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When I was in London, though, I was so surprised about the stuff that they air on just standard cable TV. Oh, my God. This show came up, dating show. It's these five women, and then the curtain thing goes up, and then you just see them naked. Tell us, Darren, which one of these girls do you think is a good match for you? They'd be like, Oh, yes, I do like the girl. She has tattoos. She seems a bit edgy, that low. That's terrible. They go, All right, let's see what you missed out on this girl. It gets higher. Then you see this girl, and she they didn't pick me, I don't want them to not see me fully. The one thing they hide is the face. Yeah. Then this guy's like, Oh, you do look beautiful. Sorry. I was like, How is this show on air?