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Hey, welcome back to another episode. We're gonna get right into the intro because we don't feel like doing an intro.


Ready, baby?


Come on, let's go.


It's time to baby.




Welcome back to Zane and Heath. Today we brought the one and only Jordan Ong back. Welcome. And you know why? Why we're bringing Jordan back because he.


Has another insane story that I'm excited.


To hear because he always gets himself in these situations. I don't know if. I don't know if Jordan is like. Like he attracts these type of things.


Prone to disaster.


Yeah. And, you know, that's good because we can share this with everybody, with all of you. And it's gonna be a fucking great one.


Let's do it, baby. You ready, Jordy?


Jordan, you're gonna have to fix your shirt.


Nipples out.


You can actually go back to the first YouTube video I did when we moved out to LA. And the cut was like, up here in that shirt? Yeah, in the shirt. It just got cut down.


Do you just get stressed and you just.


No, the laundry, it is getting cut and cut and cut. I have a tank top that split at the side, so it's like two blank.


Have you tried sewing it, Jordan?


Yeah. You have a $3,000 sewing machine. You could easily just stitch that back to where it was.


I enjoyed the look of it. I like the natural look of it.


You like the DV?


I do. But also right now I'm in my festival fits. This is like the same fit I wore when I went to the festival.


Got it.


And we're gonna get into this because I think everybody in this room and in our friend group was sending each other Jordan stories.


I've sent that to, like, three different people just dying of laughter. Cuz I didn't. I. First of all, I saw the video before, like, for a few seconds before I saw your name, and I was just like, oh, what a disaster. And then I look up at your name like, oh, my God, he was so excited for this festival. So it looked like Fyre fest. Like it was like just. Or burning man. Remember when everybody was like, yeah, that's what it, like, looked like I was experiencing.


So a few episodes ago, what was it? Maybe like three, four episodes ago, Jordan left early to go on this trip to elements fest. Right? Elements.


Elements, yeah.


Oh, all four elements in that.


He was in it the whole time.


Air, wind. I said airwind. Air, wind.


Air, wind, breeze, breeze. So Jordan ended up. That nipple is staring at me. Jordan, we were watching the stories and just dying. And we've been wanting to talk about this. Mariah and I have been waiting to hear about it and holding it until we could record it because I know it's going to be insane. Jordan has a lot of unseen footage and stories and bts of this trip footage.


How is it not been posted yet? Is it. Was it that, like, bad? Was it crazy?


It's unseen by you guys. Oh, okay.


And everybody watching.


Okay. So, Jordan, please tell us about this experience. Terrible experience. I don't know if it was fun or not, but it didn't look.


No, it was honestly a great experience. And there is. There's a running, like, during the experience, during the hurricane, my roommate came up to me and. Or she texted me and she said, all of. All the photos we took, you're the only one smiling. And all of them, I see you being asked.


You're just literally in your element. Like, you thrive in situations.


Like, you're just happy to be there. You know, it's an experience. And I think we all. We're all attracted to, like, when we go on, when we travel, we complain about disastrous, like, situations, but we end up just, like, taking that moment and just making the best out of it and, like, having fun still. So I think that's what Jordan was doing.


It's a good memory. It's a good story. Nothing. You know, if things run smoothly and perfectly, it's like, okay, that was fun. But, like, when it goes wrong and you got something funny to look back and laugh at, it just makes it all the better.




I like that.


It's just from day one to, like, the day I left was crazy. Like, just. Yes. So I'm just gonna start from the beginning.


Okay. How many days were you there?


I think I was there for three days. Okay.


It felt like the whole summer.






So much happened.


This is the facial hair I've had since the festival. Like, I grew it out at the festival to fit in, and then three.


Days, and you don't want to. You don't want to get rid of it. It's like a souvenir now.


It's. Well, it's my story now.


Okay, so tell your truth.


Okay. So I fly in to the Poconos, which is Mariah's hometown, which this was my first time, when you can't afford to be Mykonos.


That was funny.


It's funny because they're both windy cities. Oh, air Aries.


Erewhon cities.


It's very confusing for hispanic people because.


Oh, Erewhon, is it?


Pocono's no, it's not just the you being hispanic. Okay, I see why it's confusing. But it is called the Pocono Mountains, but we call it. We're going to the Poconos.


The Poconos.


So, Jordan, if you. If you know the Poconos, you know that. Like, you're like, oh, we're going to the Poconos. Jordan kept saying, I love the pocono.


I love the pocono.


So I corrected him. I was like, I'm glad you're excited, but. But throw the s on there. And now he's like, poconos, poconos.


Hey, get rid of that.


Like, if you look on the map, it says Pocono mountain.






So there's different areas, but Pocono Raceway told me poconos. And now I don't know what to say to people.


It's the poconos because there's so many different parts of it to explore.




So it's kind of like. Like the Rocky Mountains, but you'd be like, I'm going to the Rockies.


Oh, do you do that?




Oh, yeah.


Do you do that?


Oh, you do that? Yeah, we're going to the Rockies.




So it's the Poconos. I thought it was very. It was very wholesome. You didn't know?


I didn't know.


I would have called it the Pocono too.


The book of the Pinocchio.




I was going through mental revelations when I realized, like, I was in Pennsylvania, like, the Mayflower forest. So I'm looking in the forest. I'm like, so this is where we landed. Like, this is where we are the entire time, like, feeling, like, a first american settler. So I could not help. But right when we landed, I just wandered through the forest, which is everywhere. Every single backyard has a, like, three acre forest that you can go into.


So the festival is pretty close to where you landed.


It is in. It is at the Pocono.


We landed in the festival.


Well, it's at the Pocono raceway.




Which is, I think. But your. Your plane landed in Newark, if they're in Newark. And then we had.


Oh, okay.


Yeah. Before we start, my roommate Savannah got me this trip, so she shout out to.


Shout out to sad.


Thank you so much. Her art was absolutely trippy. Draws, trippy drawls, and we had a driver at the airport ready to take us to the poconos.




What'd the sign say?


There was no sign. It was just a text. He just texted us when he was.


Like at the game.


I wish it was.


It's her art. That'd be pretty sick.


That is, actually.


You need to go above and beyond. You got to do this.


Okay. So we're. We're out of her house and she made me a like package because we're camping for the like. And I'm. I like the entire time I'm just like kind of thinking things are going to be provided. I don't. I don't know why I have that in my head.


Yeah, Jordan, you do that a lot.


Somebody's gonna pick up some flags, right?


That's the amount of shit I pack when I'm going to your house for the day.


Wrappers are all over the place.


No, I leave half of in the fridge.


I'll pick it up three months later.


I packed as much as Zane would pack your house to just one, one night visit to your house.


Oh, yeah.


She made me like a care package to bring to the campsite. She's like, I know he doesn't have anything. It's a twelve pack of Red Bull.




