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The Airbnb story and the host. This dude rented an Airbnb for his four boys for Super Bowl Sunday. Max capacity for the house is four people. Renter brought extra people, 10 more people to the property.Not to stay, but just to party.Yeah, just to party.


She sent a message saying, Hey, you can only have four people in the house. That's what the rules are. They need to leave. We're getting complaints.


They wouldn't leave. She charged him an extra $960 for the extra people. That's what the fee was. He goes, I'm not going to pay it. She checks the cameras.


She sees that he went home with this young lady. Looks him up, sees that he has a wife. So he screenshots it, sends it to him and go, Well, if you're not going to pay it, I'm just going to send this to your wife. Still refuses to pay it. She sends the picture to his wife. Wife sees it, divorces him.


Oh, my gosh.


The guy who cheated goes and sews her.


It sews her and AirBn.


He may win the fight, but he lost the war. But he lost the war.