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The last fight I got was probably that. I was at a bar in college, and the bouncer was like, Can I talk to you outside? This is early video days. So I'm like, What's a selfie? We know what's going on. You've seen a video or two. And then he pushed me outside, and then he goes to close the door, and I grab the door to close it. I'm like, Oh, no. What are we doing? I thought we were hanging out. And then he flinches, right? And I go, What? Infimist last white guy words. What? Clocked right here, bleeding right here. I was like, What does he want to talk to me about? It's pretty loud in here. Should we turn down the diplo or what are we doing? But then this is the widest thing I think I've ever done is on my walk home, bleeding, I call the bar and I leave a voicemail. No. The bar is closed. They don't have the voicemail anymore. Thank the Lord. But I'm over there like, You're just fucking assault. You hit me. I'm a film degree major. Dude, it's one of those things the next morning.


First of all, I deserve to be punched. Second of all, actually, no, I didn't. I was just drunk. I didn't do anything. We all did at least once. Yeah, I get it. Humbling.