Transcribe your podcast

How you doing?


Doing great.


Good, baby. Good.


Haven't seen you guys in a week.


How are you doing?


How's everybody been? How are you doing?


Good. How are you? Good.


Haven't seen you in a long, long time. Yeah, we did a little outfit change.


Haven't seen you since my last outfit.


Yeah, I hope everybody's doing absolutely amazing today. Yeah. Matt, your last two outfits. Or no, today's outfit and a couple of episodes ago, that outfit, one of my favorite outfits that you've ever had.


Well, who are you wearing? You have good style. Closet Day Zane. You have better style now. Going into your closet now, I'm like, Where were these fits?


I know. His closet feels like a private selection for a fitting or something where you can sift through them.


It's like a showroom. Instead of A-list, you should call it Z-list.


Zane, that's good.


Wait a minute.


You can come out with a boutique.


Oh, Okay, good. As you guys know, I've had really bad style over the past years of my life. So I've had a little bit of help on changing because I'm really bad at outfits.


All you have to do is pay somebody to help you look good, baby.


That's right. I just grabbed anything for my clothes, but my closet is just looking better lately, which is really nice.


That company you've been wearing is really nice.


They have a lot of cool stuff. So I saw them on my Instagram ads. Oh, really? And I went to the store, I bought a few things, and I DMed them. I was like, I love your guys' stuff. Because they have the chopped look without having to chop it yourself. The fit is amazing. I told them that, and they're like, Well, actually, coincidentally, we have a showroom right now in LA because they're not an American company. They're from Europe. We actually have a show for a couple of weeks. You want to stop by? So they had me stop by, and they gave me so many clothes. That's sick. That's the best. I was able to fill up a good amount of their clothes stuff. I'm just pretty much been wearing Scuffers. That's why you've been seeing all this.


Scuffers, that's the name. Scuffers.


Scuffers. They're with another brand. But yeah. I like this. The chop look makes you look taller. That's why I like it.


It is very Jedi chic.




Jedi chic. That's a good way to put it.


Your sleeves look like you got a lightsaber on you.


Bro, this is July chic.


That's crazy. Lazy Day Jedi.


Wow. All right, let's jump into it, baby.


You're going to jump in.


Okay. It's Love It Tall, Baby.


Let's go. We don't have Jordan today. We don't have Jordan today. It's an in-house team, in-house team, in-house team. You got an in-house team, in-house.




All right.


Welcome back to Zane & Heath Unfiltered, baby. My name is Zane Hijazi.


And I'm Heath Hussard.


My name is Matt.


King. King. I'm Mariah Francis Amado.


All right.


To be. I always forget.


He was about to go.


I always forget. He reacts every time. Francis Amado. All right. Well, welcome back to another Zane & HeathUnfiltered episode. Yeah, baby. Thank you so much for coming back here. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy, busy day. I know you all got work. I know you got school. But coming here to listen, to watch is crazy.


Shout out to the graduates, too. Anybody who's graduating, congratulations. They're graduating. Oh, yeah. I feel like a handful of people have probably now graduated.


Congratulations on the congratulations, man. Love that shit.


Moving that tassel.


We have a very special episode today.


We do?


Do we have a guest that I don't know?


Well, so you remember not too long ago on our You had a Patreon episode where you were saying there was an opportunity to meet somebody that you really, really like and you didn't get the chance to?


Shut up.


Come on down.


Rick, last Oh my God. It's a pleasure.


This is not happening.


This is happening, Matt.


You don't understand what I was like.


You did it.


How are you doing, man? Nice to meet you.


Rick. See you again, Mariah.


Welcome to the pod. Where's he sitting? Where am I sitting?


You're going to sit right here.


I'm going to sit there?


Yeah, you're going to sit right here.


Got you, bitch.


You are good.


Yeah, just sit down. It's already focused.


Your home, I thought it was just a work studio. You don't have a picture on the wall nor a piece of dirt on the floor.


I'm really bad at that. I don't know how to make a house.


Why don't you just pretend your house is a studio?


That's what we do.


A good way to put it. Yeah, I'm saying pretend people are going to see your house.


Yeah, so make the whole house like a giant studio where I have a backdrop in the living room and just make it like a work. Or you can have some colors.


You could You make some choices. That's what I'm saying.


Are you good with interior design?


Well, you see, at Marshall Carpet, we don't have customers, we have family. I find that if you start with a piece, whether it's a wall, whether it's a nice rug, it makes it easier to make choices around that. If you're in northeast Ohio, check out Marshall Wright Gallery. But no matter where you are, make choices. Ikea once had a billboard. You know what it said? Be bold, not babe. That's right. I lived by that in my life.


I thought so. I watched an episode, I think it was with your dad or it was somebody I was listening to while I was working, and you kept showing different carpets or different pieces of carpet. I was like, Oh, this is just a bit.


But it's not. No, I got some sound panels for behind my high It's on my couch, so it sounds better and has a little bit of a look. Before I put them up, they sent me some samples of colors. So yes, we made a bit out of the samples to have them. They were guessing the names of the colors. But no, you don't want to have nothing up. You want to walk into a place and it feels like, Oh. Oh. Yeah. Oh. Okay.beautiful home, though.Thank you. You should use it.


I only use 20% of it.


Well, that's not why we're here. I have a lot of opinions.


How's your day going, Rick?


Pretty good. I just did a podcast.Oh, whose?My podcast.Tyso. Yes. With Tom Papa.


Tom Papa?Yeah.Shout.


To Tom Papa.Bad ass. Very cool.I'm going to put his Instagram handle up here. Tom Papa is a stand-up comedian. He's been doing it for a while. He's One of the guys who's like the Jerry Seinfeld in the...Oh.Oh, nice.


His Netflix special is really good.


I'll check him out.Very funny. He looks familiar, but I just... I don't think I've ever heard.


Jim Gaff again. He's with those guys. Oh, cool. Okay.


Have You've been having a good time during this Netflix is a joke week right now in LA.


Good energy.


Is it? I'm just trying. I'm pepped up. My nerves are through the roof. I didn't expect this. I'm happy, but I'm a little angry because I'm just...


I know. I felt the same.


I was like, I don't think you're going to like this. Matt, I wanted to give you a heads up so you would know, but the surprise was so cool.


Well, can we talk about what this is? Because I...


I reached out and he was so confused.


Well, no, I wasn't, and then I was because I didn't know you were on this podcast. You would reach out to have me do your podcast to surprise him. I'm like, Wait, I'm confused. Wasn't that his podcast?


Yeah. Three podcasts.


Strong choices. Maybe set up what this is because I did your other podcast.Right. Good Intentions.Good Intentions. I had good intentions going on. Good intentions. Good influences. It was fun. They reached out.Carly.


Reached out to you. I got a wrong thinking. Aaron reached out to him. There was a bit of drama that they had booked you without me there.


Yeah, I got a whole bunch of messages. It was like, and they were mad at those girls, and I was crushed and embarrassed because I was also thinking when this was all going down, where I was thinking, Oh, my God, Rick Glassman is probably seeing all of this, and this is really embarrassing because I didn't want you getting harassed or also getting this bad impression of me or anything like that. I didn't even know you.


He was surprised, man, who's mad?


How can I have a bad impression of you from other people who had such great influences? I think the whole thing was a misunderstanding.


It was a misunderstanding. Obviously, Mike was a big fan. I couldn't be there. They surprised Mike with you. Carly and Aaron did.


I also never knew. I love my podcast. I think my podcast is fantastic.


We think ours is the best, too. Okay.


