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Boom. You know what grinds my gears?


What? Zane not being mindful of his microphone. What? Because you go like that.


You do get a little loose with it.


Because it's just easier to talk without a mic in my hand. It's more authentic.


But when we had it on an arm, I need it in my hand.


I know. I can't win.


I was really good.


I think your mom, after that one episode, your mom was so bad with it. I think that just to me. She cursed everybody. Yeah, she did.


Zane pet in his mic last episode, too.


You just went like this.


You guys can hear everything. You got to tell me if I'm doing something bad.


I know, but I feel like you're going to yell at me.


When I touched the sign, guys, for audiolist, when I touched the sign, apparently everybody gets electrified in their okay to do something, and it just wasn't. Who was it? No, but not altercation. No, just an interaction.You shouldn't touch people.It's just not a good thing.I remember, Hamilton, I touched Lin Man, well, Miranda's shoulder. I was like, Dude, awesome job. And he was just like, Okay, thank you. Thank you for coming. I was just like, I don't know. Because I think, I don't know. We do that to our friends. You have a couple of drinks in you. Yeah, it's the worst. After five beers, I'm like, I know them.They must know me, and this should be okay. You know who would be really bad with that?Todd. Oh, yeah. But he actually is really... I feel like when it comes to celebrities, he's really respectful.Yeah, I think he But I could see him pushing it. Max Crosby was there. Who's Max Crosby? I don't know any of you.He plays for the Raiders.Oh, they're sports players.Max Crumbly?No. I was freaking out because John Rom was there.Oh, my gosh. Who's John Rom?One of the best golfers in the world.John Tuckermal's the head.He was the surprisingly super Jack dude in the red hoodie that was a couple of seats ahead of us.Oh, I think.He was in that star-studded row.Okay. Now, The slapping. I really enjoyed it. Loved it. I do think, though, beards should be banned.Yeah, I didn't understand.They definitely help.You shouldn't have a beard in a slap competition because it's free patting it away. I think it muffles the slap.It needs to have a certain... It should be a rule for how long it is. That guy had a thick ass beard. But also, they're going right through that beard. I don't think it even matters with how hard they're slapping. I don't think it's making it feel any better.It took me a couple of rounds to you still watching it because you initially, as a human, you feel bad, but then you're like, They signed up for this. They're training for this. This is what they want to be doing.Yeah, and also right after, they're like, They're hyped up. I feel like it gives them energy every time they get hit in the face like that.When they started falling down, I was like, that's your brain rattling. That freaks me out. But it was very exciting. It was as exciting as a UFC fight.I think it was to me was more exciting.Everyone was having a blast because it happened so fast. I'm thinking it's like one slap per.Yeah. And the rounds were super quick. To me, it felt cool because normally when you watch a boxing match or a UFC fight, you're sitting there and it's so long and dragged out and you want to record or you want to... You're hoping for something to happen. This was just a moment. Every five seconds, you're like, Here it comes, about to be a big hit. Let's go. You know there's going to be a crazy... You're either going to get knocked down or they're going to eat it and just be like...And both is good. Both look good. There's no bad slap. Everyone is just a fun watch.I like the pacing of it, too. Because if you're watching a UFC match, you have to be paying attention every second. You can step away for a round, catch another one, focus on when it happens.What was great, too, the way they set it up. I mean, everybody's getting... By the way, everybody gets an amazing view of the tournament, right? Because there was the VIP section where we were in, and then everybody else was on the other side, but everybody got the same view. Nobody really had any bad seats the way they set it up. It was a really awesome layout. I do.I think they should allow the players to talk a little smack.Yeah, because-I think they do. I think we just can't hear it.It is a bit of a silly sport. The way