that freaks me out. But it was very exciting. It was as exciting as a UFC fight.


Yeah, I think it was, to me, was more exciting.


Everyone's having a blast. Cause it happened so fast, I thought. I'm thinking it's like one slap per.




And the rounds were super quick.




To me, it felt cool, because normally when you watch, like, a boxing match or a UFC fight, you're sitting there and it's so long and dragged out, and you, like, want to record or you want to, like, you're hoping for something to happen. This was just, like a moment. Every 5 seconds, you're like, here it comes. About to be a big hit. Let's go.




And, you know, there's gonna be a crazy. Like, you're either gonna get knocked down or they're gonna eat it and just be like.


And both is good. Like, both look good. Is that. You can't. There's no bad slap. Like, everyone is right on watch.


Yeah, I like the pacing of it, too, you know? Cause, like, if you're watching a UFC match, you have to be paying attention, like, every second.




Like, step away for a round, catch another one, focus on when it happens.


And what was great, too, the way they set it up. I mean, everybody's getting, by the way, everybody gets an amazing view of, like, the. Of the tournament, right?




Because it was. There was the vip section where we were in, and then everybody else was, like, on the other side, but everybody got the same view.


They're all like.


Nobody really had any bad seats. The way they set it up, it was like, a really, really awesome, like, layout.


I do. I think they should allow the players to kind of talk a little smack, like. Yeah, yeah.


Because I think they do. I think we just can't hear.


It is a bit of a silly sport, you know, the way, like, competitive, like, wrestling is and stuff. Like, I think it would be funny to hear them, like, say a line to the other player, like, before it.


All goes, oh, no, right before the slap. Like, eat your motherfucker. Boom. Like, the funniest line.


This one's for my mama.




That's really good. Why?


But what was really funny to me was that after every slap, they kept going back to their corner like a boxing. I'm like, what are we running over?


What are we talking about on the, like, other side?


Slap. Look really good out there. Looked really good. Let's try to keep it tight. Make sure. Spread your fingers this time.




We're getting a little bit close. Like, what do you possibly.


I'm sure there is a. Like, I think, like, what are you. What are they. What do you think they're doing with their faces right before they get hit? I'm sure. There's guys that I don't think they, like, tighten up.


You're not allowed. So they have a mouth guard in their mouth. You're not allowed to bite down on the mouth.


We found that out. You can't bite down.


How do they know biting down or not?


Guess. See if you're clenching.


But that's why get rid of the beards. How do you know what, that's how you hide a clinch.


No, but do you think the mouth guard has something in it, or.


I don't know.


So, how do they know you could clench without, like, seeing it?


I guess you could, like, see where.


The muscles are tensing up. Yeah.


And they. They watch the slow mo as it's going, so I'm sure.




Yeah, and do you have to. I didn't know. I didn't catch if this was a rule. Are you allowed to have your eyes open or wait, or can you close your eyes?


You can.


Oh, I would close my eyes.


It's like sneezing. Like, you have to blink. I feel like, naturally, you just close your eyes.




I don't think that's a rule. But they have, like, earplugs in and mouth guards, but you cannot move. Otherwise, if you flinch, they get a redo. So you have to get hit again.


I imagine flinching, and it hurts so bad, and just eat another.


Just give up halfway through. Oh.


I didn't know they had earplugs in. So the first time I saw the thing fly out, that was a tooth. I'm like, damn, this sport is insane. People are losing teeth.


There was some blood. There was some blood.


Jared started a rumor that there were zins. And then we said it, laughed about it, and then we heard it passing down the rose, and they're like, oh, my God. It's his zenith.


Their mouth.


Oh, man. But it was. It was really fun to watch. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.


It's crazy that there's, like, UFC fighters that do that. Join the competition.


Mm hmm.


Oh, yeah. The girls pickleball. After your tennis careers, you know, just do a little mild form of what you've known best.




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I I. When I posted it, your dad, your dad. Do you have to be. It's like, all of them vegetables in seven years.


All of them.


All of them.


All you.


What are they thinking? That's vegetables in seven years.


And they had to go, like, scout out and, like, do auditions. But I'm like, what is that audition tape? Like, yeah. Okay, now, okay, you want to get slapped? Let's bring in someone. Watch him.


It's like air slap. So you have to, like.


We like your look. Yeah, you very well.


Dana White was there.




He did. Yeah, he came in really fast, and then I didn't.


I didn't see him anywhere but the ring or. But the middle of the thing.


Was he doing commentary at all or.


I think he was just, like, watching from, like, that little center seat.




And then he came out to present the belt for that one.