For the people who do like, Ollys and stuff. To be somebody who is like, somebody's so excited to meet me that isn't a family member to see me again. It's like, Am I at this caliber? You are. Well, perhaps. But I'm also like, What does that mean? I understand you like people and you want to meet them. You have them like, they're people I want to get on my podcast, and it's exciting. But then I found out that you weren't there and you introduced him to my thing. No, I should have been to surprise you, not to him. It was all this stuff. It's like, Where are you getting me? I'm the man.


They all want me.


I'm the fucking man. Then when you reach, I felt I was like, Guys, I'll go back on when you're there. It's all good. Like, whatever. It's like, no, it fucking blew it. It fucking blew it. No, he did. Now, he's not going to go on. I don't know what was going on with this person and this person, but they were not acting the way they normally do. And he's got to be fucking pissed. And then so I read... I was like, I don't avoid comments, but I'm not usually... I read all of them. And it was just people like, Hey, relax. Just to show me. I'm like, Fuck you. You don't get it. It was a lot of stuff, man. The skateboarding world is fucking nuts. And then you're like, Hey, do you want to come do it? I'm like, Yeah. I feel like I'm tearing apart a family. I have to come.


Come on. Do you feel like you were getting canceled for the first time? No.


Have you ever been canceled?


I don't know. I don't know. I'm a good guy.


But to give you context, this is Zane and Keith unfiltered. This has been their podcast. We've been doing this podcast as the four of us for five years.


Five houses. Could have been.


Three houses, actually. One, two, three. Three houses.


Three houses, three studios. And thank you for being here. Is that enough context? What else do you need to understand about what's going on?


We pretty much-We have more for the people watching this that didn't see, unless everybody knows what's happening over in Good and Good influences.


No, I think a lot of people are tuning in to just...


With no... People are not going to not know who I am, what that relationship is, the other stuff. So this is more to bring them into it.


People knew I was upset. I was crushed knowing that my friends got to have a conversation with one of my favorite comedians, and I couldn't be there.


How did you find out about me?


How did I find out about you? The Instagram video of you in Vegas calling down to the front desk to ask them for a late check out.


Dr. Glassman. We'll cut to it.


Now, that time where you were calling down, asking for a late check out, saying you're Dr. Glassman, was that something you've been doing for a long time, or were you quirky in that moment and just wanted to try it out?


If this is going to be interview-esque, do you want me to do stuff like... It's actually a good question. Do you want me to do that stuff? It's whatever way you want, right? Yeah, I'm going to do that.


Matt's never turned sideways for me.


That's a good question. Do you pull the doctor card a lot? I guess. Are you a big prank phone caller? When you were a kid, were you prank phone calling a lot?


You're a kid, you prank call. I don't know if I was a prank call guy, but you would do it. I'm a silly boy, and you do silly stuff. I was calling down. I did that a few times. I called down for something, late check out, I want to order a certain meal, whatever. Then when you call down and you have friends around you, you just turn it on a little bit. I was just doing stuff and I was getting laughed, so I just kept leaning into it. But no, that's not a genre of mine by any means. It's just when you can make your your buddy's laugh, you got to go in.


You're home over in the morning. It's a good vibe.


I don't really drink, but…


You smoke. Are you high?


I wanted to get high for the Tom Papa episode, but it was early in the day. When I get high, I get high for a little bit, and then you get drained from it. I didn't want it to wear… I didn't want to be in the middle of this no idea what's happening thing. Then all of a sudden, I'm like, I don't feel right. But I think I should have. But hey, do you guys want to get high?


That's stuff I got to do today.


I want to I got to do tomorrow. Rick Glassman. You are a standard comedian. You also do podcasts, and you also make content on the internet, correct? Yeah.


Dramatic actor first. Dramatic actor. Yeah, I started off in comedy. I'm a drama guy now. But yeah, podcasting and stand-up and acting, I get hired to do comedies.


Okay. Can I give you a scenario to see if you can do it acting-wise? I think I heard you this on Pete Holmes, but I didn't see it because I was listening. What was that? Waking up. You're acting like you're waking up. You're asleep, and I'm like, Rick, Rick, Rick, and just you coming.


Wow, he's getting sleepy already. This guy's in.


Yeah, you could try and wake me up, but then-Oh, he's falling asleep. Rick, stay with us. Yes, man. I just don't want to feel like... I mean, you're already cutting stuff out.


No, no, no. Rick, stay with us.


We're good.


Rick, wake up. Dude, we're recording right now.


This is amazing. It's really good.


You good?


Yeah. Yeah? Sorry.


Sorry. I know. We just had you as a guest, and now you... The water, good.


Where are you from?


Cleveland. Cleveland? I'm tired. Thank you so much.


Cleveland, Ohio? Yeah. No, I'm from Florida. I just never got somebody from Cleveland.


Fun fact about Rick, he also played basketball against LeBron James in high school.Cut to a clip.What?


Did you really? Yeah.


That's really cool.


Was it one game or multiple games?


We played against him in two games. I got in one.


You got in one. You already knew who he was at the time, right?


He was on the cover of Sports Illustrated two days before.Oh.


Shit.why were you playing against him? What was the situation? We were a good team.


We were a good team, and I'm from northeast Ohio, where they're from.


There's Rick and there's LeBron.


End of the first half, and we were up by two. It was very, very cool.


Now, did you ever get to see LeBron since playing him in high school and getting to bring up that?


I told this, and that might actually be where that clip is with Sam. I told the story on my podcast that a couple of years into the lead, I would go to Cavs games all the time. Before LeBron was on the team, if you're a college student, you could bring your college ID, and for 15 bucks, you get whatever seats are available, the best seats. You could go in day off, 15 bucks, and go down because there were seats down there. It would go all the time. Then LeBron came in, everything sold out. A friend invited me to a game. He had We got to go in the back after. Lebron, when they're coming out of the tunnel, he came out, and there were some kids in a section that was roped off to not go into where the players are. He signed a couple of autographs, and I was in there with those kids, and I had this picture. Not that, but another picture of us. He's six months younger than me. He's 27. I'm like, LeBron, he walked by me, he didn't sign. I'm like, LeBron, we played together in high school, and he goes, Congratulations.


That was Congratulations.


That's it. Didn't even give you a signature.


But also, it broke my heart because I'm such a fan of the chasm of him. I went home and I took off the Sports Illustrated covers that he was on off my wall.


Pealed your fat boy sticker off the wall, too.


If I had one. I did save everything, though. I still have all the covers. But as I'm older now, and it's like, I'm just some guy standing in with these kids. They're all up to my waist, and I'm like, LeBron, LeBron. You know me. We played our Christmas. But he is my dream guest. I have two dream guests and one I've had, and I've talked about. I'm airing soon, I think. I had Will Smith on years ago. Oh, wow. I never posted it because it was a very short episode. Then blah, blah, blah, blah. We're going to do a part two, and I just found out I think that's about to happen, literally five years later, to make it a full episode. But other than him, it would be LeBron, who I want to have on.


How would the interview go? Would you start off with-On the court, redemption. If he even recognizes that it is you? Would you have the picture up behind you or just keep it organic? How fast would you reveal that you guys played each other in high school?


I would make sure that I talk about it before it ended, but that's not why I want to talk to him. That would just be a fun little thing if it came up. If he said, Where'd you go to school? It'd be a fun thing for him to be like, Oh, shit. But otherwise, I just want to talk to him about some other stuff.


You're not going to post it until you have that part, too? The Will Smith one? Yeah.


I thought about putting on my Patreon or something, but now it's become this thing where some people, how could we stop posting? They're mad. Some people think it's a bit or something. I want to wait until I actually have the full piece. Because it's not a podcast episode. After when I edit it down, it's under 25 minutes. It's almost a half hour. That's good.


There's podcasts all the time that do normal episodes, and they just include the guests in the middle just to like...