That's good.


Gummy birds, candy, everything I needed listerine to brush my teeth. Just a bunch of useful stuff. I left half the care package at home. No, but we actually wouldn't even have it, so that was already suffering from that.


I know.


He just brought the candy.


All the candy out.


Did have the candy. What I left was like the blankets.


Jordan, me and you both.


Okay. So we had to wait in line to get our tickets. I guess it's similar to Coachella. I don't know how that is, but you have to.


There's like a will call area.




Out of a tree.


Like it's a zip line.


The festival started in line. Like. I will just say that every single car just on turbo. Everyone with spinning disk, like in this is just waiting for the line. 4 hours in line.


Oh my God.


We eventually get that ticket. I also, during the line, I wandered into the forest because we had like our things. And I found a porcupine. A dead porcupine. Oh. Never ever saw one like alive dead. Like this is first time seeing a porcupine. Millions of quills scattered. And I took a quill I like.


You'Re talking about like the spy spike.




You lost it.


How sharp was it?


They are crazy.


It's crazy how it could be sharper than sharp. Like.


Yeah, okay.


No, like. No, there's a certain. There's a certain blade that's like the sharpest in the world. But it's like how is it sharper than like a needle?


You know what I mean?


Like how is it sharper?


Sharper than sharp?




Sharper image.


It's crazy.


Like how you can get a, like a splinter from a dog hair.




How's that possible?


Doesn't make sense, apparently. I think they are like microscopic. Microsoft. Microscopically barbed. So like when.




So once it goes in, you can't like pull it out, pour it out.


But you're gonna have stuck in you.


Okay. It's crazy how like these were created to like.


It's so.


To defend themselves. It's crazy.


It was so sharp that it went through my bag and fell out. Cuz I put it in my.


Should put it in your hat.


Yeah, I wanna.


So we get the ticket and that like four hour wait turned into like another three hour wait in the car now though.


So your first day is just gone.


First day is gone, yeah. Which to be fair, this is Thursday. It's like a pre night festival is like Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Okay, so this is like you set up camp to go the next day.




So something very cool is that though the car weight was in the NASCAR. Like you're waiting in the NASCAR raceway. Oh, that's like all the car. So like it's like five lanes of cars.


Oh, you're literally on the race track on the racetrack.


Like that. That picture is on the racetrack, but you're so you're living a dream and a nightmare because you're going not race speed. It was the slowest thing ever because they had dogs checking every single card.


Was it like a bomb dogs or drug dogs?


Drug dogs. Yeah, well.


Oh, that got rid of 80% of the.


But no, no, no. These drug people are just like. I just don't know what they're thinking. Like, they know that. So they put these things on like the bottom of their coolers, like stocks with lunchables and fruit. Like you would have to mark so much. Then they close it in. Like the dog isn't gonna smell that. Yeah, but like they do, they're thinking.


So that's what he did. He put it under his lunchables.


You know what I would have put? I would have put raw meat on the top and the dog.


Yeah, there were. I believe there were weapon and gun dogs. I actually think that was the primary focus.


Wait, I'm sorry, gun dogs. Oh, bomb dog.


I think they smell like the powder. I want. I don't know what they do, but I want to say that was like the primary focus. Yeah, I think in reality, the primary focus was probably drugs to see how many people they can get at that time. Because technically, the. The cops aren't allowed into the raceway. Yeah, because it's private property. So there. This is, like, the last checkpoint they have before they do that.


You know what? Pennsylvania is probably. I'm guessing that drug laws are, like, really intense. Maybe.


Yes, they are. Like, you can't buy cannabis or you can't.


Oh, okay. That makes sense.


All right. It's illegal there.




So I had no idea. Yeah. I mean, fact checked us, but I was pretty sure.


I think it's. I think it's medicinal in Pennsylvania now, but it's not recreational because I feel like I've seen. When we go to visit your parents, I feel like I've seen, like, weed. Bed shop type thing.


Yeah, they have them. Remember the one? It doesn't advertise weed. Like, the banners out front. It's advertising, like Kava and so it.


Advertises Kava and also.


What's the CBD?


No, it's. It's weed, but it's a legal delta a way.


What the hell is Delta a?


So you get high from it, but it's not THC.


Like, you know, the back of those stores have some.




Okay, well, let's get some delta in this motherfucker. We gonna do it next month.


You know, it's what you'd get in front of Florida if you want it.


From a gas station.


Yeah, yeah. I just want to talk about how, like, the festival set up. Yeah, super, super cool. Like, you got a car, and then you get a tent next to your car. So everyone has a different build out. Like, okay, some people are camping on top of their cars with the car tents or, like, have, like, huge, like, double spaced lots. Make setting up stores. And there's a huge economy inside of this festival that only revolves around trading.


No, it's on the bartering system.


It's on a barter system.


I'll give that to them. I think the people that go to these, like, for semesters, I think they're. They're like campers. Like, they know what. They know what's going on. People are going to Coachella. I don't. You know, they're never camping. That's probably the only time they're camping.


Oh, it felt like very experienced. Cool.


That's sick.


It's like burning man people. It's like they know how to make it look cool.


The burning man people that, like, a survived.




Yeah. But, um, because we also did have our her fleas from this as well. After the desire. Yeah, but, yeah, really cool setup. The economy system was really, really strange because you never traded for work. Like, not necessarily, but you didn't have to. I'm just saying, like, building people says you could get an Xbox 360 and leave, like, sunglasses.




Like, that's how the trade system work. The baskets were open. No one, no one looking, no one interest.


It was on like, the honor system.


It's an honor system. So you're supposed to give something of equal value from taking something of equal value. But like, there's so much people, so many people that don't. So it's just a kind of a free for all.


Did they have a bunch of like, honor coolers where like, people would like, would give out drinks for free?


Yeah, thousands of.


I love that.




Water was given out. And also you would have loved this, Mariah. They did a poker or blackjack when it's 21. Blackjack. But your bet was something on you.


Oh, my God.


So, yeah, Savannah was telling me the entire time I bring so many stuff because you're gonna give them out. And I didn't realize what she was saying, but, oh, you had so many.


Yeah, one smarty.


Basically. That's all I have. He has the porcupine, the Quillenne at the.


Imagine how excited where I'd be like, oh, I love this game. She loses her shirt.


This isn't me.


This isn't me. I'm usually really good at this game.


I really liked the no not spending money system that they really like.


I really like that too.


The actual, like, fans.


This seems like such an under. It could be just me I've never heard of. It was underrated.


Was not popular until. This is like was the year got popular. Savannah said like, no one went last year.


That's sick.


Yeah. Super muddy.


Ridiculously muddy, but very illuminati.


Yeah, it was. It was absolutely.


People are definitely being sacrificed there.


