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Do you leave Wednesday? I leave Wednesday at 2:00.


You leave Wednesday at 2:00? At 2:30.


At 2:30. 2:30.


Where are you going?


Birmingham first.


Back to Birmingham.


Back to Birmingham. What are you doing there? Mary Farley is getting married. Patricia's cousin.


Mary Farley. I remember her at the wedding. I had the weirdest dream the other night. Oh, yeah.


Is this the one you called me about?


Yeah, it's just so weird. It was just the only thing that I remembered when I woke up. It's so interesting what our brains just decide that it wants to show you in your dreams, whether you're feeling it or not. It's so weird. We were all about to go out. You were drunk. I was wasted? You were wasted. And everybody was leaving. I don't know who's everybody. I just remember you. Everybody was leaving to go somewhere, and you're running out. But I couldn't leave yet for some reason. I was like, Keith, wait for me. Don't leave yet. You're like, no, I'll be here. And then I come back out and you're gone. Everyone's gone. If that happened, I would be annoyed. But for some reason, my thoughts were speaking out loud. I could hear how annoyed I was in the atmosphere. I don't know. Then I'm in a car that has a top-down, but there's no Uber driver. I just remember me being in the passenger seat. Someone's driving, but it's no one I know or an Uber driver. It's weird. It's a nice top-down car. I felt like we were back in the '70s or something.


It felt like back in time. I was so annoyed. Then you pop out in the back seat, surprise, in the back seat of the car. You look like you're a piss. I was like, Dude, that's so messed You can't do that because what if I said something bad or what if I was on a call?




That's so messed up that you did that.


That you would have been talking bad about me in the Uber car? Yeah.


What if I was talking bad about you? Right.


And then that was it.


And that was it. But it was the weirdest dream. What did my brain process the night before?


It's strange how our brains will try to put it into a story, or they surprise you within the dream? Just why?


I want someone to put a machine on someone's brain, and I need to know why it does that.


Isn't it crazy that you can surprise yourself in a dream? Yes. Wait, that's actually insane. You already thought in your head about surprising yourself with me in the back seat, and you're still surprised.


It's like there's a plot twist.


That's crazy.


That's why I think our brains need stories. It's trying to make sense of it, But it's wild how they toss in these elements of surprise in twist.


So you technically knew, but you didn't know.


What do you mean? I knew you're in the back seat.


Yeah, your brain created this story.


My brain played a trick on me. Yeah.


That is really weird to I'm not going to think about.


Yeah, it's crazy, man.


What if our brain is the enemy?


I'm just scared about the day where we can start recording dreams because the technology is getting close to it, where they've done brain scans of people while they're dreaming, and they're visually able to to see what the person is dreaming of.


The thing is that I've had to murder people in my dream. How prudent is that? Am I going to get in trouble for that? Your spouse is like, Can I see what you dreamt about last night?


Let's run it back.


Let's see those dreams.


Don't you not die in your dreams? That's not possible.


I think you wake up right as you're like, die.




People think that, If you die in your dream, you actually do die.


You're talking about, I'm falling off a cliff, and before you hit the ground, I wake up. So you're not...


Got it.


That is so trippy to think about.


Would you want that technology, though, if it was pretty accessible?


Absolutely not. For someone to be able to go in my head, if I'm being held down by authorities and they're like, we need to-Sorry.


All I'm thinking about is Mr. Crab's dreams and like, Spongebob going into everybody's different dreams. Like, when they jump in the app, that's what it would be like.


That would be cool. Remember the nightmare I told you guys about? I brought it up a couple of times over the past few years, but I was getting this a few times every few months where my dad is actively trying to murder me in this big haunted mansion-looking type thing. But my dad, my father, who I'm not scared of. There's nothing he's done to me. That's like, he hasn't traumatized me in any way. But for me to look across this mansion from window to window, you know those houses that wrap around, you see window to window, him with a knife lifting Why is my brain doing that in my head when I don't see my dad as scary, but it's doing this to me?


Because it's just rapidly firing all the neurons of things that you experience throughout the day. You probably watched a scary movie. You may have had a conversation with your dad, and it takes those two elements, and it puts it into one.