That's not what I want to do, though. I want it to be an episode. Here it is now. It'll be like this, and then Fade to Black five years later, open up, and it's a full piece. You know what I mean?


I haven't seen that before.


But I met him when I was in college. I was bowling at Kent, right next to Akron, where LeBron's from. I was bowling, and I'm five frames in. I have five strikes in a row. Then the bowling alley started coming around and watching.9th frame.You were born to be a star.


I appreciate that.


I'm on the 10th frame, nine strikes, I'm three away, and everyone's crowded around. Then Will Smith is there. Will Smith is in Kent, Ohio, at this bowling Is he shooting a movie or something? I don't know. I know it was a work something. I don't know what he was doing. I made up that maybe he's there shooting something with LeBron. Just because years later, I saw a picture of Will Smith, LeBron, and Dave Chappelle together. Are they all buddies? I posted that picture. I go, I'm going to make this my wallpaper. Somebody commented, I know the one in the middle who's Will Smith is a rapper, but who are the other two? I was like, Oh, this world is so racist. I But anyway, and I bowled 10 strikes in a row. I was two away from a perfect game. I didn't get it. But then I got an eight and I picked it up for 288. And then, he didn't say anything. He wasn't like, Oh, good. I didn't see him. I saw he was there.


But you were trying to impress him with all your strikes.


I wanted to, but I wasn't even paying attention. I didn't know he was there.


That's some crazy pressure. Like Will Smith about to watch you bowl a 300.


I would choke. Well, he acknowledged. It was like we saw each other, but after, there's lots of people. It's just like this. I saw him It's the same. Then years later, I saw him in my agency. We played together at the same. Will, I'm the guy, bowl is bowl, the perfect game. I didn't say anything else. He didn't even say where. He goes, Oh, shit. He came up and we talked for a little bit, and I was there filming something else. I was using my agency's office to film a sketch. I was there to film something else. I had this stuff. I'm like, Could we... I didn't even have officially a podcast at the moment. But I get interviewed and it was this thing, and we talked, and there's some stuff we had to edit out and he left, and he came back and blah, blah, blah. It's 20-some minutes. I'm like, I technically podcasted. I did an interview with Will Smith, but I haven't posted yet because it's not a full thing. He said we could do it again, and then it's hard to get in touch with people. Well, he's busy. I've been waiting to piece it all together.


Now people don't even believe people like, he's lying. They don't think I really did it.


I wouldn't either. But it'll come on at some point.


It builds high.


We'll wait for that.


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How's your mother?


Thanks for asking.


You have a great mother.


It seemed like a bad Mark Wallberg impression.


Say hi to your mother for me. She's good.


How's yours? Everybody with you?


Yes, thank God. Everyone's doing great. Yeah, thank you for asking and checking in on that. Did you get your mom anything for Mother's Day?


I didn't get her something for Mother's Day, but here's the thing. One, it's on your business. Okay. I mean that in the meanest way. Part of me. Two, you raised your hand because you didn't either?


She doesn't care too much about gifts. I think just a phone call and a long phone call to her is the gift. It's a good Mother's Day gift.


Is your mother the type of person who would like for you to ask them what they want? No.


Is the gift I expect you to bring a gift. She has no expectations. Now that I'm an award-winning dramatic actor, I am making a little bit of money. I couldn't afford to not decorate all these rooms. But I I do. She's coming out here soon, and I'm taking us to Disneyland, and I'm taking us to... We're going to go see... What is it? Who goes, Hello?


Oh, Mrs. Doufire, The Musical. You'll be a coke.


Yeah, we're going to go see that. I do. When I'm there, I pay, I go. It's my pleasure. They always took care of me, and I'm in a position of paying for stuff. But now it's mother's day, Oh, I have to get you something. I don't want to have to fake it. You know what I mean?


Do you get better gifts and experiences than your brother does with her?


I can only compare it to former versions of myself.


Oh, right. I don't know.


My brother gave her a grandson.


That is, oh, and you're not there yet. No. Are you?


They're engaged.




I need somebody to have a kid with, I think.


You're actively looking right now or are you natural?


I was just making a joke. We haven't said anything until I actually had my baby. Okay. No, I'm not. I'm just saying at a certain... I do want kids.


How old are you? 27. 27?


I know, right?


He looks great. I'm 31. 31?


31. 31. Just turned 31, didn't you? Yeah.


How do you know the hesitation?


Was that on the 28th? April 28th?


No. My birthday? Yeah. Want to guess again? No. Okay.


May fourth?


No, November 18th.


Then you didn't just turn. You lied to me, and that's why I guess.


No, I didn't say I just turned. You said, he said.


You just said, yes, I did. How did you know? Everyone heard, you need headphones. You heard him say that, right?


How did you know?


Did I say I just turned? You said 30, 31. I said, you just turned 31. You go, Yes. How did you know?


Oh, my bad. I black out half of the episode every time. I don't know how I'm still doing it, but I black out. I literally like, shit goes in, it goes out the other. I'm like, huh?


Yeah, I watched that happen a couple of times. Yeah, it's It's bad. It's bad. It happened to you once. Me? During the bowling alley stuff, yeah.


I was picturing a perfect score, and I was just trying to remember what the number was for it. What's a turkey?


Is a turkey a perfect score?


Three in a row.


That's a turkey. That's it?


When you get a spare, it counts that 10 plus one of whatever the next thing is. If you get a spare and then a 10, in the first frame, you get 20. You get your 10 from the spare and then 10 from the next bowl. A strike, you get the next two numbers. If I get a spare and then an eight, frame one is 18. If I get a spare and then a strike, frame one is 20. But with a strike, it counts two. If you get a strike, strike, strike, you get the 10 for the first frame, then you get the next 10 and the next 10. In the first frame, you get 30. You have the option of getting 30 in every frame. 30 times 10 is?300.300. You want me a Coke? That's how I blocked out again because I don't know anything about bowling.


Are you good with math?


Name any two numbers.


69 and 14.


Heard of both of them.


Whoa, cool. You're not a comedian?


Her mic is not working right now for some reason, so that's why she's been sitting inside.


Trust me, you don't want the smoke. Trust me. Because the confidence of you liking a joke that you heard and not only out loud saying, I'm going to take that, but then saying, I'm going to write it down, would be like a bank robber going to a vault on a tour, people not knowing that the robber being like, Okay, is that the combination? I'm going to take this money. Yeah, no, trust me. You got nothing to worry about. I'm going to take pictures of security.


She never uses it publicly, which is nice, but when you're talking one-on-one, it's nice to take a joke.


I'm going to use it to Zane because he's not going to remember.


It's nice to take a joke and use it on somebody else when you're not filming it.


That's my camera. Correct. That makes more sense.


Oh, yeah, we're on the scene.


You don't have a wide. People have a wide.


Above your head. Right behind you. But you don't see your unit, though. So you can do whatever you want in that wide.


Don't write that down. I'm also the editor, so. So make sure people saw what that meant. Be careful. Yeah. You need to be careful. Show all of it. She just always... She'll be picture and picture the entire time. No cuts. I'm just pushing this through. I'm settling in now.


Good, good. You're comfortable?


Yeah. Good. Are you comfortable, Drew Barrymore? How are you? What's your levels right now? Has it gone down a little bit?


I feel like I'm in a dream. This is really fucking cool, but at the same time, my brain is still in shock. How's your psoriasis?


My psoriasis is clear. Is it moderate or severe?


It's gutate psoriasis, which is activated by getting strep throat. When you get strep throat two weeks after your body's still reacting, thinking that there's something it needs to fight off, and then it goes to the skin cells.


Yep, exactly. Are you staying off gluten?