He put the belt on that. That guy was hysterical. This guy.


Yeah, yeah.




Oh, yeah.


Good match. The guy with the red hair and baby face. Muniz, I think. Muniz and.


Oh, du. Crazy Hawaiian.


Yeah, it was Muniz.


There were brothers, right? There were twins that were.


Because there was brothers, but they didn't face each other.


Got it. Pretty cool.


Big shouts out to dumplinde.


Dumpling. That was his debut.


He got a one smack knockout. First smack of the.


I think he ended up getting knocked out.


He blah.


Oh, right.


Dumpling was good. That was his debut, and it was Paige's debut, and she. Yeah, I think.




Yeah, pretty cool.


It's got to have, like, a horrible effect on, like, your brain, right? Like, that is wild.


Should not be passing out.




I think that your brain hitting your skull. I don't know.


Hey, but what is the science behind a knockout?


See, like, the verge of, like, passing out or like, what?


Like, when you get hit. What's the science of it?


Is it, um.


Is it your brain rattling and shutting down because it's trying to protect itself?


Yeah, I think it's kind of similar to, like, when the wind gets knocked out of you. You know how you're just, like.


You're on images?


I know, cuz I don't want to read. Like, I'm looking at the pictures, I'm like, oh, I get it.


Like, welcome to unfiltered, y'all.


And that's a concussion, but I think.


It'S more of a. Yeah, you're just. Sense of consciousness is just withdrawal.


Like, you do go black. Like, you. Yeah, pass out.


Yeah, that's definitely, like, how it's, like, really bad.


But I tell you, I told you guys before that I'd like. Me and my friend.


Yeah, you play the choke game.


That's really bad.


Oh, yeah, I did that.


I didn't realize, like, how dangerous I was.


So dangerous.


Very, very.


Never, ever do the pass out game.


It was like, the weirdest feeling, like, getting up. Like, you. You feel like you're a pass out for days.


Oh, yeah. It's like, oh, my God.


How long was I, I was like, oh, it's like 5 seconds.


Oh, that makes me so sick to my stomach.


Yeah, do not do that. Not fun.


Yeah, for some people, they don't wake up.


Yeah, no, no. It's like there's something about that on the news. Like what? Like a couple years ago?


Oh, yeah. It's just not, you could have a condition that you don't even know about. Then you play the pass out game and. Yeah, it can. Even worse.


Yeah. Very, very bad. What else did we do out there? We did that.


We saw Rufus the soul.


We saw Rufus the soul.


It's like a dj set.


I didn't hear any popular songs.


If it, if it is a Vegas dj set, I think is, it's a fucking racket. They make you go to the club, they make you hang out there for fucking two or 3 hours. And then that person comes out and they're only up there for like 30 minutes. And even the songs they play are only 30 seconds long. I did this with wizard.


So the guy, the guy djing the whole time, he wasn't Rufus.


He was Rufus. But it's a dj set, so they're not fully performing their songs or cuz, like, what, what's going on?


I just realized your light is twinkling. Twinkling? Changing colors.


Oh, yeah, it is. Alternating colors. Is that gonna be bad? It's fine, but yeah. Rufus Djdehdeh so they come out and they play. I feel like it wasn't even there. It's somebody else's kind of mixes or their own shit. And then they would do some of their hits, but they would only play it for, like, 30 seconds. And then, I don't know. I was a little disappointed.


But I don't like that life. Like, I feel like it's really fun for younger people, but, like, as you're getting older, it just starts getting, like, sad. Yeah, just, yeah, it's like, I feel like there was a mixture of the heat.




Vegas. Vegas is just like a, I feel like it's just a dark place mentally. Like, when you're like at a nightclub outside nightclub, it's hot as hell. Everyone's, like, sweating there, and you're just like.


And then you're, like, sequestered. And then we are sequestered to a table. It's so loud in a table. You feel like this is an area for conversation.


But my safe space.


But then it's the one place where you can't have a conversation because it's so loud. So you're just comfortably sitting watching the backs of these dj's perform to.


And I genuinely just can't. Genuinely can't hear anybody. Like, I have bad years already. Just cannot hear at all in a nightclub. So it was any bars in Vegas, though. Why do I feel like it's only nightclubs?




Is there a saddle rancher? Like, not a saddle range, but just like a bar?


I think there's some bars, some pub themed bars. Why is it not like they want it, like, to entertain groups and like, you are out with your friends, you're not there. I think to make friends in Vegas, you're there to celebrate with your friends kind of a thing.


Also, most, most people, I feel like would just go to, like, the bars in the hotel. Like, is. There are really cool bars.