But a dream analyst would be like, That's because you feel like your father, you're not living up to the expectations of what he wants for you. So subconsciously, what you're doing is you're trying to kill your ego. It's like, okay.


Or you just had a weird ass dream.




I want to say it before I forgot it because you know how dreams are. I get you. Remember the Billy Ila Shona, where I caught her drunk driving. That was crazy. I was actively doing my best to help her. But someone brought that up somewhere. They're like, Zane, that's really weird that you had that dream with her because she actually... In this music video, this happens and you had this in your dream. Someone did a whole paragraph and I saw it and I was like, whoa, weird.


The producer is just recreating your dream as the storyline.


Oh, damn. Yeah, there is that music video where she drives into the ocean with Phineas. I got it.


My head was on the-I'm really, I think I am Mother God.




What's that lady's name? In that documentary, the crazy one? Oh, Mother God. Mother God. Yeah.


Father God. Mother God.


Well, Happy Mother's Day.


Happy Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day.


Did everybody call their mom yesterday?


Yeah. Sure did.


Good, good. Well, she yesterday would be a month later. Okay, well.


Here we go.


We'll scroll the intro. It's Cometal, baby. It's Cometal, baby.


Let's go.


No. Welcome back to Zane & Heath unfiltered. I'm Zane.


I'm Heath. I'm Matt. I'm Mariah.


And welcome back to another episode. Thank you so much for taking the time to click on that episode on Spotify or click that episode on YouTube.


Make sure to smash that like button.


Yeah, smash that subscribe button. You know, smash that Instagram follow button on all of our pages and then smash that the comment button. There we go. If you're listening or if you're watching right now, comment the I emoji.


Zane trying to drive engagement. Yeah.


Alicia Tommy.


Is that good to have the eye emoji? Does that really help engagement?


No, Alicia will always say on her video, she'll be like, If you guys see... If you made it to this point... If you made it to this point, comment this emoji.




Just very influencer.


To keep it going. All right.


How's everybody feeling today? Are we feeling good? Everyone got a good enough sleep last night?


Yeah, pretty well-rested. That's good. Yeah. Made it to the gym. Happy about that.


Do you work out still every day?


Every day? I would say 4-5 days a week. That's good. Trying to get it in. Good. Get that pump in. Are you still as strong as you feel? No. Well, because I was sick for a while. I couldn't work out all the week. You got summer coming up. You need to get that summer bod going on.


Just a little bit of-Is winter when you could really fluff up and you're hidden?


But people say summer bodies are made in winter, so I don't know. Got it. I think it's just now it's getting down to crunch time and realizing you have so much You're not going to work out as much as you travel, I guess.


We're doing a lot of recording these past couple of weeks because we all are out of town for a good amount of time.


We're recording this episode weeks in advance. So if there's just some hot new pop culture topics that we are not covering, just understand, we're weeks in advance. But you know what is big in pop culture right now? Everyone's talking about Justin Bieber and Haley Bieber. Yes.


Our praggers.


Yes. They're with child. Can you believe it?


They're bearing child.


They're a bearing child. What do we think? Is that a big deal? Yeah.


I feel like it's...


I think it's a pretty iconic couple that's close to our age that everyone has been- Because you think of the legacy that's going to live on.


It should have happened a long time ago, no? How long has he been married?


He's sick. And he's busy. They have health issues. You can't get pregnant like that.


I can. It's my day game.


Watch me. Do we think a boy or a girl?


I feel like it's going to be a girl, but I want them to have a boy.


I just picture, I already see it in my head, the baby Bieber at four years old, singing, and everybody's going to be like, He's just like his dad.


You see that? Do you think Justin Bieber would want his kid to become a singer or pursue a passion somewhere else? Or maybe would want him just to have a normal childhood and not have the crazy schedule that he had growing up?


I think he'd have a normal childhood, but I think he'd showcase this kid's He's obviously going to be talented in some way, so I think he's going to have fun showing off a little bit of what his kids do, but not be like a state. I don't think they're going to be stage parents. I feel like they're more reserved.


I think Justin is going to be... He's going to fall off the... Not fall off, sorry.


Pull himself back from the public eye.