No, I have gluten. I don't think it.


Try it for a moment. I'm telling you.


Do you have any weird medical conditions or ailments besides the usual stomach ache?


No business. Okay.


What is my business? This is an open podcast. What can I ask you, Rick?


You can ask me anything you want to ask me. What was your first job? You want to interview me.


In a Hey, you are our guests. You are on unfiltered. What do you want to talk about?


I want you to be in a comfortable space. I'll be interviewed. My first job was working at McDonald's.


Get out of here. The epitome of the American dream. Is it? I think so. That's usually what they would say about if you start at McDonald's. No. Spirit Halloween.


That was your first job with spirit Halloween?


Spirit Halloween, but it was seasonal. I mean, you only had the gig for a month.


That's going to kick you to the current. Because they close so often, that's why I always make sure, just in case it's not October, always have a fake mustache on Oh, wow. I have the spirit of Halloween in my pants. You know what I mean? That flirt. I saw it.


You also have a cheeseburger on your sock, too.


I think it's a cookie.


Because you worked at McDonald's. I don't know.


What was your favorite thing to make at McDonald's?


I didn't like working there because I was 13 when I was working there. I got a worker's permit. I was working at 13. I'm a real hard worker. I would get really hot making coffee or being around the heat.




I'd have to wear a hat, and the hat hurt me. I'm still sensitive to a lot of textures and things. But when I was a kid, I was very like, it's hard to wear stuff. I had OCD that was a bit... It was an obstacle for me. I'd have to take I would put stuff on and put stuff off all the time, and I would feel everything I was wearing and the heat. I didn't want to be there. Shout out to Georgie, who would always make the coffee for me, even though it wasn't his job. I just hated it so much. I would leave early all the time. I think I worked there for eight months, and I made 600 some dollars in eight I would leave all the time. I'm 13. I'm like, I want to go home. A lot of times, she'd be like, Okay, could you please just finish the lunch thing? I'll be like, 20. Or she used to be like, Okay. When you work, you get either a half off or a free meal. I don't know, but I would always like, can I... I think you have to work at least a half a shift to get the free meal.


That's what it was. There were some times where I didn't... Half a shift, you think it's four hours? There were times where I didn't quite make it to four hours, and a few times I said, Can I please still get the sandwich? You Usually she'd say, okay.


To go back to the work permit, because I've never heard of that. What constitutes a work permit for a 13-year-old?


You have to be 14 to have a job. Thirteen is too young. But if you get a worker's permit, which I think you have to be signed off by your parent or guardian and the school. You go to the school, you get a form. It's basically a worker's permit that the school signs and my parents sign. When I bring it to them, I'm allowed to work at 13 years old. Here's my permit for it.


Does it have to be a specific reason or it's just like, Oh, I feel like working earlier.


I don't remember that many things.Oh, God.


I never heard of that.How.


Did you get to work?


My brother had a job.


This was after school you would go?


Must be, or maybe it was summers. No, because it was during the... I remember that I made enough money. I remember I made enough money to where I could buy... I bought a PlayStation in Resident Evil 2. That $600 went directly to us. It's like, holy shit, I could go do something and then get anything I want. I remember that I I remember that feeling so well. I also remember going to get the Resident Evil 2 and be like, I bought this, and I got this. I thought it was so cool. Point being, I think I got it in January, and I must have stopped working not too far thereafter, so it couldn't have just been summer. Yeah, it must have worked after school. I may have walked there after school, like a mile or two away. Uphill both ways in the snow. Emotionally, but no, pretty flat surface. Weather was good. That was just nice.


This is the Mighty Kids Meal era, though.


This is when the good toys were happening.


Because remember, there was the Mighty Kids Meal that wasn't for the kids anymore.It was for the preteens.It was for the preteens.


Maybe. I don't know. I do remember when Burger King had Dragon Ball Z figures. Oh, yeah.


Big DBZ fan?


I'm a DBZ fan. Okay. I don't want to... You say you're big, and it's like, Oh, well, an episode, blah, blah, blah. I'm a legitimate fan. Yeah.


You watched every episode or just most? I got up to the Cel games and then Majin Bahu.


That's when I got it dipped out. In sixth, seventh, I don't know, whatever grade, people were circulating the Japanese... It was actually Cantonese with English subtitles. I think it was 271 or 291 episodes. I had them on these five disks, and I would burn them and sell them on eBay, the whole series. I would get like 100, 200 bucks a pop for this. Fuck McDonald's. But then there's issues with you're illegally selling blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I came up with a workaround. I also used to buy and sell the Gathering cards and Pokémon a little bit. I'm selling this swamp for $200. As a free gift, I now realize I'm still distributing. You're not allowed to do that. But I would just be churning these fucking things out, and my mom would go to the post office for me, and I would just... It was like $400 a pop, and then 200 a pop, and then 100. Then people weren't buying them enough. But I don't know how much I made. I made probably a few thousand bucks selling these things, which, again, for eight months, I made nothing at McDonald's. It was then where I started…


I also had a job at Best Buy. I worked for a bit. But I always was buying and selling collectibles. Then in college, I got into stocks and stock options, which felt like collectibles, not really, but it's still like…


A limited time, price for it, and you couldn't make money.


A gambling in a way that felt like…


It was a glorified gambling. Yeah.


I still invest. I don't do day trading options like that now, but I still am into comics and magic cards and buying and selling and getting them graded.


Do you know the magic card that Post Malone just bought for a million dollars?


Two million. Two million? What is it? Lord of the Rings, Magic, the past few years has been doing collaborations with other IP, Lord of the Rings being one that was a newer one. Interesting. They have this one card, which, by the way, that card, there's multiple versions of it. It's printed in multiple versions. It's a rare that exists, but they made a one-of-one version of it. It's the only one of one magic card. Like Willy Wank in the Chocolate Factory, who gets the magic ticket? People were going out buying boxes trying to pull this card. Somebody pulls the card, and nobody knows what it's worth because it's one of one. So it's whatever somebody's willing to pay for it. People were throwing out offers before it was pulled. I'll give whoever 100,000. I'll give whoever 400,000. I'll give whoever 800,000. It gets it pulled, and it was graded at nine, I think, right?


Yeah. Is it the same world as like, Pope on Yu-Gi, Yu-Gi cards? Or is it just more like a-Different.


So Yu-Gi-Oh and are collectible trading card games. They exist in a similar way where people collect and there's rarity and some are worth, et cetera, money, some blah, blah, blah, blah. But in 1993, Wizards of the Coast, Richard Garfield came out with Magic: The Gathering. That was the inception of this format. Since then, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, those are probably the two bigger after Magic. But nothing. People who don't know anything about Magic have heard of Black Lotus, probably. I don't know if you guys have heard of that card.


I was going to say, is it a specific card or is it in the same deck as the cards that we're seeing right here?


Magic is a-$10,000 for the Black Lotus?


No. I'll buy however many you're willing to sell me for $10,000. That is not $10,000. These cards are especially great, especially the alpha and the beta. They're over covered. One sold, I think, for seven figures. But high $100,000. When they're graded to nine fives or higher. When I first moved out here, I had $10,000. I had $10,000 saved.I'm.


Going to make it.


I'm going to put all on one car. I went to college. I saved my money. I lived at home for a year and a half. I saved my money before I could move out to California. I had a mattress on my floor. I had no bed frame. I had a mattress and a blanket. I had no sheets. I had no sheets, mattress and a blanket. A pillow, I'm sure, but no sheets, no desk. I had nothing. I used all my money to buy Power, type in Power Nine, to buy magic cars.


I did the same thing, but with drugs.


Did you run this decision?


Drugs, watches, and cars to appreciate.