Oh, I love, I love hotel bar hopping. That's so fun. Like, in Vegas, that's like the best.


Center bars where they, like, that's.


Yeah. Like center bars that they have in every section of the hotel. So good, because you meet so many. I feel like everybody is on the same wavelength when you go to like, a hotel bar.


It's fun as you gamble. Once I didn't.


It was my first time in Vegas. Not gambling.


Good on you.


We did the, we did the virtual blackjack.


It was not the same. I don't trust.


It's not.


I don't like the.


Patricia was, like, asking AI the whole.


Time she's playing, using AI double down.


Should I split? And it was Britt. It was making her some money. And then I tried doing it and I lost it.


You know, I'm surprised that they don't have, like, a time limit on there for people to avoid people from using, like, AI.


Yeah. Is that illegal?


No, you can. It's the book.




If you're playing by the book.


The dealer telling you what to do. Pretty much, yeah.


So that's. I don't think that's cheating.


I posted it and Mao's like, I don't know, Zane. Like, don't post. I don't think you can.


Like, I was a little worried.


Like, no, I don't think so. It's like, yeah, the dealer help.


It's. It's because, like, the book would tell you your best odds of yes.


What to do and to double down to split all of that.


Yeah, yeah. I only played with a $100. Lost it immediately.




I did a slot machine, put in $45. I didn't realize I was on, like, the $1 increments. Like, I hit one, two.




God. I was like, all right, I was.


Supposed to go up 100 on black for Alicia, and I forgot. Oh, it was not even my money. It was her money.




Fun to just.


Why black? Did she request it?


Yeah, she was just like, put 100 on black for me whenever you're there.


I was gambling in the elevator.


How did you do that?


I'm glad you asked. We were on the 38th floor. And when, like, a crowd of people came on, I would bet, what floor do you think it's gonna stop at? Ah, yeah, I did.


How much did you win?


One round? I didn't win anybody.


Anybody. What?


Forsa hit for 2 seconds, people. I got a chuckle.


Oh, and we went to the, the show.


Oh, that.


Oh, my God, that show.


Oh, absent. Yeah.


So we went to absinthe. I, looking back, I was really excited because we went to the absence show years ago, and I remember, like, we walked out like, damn, that was a really good show. Like, the performances, the stunts, all that was like, we were really surprised with it. And I was like, oh, my God, we should do that because we have nothing going on the first night. Just do the absence show and then come back and, you know, chill. And we get there and, like, just immediately, it was just like a full, like, adult, like, porno type show. But it wasn't, like, even. I don't want to disrespect the show in any way, but, like, it was.


Just a little aggressively.


It was, it was very raunchy, but.


Not like, it wasn't, it didn't feel comedic raunchy.


It was just like, it just for shock value.


It was shock value type. So it just, it was more just like, like you're watching, like, all right, let's just see some stunts. Like, this is, like, a lot. But that was like half the show.


But it was even more. Stunts were amazing going into it, cuz they was like, mariah, you are gonna.


Love is just a guy on a guy on a pole.


No, no. The very first thing was the fully nude girl.


There was nudity.


She had little tassels on her nipples. And I look, and I look at Zane, and Zane's like, I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry. He.


And every 5 seconds he goes, this was, this was not back in 2017. This was not, this is not the.


Only, you know when you, like, hype a show a lot and then you finally bring them and it's just not what you were, like, telling them. I was sitting in there just embarrassed. Oh, my God. Oh, and I kept looking at he. The mariah's face. I'm like.


And, like, there was, like, an inner, like, intermission, like, host duo between every stunt and just what they were saying was the most absurd, off the wall.


Just like, we're not immature when it comes to those jokes. It's just not funny.


But everybody in the audience was like, yeah.


Everyone was kind of like, okay, but.


There'S these two, like, oh, like, middle America woman just ha.




Howling at, like, the corniest, weirdest, like, jokes.


What did the penis say to the ball?


It was just like. It was just like that.


Okay. The other weird thing was the. So there was the host who, like, ran the whole show. Like, that was. Yeah, show. But the co host, the girl was. She had all. All these sexual jokes, but she talked like a baby. That was her thing. And I was like, this is weird.


Yeah, that. I didn't. I didn't really catch that, but I guess that is a little weird.


And she was, like, dressed like a baby, too. I was like, this is weird.


Yeah. What was your favorite one?


I really liked the girls. That was the chandelier song. When they were on those giant. Doesn't sound crazy. They were on poles, but they were standing on top of them, and the poles were on springs, and they were like.