I could see him pulling himself back a lot and just focusing on family.


He's going to be gone for 10, 15 years. Boom, random album drop. It's going to be like- All about the baby.


Talking about love and family and how That's what Chancel Rapper did, and it did go to all of it. You see, people don't want to hear about that. People want to hear about heartbreak and just negative. That's what people like to listen to, negative stuff.


Yeah, people want acid rap.


Do you think, though, Justin Bieber and Haley Bieber will name their kid a quirky name, or do you think they're going to be very traditional? They go to church a lot. Maybe they're going to go a little biblical with it. Ezekiel. Or it could be just Joseph.


I think they're not going to go the route the weird names.


I think it'll be like Jedidiah.


Jedidiah. Oh, we're going like... We're going Amish here. We're going Duggar. Wow. Or they might like, what if it's like Toronto? Because isn't he from Canada? Or like, Maple. Yeah. Or Aubrey. Aubrey and Kendrick. What was your girl name supposed to be, Heath? If you were a girl, have you ever talked about this?


I don't know if I was... I don't think they planned a girl name for me.


Oh, they didn't? They're not even just one in the The Back pocket?


I feel like they just knew what I was going to be.


He was Mica or Logan.


Mica or Logan, but they went in.


Oh, Mica could be a girl's name.






Mica school. Mica. Mica.


Mica. Mica. Mica.




Mikael Myers.


Mikael Myers. Yeah, didn't have a girl name.


And Zane, did you have a girl name?


We never discussed that.


I bet she does. I bet if you texted her, she would have a name that she was probably already already already already already already already already I'll ask her.


Now that you brought that up, I saw on TikTok a few days ago, somebody was presenting something that you should give to your parents for Mother's Day or Father's Day, their birthday, anything. And it was the cuteest thing, but it's pretty much like a journal on the front says something about writing your life down.


Fuck. One of those things where you ask your parents these important questions and they answer them.


It's almost like a journal and it's Hey, write about your life. You were born, where'd you live for the first few years of your life? What was your first job? Who was your first boy? But just write it all down just so the sons or daughters can have that on them. Yeah, that's so important. That's what I was really interested because I don't know much about my mom's childhood or any of that. I don't even know how my mom and dad met. Isn't that crazy?




Really? Because they've been divorced most of my life, so I just I don't like to ask them questions about their past because it could be uncomfortable, especially since it was a long time. I was still young when they both got remarried. It was just something I never wanted to tap into.


My mom had a previous marriage, too, and that's always just such a wild chapter where I... One, I didn't know about it until I was 10 or so because she never wanted to really bring it up. But just knowing I wouldn't be born if it wasn't for my mom burying this guy or having it to divorcing him. But it It is interesting that your parents have had these chapters of their life that you know nothing of.


Nothing of. It's not like I didn't care, but I just didn't feel comfortable asking ever. I feel like I'd want to give that to her so I can read it. You should. I'll be like my first book that I've read in a long time.


I do think there's also like one gift.


Here's a gift. Write an essay.


Can you do some homework for me? My mom would be so annoyed if she had to...


Your mom would be like...


She'd feel like she has to do it. Actually, maybe that's something.


You just gave her a week long task.


Yeah, maybe that's not the best gift to give her. I just thought it was really cute.


Mri for you, if you were a boy, would it have been your brother's names?


I was actually going to be Dino.


Dino? It's like your cat's name. It is my cat's name. Your name really would have been Dino with an O at the end. Not Dean, but you would have gone by Dino, but really-D-I-N-O. D-i-o.


Dean Martin was Dino.


D-i-n-o. D-i-n-o. It would have been Sarah. Eel. Sarah. Sorry to all the Sarahs. Yeah, there's so many Sarahs.


Wait, why- No, I'm just picturing you as a Sarah.


Why does he look like a Sarah?


Sarah King. Sarah with an H, probably, too.


You can have so much fun with King, the I-N-G at the end. I feel like there's so many jokes you can do.


Oh, yeah.


Like Mark King?


Patricia, also, her brother's name's Crawford, and then she was loving the name Ford, taking that half, and even a girl named Ford. I'm like, Are you Ford King I'm kidding me? It sounds-Oh, yeah, Ford King. Ford King. But it does sound a little nice. I don't know.