Art appreciates. He knows you. That was all three, actually.


Did anybody in your life tell you, This is a great decision?


Did you run this decision by anybody? I ended up selling, as I would, I buy stuff. It's store of values type stuff. You buy stuff, and then when I need the money, I sell it. I ended up selling almost all of them over the next year.


Yeah, it's a good stored value. Did you ever earn one?


You mean pull one from a package? Yeah. No. The power cards, those cards, Alpha, is this interesting? Yeah. I know nothing about this, and I'm so into it. Alpha came out in 1999, and it was this card game that not that many people knew of. I don't remember the number. Type in how many Alpha rares. I think it might be two. I love how interesting. It's a thousand or 2000. I think it's a thousand. One thousand, one hundred. Alpha comes out, and when you buy a pack of cards, there's one rare, three on common, and then the rest are common, usually. One rare per pack. Also, if you got a starter deck, there's two rares in it. The point being, There were so few cards made that there was only 1,100 of each rare. So literally, 1,100 exists. Those sold out really quick. The game was cool. All right, they did again. We'll print again. They printed all the cards again, basically. But now, because it was Alpha, it was a new addition. It was called Beta. Alpha and Beta both have black borders. The difference is Alpha is the only edition where the corners are different.


You could tell Alpha if the cards are upside down. This is relevant for a reason. Wait a second. I love it. Then they doubled it. They doubled that run. So beta, there's around 2,000 or 2,200 rares. Those sold out. In the same year, they came up with a new set. Alpha came out. Those are done. Beta will come up with this new set. It's called Unlimited. We're not going to... We'll have an unlimited amount. Those same cards, there was a couple of changes. They added some stuff. It's all the same art, but it's white-bordered. There's, I don't know how many of those. I'm going to say 10,000 of those. Then those sold out, and then they came out with new additions. Arabian Nights came out, the Dark, Antiquities, all these things. Every year, like how you guys change studios, every year or so, new additions come out, and the game keeps getting bigger, so there's larger and larger print runs. Point being, all of the Power Nine, the biggest cards, Black Lotus being the most powerful, the most expensive, all those cards Nothing was printed after 1993. I didn't start playing until 1997. At the time, I remember the game.


Yeah, I remember at the time, Black Lotus, I saw them at the card shop, and you saw in the case, it was 200 bucks. I'm like, That's insane. I remember there was a Northern Paladin for five bucks. It's a piece of cardboard. You can't buy it. By the time I ended up buying these cards, they were between 800 and 1200 a piece. I bought four Black Lotus. One of them was a beta black Lotus that I bought for 800 bucks. It came and it was Alpha. Now, at the Alpha was no one who wanted Alpha. They didn't like it as much because when the cards are upside down, it's considered a marked card because you could tell it's Alpha because the corners are different. People didn't value Alpha as much because you couldn't play with them. I remember I was upset. I ended up selling that card for 1,200 a year later. As time goes on, people realized Alphas are more… There's half as many as betas, a 10th of unlimited. Alphas are the most rare. Alphas are very covenant. Also, there's this new format that came out called A40 where you could You only play an alpha card, so you have to be rich to be able to make this deck.


Anyway, that card now is selling easily for $100,000. Absurd. I bought an unlimited black Lotus. Again, it wasn't packed fresh because these packs don't really… They're hard to find. But I bought an unlimited one and I sent it and I got PSA. It was graded 10. I sold it for $1,700 over COVID, and one sold for $90-some-thousand dollars.


Oh, my.


But I did years ago. Every time I booked a season of television, which it used to It used to be drama. Excuse me. It used to be comedy before I was a warwin dramatic actor, and I still do comedy. I love doing it. But I would get myself a gift. One year, I bought myself a beta Beta Starter deck. Beta Starter deck, it's a pack of beta-Sealed.sealed. For people who are wondering about... Because people now are faking them and getting good seal jobs, and you don't know if it's sealed until it's open. I bought it at a time that I knew who the person was getting it from and the lineage of that. It wasn't at a time where they were at a price. People are doing that. I'm very, very confident mine is official. It has a sticker on the bottom. It says 895. I bought it, I think, for 4,000 something. Wow. Those are now going for... Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's more now, but around 30 plus, 30,000.


Are you checking on eBay for these sales? Facebook Marketplaces is the best place to check for this stuff because it's people who are actually buying.


Facebook Marketplaces.


I get everything from Facebook. Are you being serious? My whole house is all Facebook.Being serious?Yeah.


What stuff? Like furniture?


We have all mid-century furniture, just interesting art things.


It's curated Craigslist in a way because it's not as a not. It could still be bullshit, but it's like, you could also then look at friends and there's rooms like, are you going to buy something from somebody? Traditionally, you send them money, then the seller sells the card. But how do I know the seller is legit? You could go into these marketplaces and be like, Hey. They go like, Anytime you've done a deal with this person, It's like, put it up here. There's reputations around it. It's safer.


I know what your identity is. I know what your mother looks like in your Facebook.


Is the money in, ripping a pack open and trying to hope for something more valuable or having a sealed pack, you want to try to sell that.


The packs are so rare now. If there's 1,100 alpha black lotuses, there are less sealed alpha packs and starter decks. I actually was bidding on an alpha off a starter deck because the lineage was from somebody who worked for Wizards of the Coast, so you knew it was legit or the best, most you can know. Then it got to the price point where it was like, I can't do it. The person who outbid me, then it got to a point where it broke six figures. Then, by the way, me spending this money, I don't spend this money.


I was just about to ask, is this the most expensive thing that you're using your money on?


But the reason I buy this stuff is because it truly is it's store of value investment stuff. I bought packs in these cards, and then I sell them, or I trade them for stuff. I got into Bitcoin a while ago, and I would sell stuff, and then I buy, Oh, I'll use that for magic cards, and then I sell it. Then it's like, I put so much in my podcast. I do so much editing, especially starting off. I was able to do this stuff because of these cards. I don't feel like I'm just throwing this thing. It's like, I'm buying this because I believe, until I don't believe, that it's worth at least this. When I think of what something's worth, I don't just think of what it's worth. There's the fun of having it and what it might be worth, but it's what is it liquidable today? So like, Oh, this is worth $100,000. Could I go on Facebook and get that within the next 30 days? Could I get that much money? If not, that's not what it's worth. It got to the point where it was more than I've seen other ones sell for.


I also thought there was some validity in it because we believed it was real. The authentication of it was as best as you could find. That set a new price point of it. Then I'm friends with these people in this magic community, and I went to this thing that Post Malone was at, and he ended up buying an alpha starter for this price because it's like, Oh, this is now what these things are worth. If I didn't make that bid, it wouldn't have been worth that, which also made me feel like it's so easy to manipulate this market. The truth is, when you're in collectibles, something is worth only what you're willing to pay, as is everything always. But all you need is, if there's only 10 of something, you need 11 people to want it. And then it sets this price point. So now people are doing what Black Rock is doing in the real estate. People are just acquiring things to manipulate the market for it. And there are people who talk about where it changes the purity of what the thing is and blah, blah, blah, blah. And I also do subscribe to that.


But there is something about… I've sold a lot of these cards. I also keep them in a safety deposit box now. I just don't like having them at home.


That's what I was about to ask. Where are these?


If I have a guest that's a magic person, I had somebody on, Joe Maganello on, and he plays magic. I didn't know that schedule, and I didn't go into him like, I want to show these off. We talked about them. But I'll go and I'll bring them home. It's like I'm having a sleepover. I have custody with my cards for a little bit. I will legitimately, I'll sit there and I'll just look. I'll sit on my floor and I'll look at them. It's like, I can't believe I have this.


Your My passion came from playing the game. Yeah.


