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Did you hear about that one girl who's an influencer, and she married this billionaire, and her name is something Asblund or Katherine Asblund. She reached out to someone who had the handle, Katherine. Asblund, and asked them if she could buy their handle. The person said, I'm sorry, no, you actually can't buy handles because that's illegal. She goes, Can you prove to me that this is actually your name? Because I don't believe it. I'm now married to the Asblund family, and we're the only family that has the name. The girl was just like, No, this is my last name. This girl who owned the account just screenshotted how crazy of this conversation is. Is she like an image? Put it out online. This girl looks ridiculous. She goes, I'm asking you to change your username because you're pretending to be someone you're not. She goes, My name is Catherine. She goes, Which is illegal. What? Oh, my God. She goes, Nope. You asked to purchase my username, which is against Instagram rules. I just reported you. Boop. Posted, shared it all out. You know her husband is like, Babe, what the fuck? What.