Is Patty excited? Patty.


Call my wife Patty. I love it. Patty Flag.


Is Ms.


P-p Patty. Is Patty excited to have her last name, King?


Yes, I think she is. She has not changed the Instagram handle, but her Instagram top name is now Patricia King. I don't know what she wants.


I love short last names. Right.


Or incredibly long.


If my wife's last name was shorter than mine, I'd probably want to take hers. Just because I love short names. It's just cleaner. It's just nice.


Yeah, it's finetically-If something was easier than Hijazi, like Asu or something.


Like Ong?


Ong, yeah. I'd be like, Let's just take yours.


Did you hear about that one girl who's an influencer, and she married this billionaire, an heir to a billionaire family? And her name is like something Asblund or Catherine Asblund or something. Asblund? It's a very weirdly specific sounding last name. She reached out to someone who had the handle, Katherine. Asblund, or Katherine Asblund, the handle, and asked them if she could buy their handle. The person said, I'm sorry, no, you actually can't buy handles because that's illegal, and I don't want my account to get banned. She goes, Can you prove to me that this is actually your name? Because I don't believe it. I'm now married to the Asblund family, and we're the only family that has the name. The This girl was just like, Nope, this is my last name. I'm not American, blah, blah, blah. And this girl just sounds like a spoiled fucking brat demanding to have this Instagram handle.


Is it just Ad Asplend? Katherine Aspen. Katherine Aspen.


It's now that she's this This is a billionaire family, she wants the handle to be tied to her name. And this girl who owned the account just screenshotted how crazy of this conversation is. Is she like an imp? And then put it out online. And this girl looks ridiculous now that all of these screenshots are out there. Oh, no. And how embarrassing, too, to their billionaire family who's just like, This is the new girl making the Aslin family look.


That was how I got Zane.


Billionaire's wife, Katherine Aslin, allegedly bullies this girl who owns this Instagram account.


Oh, no.


And just the screenshots of the whole entire conversation is incredibly cringe. And her TikTok name is lost etiquette, thinking that there's just a lost etiquette in the way of life. And, girl, you've lost etiquette the way you were trying to hit up this Instagram account. She goes, Hi, I was wondering if I could purchase your username from you. Just got married, and this is my new name. She goes, Hi, congrats. That's my name, too. I googled it and selling my Instagram would get me banned from Instagram. She goes, Well, I purchased my username in the past, and actually, that's not true. Celèbes do it all the time, and they all have handles in their full names. So weird. Didn't know there was another Asbland family out there. There's no Katherine Aslin in our family.


I hate the way she's going about it.


She goes, This is my I use for private stories. I don't want to get banned. Sorry. She goes, Actually, I don't believe that your name is actually Asbland. She goes, You can report me. She goes, Just did, and my fiance, too. She goes, You're asking me to do something to get my account banned. I doubt Instagram would take that lightly. She goes, I'm asking you to change your username because you're pretending to be someone you're not. She goes, My name is Katherine. She goes, Which is illegal.


What? Oh, my God.


She goes, Nope. You asked to purchase my username, which is against Instagram rules. I just reported you. Boop. Posted, shared it all out.


That's crazy.


You know her husband is like, Babe, what the fuck did you just do?


She would not take no for an answer. It's such a long day to just go get cat ass planned or get- But do the dot, at least in between.


Do you need it to be the full handle? Yeah.


She did.


It's great, though, I guess. Well, it's interesting now that Instagram has cracked down on buying and selling usernames because there was a time where that was a whole market to be in. If you owned cars, the Instagram cars, you could sell that and trade it for like...


It was like a URL for websites.


Yeah. Pretty much, yeah.


Basically, and you could just curate the whole account. You were always the top one at the top, and you could make money off of it.


I think now you can't even get a handle that has only three letters in it. I think the max or the least amount of letters you can have is four letters.


But unless you're tight with somebody at-Yeah, like JLo. Is just JLo.


Jlo, but I think it... I think there's a certain time that they stop doing that. It has to be at least four or five letters.