You don't play the game anymore.


The game is... I mean, you guys don't know anything about magic, and I'm making this. This is the biggest magic, most magic talk I've had.


It's interesting because just seeing your face. I love how passionate. You are so interested.


It's the best. Jordan, do you know about this? Do you play?


I feel like at some point it's just going to just stay with the owner. It's going to go... Look how expensive it's getting. I don't understand how it can keep circulating.


As is the same with art. I look at the same thing as art where there is a market and a marketplace for this stuff. The answer to the question about playing, I don't play as much as I'd like to and used to because a few years ago, this new format came out. It's called Commander. It's magic, but it's different. I guess the way you think of it is five-card draw versus Hold'em or seven-card draw. It's poker, but it's different. Very easy to learn if you already know, but you can't use the deck I've already built. I just recently got into it. I have a part of this magic community now, and they keep saying, Come play, come play. It's fun, but I don't They've let me use their deck, so I've started to do it a little bit, but I want to use my deck. I'm not playing as much as I used to, but there is something about magic. It's so fun. I played it since I was in whatever grade when I was a kid. There's a nostalgic feeling. It also still works. Also, I looked in the case, and this is a $200 card.


$200 when you're a kid is, depends on who you are, but a thousand, $10,000, $800, $1,000, whatever. It's like, you're not going to spend that money on that. I never would. I like, Oh, if only I did. I would watch. It's similar to homes. I remember five or so years ago, there were homes. I'm like, That's $2 million. That's fucking crazy. That home is now $4.3 million.


You look at it, you're like, There's no way it's going to go up more than it is.


Keep chasing it. As you potentially continue to make money, if you even are that lucky, then stuff... I've just recognized the patterns of collectibles enough I got good at knowing where that stuff would be. But also it was a hobby. Then to keep on top, it was like a job, and it wasn't a job I wanted to do, so I left it a little bit. But I still have that appreciation and understanding of it. I'll still go on marketplace stuff and what stuff going for, what people selling. I see some stuff and it's like looking at a pair of tits or something. You're like, holy shit. Really, chemically, it's like, that's fucking awesome. It's like people will show off their collections. There's some guy show and I saw, and he has a The main two card grading are PSA and BGS. Bgs is Beckett. The main difference is, externally, the main difference is PSA is 1 through 10, and BGS, they have half markers, so you can get 0.5s. The reason they do that is because BGS has four grades. You get a car to grade it, you look at the corners, the edges, the surface, and the centering.


Everything could be really good, but as a nick on the corner, it could be a 10, 10, 10, 8. It's more strict. I'm not going to get into the practices of how honest everything is, but it's more strict. When you see a 10 PSA, it It's a lot easier to get a 10 PSA because if you get a little thing wrong... But with the BGS, they would give you a 10, 10, 10, 9, 5. It's very hard to find perfect 10s. It would still have a 10, but it's not called a quad 10 because it's not all 10 in every category. There's a thing It's a thing called basic in quads. If you have a 9.5, it could be 9, 5, 9, 5, 9, 5, 9. That's a basic 9, 5. It's not 9, 5s around. Does that make sense? Yeah. I saw this guy had a set of 9, 5 quads of all of the dual lands It's like, to acquire those, how do you even find them? People know there's not that many of them. Once you get to a grade, the difference between a nine and a nine five could double. This could be 8,000.


It could be 50,000 in a nine five. Even it It looks almost the same just because there's less of them. Collectors want to have, I don't have anything less than a nine-five or anything less than a nine or whatever. Now there may be 1,100 of this card. There's only one in this grade.In that condition.Yeah. People know, I got BGS has this thing you could go on and you could see people's collections and it has a grade. You have a point system and you see, Oh, his is 95%.


Are people showing their faces with their collections? I don't know.


Are they just sitting above it?Not.


Everybody's a celebrity. Yeah, Is there identities to it?


Maybe. I mean, some people do podcasts and stuff. There's this channel called Alpha Investments that I used to follow, and he's part of this community. I used to really like those guys. I ended up getting into Facebook marketplace just before COVID, before stuff really started. I don't know if you guys remember, but during COVID, crypto and collectibles went to town, right? Yeah. I would ask a lot of questions. There were people that didn't They thought I was spamming or something. I also then changed my name because people were being mean. Not everybody, but there are some mean people in all these communities. I don't need you to know. Not that I'm a famous person, but you could look me up and see me in this. Let me be anonymous. Then somebody called, Oh, he's changing his name. He's trying to help.


It reads scam.


Yeah. I then tried to make myself like, Hey, guys. I even said, I'm not this famous person, but I I'm in the public eye, and I just wanted to be anonymous, but I can appreciate you feel that way. Anything I buy, I'll send the money first. Then, well, PayPal people will protect you, blah, blah, blah. I said, You could wait two weeks. The first few I said, I'll send a cashier's checks because I trusted these people.


Or I'll just fly to you.


No, I'm not going to do that. But I did buy... I'm not going to want to talk about it. Anyway, it just started this off of this thing. What that clock for me is I I noticed that there's a difference between people not trusting people, and then there were people that were just bullying. Oh, he doesn't understand. I didn't know about the stuff I'm telling you. When I was collecting, it wasn't into BGS. I was just PSA, so I didn't quite understand the system. They were making fun of me that, Oh, he doesn't know the difference between blah, blah, blah. I'm like, You guys are so fucking mean. I was out. A couple of people sent me messages. Hey, I just want to say that these people are bullies. I don't want to speak. They'll let them speak for the The magic community is actually really nice. There's just some people who are... I also know that these are fucking nerds. I was and am one of them. I know it's like, they didn't have friends. I'll speak for myself. I wasn't very accepted as a kid. I wasn't bullied, but I didn't have friends.


Friday nights, I would go to the card store, I'd play magic with people twice my age. I could appreciate now these people are older, maybe they have more confidence, they have more money, and they're protective of whatever their bullshit. That brought me back in, and I left that marketplace, and I got into another one. Then people were talking shit about the marketplace. I was like, I just wanted to get some beta cards, bro. Then anyway, a minute, and then people were just mean. I followed the Alpha Investments channel, and I liked that guy, and I saw him collaborating with some other people, and I'm not going to say names of people, not that you would know, but there were just some people like, Oh, that was the guy that was mean as shit to me. This guy was so mean to me. There was this one guy that wanted to do this box opening, which would have been awesome. A box Unlimited, which 36 packs of Unlimited. There's a decent chance you're going to at least get some power, if not a Lotus, one of these things. There's this format where you could sell packs, but we open them on screen.


What's his name? It's probably your work.Logan Paul?Yeah, they did it. But there's ways of doing it, different ways. There's ways of doing it and charging an amount that's fair. There's ways of doing it that's not. There's ways of doing it that's authentic, whatever it is. But it is an exhibition, and I get that. I have an audience, and I wanted to be part of that. But he then wanted I feel like even though I'm not saying who it is, I don't want to get in too much-Call them out. Absolutely not. But it got to a point where there were some of the things that he was asking to do was like, Oh, I'm not going to do this. Good on you for wanting to do that. That's not This is not what we agreed to. This is what I'm comfortable with doing on my channel in front of my people. I'm not going to do these other things. No way. Also, this was a guy that was mean to me. He later then apologized. Then later, this thing was to this thing. He ended up doing it elsewhere, and I watched it, and it was very cool.


