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So we stayed at this Airbnb, right? And then we get there, and then the owner shows up. He's just being just such a dick. It was a 2500 a night, so it's an expensive Airbnb. It's really hot. And me and Ilya, we do, like, we can't sleep when it's hot. We're like, hey, is there any way you can, like, turn the AC down? He's like, oh, no, we can't, uh. We can't put the AC down because, uh, it'll spike the AC bill. It's $2,500 a night. Exactly. Exactly. Me and Elliot are like, you're really. We can't, like, just put it down. He's like, no, no, I don't want you guys touching it. And then he goes to the AC and then puts a pin in it, so we can't put it down. What a day. Yeah. And then we ask if the pool's heated, right? Because it's, like, chilly outside. We wanted to take a dip in the pool. He's like, oh, yeah, if you want to. If you want to heat up the pool, it'll be an extra $150 a day. We're like, fine, all right, we'll do it. We'll do it for tomorrow.


And he's like, well, I'm going to have to turn it on today because it goes up a degree every hour, so you'll have to pay for it today and tomorrow if you want it for tomorrow. We're like, you fucking jackass. Yeah.