But Savannah and her cousins set up this like, really nice tent. I mean, we set up like we're staying for the three days.


She's also from Pennsylvania.


She's also. What?


Is she from that side? Yeah, she's from.


We went to her house.


Oh, cool.


That's sick. Okay.


It was really cool. Cuz I got to like, see what you've been talking. It is different to just talk about it and to see it is totally two different things.


Like, it's not what you like in your head. What you think about Pennsylvania was not.


What I thought felt like home because it was drizzling when I got I.


Can'T wait to visit there one day.


The Florida and me was like feeling the moisture from that rain and just sucking it. I was outside in the rain for like 3 hours. I was loving every second.


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First night at the festival, we set up camp really, really elegantly. Everyone does set up for, like, they're staying for three days. Yeah, we're buckling in hard. So we have, like, things on the wall, things in pockets and pouches, like cereal boxes out, like, mariah moving into a new house, like, and unpacking on the first day and half the house, that's like what we did. And then the ramblings just start because it's. It's drizzling already. And everyone's like, what's the rain tomorrow? What's it looking like? I hear someone says three inches. Like, I hear three inches. I'm like, three inches is a lot.


Like, it's huge.


Yeah, it's a lot of rain.


And I'm looking at the grounds, I'm like.


Did you feel like you're the only one, like, worried about this and freaking out a little bit?


Love that it's rain or shine a little bit.


Yeah, it's a rain or shine about canceled.


You're sleeping on the ground, a tent.


On the ground, three inches of rain.


That's terrifying.


The whole thing's flooded.


It's gone, it's gone.


All of a sudden you're sleep, you're on the table, you're like waterbed.


You have to. I'm just guessing a lot of people have not been to a hurricane and also in their defenses. Like we also have the same thing in Florida where we get all these warnings and it's a category five and then it just like kills Naples and misses us.


Yeah, it was a legitimate hurricane or.


It was the hurricane left over from.


Oh my God.


The lingering. Yeah, I think it was how it.


Goes up the coast.


Like the outskirts of the 20.


It's like Florida and then like rides the coast.


That's why we always compare like Katrina and Sandy. Like we got hit really hard. So I'm always like I can't even imagine Florida cuz that that's just we got.


She's getting the back end. Yeah. So we were like, I want to say 24 to 18 miles per hour winds which it's a lot. It's a lot for. It's like a category one. Category one wins for tense.


I mean for a ten. That's crazy.


Yeah, we're actually really lucky. Like it was not just a little bit stronger because it would have been totally annihilated.


But I mean it looks like it was all right.


So 1st, 1st night it's like it is coming down. It's starting to come down around like 07:00 and we actually do like one pre night at the festival and like everyone, the spirits are high. No, you would never think that like an apocalypse is gonna happen tomorrow. Like you wouldn't think that like the. Yeah, it was raining and like the dj was like fuck it up. Like it was, it was a really like people were positive and that's why.


They cancel this shit like because of weather. Because like they, people like go, don't care.


It's like 11:00 it's starting to come down. I actually was doing a heath and I was going around taking pictures of the tents because they look so cool with the lights on at night. It looked incredible. Started coming down at midnight. I'm back in my tent. This is where the hurricane. This is chapter, chapter one chapel run. My tent is like, I think like 14 inches above the ground. And so I put all my stuff on my bed so my entire floor. Like I'm just expecting to wake up because the hurricane was supposed to make landfall at 07:00 a.m. so everyone had a great, like.




Like, night. So we're waking up 07:00 a.m. and I'm. I'm not joking. It just, like, from a switch. It was. It was the quiet, the calm before the storm. Like, the tent. The tent was silent. This is what I woke up to.


That is about to rip out of the ground with you in it.




I'm surprised you didn't twinkle lights in the tent. Christmas light.


Jordan with his feet.




The legs are crazy.




Good thing you had so much shit in there because definitely you were flown out with it.


This looks like a shipwreck.


Like, I want you guys to imagine this happening to everyone outside at the exact same time. It just hit. It just a storm just hit.




What were you hearing? Like, were people saying things, yelling or was everyone.


The wind was so loud. You could hear wind and screams.


It was.


It was bad. It was bad and.


Oh, my God.


Okay, so, like, most people woke up to this storm because we partied until, like, 01:00 a.m. like, it was raining, but, like, people were up until that time, and I doubt most people got sleep. And a lot of people, apparently I, like, four to 05:00 a.m. were already having to, like, move their tents to somewhere else because, like, what, the water muddied up. Okay. So this whole morning from, I think seven to maybe like, 03:00 eight. You cannot tell what time it is outside if you didn't look at your phone because it is just blackness over.


And this is day two right now.


This is technically it's day one.


Day one.


But it's your second day.


It would be the first day. The festival doors open at 01:00 and you get to enjoy it.


And this is what's happening right now. That's crazy.


Okay, so I have to. I'm checking every, like, 15 minutes. My stakes and my shirt is, like, over everyone. And I'm looking around and everyone's tense, are ready to take off. And I'm looking at the distance. Yeah. And a lot of the pictures I'm showing you guys are post aftermath. Our post storm.




I could not bring my phone out in the storm, so you guys are gonna have to just listen to what.


Oh, my.


During the storm. But I am. I turn my head and. What are those called?


Heath, those canopy, like a pop up tent.


The canopies are in the air, flying.


Oh, with the poles, like the.


No, like, taking off into the air.


Yeah, it's like those windy videos.


Porta potty gets thrown.


A porta potty fell. Oh, the handicap porta potty. The biggest porta potty there.


The largest one collapsed.


Overdose. That's my situation.


Happened during the hurricanes. We had to start tying our trampoline to the deck because one time it just flew a whole ass trampoline with a net and everything. It just flew away.


Videos are crazy. It's crazy how a wind can pick up something like that and once it has enough, like, just. It catches the right angle. It's fucking. And it's just so dangerous where it's gonna land, like, that pole. Just fucking.


All right, I'm gonna approach this sensitively. Since I saw the victims there and I saw there were victims, mean.


I don't think anybody died.


No one died. But, like, there was, like, a spirit huge. Yeah. Like, demoralization. Because the disaster was, when you see those grounds, like, every single one of them had people tented there that got three inch puddles. Those puddles that you guys are seeing in these pictures are where tents were.




Where people were set up. And when I said people set up shop, I mean, you had a living room couch. Someone bought a full couch to their setup. Wow. People want tvs.


Like, they brought everything.


When I looked out into the hurricane, it looked like homes just. That had their walls taken away and just nothing was left.


So it's. It really just wasn't funny in the moment when everybody was there. Everybody was just kind of bummed and that there.


Yeah, the weekend is starting. Disaster was. I mean, it turned into a refugee situation because you couldn't leave.


That wasn't.