I wanted to be part of that. It's not like, I get what you want to do. He just wanted something that was more than I was comfortable doing. I had a boundary with it and taking advantage of promoting some other thing and blah, blah, blah. So be it. It doesn't work out. I was very direct. Hey, man, I'm not interested in doing this. Is that where you agreed to? I could appreciate why you would want to do this. I just want to let you know I'm still down to do it. If it's this, I am getting a little bit of an uncomfortable feeling with this stuff. I just want to be very direct. Let me know if you want to do blah, blah, blah. He didn't respond to me. Then, I don't remember. I feel like a day, it was a week later before the thing was done. I just wanted to check in, blah, blah, blah, blah, called me out and said, Don't trust this person. He said he would do this. It wasn't just out of context. It was lies. Now, there was a little part of me that got... Chemically was like...


It just reminded me of kid stuff and being bullied. But also, I was like, whatever, dude. But I didn't like that my reputation in this Facebook market. You know what I mean? I really didn't. It was so fresh. From that, it wasn't the reason I left. It was also like, I bought some, and I still do. There's some people who I bought from and they do stuff and I trust them and I would again and I have. I did some well with some crypto stuff. I wanted to sell some of it because I've been in for these dips, so I know take some profits, have some stuff, but when am I going to keep it in the bank? Buy some magic cards. I'm in a place now where I'm not doing that stuff, and I'm putting in the stuff I'm making. I haven't been buying cards, but there's still people I would, but they were fucking mean in there, bro. I don't remember why I even brought this up.


But no, dude, it's very interesting.


I could see it being a nasty community.


Do you own any valuable Pokémon cards, though, at all still?


Probably. I haven't gotten any of them graded. I ended up selling those off because Pokémon, I collect it because it was fun, and I like collecting and I like opening packs. I wasn't in from first edition, but right after. I had some… I don't know if it's unlimited, but I don't know the couple, but Charzard and some special stuff. I still have some. I have to look through. There were some that I'm like, I should go get these graded. But when I wanted to get them graded, this was during COVID when it's more than a year wait. Then I forgot about them.


How much does it cost to get graded?


It depends on... They do something where it's a percentage of the value of the card, and you have to say what the value is, which is tough to know, but it could get expensive. Also, you have to ensure when you're mailing stuff because there are cards that are in the high six figures.


You're sending it in hoping they don't mess it up while doing it.


What does a grader look like? What type of guy is it?


I don't know. Or I'm so sorry to say that. Or woman. But there's also ways of being faked, and sometimes they don't know. You could get grades and you don't like your grade, and you could get it regraded. The risk is, what if you get a worse grade?


My brother, 20 years ago, he had a thick binder filled with these type of Pokémon. He was obsessed with Pokémon cards, and he got them from anywhere he could find it. Then one day, my mom...Oh, she threw him out.When we moved out, she threw him out.


I heard a lot of stories about that.


When it was getting popular, like Logan Paul is posting all these videos, I called my brother. I was like, Where is that binder of Pokémon cards that you had that you're obsessed? He's like, Fucking mom threw it out. Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing, too. I wish I had it. This binder might make him feel better.


Hundreds. Cards are worth money. And not to say that a $30 card is nothing. But to go crazy It's crazy. You need to be in the very early editions with those stuff. First edition for it to be money where you're like, Oh, no. So if he didn't start right when it started.


When did it start? When did it first start?


'95, '97.


Oh, okay. I think it was a little later than that.


When did Pokémon... Oh, we have that so much fun to have somebody do that. What an asset to have on a podcast. Will you look up when did Pokémon cards come out?


I guess in '96. The game was '98? The card game.


Or 96.


October 20th. Twenty years ago is 2004.


I mean, it was early. It was early. He was young when he was collecting those cards.


I had all of my holographic ones in a special binder, but I think I took that binder to college and I set it up in our living room, and someone during a party just took it.


It's fun. I used to go to Barnes & Nobles all the time to get packs and the opening packs.


Barnes & Nobles to get the packs.


That's where I buy my Pokémon cards.


Target, Walmart. We go to Barnes?


I know Barnes & Noble.


I know Barnes & Noble sold the Pokémon cards.It was a different time.Yeah, a different time.


Was it as exciting as it is at the time, like Logan Paul was doing it? Like opening the cards and be like, What do I have? Or is it just much more-Probably more for just the thrill of getting a new card, not as a value of money.


No, it still was that. The value wasn't the same, but it still was that. I remember I used to get packs of alliances and you wanted to get a Balduvian hoarder or an ice stage and you want a Jesser's Cap. You pull one and you go, I love it. I watched one last night. I fucking love watching people open up packs and stuff.


What's that feeling?


You're watching it and you see people and they pull. I watched a guy yesterday pull. He opened up a booster box of Unlimited, his Marmax Emerald.


I'm putting in my head to try to...


It's a lottery ticket. You find out your lottery number.


In my head, I'm seeing a garage, a huge garage, and I open it up and there's a Porsche inside that's like an air cool Porsche that Oh, my. I cannot believe this is mine now. I open the garage and it's there.


Yeah, that type of-That's a very specific situation. But yes.


To me, cars is like cards.


That was a show where they would open up-Storage Wars?Storage Wars. Something like that.


I would It's not going to have that same shaking hyperventilating.


You also would probably know there's only a certain number of these things. Yeah. Now it's the point where people have been… As you open it, each time you open a card, sealed inventory becomes that much rare by definition. So there's also someone that's like, you don't want… Any of these old cards, you asked earlier if there's money involved. I'm making this number up at 99% of the time. Whatever the number is, You're going to lose money by opening it. This box that is worth $30,000, the moment you open it, unless you get one of nine cards, it's going to be worth $4,000. So the idea of it being so expensive is both maybe this exciting thing is inside, and also this thing, by this definition, has become rare in and to itself. It's like once you open it, it's not rare anymore. But watching people pulling, you'll see people and they're wearing gloves, and they'll do the card and they put it down because they're, Oh, my God. I've watched this video before. There's another one of this guy opening these packs of '86, '87 Fleer basketball cards, and he pulls a Jordan rookie, and he puts out the video.


You've been wanting him to get this fucking... And he gets it. When you're sitting at a blackjack table, you want to be there with everybody. When someone gets black check, it's very exciting. But if you just busted, you can't... It's not even just ego. It's like you can't appreciate it as much. That's why I love when I love Vegas, dude. I love going to casinos. When I go, I want to put... If we all went, we could all play our own hands. But what I would suggest, objectively, I know every move to make in blackjack. Maybe you guys do, too. There's just certain things that you do. I I also am with two-deck.I don't count?No. But I'm better at two-deck than others. Also, they don't pay one and a half. But point is, I'm a good blackjack player, as good as he can be. Let's all pool our money, not just for that, but also the more hands we play, the worst odds we all have of winning. But also there's something different. Where I didn't just win, we won. I didn't just lose, we lost. You're in this whole fucking thing. It's like, it's a rush.


When you're watching, it feels like you're in on it with them because you want them to pull it and like, Fuck, yeah. This is like, Look what we did. Look what we did.


It's just that fucking crazy. Everyone's like, Who the fuck is this guy?


I'm getting high up right now.


There are people that do... They'll buy a box. There are people that have a box. I've seen it. I don't remember his name. I would like to shout him out. I'm not remembering his name, but he had a box of beta. Each pack, it's 36 packs. I don't know what a box of beta cost now. Around then, they were probably around 10 grand a piece. It's expensive. He's opening this. He's making content. People will sometimes, Oh, there's too many ads, or who gives a shit about this? People will write in. It's like, You guys weren't making this both for us to have a creative outlet and to make money, obviously, but first to have a creative outlet and to entertain you. This guy is opening up these packs. I get to watch this. Thank you. This is so fucking cool. But people will like, not necessarily on his channel, but people will be like, opening so slow. What the fuck? It's like, Bro-Give him. For you to do this, you'd have to spend $360,000 and probably lose money. You get to do this while you're jerking off and ordering goop. Enjoy it. You get to do this whenever you want.