competitive wrestling is and stuff, I think it would be funny to hear them say a line to the other player before it all goes down.Right before the slap, eat your motherfuck.Boom. It's the funiest line. This one's for my mama, boom.Why I ought to. Why I ought to. Mariah.Why I ought. But what was really funny to me was that after every slap, they kept going back to their corner, like a boxing. I'm like, What are we running over here?What are we talking about on the other side?Slap looked really good out there. It looked really good. Let's try to keep it tight. Make sure to spread your fingers this time. They were getting a little bit close. What are you possibly talking?I'm sure there is a... What do you think they're doing with their faces right before they get hit? I'm sure there's guys... I don't think they tighten up.So they have a mouth guard in their mouth. You're not allowed to bite down on the mouth guard.We found that out. You can't bite down.How do they know if you're biting down or not?Just guess, see if you're clenching.That's why I get rid of the beards. You know what? That's how you hide a clench.No, but do you think the mouth guard has something in it? I don't know. So how do they know? You could clench without seeing it.I guess you can see where the muscles are tensing up.Yeah, and they watch the slow-mo as it's going. So I'm sure.Just see it just...How? And do you have to... I didn't know. I didn't catch if this was a rule. Are you allowed to have your eyes open? Or wait, can you close your eyes?You can. You can. They all did.Oh, I would close my eyes. I think naturally, you do that.It's like sneezing. You have to blink. I feel like naturally, you just close your eyes. Okay. I don't think that's a rule, but they have ear plugs in and mouthguards, but you cannot move. Otherwise, if you flinch, they get a redo, so you have to get hit against them.I imagine flinching and it hurts so bad, and just now you have to eat another one.Just give up halfway through.I didn't know they had ear plugs in. The first Apparently, it's crazy.It was pretty good. I liked it. Oh, yeah. I worked out there.Good for you, Matt.They didn't have a leg extension machine.You're not letting that cancer stop you at all, baby.I saw Harry Jauzy, my fellow skin cancer brother. It's like, I heard you got skin cancer. I'm so sorry, mate. I'm like, I know.Did you... Congratulations. Did We swapped.Or he showed me his scar. I showed him where mine was going to be taken. Good. Yeah.A little moment there.He was like, I was so nervous. I thought I was going to die. It's really good, Matt. Thank you.Really nervous.Just so nervous. It is nice talking to someone after.Are you in a Facebook group? No.No. Actually, I try not to Google stuff just to not...You should go on one and be like, Hey, you all, just...New.Here.just found out. Lately, though, I have been... You guys are my friends. You all know internet knows. But some friends from back home have been hitting me up and I'm waking up to FaceTime calls. They go, Hey, I heard about your skin cancer. Are you doing all right? I'm like, Yeah, I'm fine. I've had so many people look me dead in the eye lately and I've been like, You good? I'm like, Yeah. They're just like, Thank you for your concern. Yeah. It's nice.Soaking in your last moment.It's going to be their last time saying goodbye to you.That would freak me out. Matt, also a lot of people... I didn't know skin cancer is really To me, cancer is horrible. Anytime I hear the word cancer, I think immediately, very bad. I feel like a lot of people didn't know that cancer is a-I think they don't know that I've been such a treatable form, and that's all I know is that it is the most treatable form.But I I'm so thankful. It's so nice that all these people are reaching out, but you're like, it freaks me out a little bit, too, where people are just like, Hey, well, you're good. We love you, man. I'll do anything for you.If you need anything-Showing their appreciation. I really appreciate you.Those same friends will backstab you. They'll go back. Yes. That's all he talks about. His personality now is cancer.Where's this energy before the cancer?What's the one cancer that's almost 100% not-The one from a walk to remember.Is it pancreatic? There's a lot.It's one of the most deadly.It just depends on the stage you're in. I think, yeah, there's ones that are really bad and also the stage in which you find it and how