You just have to know who's the head of Instagram? I guess it's Zuckerberg. It's not Evan Spiegel's Snapchat. But Allison Williams, though, that actress, she only has A-W because she knows people. Damn, that's sick. Two letters?


Yeah. Mariah, what would your two-letter handle be?


I want R-I.


R-i? R-i. R-i.


It could be Ma. It's the Ma movie. Oh, yeah.


I would do AI. Oh, very good. You're trying to get the tech world. It's all about what's going to work.


I would love just to get Matt King, but I don't know.


Why don't you DM them?


I should. Well, I think-No, you shouldn't.


You should text, or you should text just like this girl did.


Send the exact messages.


Because I want him to scratch on post and everyone's just like, Oh, my God, it's the same girl.


I'm just doing it word What's a crazy business, too, is people that build up accounts for certain content, and then they sell the account because it starts generating money, and you can sell it for a flat rate as a business, basically.


That's crazy that people buy accounts like that. I know. You're buying pretty much... It's going to be garbage by the time it gets to you because you're going to post something else, and then you can lose everybody. It's crazy that people think that buying an account means that those people are going to stay there. It's so crazy.


It is strange, but that's still illegal, right? I believe so. But it's happening all the time. If you are just given the email fully over and giving them the login, I guess lucratively, you can get away with that.


They'll catch that, though. I feel like Instagram in their system, they see if there's an account that just changes out of nowhere, and then all these people are either reporting or unfollowing it. Can't they? Probably. Won't they just see, Oh, what was this account before? A few days ago, and see that it was obviously just changed to Charmin Ultra? Yeah. From Huddie, from Lil Huddie, from Lil Huddie to Charmin Ultra, they're going to fucking see that.


Man, imagine getting caught with that, though. Everybody traces it back to your account.


You're the one that sold it to Charmin.


If I were to sell my account to anybody, I think it'd be There was one guy who had Royal Caribbean.


I think he owned that, and Royal Caribbean was like, We want this account badly. And he goes, Well, what do you have? And then I think they gave him free cruises for life, or he had-They gave him, I want a cruise. I want a ship. If you had an airline, though, that'd be nice. You just fly for free because you gave them the account. Boom.


Damn, that's nice.


If only we knew that Instagram was going to become a social media platform more than a photo editing app. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, Rocket Money.


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Do you know all of our names are next to each other at Saddle Ranch? You, me, me. Yeah, I saw that. All three of ours right next to each other. It's really cool. It's really nice. I was just there on Saturday. On Saturday, all three.


I'm just waiting for the day that somebody just chisels it off.


Chisels it off. Oh, come on.


It'll happen. I hope nobody does that.


No, they're really glued in there, man. They would damage the ball. Not as much as you think.


Not as much as you think. Actually come off quite easily.


Did you guys get the coin, though?


The sorority coin?


No, the Saddle Ranch coin.


They're giving out coins now?


What's the coin? Well, when I got my plaque, I got a certified Saddle Ranch honorary member coin.


So what does it He knew damn well we didn't get a coin.


Where did you guys put your coin? Do you keep it on you?


So what's this coin do?


The coin, there's a letter that comes with it. And from what I remember, because I got my plaque a couple of months ago. Yeah, we get it. The way I interpreted it, no matter what event is happening at the Saddle Ranch, so sometimes people will rent it out. It can be closed for an event, maybe an after-party for a Western-themed movie.


Justin Bieber's Baby Shower.


We can still get in with our metals. Mariah.


You think somebody put it up on Google Images?


You never know.


The Saddle Ranch coin.


The Saddle Ranch coin plan.


Yeah. What's that going up on eBay? I don't think any member has ever Well, he and I have the gold member card.


Do you know what that is?


No, I don't know about the card. You earn points.


No, the card is whenever we go in, it's free food and free drinks.Free food and beverages.Whenever we go in.


And that's on a card or that's just like...


No, it's not an actual card. It's just like when you If you were to go pay for something, you present the card and they go, Oh, okay.


Actually, that does happen when I'm there. I do. Now I'm really happy.


Okay, can we have one thing?


Can we have one thing that we lied about? Like, dude.


