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And I go, I was really stressed out last night. I just wanted to let you know that your Facebook statuses are actually public. And I did read your status. I apologize. But I just want to let you know that I can see that and everybody can see that. And I'll never forget her face just dropping. And the woman that was like, her colleague was, like, typing on the computer and just stopped and was like, oh, my God. And she just looked at me and was like. And I said nothing. And I walked out the door. And then, I'll never forget, I was at ACL, Austin city limits, the music festival, and I was stoned, chilling my friends, and I look over my side and she's staring, standing there with her boyfriend. Get the out of here. With her boyfriend. And nutrition was like, hey, I'm so sorry about the. She just looked at me and then, like, whispered in her husband's ear, and they walked away. Matt, that's nuts. Actually. Nuts. I was a little. I didn't plagiarize that essay, though.