bad it is. I think blood cancer is really lung cancer. Brain cancer.God, that sounds terrible.It's so scary.Yeah, it's so scary. I've had two friends who found out, young people, who found out they had cancer, and then they died four or five months later. That's the hardest shit where you're like, Huh? It's too late? It breaks my heart.I still can't comprehend the fact that there's so many children that get cancer, like little kids.I know.They haven't even lived.It's cruel. Very cruel. Awful.But I still say no on that St. Jude's thing when I went to my class.Yeah, CVS. I am not your tax write Those little kids.No.I will donate my time.What was the edit someone did of Jennifer Anaston and the little kid? Oh my God.Yes, that was such a bad clip.You're with the most...I love how I'm so beautiful.She's like, Sure you are.I love how confident you are. Yeah.And then she turned back to the camera.I love your confidence.I love your confidence.Yes, that's what it is.Alexander's mom calls him the most perfect boy in the world. She's right. I love your confidence. When diagnosed with cancer... That look is so good.That turn to the camera is comedically perfect.What a game. Are they playing Chinese checkers? Go back to that shit.What is...Sorry, Sorry. Jennifer Anderson. That is the fakest thing I've ever seen. I've never seen anybody play Chinese fucking checkers. Did the Cancer Kid request the Chinese checkers?That had to have been a personal...No, they were just in that house to go, Do we have a problem?Jennifer Anderson hasn't even made a move yet. That's symbolism.She was trying to teach him, like, your move. Here, let me show you. Thank you. They were coming, he's like... And then there's pickup sticks next to it. They went to Cracker Bell and just got like... They went to the value section and it just got any cheap game.But he's like, Oh, yeah, I work set design for the cancer commercial with Jennifer Anaston. Set design.He makes a boom, and she's like, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that if I were you.I hated playing chess, and my brother would do that. No.Shouldn't do that. Because I'm going to do this. And you really... Shut up. You really shouldn't do that. Well, yeah, chess is fun. What should I do? It's not fun until you play someone who's good at chess. No, this is not...That's a big flex, knowing how to play chess really well.I think so.I saw one of the grandmasters of chess play 12 people at one time. That was Anya's Hael or Joy in that show, Matt. Yeah, but grand masters could do that. I was at South by Southwest and watched that Russian guy just go down and just go… So sick. When you have that whole web in your head. Yeah.We can call it.I am. I probably won't hang out for that one. It's not too good. You got to catch a flight. I know. You got to keep them entertained.Keep them fed. Keep our kids fed.Do you remember when people thought that Magnus, what's his name? Magnus Carlson, or he's one of the best youngest grandmasters, they thought he was cheating by using a butt plug? What? I do remember hearing that. That was vibrate. They thought he was cheating by having a vibrating butt plug. Imagine trying to prove that he don't. That was telling him where to... Yeah. Prove it. Full cavity.No, spread it. It wasn't him. It was his opponent at the time.Oh, it wasn't Magnus. It was the other guy.Oh, wait. Was it true?Sure was. Elon Musk was tweeting about it where he was like, Elon Musk posed the theory that they had a butt. Oh, that's funny. Electric butt plug in. Just they're going…Matt, just… I'm literally drenched under my head.I'm sweating so much. The alcohol is coming out of my head.It gets the trophy and he's just like, and then it just comes like... Yeah, okay.All right. We'll end it on that note.Have a happy fourth of July, everybody.All right, guys. Thank you for tuning in to another episode. Make sure to check out our Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneandheath. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut of the podcast. We do a bonus episode every single month. We also do a live Q&A every single month. Bts stuff. Just make sure to check it out, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.We should do bonus episodes.It's a great idea.Yeah. We love you so much. Thank you again for hanging with us another week of taking time from your lives. We love you so much, and we'll see you next week.Peace. Toodle.