I get the hype. I'm just relating it to things that I enjoy, and I understand the feeling.


But you don't do Dungeons and Dragons.


I feel like you'd be so good at that. I want to. I want to learn how to do it. Me too.


My buddy Kyle Newman writes the books for him and stuff.


That's a video game, though, right?


No, it's a...


Magic was... It's a tabletop game. Magic was created to try and make a version of Dungeon and Dragons and turn it into a tabletop, like a card game. Dungeon and Dragons is more performative. And think of it like you have a Dungeon Master that comes up with a story, and then you guys play, and like, all right, you're going through the forest, and you have to blah, blah, blah, and you end up going to have these campaigns that go for months and months. It's a similar skill set. You have to be a story writer to be the Dungeon Master.


Do you guys like when the community grows? Or is it more like you want to keep it to yourselves and not let it get too big?


I understand what you're saying. No, it's always good for it to grow. With it comes, maybe you don't feel as special and or maybe more hate comes into it.


Is there more like, Well, I've been doing it since 1990, whatever.


There's an ego thing, too. I'm sure there's something I can't think of that I feel that way. I just remember I've talked about this in a podcast before. I remember I used to love Twista. The rapper? Yeah. He would always feature on stuff, and people didn't know who he was. Then he popped off and people found out. I do remember being like, You guys didn't know about him before I did. I remember that. I used to feel that way about wrestling, too, a little bit. I liked wrestling right before it got real popular.


You used to argue that it was real.


You were that kid. No, I also didn't know as as much as the people I watched with it.


People used to fight back and forth like it's fake. No, it's real, and people were passionate.


It is real. It's showmanship, but these guys are hurting themselves.


Yeah, that's all real.


It's not real in the context that we're seeing, but I do think I wonder how much people don't appreciate. The people that are so sure it's not real, how much they don't appreciate what these people are actually doing. Like a magician, he didn't really make that thing, Teleport. No, but there are some serious crafts and work. That's No, it wasn't necessarily the magic of how it's defined. No, it's not resonant. It's fine. But like...


She used to be a magician' assistant. I was. Yeah. She's been cut in half multiple times.


Is that where you got this?


Yeah. What was the magician? I know how he did it. I'm not going to reveal it, though. But there's a craft. There's a craft, and I will not reveal my secret. Who is your magician? His name was Crendle. It was Virginia Beach. Yeah. When did you stop doing it? I know Crendle. You do? I had him on my podcast. He was my first guest. Wait. I can't tell if you're being here.


There's no way.


Come on.


He's good.


Wait. No, right? No. Anyway, I performed at Virginia Beach for a summer as the assistant, so I did all the illusions. And you learned it. So I got caught in half. Yeah. Fun. I went to the Magic Castle for the first time a couple of months ago. What is that like?


Did you see- You have to get invited, right?


Yeah, you do.


Don't you have a- I got connects.


You can get us in. Yeah. It's kitschy in a fun way. It's It's the corny stuff is the good corny. The cool stuff is the cool stuff. I went twice. The first time I went, you have to wear a suit. You have to be dressed up. I had a show at the improv before. I did my show in a suit so I could go over there. I went there and I wasn't wearing the right shoes, and they wouldn't let me in. I was like, Oh, fuck. It wasn't until years later, I went recently. You have to get dressed up, which I don't love to do. What type of shoes do you have to wear? Dress shoes. I was wearing all black. It would be these in all It's all black, basically. Not these, but like...


Damn, I didn't even think they would catch that.


Yeah, I was wearing a suit and tie. But you go and it's like, also you get dinner and everyone you're with is dressed up so you feel like you're at something. You've gone then, right?


Yeah, I was just there a month or two ago. Did you see the shrimp guy?


I try not to talk about people's height, but I did see the guy.


His trademark is the shrimp trick.


Oh, no.


I forgot his name. He's unbelievable. You have to see him. I forget all their names. Get your team in. Did you see Hannibal? The guy Hannibal?


I don't remember any names.


They'll have different people there every night or every weekend.


I think people have residencies, and some people are there every Tuesday, Thursday or something, but for a couple of months, and then new people come in. The way I felt of it, and I was actually really, really attracted to it. I was so inspired. You're seeing a world that you didn't know existed, and it's just like anything else. It's like a workplace, and this is their work.


It's basically like a comedy club for magicians. They go up and practice these things.


But also for these different rooms at different times. Country Club. Yeah, it's like a country club.


Yeah, because there are people who are members, but they aren't performing all the time. Like Jason Sudeckis, he's a member, but you have to audition. You have to do three or four tricks.


Also, people go there. You'll just go there. You go there, we'll go to the Magic Castle for dinner. If you're a member, like Club 33 at Disney. Yeah. I heard about that.Got it. It's not that, but it's like that.


You stay at the hotel, you get, though, automatic admission into Magic.


Magic is so cool. I'm so fascinated. It's one of those things where you look at it, you're like, I wish I could do that, but you never want to put the time in to learn the sleight of hand. Like wrestling. Exactly.


Because it really is. Some of these people, it's magic. Yeah.


I bought a Zippo because I saw people doing Zippo twirling things. I'm like, I'm going to do that. Then I tried it for three seconds. I was like, I'm not going to put that in.


Did you see In and Of Itself on Broadway? No. Do you know what In and Of Itself is? Derek Delgadio?


No. I do go to a fair amount of shows, but I'm not that educated.


It was one of the best magic shows that was on Broadway. But there was this... Now it's on Hulu, you can watch it, but there's an illusion if you saw it in person.


He's fucking incredible. I watched him. I saw him here.


You had him on your podcast, right?


You did go to in and of itself live.


If that's what it was.


Where you pulled the card in the beginning. It was insane.


Did he guess yours exactly? I don't remember what he did with me, but he did with other people.


At the end of the show, he looks at each person in the eye and he tells them what they originally went in.


I don't I don't remember all the tricks. But I do know he's got his social media account, and he does stuff, and he has a stopwatch there. So as another work, you could see that it would have been hard to edit, even though you could fake that now. But I saw him live. It's legit. It's the most impressive I watch a lot of America's Got Talent. It's the most impressive hand car tricks I've ever seen because what he's doing, if it's not magic, if you're like, Magic doesn't exist, then what he's doing is, the only thing I can understand is he's a savant.


He also directed someone's comedy special recently. Who was it? He did mine.


Was it yours? No, I don't think so.


He did a trick on David Blaine one time, and David Blaine thought like... When we finally met David Blaine, I was like, Derek Delgadio did that trick to you one time with the champagne bottle in your house. And David Blaine was like, How the fuck do you know that story? I think he was so impressed that I knew about it. It's mind-blowing.


I personally think some people have super powers. Like, they fucking...


I believe in super powers. Yeah, me too.


For sure.


Yeah, this guy got it.


From magic to magic to magic.


You're right. We covered it all.


So you said you worked at McDonald's.


Did you even work at McDonald's or did you make that up?


We'll find out next week. I'm Rick Glassman. Check out my podcast, Take Your Shoes Off, or Rick Glassman on all social media. Thanks for watching. And as always, none of your business. None of your business.


Well, thank you so much, Rick, for coming on. I really appreciate it. Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Zane & Heath on Phil. You can check out these episodes every Monday, audio form on all the podcast platforms, and every Tuesday on our YouTube channel, youtube. Com/zaneandheath.


Also, make sure to check out Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneandheath. We do a bonus episode every single month. We do a live Q&A every month, and we also keep these cameras rolling for another 15 minutes. It's an extended cut bonus version of the episode. Patreon. Com/zaneandheath. Make sure to check it out.Thank.


You so much.To.


The loom.


Love you.Bye..