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One time when I was in college, we had to write it about, like, an ancient archeological, like, discovery. And I spent dude, forever on this essay writing it. And she. When she got the essay, and I remember they were handing him back, she didn't hand back mine. Oh. And I was like, what? So I was angry. I didn't know what my grade was for the essay. I emailed her, and I finished the email with, I expect a response to this email. She had a public Facebook status. She goes, just received an email from one of my students that says, I accept response to this email. Get the out. She goes, sincerely wanting to punch you in your face. Oh, my God. This is what she said on her Facebook status. And then I go to her office, and she goes, you have this line where you said, splashed with boss reliefs, and that comes from an article and you didn't quote it. And I'm like, I'm so sorry. That probably was inspired by an article I read, but everything I did write was that I'm sorry it wasn't in quotes. She goes, I'm gonna give you a 70 for passing.


And then I'm, like, walking to the. To the door, and then I stop.