No, no, it is. It is kind of funny that you. You couldn't leave the. The raceway in your car and enter back on the same day.


There was no reentry, so.


There was no reentry. So if you wanted to save your spot, it was like you got a push through it, which, if you think.


About it, it's kind of exciting.


It is.


It is exciting because it means that.


You get to move up closer.


You're. You're doing great. You capitalize video.


It's crazy because that's like, if I feel like if me. If we were there, right, at some point, you're just like, fuck it. Like, it doesn't matter if I'm dirty anymore. It doesn't matter for wet. Let's just laugh about this, and just.


As long as we're warm, that's what it turned.


We're gonna be. We're gonna be hungry. We're gonna.


It was hard seeing like, people didn't have plan b. There was only plan a. So plan b's were the plan b's that you guys saw after post 10th apocalypse was made with tents from the.


Post that they were, they were harvesting other people. Like, other people. Shit.


Wow. There was a massive tent graveyard where you could harvest parts to build your new can.


This is like a new civilization. Like, this is like you're starting day one of the new world. The new world order.


Sad, Mariah. It was sad.


It's like an estate sale when it was crazy.


But like, Oprah would have loved this land.




She would have bought it all up.


I want to say a 25% leave rate.


Oh, that's actually better than I thought.


Oh, Dan. So there's a lot of committed people.


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People are committed because you spend 300.


A lot of money. That's a lot of money.


A lot of money. And you request time off work. A lot of money. Like, that's why I do feel bad for people that, like, have the plan for it because, like, they kind of got like, a really bad end of the stick. But, um, anyways, I want to get to the story because I was exploring out into.


We haven't even gotten this.


Yeah, I was exploring out into the storm.


He was just painting a picture the whole time.


So I haven't gone to see Camp Kerbo, which was our camp that we named our cousin's camp. And we were so happy with Camp Kerbo after we finished it, survivor was fucking gone. Camping out all over the camps. Camp combo was collapsed during my, like, visit to view people, see if they need water, see if they like. That's like, what we were all doing.




Visiting each other. Because your phone. We didn't have chargers, so, like, very limited phone time.


Think about that. Everything.


You know, your little water thing that you. You.


Yeah, water.


And then you clean it. You could have made good use of that over here because I could have.


Been using that to trade for everything.


Oh, my good, cuz. Yeah. If all the water's gone or it's, like, fucked up, you grab all that water.


I will say they had a great, like, water response when the porter potty tip, they, like, came in with the septic tank immediately and.


Oh, that's good. Yeah, just in case.


And they were constantly filling the water tubs. Like, water.


Oh, so that's just how to water that sewage all over.


Oh, shit. Okay.




And it was. You would smell it through the campsite, like. Oh, like, just. But it. I mean, it works.




Those tvs look like ghosts.


Oh, those were the. Those were the. Those were the backups, right.


Okay. There was like an. There was like a civil war between, like, those are like the expensive pre built tents, like the.


You could rent.


Oh, that was vip time.


Like, you.


None of those got lifted off.


None of those got lifted off.


Is it because it's like, under, like, nail to the.


They were. They did have leaks, though, so it may be just as worse.


Yeah. Comfortable.


Only that they had electricity, so I had to siphon in the middle of the storm, and someone was coming and they saw me in the middle of lane, and he's walking down and I'm. I turn my back to him. I'm like. I look back, he's still walking to me. I'm like. And I just. I leave my phones there and walk out of the lane, and he comes up running behind me.


I'm like, oh, God.


Yeah, he was trying to talk to me and he's like, are those your phones back there? I'm like, yeah. Is it good? Just trying to make. The electricity is working in the back of your tent.


Oh, he thought you were there.


He goes. I'll trade you my tent for your two phones.


It was like they had, like, camp counselors at the tent. Like, guys that, like, kept walking the area.


Oh, you did it wrong. You should have been with them.


I know, but I didn't have them.


Oh, my God.


What's this?


Is this.


So this is during my, like, walkout. This is one of the tents. I'm. I'm Mariah.


You see a body in there.


Jordan, you can make money off this video.


Hold on, Mariah.


It's an REI tent. Look.


That's a good promo. Well, actually, it's not. They shouldn't do that. Best tent in town.


So I was. I happened, like, I was getting my camera out, like, before I even saw the tent flying to me. What you guys are actually seeing is I'm walking towards this tent, and I see. I grabbed the tent with my left hand, and I tumble.


Like, you tried to catch it.


The tense strength.


Jordan didn't make it to the summer Olympics is unreal.


So I one hand it and then go. What you see at the cut of the video is after my tumble, and then I scrape my leg in, and my elbow show the scrape I don't healed.


Jordan, you truly are a hero and a warrior at this.


I'm holding on to the tent, and you see the small little asian woman come from the, like thing, and I'm like, she's like, you have my channel. I have. I need help. I need help.


That guy's stealing my tent. I'm not.


Four people come, and we all bring this tent, but, like, good luck. Like, it's. The water is gone, the wind is up. This was, like, mid storm, but it did feel good. The side quest that you were on, like, you asked for it, because you're walking and everyone needs help. Every single person is how Jordan would.


Have been having a know it.


You too, Mariah. You would have loved. Just, like, trying to get everybody's shit together.


Yellow vest.


Yeah, right? Do a team picture. Like, thank you. Thank you. Element festival with a clipboard.


She's like, what are we? Let's get you these items back.


You would have done it for free.


Oh, yeah, that's the scar. Oh, my.


Bleeding all over your.


And then I actually went to the first aid station after because.


I'm sorry. The picture, the angles.


That's what I'm saying.


I feel like. Like my dad would have sent me these pictures.


Like, you were just walking and these were taken accidentally on your way there.


Like, this is a picture.


It's cuz I wanted to make sure if I found the septic water felt like I was like, okay, do not understand, like every fucking second mentioning the algae that eats your head, you're gonna get gangrene. Like I was just thinking I'm going to get infected for saving someone's time.


Like that. Yeah. Oh, what's that?


Oh, that was post post apocalypse. The ground was still wet and those are cheez its. Cordell there in the water.


He got that deal.


I saw for him.


I felt like I was like in ancient Rome we all settled down and.


Four different periods he's come up with like the pirate time.


No, you guys don't understand. The entire time I was sitting there it felt like, like roman times. And when the hurricane hit, like a, like, wow. That's what it would be like to be a roman citizen in an unexpected storm.


We're just missing the coliseum.


But I apparently during the storm, the owner of the festival, like the co owner who like host it came out and like was giving refugee sandwiches away.


That's, you see I, that's what I'd like to see.


From his own pocket. From his own pocket.


He should have got like MVP Jordan. We saw that.


All the merch should have changed the next day to survive. Yeah, all of them.


They cancel one of the sets to present awards to everybody that helped out DC. I would be there. I'd be in the front of the.