okay to do something, and it just wasn't. Who was it? No, but not altercation. No, just an interaction.


You shouldn't touch people.


It's just not a good thing.


I remember, Hamilton, I touched Lin Man, well, Miranda's shoulder. I was like, Dude, awesome job. And he was just like, Okay, thank you. Thank you for coming. I was just like, I don't know. Because I think, I don't know. We do that to our friends. You have a couple of drinks in you. Yeah, it's the worst. After five beers, I'm like, I know them.


They must know me, and this should be okay. You know who would be really bad with that?


Todd. Oh, yeah. But he actually is really... I feel like when it comes to celebrities, he's really respectful.


Yeah, I think he But I could see him pushing it. Max Crosby was there. Who's Max Crosby? I don't know any of you.


He plays for the Raiders.


Oh, they're sports players.


Max Crumbly?


No. I was freaking out because John Rom was there.


Oh, my gosh. Who's John Rom?


One of the best golfers in the world.


John Tuckermal's the head.


He was the surprisingly super Jack dude in the red hoodie that was a couple of seats ahead of us.


Oh, I think.


He was in that star-studded row.


Okay. Now, The slapping. I really enjoyed it. Loved it. I do think, though, beards should be banned.


Yeah, I didn't understand.


They definitely help.


You shouldn't have a beard in a slap competition because it's free patting it away. I think it muffles the slap.


It needs to have a certain... It should be a rule for how long it is. That guy had a thick ass beard. But also, they're going right through that beard. I don't think it even matters with how hard they're slapping. I don't think it's making it feel any better.


It took me a couple of rounds to you still watching it because you initially, as a human, you feel bad, but then you're like, They signed up for this. They're training for this. This is what they want to be doing.


Yeah, and also right after, they're like, They're hyped up. I feel like it gives them energy every time they get hit in the face like that.


When they started falling down, I was like, that's your brain rattling. That freaks me out. But it was very exciting. It was as exciting as a UFC fight.


I think it was to me was more exciting.


Everyone was having a blast because it happened so fast. I'm thinking it's like one slap per.


Yeah. And the rounds were super quick. To me, it felt cool because normally when you watch a boxing match or a UFC fight, you're sitting there and it's so long and dragged out and you want to record or you want to... You're hoping for something to happen. This was just a moment. Every five seconds, you're like, Here it comes, about to be a big hit. Let's go. You know there's going to be a crazy... You're either going to get knocked down or they're going to eat it and just be like...


And both is good. Both look good. There's no bad slap. Everyone is just a fun watch.


I like the pacing of it, too. Because if you're watching a UFC match, you have to be paying attention every second. You can step away for a round, catch another one, focus on when it happens.


What was great, too, the way they set it up. I mean, everybody's getting... By the way, everybody gets an amazing view of the tournament, right? Because there was the VIP section where we were in, and then everybody else was on the other side, but everybody got the same view. Nobody really had any bad seats the way they set it up. It was a really awesome layout. I do.


I think they should allow the players to talk a little smack.


Yeah, because-I think they do. I think we just can't hear it.


It is a bit of a silly sport. The way competitive wrestling is and stuff, I think it would be funny to hear them say a line to the other player before it all goes down.


Right before the slap, eat your motherfuck.


Boom. It's the funiest line. This one's for my mama, boom.


Why I ought to. Why I ought to. Mariah.


Why I ought. But what was really funny to me was that after every slap, they kept going back to their corner, like a boxing. I'm like, What are we running over here?


What are we talking about on the other side?


Slap looked really good out there. It looked really good. Let's try to keep it tight. Make sure to spread your fingers this time. They were getting a little bit close. What are you possibly talking?


I'm sure there is a... What do you think they're doing with their faces right before they get hit? I'm sure there's guys... I don't think they tighten up.


So they have a mouth guard in their mouth. You're not allowed to bite down on the mouth guard.


We found that out. You can't bite down.


How do they know if you're biting down or not?


Just guess, see if you're clenching.


That's why I get rid of the beards. You know what? That's how you hide a clench.


No, but do you think the mouth guard has something in it? I don't know. So how do they know? You could clench without seeing it.


I guess you can see where the muscles are tensing up.


Yeah, and they watch the slow-mo as it's going. So I'm sure.


Just see it just...


How? And do you have to... I didn't know. I didn't catch if this was a rule. Are you allowed to have your eyes open? Or wait, can you close your eyes?


You can. You can. They all did.


Oh, I would close my eyes. I think naturally, you do that.


It's like sneezing. You have to blink. I feel like naturally, you just close your eyes. Okay. I don't think that's a rule, but they have ear plugs in and mouthguards, but you cannot move. Otherwise, if you flinch, they get a redo, so you have to get hit against them.


I imagine flinching and it hurts so bad, and just now you have to eat another one.


Just give up halfway through.