Well, I'm just like...


No, we I don't have any special services.


They bring me chips and guac and fries.


They do?


Yeah, they do that for every customer.


That's free?


Damn. Cheesecake Factory gives us free bread every time we sit down.


Cheesecake I love cheesecake. I was just trying to how I want to go back there. Are you guys fans of cheesecake?


Factory or your S dessert? Sorry, Cheesecake Factory.


I say Cheesecake for short. They're tight like that. Yeah, we're tight.


Yeah, I love Cheesecake Factory.


We're on a first-name basis.


I just wish it wasn't snuggled in a mall. I can only do a bite. I want it standing alone so I can go whenever I want. I love happy hour there. I love the ambience. I love just strolling through. Like, What's up, baby? What's up? It's just a nice environment. Yeah. I like to have my lunches there sometimes, and I don't want to have to walk in a mall.


They're not all at the mall. They are at the mall. Most are in the LA area.


The one here, the one's here, yeah.


Well, there's one in Pasadena.


I'm not going all the way to Pasadena.


He thinks it's so far. It's 15 minutes.


It's not 15 minutes. I want you to put Cheesecake Factory in your phone right now, Pasadena.


You're going to be waiting for like 45 minutes for a table. Yeah, it's too much. I need a reservation at Cheesecake Factory. Because when you're sitting there waiting, you're like, What am I doing? What am I doing with my life?


What sucks is that there's like 60 people in the waiting room waiting with you. It's not like it's... You never feel like you're next. Yeah. Everybody's just...


I do wonder what the food quality is there now after not for a few years. It's still amazing.


It's so good. It's still amazing.


It's an institution. It's an institution.


You can take classes there. There's a study now where you can go.


It's an academy, man. There's also a cheesecake factory, I feel, down in the marina. Is there not? Or maybe I'm thinking, Oh, down in Long Beach.


Have you guys been to City Walk recently? Universal City Walk? Have you seen the Chocolate Emporium? When did they build that thing?


We've talked about this when they were building it. Oh, really?


We talked about how the workers wear- Like Willy Wanda, the Oompa Loompas?


Like a chef outfit, almost. They're like steampunk, too, right?


Steampunk chocolateers.


We were just there yesterday to watch a movie.


What movie did you watch?Fall guy. Very good. How did you know that? I was just talking to Danielle and she said you all saw it.


Yeah, fall guy. Amazing. Amazing. You liked it? So fun.


Wait, the Chocolate Aporium or the movie?


The movie. We didn't go inside the chocolate volume. We had to go to the movie. But the movie was really good. It was very fun. It pretty much cast a light on a stuntman.


Oh, cool.


It's really cool movie.


But it's a full comedy. It's like very I wanted to be a stuntman when I was a kid so bad for a little bit.


I texted Reid asking if he was in it, but he didn't respond.


Probably means wasn't in it.


But you know what? There's actually less stuntman in there than other movies, so maybe not.


Because everybody in there was their own stuntman or because there wasn't enough stunts?


There wasn't enough, I think, stunts in there. I think Mission Impossible has more stuntmen than this movie did.


Did you ever play that video game, Stunt Man, on PS2? No, but that sounds really familiar. It was like you were a car and you would set up cameras and you were shooting a movie, but you had to move the car in a way so it looked good on camera. Oh, that's cool.


Oh, wow.


Yeah. It was an video game, but the idea was really dope.


I think I remember that.


Yeah, to be a Stunt Man, though, just to get fucking hit all the time.


I know you guys haven't seen it yet. Only me and Matt have. Baby Reindier. Yes. The crazy creepy stalker lady that was in the show.


This is the one where the guy plays himself. Yes.


When the show came out, it was a hit. Everybody was talking about it, especially since it was a true story, and the actor that played in it is the actual person that it happened to. Everybody is just online trying to When to find who these people are. The director.


This is what you're all watching?


You got to see this movie.


They played themselves.


This is the real man. Do you see that?


What the fuck is that?


Everybody wanted to see not only the real people, the good people, but also the really fucked up people in the movie. They're like, We want to find them. We want to call them out. Who's Martha?


Who's the real Martha?