That was saying around.


Metal bars were, like, bending, and they were coming down, and they could, like.


They were like, whoa. It was really crazy.


What was really crazy about that was just two days before that I saw a video where one of the girls grab somebody's phone and was filming it. It was a really sick video, and I didn't know where that, like, came from. And as it was happening was like, oh, my God. It happened in here. But it's crazy how, like, my for you page.




Put that in front of me.


And I really liked the tap dancers.


They were great.


Oh, yeah. The brothers. The twins.




Yeah. That was really sick. But, yeah, no, I mean, the whole show was, like, really cool, but it just wasn't what I remembered.


Do you own a pair of tap shoes? You do?


I have them at the house right now. My mom shipped them to me.


I have mad respect for tap shoes because it's like.


That's not for the dancers. Just the shoe.


Like, the shoes on top themselves.


The cobbler. The cobbler that made those.


But you're, like, kind of making music while you're doing it. It's. There's a little bit of rhythm to it.




You ever tried to tap?


I don't think so. I've tried to, like, irish step dance.


It's all loosening the ankles, clogging or whatever.


I lord of the dance.


You know, what needs to be a part of, like, the circus? Like those circus shows, those big group, like, synchronized answers that always, I always send you them. Like, whenever I find a good one.


I'll say, just like, not swimming.


Like the. Just like that. There will be, like, 30 people on stage and whole thing, and it's just like, it's so.


Do, like, a microphone.


Microphones. Damn you wrong. We were immediately, I was like, here we go.


Yeah. Yes, and.


Yeah, it was a good show. 18, I would say 21, plus you can go. A teenager should not be in there. I'm sorry. Sorry.


So 20.


Call me old school. Call me traditional.


You're filthy.


Call me later.


All right, what else do we do? Oh, hotel food. Amazing. Oh, yeah. This is, like, the first hotel.


Okay. This was some of the best food I've ever had in my entire life.


It was a room service food.


Oh, you guys had the room service food?




Oh, yeah. I ate at the tavern downstairs. It was the only thing that was, like, open up late. But their burgers were awesome.




Oh, good ranch.


Their pizza was, like, it was, like, deep, like, semi deep dish pizza, but, like, it felt like you cooked it at home. It was.


Are those sicilian? Like the square, thick?


It was sicilian. I don't want to be annoying and correct him, but it's sicilian.




We're sicilian, so it is fountain blue. Why is there no u?


There is a u.


It's f O. Fontaine. Fontaine.


Au the blea you.


But it's Fontaine fo.


Look it. Fontaine.


I kept putting, but it's pronounced fountain blue. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't realize there was an e at the end of the phone.


I didn't realize that there's no you in fountain.


Yeah, it's. That's throwing me off.


I always.


There's no you. Wait.




F o n t a I n e. Okay.


The real word fountain has.




Oh, my. Keith, you're about to drive me crazy. I thought it actually didn't.


I love me a good little fountain.






City of fountains in the front?




Those. How they just don't have them anymore. Or maybe they do in, like, really expensive homes.


It's just a lot to, like, maintain.




You got to keep that water going all the time. Yeah, there's a fountain. What's the city of fountains is St. Louis is like the city of fountains, or Kansas City is the city of fountains. I don't know, like, the most fountains.


What you need to know about the.


City of fountains, Kansas City of Fountains. They have, like, that's just, like, there's fountains everywhere.


You know what I think they should bring back? You remember when koi ponds were, like, the hottest thing and everybody had a koi pond at their house?


I love a koi fish.


Aren't they incredible?


They are.


They just keep growing.


Arden Rose's parents just got a bunch of koi fish for their pond. You just told me that recently. I was just talking about koi fish yesterday. It's just funny.


By hand. They come up and they just, oh, imagine that. Just, you just walk out in the morning, just toss them a couple kibbles.


They kind of pick them up. They're like cats, you know?


Like, they like being touched. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, Rocket money.


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[00:41:51] unfiltered. Thank you, rock money, for sponsoring today's episode. We love you, Matt. I was so pissed. We were on our flight. So we're on our way to Vegas, right? Our flight. This couple walks in with, like, their fresh, like, just Taco Bell, right? They had a bag of Taco Bell, and then they had, like, this. The drink tray, like, holding. Getting on the plane. And first of all, as soon as I saw, I was like, do we not. I feel like all of us have, like, this thing. Like, we all. When we go on a flight, you don't come in with food that's gonna stink up the entire fucking.


Especially when it's a distinctive and it's a small place, McDonald's sometimes, even though, you know, love McDonald's, I love Taco Bell. But when you're on a plane, it's. Everyone knows that smell, and it stays. Exactly.