Line like, yeah, most sandwiches passed out goes to Jordan.


On most attempts to be a hero Jordan.


So no food? No, I, I thought I was not gonna have eat that day.


No, I was. That would have been it for me.




And then I was like, people fast all the time. What am I like? You're good out about? Yeah, like, I'm fine. I couldn't at 06:00 I was, I felt like I was going to actually die.


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We love you post hurricane.


That looks like post.


I'll talk about like the festival a little bit now, but post post hurricane, everyone survived. We actually rebuilt camp Kerbo pretty like back to normal. Like we salvaged too. And a lot of people rebuilt the attitude. The positivity was returning good. The festival, like, there was a regrowth, a rebuilt, a resurgence.


This looks fresh, come back stronger.


It made people enjoy the festival even more because they got through this such dark moment.


And I give a shout out to like, a lot of people from Florida just made it known that they were from Florida.


Every give them a shout out.


Shout out to my Floridians.


There you go.


And you're kind of annoying, but it's just like, during the storm, it's like.


Kind of annoying, but it was just.


Like on the, on the rv, on the truck, period.


Stage your ground.


We did it.


I know there's not one person that talked like that that was at this festival. There's no way how to get or not. There's no way. There's nobody like that. These are more like, you know, hipsters.


Like every walk of life it was at a racetrack. I'm sure there was music though.


Like it's.


I didn't talk to you guys about my neighbors, but this was really weird. During the like storm, a truck pulls up with headlights and says, hey, we've been like driving, we don't know where to tent. Like is there any way you can help us? Like whatever I end up, they end up being my tent neighbor in the pre built section. Like 3 hours later. I'm like, what do you.




But they didn't have anywhere to go and they ended up hours later being right next to you.


Yeah. Cuz you, you got assigned a tent. So their tent was assigned next to me.


What are the odds?


Yeah, but I, I had more fun than us.


I didn't mention this, but the noise in the tents. So like I'm hearing where my neighbors are like playing on their, on their like stereo and whatever. But I don't like realize how loud, like I don't know if they can hear my voice or whatever. And I'm just, I'm farting. Not where I thought this was the entire second night.


Just what were you eating?


And then, and then I, I decided like to test the noise level. And I'm saying my like neighbor's name next to me. I'm like, ian.


Yeah, what's up?


I said it's so quiet and I didn't have anything to say because I was just, I was just testing. He's like, what's up? I was like, that was crazy, right? Like the storm had passed so long ago.


Will fart and he goes.


The storm.


Was loud last night.


I just felt so embarrassed because I was shameless in my time. I was just like. It was so bad.


Where's your. And where are your friends at Sav and all them?


She's in a hotel.


No. What?


Yeah, she knows.


She called it.


They left you?


They had a hotel like given to them is right. It's like on the race.


Are you the only one that camped?


No, I have all of her guests camped.


She was okay.




Oh, got it. Oh, she bougie.


Were you near any of them?


We were close, but it's a walk. It's like maybe a, maybe an eleven minute walk every time.




Maybe a little shorter.


So I feel like you, you figured a lot about yourself this weekend.


Soul searching.


Yeah, I really did. I don't know how we are in time, but I have one more story, I think.


No more story, but I have to go to dance class, so talk to you later.


Okay. So I think I'm still talking about the actual festival itself.




Oh, awesome. Heath, my cousin was there.


Oh, no way.


Insane. Without me knowing at all.


Did you bump into them?


No, no. I found out on my way to LAX because she was sleeping on my grandma's house to leave out of Fort Lauderdale airport to go to Pennsylvania. And my mom was like, you know, caitlin's going to Pennsylvania, too. And I'm like, can you ask her what for? And then. Yeah.


Did you end up, like, meeting up with her?


Met up?


Oh, that's sick.


I don't know if I can say this, but I ended up slipping my vip pass under the gate because I never tightened my dog.


Good. That's what you have to do. You have to keep it a little bit loose.


Wait, what do you mean? Why can't you talk about it?


Took his vip band off to give it to his cousin under the gates.


Oh, no, dude, we do it all the time for Coachella. Are you kidding me? They're expensive wristbands.




Like, why? Are you gonna get rid of them?


No, no, you.


You share. You share it. Because that's. That's a whole. That's what we're sharing is caring. Exactly. Yeah, we literally do that every. I don't think it's bad. I don't think it's bad at all.


It's like, it's the same thing. And so we were both in, and she's, like, freaking out because she had no idea she was gonna be this, like, insane for her. And I ended up giving her my thing when I left early.


Did you give her your tent?


Yeah, I gave her everything set up. Cause she went with nothing. She went. Her friend was a volunteer there, so they got a volunteer tent, but, like, they're much worse than ours.


That's good. Jordan, look, you're helping out so many people.


Yeah, it worked out really well. And the actual, like, the actual vent. Like I said, it is a little interesting because the music didn't seem to change at any station you went to.


So I call the same genre.


The same genres.




It's like you kind of would stay at one stage for the entire, like, three. Like, why, even if you're horrifying or.


Any of these bands, like, well known. Like.


Yeah, I think was there.


So. So is. Is a lennium. Would you say a lennium is the biggest eat, like, EDM type?


That I know. Yeah, that I'm aware.


He was. He was a headliner there.


Yeah, he was a huge headliner there. All right. And there's a bunch, like subatronics. I just don't know these bands. I'm not in the culture just seemed like something I've never seen. It really just felt like I've never seen these type of people. I've been to very heavy metal. I went to summer slaughter in Florida.


Summer slaughter.


Summer slaughter is this.


That was amazing.


I was really good. I used to go to concert, like, all the time.


What was the one we used at Vans warped tour?




Wartour was.


What's crazy is how vans got, like, their name on it. Like, imagine how much they paid for that spot. Like, Vans warp tour.


Or did they start?


Is it over?


I don't know.


Good question.


We should go to a warp tour. I remember I used to go all the time. It was so much fun.


We should go. I think it'd be a great.


You guys have, like, a sneak in story. Everyone has a sneak into warp tour.


I was always too scared.


You were too scared?


Yeah, we always paid the ticket. We paid the ticket. We got in. Yeah.


Well, like, so I've, like, seen. I know music genres carry their own cultist with them. Right? Like, okay, like, hip hop music. Like, you have, like, hip hop Personas. Rock music. You have, like, a rock Persona having, like, they carry people with them, if that. Style wise, maybe personality wise. Yeah, so I have never really been around EDM people.




I mean, I've never.


I've heard very nice people. They're very generous.


Everything is so loving, caring, and, like you were saying, like, everybody's just helping each other out. Like, it felt, like, so cool.


It felt like a Woodstock.


Yeah. This situation is that I think the. To these people are the best people that it can happen to because they are actually gonna help each other. Where I feel like Coachella.