I didn't know they had ear plugs in. The first Apparently, it's crazy.It was pretty good. I liked it. Oh, yeah. I worked out there.Good for you, Matt.They didn't have a leg extension machine.You're not letting that cancer stop you at all, baby.I saw Harry Jauzy, my fellow skin cancer brother. It's like, I heard you got skin cancer. I'm so sorry, mate. I'm like, I know.Did you... Congratulations. Did We swapped.Or he showed me his scar. I showed him where mine was going to be taken. Good. Yeah.A little moment there.He was like, I was so nervous. I thought I was going to die. It's really good, Matt. Thank you.Really nervous.Just so nervous. It is nice talking to someone after.Are you in a Facebook group? No.No. Actually, I try not to Google stuff just to not...You should go on one and be like, Hey, you all, just...New.Here.just found out. Lately, though, I have been... You guys are my friends. You all know internet knows. But some friends from back home have been hitting me up and I'm waking up to FaceTime calls. They go, Hey, I heard about your skin cancer. Are you doing all right? I'm like, Yeah, I'm fine. I've had so many people look me dead in the eye lately and I've been like, You good? I'm like, Yeah. They're just like, Thank you for your concern. Yeah. It's nice.Soaking in your last moment.It's going to be their last time saying goodbye to you.That would freak me out. Matt, also a lot of people... I didn't know skin cancer is really To me, cancer is horrible. Anytime I hear the word cancer, I think immediately, very bad. I feel like a lot of people didn't know that cancer is a-I think they don't know that I've been such a treatable form, and that's all I know is that it is the most treatable form.But I I'm so thankful. It's so nice that all these people are reaching out, but you're like, it freaks me out a little bit, too, where people are just like, Hey, well, you're good. We love you, man. I'll do anything for you.If you need anything-Showing their appreciation. I really appreciate you.Those same friends will backstab you. They'll go back. Yes. That's all he talks about. His personality now is cancer.Where's this energy before the cancer?What's the one cancer that's almost 100% not-The one from a walk to remember.Is it pancreatic? There's a lot.It's one of the most deadly.It just depends on the stage you're in. I think, yeah, there's ones that are really bad and also the stage in which you find it and how bad it is. I think blood cancer is really lung cancer. Brain cancer.God, that sounds terrible.It's so scary.Yeah, it's so scary. I've had two friends who found out, young people, who found out they had cancer, and then they died four or five months later. That's the hardest shit where you're like, Huh? It's too late? It breaks my heart.I still can't comprehend the fact that there's so many children that get cancer, like little kids.I know.They haven't even lived.It's cruel. Very cruel. Awful.But I still say no on that St. Jude's thing when I went to my class.Yeah, CVS. I am not your tax write Those little kids.No.I will donate my time.What was the edit someone did of Jennifer Anaston and the little kid? Oh my God.Yes, that was such a bad clip.You're with the most...I love how I'm so beautiful.She's like, Sure you are.I love how confident you are. Yeah.And then she turned back to the camera.I love your confidence.I love your confidence.Yes, that's what it is.Alexander's mom calls him the most perfect boy in the world. She's right. I love your confidence. When diagnosed with cancer... That look is so good.That turn to the camera is comedically perfect.What a game. Are they playing Chinese checkers? Go back to that shit.What is...Sorry, Sorry. Jennifer Anderson. That is the fakest thing I've ever seen. I've never seen anybody play Chinese fucking checkers. Did the Cancer Kid request the Chinese checkers?That had to have been a personal...No, they were just in that house to go, Do we have a problem?Jennifer Anderson hasn't even made a move yet. That's symbolism.She was trying to teach him, like, your move. Here, let me show you. Thank you. They were coming, he's like... And then there's pickup sticks next to it. They went to Cracker Bell and just got like... They went to the value section and it just got any cheap game.But he's like, Oh, yeah, I work set design for the cancer commercial with Jennifer Anaston. Set design.He makes a boom, and she's like, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that if I were you.I hated playing chess, and my brother would do that. No.Shouldn't do that. Because I'm going to do this. And you really... Shut up. You really shouldn't do that. Well, yeah, chess is fun. What should I do? It's not fun until you play someone who's good at chess. No, this is not...That's a big flex, knowing how to play chess really well.I think so.I saw one of the grandmasters of chess play 12 people at one time. That was Anya's Hael or Joy in that show, Matt. Yeah, but grand masters could do that. I was at South by Southwest and watched that Russian guy just go down and just go… So sick. When you have that whole web in your head. Yeah.We can call it.I am. I probably won't hang out for that one. It's not too good. You got to catch a flight. I know. You got to keep them entertained.Keep them fed. Keep our kids fed.Do you remember when people thought that Magnus, what's his name? Magnus Carlson, or he's one of the best youngest grandmasters, they thought he was cheating by using a butt plug? What? I do remember hearing that. That was vibrate. They thought he was cheating by having a vibrating butt plug. Imagine trying to prove that he don't. That was telling him where to... Yeah. Prove it. Full cavity.No, spread it. It wasn't him. It was his opponent at the time.Oh, it wasn't Magnus. It was the other guy.Oh, wait. Was it true?Sure was. Elon Musk was tweeting about it where he was like, Elon Musk posed the theory that they had a butt. Oh, that's funny. Electric butt plug in. Just they're going…Matt, just… I'm literally drenched under my head.I'm sweating so much. The alcohol is coming out of my head.It gets the trophy and he's just like, and then it just comes like... Yeah, okay.All right. We'll end it on that note.Have a happy fourth of July, everybody.All right, guys. Thank you for tuning in to another episode. Make sure to check out our Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneandheath. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut of the podcast. We do a bonus episode every single month. We also do a live Q&A every single month. Bts stuff. Just make sure to check it out, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.We should do bonus episodes.It's a great idea.Yeah. We love you so much. Thank you again for hanging with us another week of taking time from your lives. We love you so much, and we'll see you next week.Peace. Toodle.