Just be aware of that. Like, be aware of people around you when you're eating really stinky food like that. I don't know. As soon as I saw that was like, okay, obviously these people, like, are not thinking, yeah. With it. The tray was crazy. You should have seen the drink tray.


They got. They got the nacho cheese baja blast.


I want to take a photo soap. Because it was right. Right next to me. Right.


So, like a 30 minutes.


Yeah. Like, they could. They could easily eat in a tube when we were waiting. Because we were waiting for what, like, 45 minutes before the flight.


No, I want to be up in the air.


Yeah. So they're eating it. Right. And so it's stinky already. I'm watching them. They're, like, feeding each other nachos. I'm like this. I wish I could just. I wish, but I did it right. And then after, like, after 1015 minutes, these, this couple just starts fart in their taco bell. So, so it just now, now they're farting and they, for. They farted four different times. And we all started looking each other. The couple next, the couple was like diagonal. But the couple next to me, they were just, they were under there. It was so fucking stinky. And everybody was so pissed because, like, the talk about whatever is fine, but now you farting the taco bell back out just ten times.


Couple, they are both willingly.


Matt, just me before you basking, like.


After the third one. I don't just like. I'm sorry, guys.


Just apologize.


It's just getting so bad.


We're audible.


What do you mean? No, no, no.


It was, it was just the waft was coming.


Yeah, it was really bad. Oh, I just thought, like, you know when people start turning like that, if I was farting the entire time and people started turning their heads immediately. I'm so sorry, guys.


Oh, I could never toot on a plane. Yeah.


I mean, you want to know, like, whose body insides just went into your face.


Like, that is. It's too intimate.


That is crazy when you really think about it. Like, you are smelling their insides. It just went into your face.




Have you ever those, like, been sleeping, like, on a plane, though. And you. Your body, like, you. You're like, halfway asleep and then you fart. Like, damn. Are you, like, my bad. Like, you feel so bad that, like, it got away from you, you didn't consciously let it out, but you're just, like, asleep. You're like, just having that little toot we go. That would got away from me. Sorry. Pardon me. Forgive me. Are people who. Crop dust. Crop dust is when you walk and you fart and it's drivers around, it's someone else's problem.


Not king of crop dusting. Yeah, he loves to wait till, like, we all sit down in a room and then lets it out.


Comes by and just go, whoop. And they're gone. Flight attendants will do it. They're like.


And then you give, you give, you give todd, like a come on. Because it was like, if we're all sitting there for a long time, then you do it, then it's like, whatever. But it'd be immediately like. It's like, come on.


Oh, speaking of flight attendant, remember when we landed?




When we landed?


Oh, yes.


Flight attendant. She, like, starts passing out the snacks. So everybody's window's down, lights are off.


And she goes, wait, please. Talk about the first thing that she did. You see the first thing that she did.


Oh, yeah. She was like, I got a nice ass.


So the way the seats were, is that the first.


She was not a regular first three out, right?


I would get some, right? But the first three seats are, like, right next to where she's. Where she's, like, making. Yeah, the drinks and stuff. So she made the three people move down. He's like, I just, you know, I don't want my ass in your face. And, you know, I just don't want. I don't want your face in my ass. You know, I know I got a nice ass. And me and Mariah, like, what?


Man, this is so seconds onto walking on the plane.


Just like. She's like, I know I got enough.


I got my own flotation device.


We are working on the clock. Just because it's a Saturday don't mean you're not at work.


That set the tone. She was fun, but. So then this is a short play, okay? We get a drink and a snack, and you're landing. She goes, I'm gonna start passing out the snack. And you just see, like, some rays of light because people are opening their windows, and we're pretty close to the ground, and she's passing out the snacks, and then suddenly she's like, she's all the way back to the front.


Her time was off the entire flight.


And she goes on the intercom, and she goes, we started our final descent. I'm gonna start collecting the trash now. And she was like, please, your tray tables, everything. And somebody in the back goes, we're landing in 10 seconds.


And then, boom, she's standing.


Everyone's trays are down, everyone's food is out. Everyone's like, no.


She's holding the wall.


And she goes, well, well, nobody's perfect. She lands, and she grabs. She grabs the trash. She's running up and down the aisle like, I swear.


Meanwhile, we're done. But just like, from the beginning of the flight to this is just like, who hired this?




She must have gotten some strikes.


She was so funny.


She was in that minibar all day.


She was hysterical.


You knew what she was making those cocktails. She's, like, rehearsing her lines, going.