That's what I'm saying.


But I just feel like, yeah, the right festival. I don't know if that's a weird thing to say, but it happened at the right festival.


Saying, you should have seen, like, I was expecting. There were obviously a lot of broken spirits, but the day after the storm, like, the first morning where the sun was out, like, it was just gospel mindset. Everyone was just like, it is a beautiful faith. God, we are in it. We are here. We survived. How are you doing, sir? Everyone saying hi to you.


Everyone's like, that's so cool.


Yes, super nice.


And I think these days, everyone's just good for a good. Like, a good. Not, like, not that. Probably the best experience, but it is an experience, and I think that's what people like to walk away with.




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I only enjoyed the festival for really one night. So I had one night where it happened, and then the next day I was leaving when we were gonna be departing to the festival because it's like an all night overnight thing. So I think Coachella's during the day, these gates open. I, like 03:00 and run until, like, 04:00 a.m. damn, that's.


I'm a night out.


Coachella's last set is, what, like 10:00 p.m. start.


Yeah, I think. I think 11:00 p.m. is, like, latest that. That's when everybody's walking out. Like, everybody needs to.


Yeah. So this, like, which I think is really cool. But it did feel like the whole day you're at the campsite, and you're just, like, hanging out, hanging out. So. And there's nothing to do besides tree at the tents and walk around. So the campsite felt like a festival.




And the festival felt like a festival.


And it was just people are playing their own music.


Common music everywhere. You could probably stop at a dance tent and dance if you wanted to.




Oh, yeah. I'm sure everybody had like, almost like a giant tailgate mindset. So where people are like, hanging out by their car.


That's what I'm trying.


Like cooler balls over, like, over puddles.


Guys, guys. On my. On my first. I didn't talk about this on my first night when I was there and I was watering the campsite, like, for.


Your watering the camps.


Wandering water.


I heard. What?


I didn't think you needed a water.


Anything for like four dudes with like, sunglasses, like ripped flannels, jeans with. Sorry, that was me drinking beers in the back, said, hey, come over here, come here. Hey, this is your first fest. You're here for all the asses, huh? All the mass and titties like us. Come here. Go to beer, brother. I'm not joking. That exact conversation happened to me.


Oh, so it was.




That's crazy.


They were.


I didn't think there was a demographic of.


They love it. They're there.


They're having fun.


They're having fun. Anyways. But I want to tell you guys about when I was leaving because the. This story is crazy, but I had a driver supposed to pick me up from the hotel at 05:00. Yeah, was like right across the street, basically on the property. But, um, I wanted to go into the festival one more time because I only had like one actual night there. So, like, I basically went in and I look at the clock and it's like I have to walk to the hotel. Like there's no transportation. Oh, my God, it's like a 40 minutes walk. 40 minutes walk. And I'm not like calculating tiredness, cuz I'm like, I'm not gonna get tired. I'm not calculating things that I probably should have. Speed walking out of the festival felt like I was on cocaine without doing it because I was on a time limit.


Uh huh.


To get to a driver that's waiting for you. That's waiting for me.


Got it.


And the walk is 40 minutes. Stalling, like the traffic, the people traffic is insane. Yeah, I'm, I'm getting. I'm. I get out of the festival and I have to run across this field. I'm running through the field. The grass is to like my ankles and a bee stings me right on my like, right foot. And I'm. I look down and it's. Thing is just in my sock inside the back of the bee and you can ask heath. My. The way my body, I don't know if I'm allergic, but, like, it gets so the whole.


You love playing with bees, though.


Your whole leg swells.


You're allergic.


And I just felt my ankle pulsing like it needed to get out of my shoe. And I have, like, 30 minutes left on this walk, and I'm. Anyways, I'm running out, I'm escaping, and it is just a, like, half mile stretch of, like, me by myself on a road, like, no one in sight. And I'm walking down, and I get to, like, the point at 05:00 and I get a call, and they're like, hey, your driver is hitting some traffic. Like, they're not gonna be there for, like, another, like, ten minutes. I'm waiting. The driver, like, has to be on time because I have to drive an hour and 20 minutes back to Newark.


Yeah. Trying to schedule a flight that day of your leaving a festival.


I'm like, I'm actually shaking when I'm looking at the clock, and I don't want to over text the person that scheduled me. The driver.




And I'm waiting for, like, it's, like, 520, and I'm like, hey, they're not here yet. And let me call them. Whatever says, hey, they got stuck. You're gonna need to get a lift.


Oh, no.


I'm like, okay. I'm looking at the time if, like, I literally had to download the app, like, immediately. I'm having 30 minutes right now. Based.


But also, like, calling for a ride at, like, anywhere near a festival. The wait is absurd, and it's so hard just because, like, the traffic around the town is so, like, backed up.


Yes, it is. Like, you put it in an area where it was not prepared for that.




The fact that you had to download the app and you didn't already have it.


Yeah, that's crazy.


On his own, I ran. I ran out of storage. So, like, Lyft was the first thing.


I think there's. I think there's at least one app in your phone that you get delete to get lift on your phone.




So I. It says, my driver is gonna be here in three minutes. Okay. I see the white Corolla, like, coming. Like, he's right there. He zooms past me. 45. Like, 45 miles an hour past me. Okay, that was weird. And I call him, and he goes.


Shit, was that, you know?


Yes. He's like, gets me in. His vape is the size of two doctor pepper. I've never seen, like, it was like this, this and, like, you. It was like spraying the wasp spray.


Yeah. Like, you know, it smelled good.


It did smoke.


It's like, those smell so great.


What flavor?


I don't know.


It was waffle and syrup and waffles.


Unicorns milk. Always unicorns milk, dude.


I never. It looked like it was. Had to be two handed, but he was holding with one hand. So because he's a motherfucker, we're driving 15 minutes, and I'm. I look at my app, and the app says, I haven't been picked up yet. And I'm like, hey, did you ever, like, accept the ride? He's like, what do you mean, except, like, whatever. Except the ride. He's like, where was he driving to? Newark. But he asked me. He's like, we're going to Newark, right? I was like, yeah, I got you. I got you. And I'm even gonna. I think we're gonna get there ahead of time, cuz I explained the whole, like, I have a flight situation. Right when he picked me up, by the way, I slipped him a 20 immediately. The first thing I did was, here, we gotta go. Here's a 20. I have a flight. So he hasn't accepted the thing. And I'm like, you have to do on your phone. And we're driving. I'm like, I think you should pull over. Because he was, he was dead ass swerving every 3 seconds, trying to navigate the uber app. And he did the whole, like, open all your apps and, like, was, like, trying to find it while driving.


So you didn't feel safe in this car. You wanted to get out.


Saying the Poconos is, like, driving down McCallant Mulland.




So it's just like this.


Yeah. Okay.