Apparently, it's crazy.


It was pretty good. I liked it. Oh, yeah. I worked out there.


Good for you, Matt.


They didn't have a leg extension machine.


You're not letting that cancer stop you at all, baby.


I saw Harry Jauzy, my fellow skin cancer brother. It's like, I heard you got skin cancer. I'm so sorry, mate. I'm like, I know.


Did you... Congratulations. Did We swapped.


Or he showed me his scar. I showed him where mine was going to be taken. Good. Yeah.


A little moment there.


He was like, I was so nervous. I thought I was going to die. It's really good, Matt. Thank you.


Really nervous.


Just so nervous. It is nice talking to someone after.


Are you in a Facebook group? No.


No. Actually, I try not to Google stuff just to not...


You should go on one and be like, Hey, you all, just...New.


Here.just found out. Lately, though, I have been... You guys are my friends. You all know internet knows. But some friends from back home have been hitting me up and I'm waking up to FaceTime calls. They go, Hey, I heard about your skin cancer. Are you doing all right? I'm like, Yeah, I'm fine. I've had so many people look me dead in the eye lately and I've been like, You good? I'm like, Yeah. They're just like, Thank you for your concern. Yeah. It's nice.


Soaking in your last moment.


It's going to be their last time saying goodbye to you.


That would freak me out. Matt, also a lot of people... I didn't know skin cancer is really To me, cancer is horrible. Anytime I hear the word cancer, I think immediately, very bad. I feel like a lot of people didn't know that cancer is a-I think they don't know that I've been such a treatable form, and that's all I know is that it is the most treatable form.


But I I'm so thankful. It's so nice that all these people are reaching out, but you're like, it freaks me out a little bit, too, where people are just like, Hey, well, you're good. We love you, man. I'll do anything for you.


If you need anything-Showing their appreciation. I really appreciate you.


Those same friends will backstab you. They'll go back. Yes. That's all he talks about. His personality now is cancer.


Where's this energy before the cancer?


What's the one cancer that's almost 100% not-The one from a walk to remember.


Is it pancreatic? There's a lot.


It's one of the most deadly.