She worked at absent.


That was kind of good. You. I'm just.


She was so funny. It was funny that everyone was, like, just going along with it. The guy was like, man, we land in 10 seconds. I mean, she said, trade tables. We've started our final descent. We're on that. We're hovering. The wheels are out. Like, wait. No one. Seatbelts on.


But I love that the windows close. The lights off was her idea. She's like, y'all, we're gonna make it moody in here. She turns.


They shut the lights, but there's, like, a little led pit. I couldn't see anybody.


It was a tube of darkness. Literally couldn't see anything.


It was bright as. It was 115 degrees outside.


That's probably why she was late with the snack. She probably fell asleep.


She gets a flashlight. It is, like, under her face. It was a dark and stormy night.


We started our final descent.


And it will be your last descent.


That flight was, like, 20. Literally 20 minutes.


Because it was late.


We were delayed. We took off late. We got there so early. We're, like, 25 minutes early. She was shocked.


Meanwhile, guys, the flight is, like, 45 to 50 minutes. And we got there in, like, 20 minutes. It was wild. We were riding that wind.




And it was bumpy, too. I think we're. I think we were just going with a wind. So, like, we were.


It was fun.


Oh, well, also, before that flight, I looked at the cockpit, and I saw, like, a kid. A kid in the right seat. I was like, oh, shit. I don't. I don't want trainees on my flight.


Guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's having, like, a young guy. They gotta start somewhere, though.


No, I know, I know. I just, like, it freaks me out. The older they are, the better. I feel. Like, when it's, like, a 65 year.


Old age, does it get too old to where you think they're losing?


Yeah, I don't know where you'd be like, yeah.


When does it get too old?


How much experience is too much experience.


Where you're just way too comfortable and.


Then they start forgetting steps. Landing gear.


Just, like, wheels are not out. We talk. Did we talk about already where more experienced pilots are on, like, the big commercial planes? Right.




And then the. The next level is what we told we took. Okay. Yeah.


Like, the younger ones are on, like, jets.


Younger, young. Yeah. Younger ones, I think, are doing. So. You think different.


It's different classes and rankings, like, certificates that you have to get to fly the bigger planes. Oh, you have, like, a single engine, like, a single prop, and you have a dual prop.




And then you'd have, like, a jet license. There's, like.


But sometimes you have, like, a young kid who's, like, the youngest flyer for the world's biggest plane. Like, there are those kids existed?




It depends on like if you get like the hours and like you do the.


Gotta log them a lot.






My friends, a pilot for United.


Oh, really?


Our age.


Wait, who?


You're not gonna know.


I went on vacation with the kid who was like a pilot for like what, the world's biggest aircraft or there was like been news reports about him. How he was so young and fibula. Connors sister is a pilot.


You know, it pisses me off that I never got to do. What's the, that one playing the Concorde, I think it's called.


Is it like.


Oh, the one that could go from.


From New York to London in 3 hours?


I think. I don't think they finished that yet.




No, it was running during like the seventies.


Yeah. Yeah. Like its last flight I think was in late nineties or early 2000 was a. Cause it was like a borderline fighter jet. That was airplane. It's the one with the tip of it like, looks really weird. Yeah. It was basically a fighter jet on with a massive cabin on it.


Imagine you get out, you get on a flight and it's a pilot's first day. But what the.


Or like wait, look at it when it's taken off. Look at all that.


Oh my God. Aggressive people are riding in that.


Yeah. Yeah. It was only a few hours. That's the speed of that one.


Zane, on the way to the bathroom.


The couple on my flight.




Imagine you get on a flight and you find out like the pilot. This is the pilot's first day, right. But what he did before was like fighter jets. And he's like, you know, I'm gonna have a little bit of fun today. Y'all do a barrel roll. Full barrel.


Look at that speed. 1350 mph.




And what's a normal five lane 550?








It's crazy how fast the plane is actually going and you're not aware. Yeah, it like the whole world seems like it's going by so slow, but you are ripping.


Have you ever seen a plane go the other way when you. When you're in the air? It's insane how fast going this way and then the plane. Planes going the other way. It's like you have to see like once. It's a crazy sight.


And there's like the obstacle illusion where it looks like a plane. When you're going at the same speed as a plane that's taking off, it looks like it's just like hovering mid air.




It's a strange optical illusion.


What a stressful job as like, somebody who's like, coordinating where planes need to go. Yeah, that's.






Big job, big response.


Your mental health has to be tip top shape, I feel like, to work that type of job.


Yeah, dude, they'll be sweating. There's some crazy movie scenes where they have to talk coordinates and communicate and make sure, like, you can't miss any.