And vaping one hand. Yes. Everything still rap. Like a loud rap song. Like, playing still. I'm like, let's just pull over. Like, reassess the situation. Like, let's just, like, let's walk through.


Felt like you'd rather be out of this car then, then not, then make your flight.


And I did this, right. Actually said that shortly. Hold on. So we're pulled over, and he's like, do you know how to do this? I'm like, no. He opens a lift up, and I'm leaned over from the passenger seat going through the, like, lift of things. And, like, I picked myself up, like, on his app.


Is this his first, like, ride?


It had to be. All right. Anyways, I didn't know how to do it, and I accidentally dropped myself off, like, again. And so I picked myself up. It charged me $10. It dropped off. We keep driving, and I'm like, it didn't. It didn't go. And then I'm like, I have to schedule a ride again on my phone. He has to accept it, whatever, we're doing it. And this time I just said, can you do it? Like, accept the ride like you normally would? And he goes. And he's like, okay. And I sit in the back and three minutes pass. And, like, for me, it's like, instead of 30 minutes, I have 27 minutes now. Like, you know what I mean? And then I say, do you think I should get another lift?


You said that?


Yes. He goes, what's that supposed to mean? I just said, well, I have a flight, and if you don't know how to pick me up, he's like, I'm gonna figure this out. And I'm sinking because we're not in an area where I can just walk out. It is in the middle of cornfields. There are just two cornfields next to me. To call another lift was like, I said it, like, kind of pressuring him, not actually expecting to do that, but, like, anyways, I have to go back into the front seat and pick myself up again and do the whole thing. And I set my ride up, my whatever, on both phones, on my phone and the lyft driver's phone.


You're reading, like, terms of service, like, trying to get him qualified.


That's wild.


Everything is good. And he's like, we're both looking at the ETA. He's sweating and I'm sweating, and he is just like. He. We hit traffic, and he is just cursing out of his mind. He's just like, you done fucked me up.


Oh, he's pissed at you?


Because he's not pissed. He's just saying this, but it's. It sounds like it's at me, but he's just saying it at the situation.


Right, right.


But, like, I'm in the back, like, it. Having, like, childhood reminders of, like, your parents, like, cursing.




Like, also, like, thinking I'm gonna lose my life because he, like, he looks in the back, he's like, do you mind if we go 80? And I look at him all like, I don't mind. Just.


Just get me there.


Get me there. And this man did not mind going 80. We went 80, the whole 85, the entire way there. Ski, like, trampling through. And then while we're driving, he's like, you like house music was. You were at a house. You're at a house music festival. And I was like, yeah, I love house music. I didn't realize what house music is. I think.




I thought I told him I was at a house music festival.


I love house music.


I'm like. I'm like. He's like, what, the house music? Like that? I was like, it was this for, like, a little heavier. He's like, I fuck with that. He's like, let me tell about the rise I had today where you're sitting. I think the fattest asses I've ever seen sat in that seat. I got three of their numbers.


He doesn't even know how to work his lip.


I think he kidnapped.


I don't think it was a real ride.


Halfway through, I'm like, I don't know how to tell if someone's intoxicated, but, like, there are signs.


You don't know about the lottery, but there will be signs.


Like, now I'm just, like, seeing it happen in front of me. I'm like, what is going on? Like, the aggravation, the cursing, the annoyance, the everything. It didn't stop until even the departures and the returns. No one's even in. No one in the airport. He knows I'm going to departures. He's like, what are we doing? Well, what gate? What are we doing?


I'm like, how old was he?


Like, 40? He was older. It was older, yeah, he was like, 40.


Not what I expected.


He looks more stressed than me. He looked like. Like he just got broken up with and, like, I cannot describe to you the depression on his face when I left that car.


Oh, he was sad to drop you off. Oh, he was. He was loving the ride.


I think he was loving it. But not only that, he was just like. Cuz in the beginning of the ride, he was going off that like, man, I. I love driving around the Poconos, like, telling me about his childhood. Like, he got pretty deep with me, like, the whole way through. Mind you, it was just constantly interrupted with the lift situation going on. So I never, like, he took our conversations, like, really heart to heart. Yeah. But, um, anyways, I ended up making my flight.


Well, I'm actually like that type of situation. I'm surprised you made the flight. Yeah, I would have called it. I would have gave up. I'd have been like, I'll just book the next flight out.


I just got there, and then I had like, a seven hour layover in Arizona. Then I flew here and I had a seven.


You have this seven hour, 7 hours in the air.


I got to Arizona at I think 1157 and my next flight out was at like 545.


There's no way.


In the morning.


In the morning there's no way you.


Sat at the airport for.


Oh no, no, no. I made like a whole bed and bench.


He just took his tent out and just.


There's something about looking homeless but not homeless that like you can kind of get away with like setting up a little thing because I moved three couches together right next to the United line and turned my back in this outfit. In this outfit. To the hostess. To the hostess stand. I just. What are they? I don't know what they are. The ticket counter. I just turned my back and put headphones in and hey, they let me sleep for 7 hours, you know.


You know, they kept their eye on you.


What would you have done if you woke up and missed your flight? Like you, like they tried me.


01:00 a.m. or some shit. They tried me because the vacuum guy came. He did not have the guy as close as he did to me like he did.


He didn't listen to the radio. They're like, hey, can you vacuum like right next to him? Let's try to get him up.


It's like when your mom pulls the hose out when you're younger.


They also come like right when you're about to fall asleep and then it just ruined it. And yeah, the vacuum guy came. Then they had to replace the fucking ceiling lights.


The one directly above you.


Yes, they had a whole device guy going up on a thing. So it. No, it was crazy.


It was all pre planned.


I think it had to be.


They were trying to get you out without getting you out.


I think so.


And then when he got on the plane, the pilot was asking Jordan how to work the controls so they could get home.


Oh, what, an unfiltered fan on the plane.


No way.


Attendant. Yeah, she was super nice. There's anything you want, like let me know.


Dance took care of your ass. She's like, well, you want to sit first class?


Looks like you had a rough trip.


I said I saw the stories. Damn.


Super nice.


Well, you had a wild ass weekend, Jordan. That's crazy.


Crazy is. So he had that flight in the morning, landed and came straight to me. Yeah, I didn't know that you had like this whole layover. I thought you were already here that night before.


Yes, I know, I cuz I was originally going to fly into LAX. I thought so. Damn.


Committed. And went to work that day. Committed.


I got sleep at the airport.


A little trooper.


I got some.


That's fucking crazy. Yeah, dude, that's Jordan. That's why we love you guys. Crazy ass fucking stories, man. I haven't had a crazy story like that in a really, really long time.


And I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.


Yeah, I know. I want. I want a little bit more exciting.


I respect it. I don't think I want to live through it.




But, like, it's something that if it happens, you're, like. You just got to accept, like, in.


