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Why did it take so long for drinks like poppy and olipop to come out with less sugar sodas? A soda that has 60 grams of sugar and then a diet which is zero and it's full of aspartame. Why did it take 60 years for somebody to be like, All right, let's just put four grams of sugar so it's not too sweet, but it's why.


Consumer trends and the way how veganism became huge lately. It's just a new consumer trend in that it gets popular. Back then, choices were so limited. The rise of the internet, especially. Back then, it was just TV and the advertisements of what they told you to buy, and that was it. Dialog of other healthy alternatives was very small because there wasn't a form of people talking about it. Because of the rise of the internet, I think people are now becoming more conscientious with their consumer choices. Does that make sense? Yeah. Okay.