Of your, like, you can't, like, make a mistake.


And then updates to, like, if things are delayed, like, the maps are constantly changing of, like, who's in, like, so crazy.


It's. It's.


Look at that. Oh, my God. Like, that's way too close, right?


Yeah, I have a flight tonight. I have a red eye.


Oh, sorry for talking about all this stuff.


No, I just. It's weird you take a red eye, cuz like the whole day you're like, oh, I got a flight later. And then you're like, how much time do I have left until I need to get out the fucking door and pack and shit? Do you make a list before you pack?






I have a list in my notes now where I just, like, look at it real quick.


But what's the one thing you always forget to pack?




Me too. Belt number one. Number one is I never.


Because I never wear a belt when I, like, for the airport.


Yeah, I know. I don't know how many black belts I bought at, like, TJ Max is when I just have forgotten.


I wonder what's everybody's guys, can you comment the what? The one thing that you forget on every trip. Girls chargers.


I'll always forget, like, just to grab my charger off the fuck.


I honestly forget my toothbrush a lot because I. I want a brush right before I leave.


Yeah, yeah.


So every time I go somewhere, I'm like, damn it, I need a freaking toothbrush.


I always have one in my, like, travel bag. I never take it out. I just keep it in there.


That's what I do.


Mine was my contact because I would keep my contacts in, like, my drawer.


That's really bad.


That's the worst. To not have your contacts.


You were fucked that I would always forget, and then it would always be something stupid. It either would be like, my stack of underwear or my stack of socks.


I've done that before. I left, like, a whole stack of underwear. So frustrating because you're not gonna find good underwear.


Like, when I pack, I always start packing from body up or like. Or from my feet up, or I.


Go through my body too, and then.


I go all the way to the top. And then now I'm on my skincare and all of that. Yeah. So interesting how I do it all.


Yeah, I do that. I look at myself and I'm like, okay, head, shoulders, knees, toes.


I pack, like, days. So Friday I'm wearing this.


Oh, you do outfits?


I don't plan days. I just think, like, moments where I'm like, oh, I think I'm gonna wear that. There's always an outfit. You're like, maybe I'm gonna rock that in it.


Never fucking packed like that. I bring an outfit that's just out of my element.


Oh, yeah.


Fancy dinner night.


Oh, me and Italy. Okay. If I get proposed to, it's gotta.


Be like, I think I'm going to a fucking ballroom. Every time there is gonna be a night where.




Need a full fucking suit this time.


I didn't care. I literally packed, like, sleeveless shirts. I was like, I do not want.


To wear a shirt.




Oh, I'm working out every day.


Vacation gym shorts.


You ain't even hitting that gym. Oh, this vacation. I'm working out every day. Not every.


I really wanted to check out the gym in the hotel, though, apparently. It's, like, crazy.


It was pretty good. I liked it. Oh, yeah, I worked out there.


Good for you, Matt.


They didn't have a leg extension machine.


You're not letting that cancer stop you at all, baby.


I saw Harry jows my fellow skin cancer brother. Yeah, it's like, I heard you got skin cancer. I'm so sorry, mate. I'm like, I know.


Did you. Did you congratulate him? Did you.


We swapped where? He showed me his scar. I showed him where mine was gonna be taken.






Little moment there, he was like, I was so nervous. I thought it was gonna die.


It's really good, Matt.


Thank you.


Really nervous.


Just so nervous. It is nice talking to someone after.


Are you in, like, a Facebook group?


Yeah. No, actually. I try not to Google stuff. Just to not.


You should go on one. Be like, hey, y'all. Just new here. Just found out.


Lately, though, I have been. You know, you guys are my personal friends. Y'all know? Internet knows, but some friends from, like, back home have been, like, hitting me up and, like, I'm waking up to, like, facetime calls, they go, hey, just. I heard about your skin cancer. Are you doing all right? I'm like, yeah, I'm fine. I've had so many people look at me, like, dead in the eye lately and have been like, you good? And I'm like, yeah, thank you for your concern. Yeah.


And it's soaking in your last moment.




Like it's gonna be their last time.


Saying goodbye to you.




Also, a lot of people, like, I didn't know skin cancer is like, really, like, treated. Like, I, to me, cancer is, like, horrible. Anytime I hear the word cancer, I think, like, immediately very bad. So I feel like a lot of people didn't know that.


Yeah, I think they don't know that. Such a treatable form, and that's all I know is that it is the most treatable form, but, yeah. And I am so thankful. It's so nice that all these people are reaching out, but you're like, it kind of freaks me out a little bit too, where people are just like, hey, well, you good? Well, we love you, man. I'll do anything for you if I need anything.