The moment, it's type two fun.




Because looking back at it is really fun.


Yeah, it's really weird by enjoyed the whole thing.


Yeah, that's good, though. But you also, like, you're really. You're a good sport about being in a situation like that and not getting, like, worked up or upset and, like, it doesn't ruin your time if something's not going how you planned.


Yeah. And, like, seeing other, like, the people you came with, like, they're kind of, like, feeling a little down. Like, it's nice to go over and, like, just, like, support them.


You're the. You're the person to bring the joyous.


Yeah, it was nice. I know how scary hurricanes are, and, like, I can't imagine if that was someone's. It could be someone's first.




In a tent experiencing that.




So it was less stress levels are high. Yeah. Going back and seeing everyone happy after the thing was just. It was incredible.


That's good. And there was one more day after you left, right?


There was one more day after I left. Yeah.


So I'm sure the weather got even.


Better that that day was perfect for everyone.




Oh, that's good.




See, it always comes around, man. Always comes around. The good days.


I just. I can't get over the whole bartering system and, like, people just, like, trading things. I think that's so cool.


Yeah, you talk. So you talk about all the time that you. You, like. You kind of want life to go to a point where people, like, trade instead of, like, having to pay for shit.


I would love, like, some sort of, like, bartering system where you just, like, you have something that you're good at making, like, some sort of good that you can provide.




And somebody else is like, I make really good chairs. And you're like, well, I have a crazy apple tree. I'll trade you three buckets of apples for a homemade chair.


But in your case, you could just be like, I'll tag you on Instagram.


I'll give you a shout out.


Well, I do feel like the EDM audience is our new hippies audience.


Yeah, yeah, that's.


Hippie music doesn't exist anymore. There are a psychedelic music, but it transitioned into the EDM crowd. So what you are experiencing is that, like, modern day hippie ideology. And they are very much against, like, using money, using currency, using things, and even talking to all of them. Like, everyone has a different opinion on something. Like, they are. Someone was giving me, like, sodium to put in your water. Because, like, you're supposed to have sodium with water. Yeah, stuff like that. Like, they all. They're very health conscious people.




Think, like, they're being poisoned by the government and just, like, I don't know, you meet a lot of interesting people and you hear a lot of interesting things.


Yeah, yeah.


The whole trading thing. Yeah. Is just purely because I. All of them are, like, heavily against currency and are trying to promote trading as a natural thing. It is sad that it's just exclusive.


To a festival, but also, too, I feel like most people that are going to festivals like that, they themselves are very artistic, so they're making goods, like, whether it be like. Like dream catchers or some sort of, like, really cool tapestry. Like, people are making, like, cool.


Are you? You would have loved it.


I love that.




So sick.


You would like it. And they are creatives. A center for trade would be so cool and people down on their money. But something I wonder.


There's not. There's not. There's nothing like that for people, like, trading. There's no site where you can, like, trade things. I mean, it's really hard to, like, set that up.


But one reason I like Facebook marketplace so much and, like, offer up is because people will post things and they'll be like, they have this for sale, whether it be a car or something. They're like, I'll take this much cash or a trade for something that they specifically want.




I think they should put on there, like, on Facebook marketplace saying, willing to trade this for something of yours.


They do.


They do have. I like that. That's good.


That's awesome.




That way you don't have to, like, deal with the whole, like, it's just like, I have something that I no longer find joy in or I'm ready to part with and you are, too. I have what you want. You have what I want. And let's just trade it. It's equal, even if it might not be the best deal for one person or the other. Like, that's what they're looking for.


And it honestly cuts a middleman. It cuts, it saves time.


It's just so easy.




I think it's so sick also.


Like, it's, like, not dealing with cash. So there's something that feels. How do I say it? Like, good.




Morally good about trading.






Or it's either like that or, like, just go back to straight cash. I miss. I miss cash.


That's why Japan was so good for you guys.




Everything was purse in Japan, and that was cool. So cool. I hear. I hear, no offense, when I see cash only places, I get hope, really?


I don't carry cash anymore. Like, because. Why? Yeah, you know what I mean?


I usually, like, most of the times when I see signs, it's like, no cash. Like, I feel like I rarely ever see, like, a cash only type thing. Now.






If that. If you see that, that means the machine just broke down, like, maybe an hour ago and they have no other option. They can't, like, shut it. They can't shut the store down.






But I love, like, for valet. Like, I love having cash on me instead of.


Yeah, that's when I have cash in my, like, a little compartment. It's like, only for valet or somewhere where I need to, like.






You need to shop more in asian places because they only accept cash. Really vicious for that.




Like, you go to any chinese store restaurant that's family owned.




It's cash or spend $15 because you don't have to.


Because you don't have to. Um. What's the word?


Hey, uh, report it in. Yeah.


Because you take the money you like, someone gives you cat, you take it, you spend it on something else, and it's like, you're not paying any taxes on transferred.


I love that. Like, you gave me cash, and I just go give this cash to somebody else. But also another thing with, like, businesses, they charge so much money to use a credit card machine and to be.


Able to, like, it's like 15% depends.


On what it is. I think Amex is the most. They. A lot of places don't accept Amex because they charge like a crazy.


It has the highest rate for, like, being able to charge that.




Make any sense?


Was there any taxes back? Like, it. The only. The only reason why we're. They're able to know if you're paying tax or not is because you have a bank account or you. Like, it's all, like, through technology, like, through.


So, like, you still, back in the day, you would still have, like, whatever company you worked for, you would still have tax forms that you would get at the end of the year for working for a business.


Oh, got it.


But, like, I feel like sales tax, it. That's where that, like, the tea party tax came from. A tax put on tea.




Yeah, just tea.


But, yeah. So you would still report taxes and stuff, but a lot of businesses would be cash only. So say, if you're a business owner and you were dealing with that, there was ways to go around. Yeah. What income you were claiming you made.


Yeah. It's probably so easy to get away with that shit back then. Like, no one was actually following it.




Think about it. Yeah.


You're like, yeah, I made. I made $3,000 last year.


Yeah. Crazy.


Okay, Jordan, well, thank you for coming on. Thank you sharing. I'm glad I finally got to hear the stories.


Yeah, I've been waiting a couple weeks for the story.


Waiting to hear it. Yeah. Hope you guys like the episode. Thank you for watching, as always. Also, make sure to check out our Patreon. zane and Heath. We keep these cameras rolling. Get an extended cut of every single podcast. It's just like a bonus episode within the episode. We also do a dedicated bonus episode every single month on our Patreon. We do a live q and a every single month. And just bts stuff. It's a really cool time and again. Zane and Heath.


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All right, guys, we love you. We're going to jump into the unwind right now. We'll see in a second. Patreon.


Love ya. Thank you. Peace. Bye, guys.