It just depends on the stage you're in. I think, yeah, there's ones that are really bad and also the stage in which you find it and how bad it is. I think blood cancer is really lung cancer. Brain cancer.


God, that sounds terrible.


It's so scary.


Yeah, it's so scary. I've had two friends who found out, young people, who found out they had cancer, and then they died four or five months later. That's the hardest shit where you're like, Huh? It's too late? It breaks my heart.


I still can't comprehend the fact that there's so many children that get cancer, like little kids.


I know.


They haven't even lived.


It's cruel. Very cruel. Awful.


But I still say no on that St. Jude's thing when I went to my class.


Yeah, CVS. I am not your tax write Those little kids.




I will donate my time.


What was the edit someone did of Jennifer Anaston and the little kid? Oh my God.


Yes, that was such a bad clip.


You're with the most...


I love how I'm so beautiful.


She's like, Sure you are.


I love how confident you are. Yeah.


And then she turned back to the camera.


I love your confidence.


I love your confidence.


Yes, that's what it is.


Alexander's mom calls him the most perfect boy in the world. She's right. I love your confidence. When diagnosed with cancer... That look is so good.


That turn to the camera is comedically perfect.


What a game. Are they playing Chinese checkers? Go back to that shit.


What is...


Sorry, Sorry. Jennifer Anderson. That is the fakest thing I've ever seen. I've never seen anybody play Chinese fucking checkers. Did the Cancer Kid request the Chinese checkers?


That had to have been a personal...


No, they were just in that house to go, Do we have a problem?


Jennifer Anderson hasn't even made a move yet. That's symbolism.


She was trying to teach him, like, your move. Here, let me show you. Thank you. They were coming, he's like... And then there's pickup sticks next to it. They went to Cracker Bell and just got like... They went to the value section and it just got any cheap game.


But he's like, Oh, yeah, I work set design for the cancer commercial with Jennifer Anaston. Set design.


He makes a boom, and she's like, I wouldn't. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that if I were you.


I hated playing chess, and my brother would do that. No.


Shouldn't do that. Because I'm going to do this. And you really... Shut up. You really shouldn't do that. Well, yeah, chess is fun. What should I do? It's not fun until you play someone who's good at chess. No, this is not...


That's a big flex, knowing how to play chess really well.


I think so.


I saw one of the grandmasters of chess play 12 people at one time. That was Anya's Hael or Joy in that show, Matt. Yeah, but grand masters could do that. I was at South by Southwest and watched that Russian guy just go down and just go… So sick. When you have that whole web in your head. Yeah.


We can call it.


I am. I probably won't hang out for that one. It's not too good. You got to catch a flight. I know. You got to keep them entertained.


Keep them fed. Keep our kids fed.


Do you remember when people thought that Magnus, what's his name? Magnus Carlson, or he's one of the best youngest grandmasters, they thought he was cheating by using a butt plug? What? I do remember hearing that. That was vibrate. They thought he was cheating by having a vibrating butt plug. Imagine trying to prove that he don't. That was telling him where to... Yeah. Prove it. Full cavity.


No, spread it. It wasn't him. It was his opponent at the time.


Oh, it wasn't Magnus. It was the other guy.


Oh, wait. Was it true?


Sure was. Elon Musk was tweeting about it where he was like, Elon Musk posed the theory that they had a butt. Oh, that's funny. Electric butt plug in. Just they're going…


Matt, just… I'm literally drenched under my head.


I'm sweating so much. The alcohol is coming out of my head.


It gets the trophy and he's just like, and then it just comes like... Yeah, okay.


All right. We'll end it on that note.


Have a happy fourth of July, everybody.


All right, guys. Thank you for tuning in to another episode. Make sure to check out our Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneandheath. We keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut of the podcast. We do a bonus episode every single month. We also do a live Q&A every single month. Bts stuff. Just make sure to check it out, Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.


We should do bonus episodes.


It's a great idea.


Yeah. We love you so much. Thank you again for hanging with us another week of taking time from your lives. We love you so much, and we'll see you next week.


Peace. Toodle.