Showing their appreciation. Like, I really appreciate you.


And those same friends will backside you. They'll go back. Yeah. That's all he talks about. Literally. Literally. His personality now is cancer.


Where's this energy before the cancer?




What's the, what's the one cancer that's like, almost 100%, like, not the one.


From a walk to remember?


Is it pancreatic? There's a lot of, like, one of the most deadly.


It just depends what stage you're in. It's, I think, yeah, there's ones that are really bad and also the stage in which you find it and how bad it is, I think blood cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer.


God, that, like, brain just. That sounds terrible.


Mm hmm.


Brain so scary.


Yeah, it's so scary. Like, I've had two friends who, like, found out, like, young people who found out they had cancer and then they died like, four or five months later. Like, that is. That's the hardest shit where you're like, huh? Like, it's too late.




Breaks my heart.


Like, I still can't comprehend the fact that, like, there's so many children that get cancer. Like, little kids.


Yeah, I know. They haven't even lived.


Yeah, it's cruel. Very cruel.




Well, but I will, but I still say no on that St. Jude's thing.


When I. Yeah, CB's. I am not your tax write off, those little kids.


No, I will donate my time.


What was the edit? The edit someone did of Jennifer Aniston and, like, the little kid.


Yes. That was such a bad clip.


You're like, with the most.


I love how I'm so beautiful.


She's like, sure you are.


I love how confident you are.




And then she turns.


I love your confidence.


Yes. That's what it is.


Alexander's mom calls him the most perfect.


Boy in the world.


He's right. I love your confidence. When diagnosed with cancer, that look is.


So good to the camera. It's comedically perfect.


What a game. Are they playing chinese checkers? Go back to that shit.


What is.


Sorry. Jennifer Aniston. That is the fakest thing I've ever seen anybody play. Chinese fucking checkers. Did the cancer kid request the chinese checkers?


It had to have been, like, a personal.


No, they were just in that house to go. Do we have a problem?


Jennifer Aniston hasn't even made a move yet. That's symbolism.


She was trying to teach him. Like, your move. It.


Let me show you.


Thank you. Thank you for coming. He's like, and then we. There's pickup sticks. Next thing, went to cracker barrel. It just got any cheap game, but he's like, yeah. Oh, you.


I work set design for the cancer commercial with Jennifer Aniston. Set design.


He makes a boo. She's like, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that if I were you.


I hated playing chess, and my brother would do that.


No, shouldn't do that.


I'm gonna do this.


And you really shut up. You really shouldn't do that. Well, yeah, chess is, like, it's not fun until you play someone who's good at chess. You're like, no, this is not.


That's a big flex. Like, knowing how to play chess really well.


I think I saw one of the grand masters of chess play twelve people at one time like that.


Was Taylor Joy in that show, Matt.


Yeah, but grandmasters could do that. I was at south by Southwest and watched that russian guy just go down and just go. So sick when you have that whole web in your head.






We call it.


I am.


I probably won't hang out for the unwind. Is that okay?




You gotta catch a flat.


I know. We gotta keep them entertained, keep them fed.


Keep our kids fed.


Do you remember when people thought that Magnus. What's his name? Magnus Carlson, or. He's, like, one of the best, youngest grandmasters. They thought he was cheating by using a butt plug.




That was vibrate. Like, he thought he was cheating by having a vibrating butt plug. Where to? Yeah. Full cavity.


No, it wasn't him.






It was his opponent.


Oh. It wasn't Magnus car. It was the other guy.


Oh, wait. Was it. Was it. Was it true?


Sure. What elon Musk was tweeting about it where he was like, I, Elon Musk posed the theory that they had a butt.


Oh, that's funny.


Electric butt plug in. Yeah, just there going.


Matt, just.


I'm literally drenched under my so much. The alcohol is coming out of.


It. Gets the trophy, and he's just like. And then he just comes out.


He's like, oh, yeah. Okay.


All right.


We'll end it.


On that note, have a happy 4 July, everybody.


Whoo. All right, guys, thank you for tuning into another episode. Make sure to check out our Patreon. Zanan Heath. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut of the podcast. We do a bonus episode every single month. We also do a live Q and A every single month. BTS stuff. Just make sure to check it out. zanandheath.


We should do butt plug bonus episodes.


It's a great idea.


Yeah. We love you so much. Thank you again for hanging with us. Another week of taking time from your lives. And we love you so much. And we'll see you next week. Toodles.