There was a couple of people, people found like, I think this is her, this is her, but none of them were her. Then they found the tweets and they're like, Guys, this is definitely her. It matched with the timeline of when this happened to him.


She's a notorious misspeller, sent from my iPhone. It's almost like she's dyslexic the way she-What she does is that she doesn't have an iPhone, but on the bottom of her email, she'll say sent from iPhone.


She'll type it in. And misspelled. To make it seem like she has an iPhone. But in person, she clearly doesn't have an iPhone. She was a crazy, crazy, what is it? A narcoleptic liar?


Narcoleptic falls asleep. Every time she lies, she passes out. A narcoleptic liar.


Have my curtains fixed? It's like a New Age Pinocchio. Every time she lies, she falls asleep.


A narcoleptic liar. A narcissistic.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was the funny thing I've ever heard. Obviously, her character in the show, she's a huge attention seeker, too.


Like sending 45 emails, hundreds and hundreds of text, thousands of hours of voicemail.


Just to this one person. Yes. So, Piers Morgan, once everybody found her, Piers Morgan interviewed her on the show.


The real Martha. Oh, no way.


She's just like her.




Oh, my God.


Oh, yeah. Completely delusional. Still lying. Said that she's only I met him three times, and he's just like, We also have thousands of voicemails. You didn't leave any of these calls. She's like, No, he's probably been calling me at the box.


Do you think he had video of her so he could show the actress? How was she able to do her so perfectly without... He had to have had footage of her.


For sure. I mean, he had all the voicemails, so she definitely... I had the voicemails, but... For sure. He probably still found the Facebook to show photos to get the cast and people to cast somebody similar to her, and the voicemails character study work. Absolutely.


It was so good. It was spot on to what the character was.


Pretty spot on. Pretty spot on.


She's just still lying, fully delusional. Also iconic at the same time where it's like everyone's just meeming it using the audio. It's brilliant.


It's crazy how people take bad people like that, and there's just something about them where you just cannot hate them. You know what I mean?


Similar to the Robert Ders.


It was similar to Robert Ders.


Guys, real quick. We don't really watch much new stuff.


You don't watch anything, Keith.


This is not that new. This has been out since 2015. I know.


I can't believe this is the first I've heard about it. Zane told me the other day, he's like, Out of all the shows I've recommended and told you to watch, you have to watch this one.


This is a true crime documentary that's on Max called The Jinks.


Mariah and I watched it the other night. I binged the entire first season. It was the craziest story I've ever heard in my life. I'm still in shock from finishing the season finale of season one.


Just to sell it to you guys, there is pretty much one scene in this entire documentary which makes the entire thing worth watching, where you're sitting there, you're like, How?


My jaw hit the floor.


To give you guys context, Robert Durst is a man who is an heir to one of the wealthiest families that is part of New York City. They own a shit ton of real estate. In the '70s, he was tied to the disappearance of his wife, to believe to be murdered. He was also tied to two other murders that also happened, and he was managed to get away from it every single time. There is a movie called All Good Things that came out, I believe, in the late, maybe 2007, 2009, with Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst. The director, I think it's Robert Zemecki or something, he made that movie to get the real-life Robert Durst attention for him to reach out to get the full story. That's what happens in the beginning of this true crime documentary. Pretty much, yeah. Is that they're able to interview the real Robert Durst and try to figure out how exactly he is tied to these three murder.


And they had him- He wanted to clear his name. He didn't want people thinking... He came on to tell his side because he's like, I don't like what the media is putting out about me, portraying me as. I'd like to at least have people hear it from my own mouth rather than what people are saying about me. And you're like, Oh, wow, this is really noble.


It's very rare for a team to be able to get the actual person in suspect as a face for the entire doc. This is the first time you really see that. It's just such a good Yeah. Crime documentary.


We don't want to give too much away, but I think this might intrigue people to watch it. I'm just going to say this guy has done really bad things, but he is so lovable.


Mariah loves him.


Heath and I multiple times looked at each other, and we were just like, you feel bad.


He's the sweetest thing in the world.


You got to watch it because I think everybody will feel the same. People in the documentary felt the exact same way.


And that's how people saw the serial killers.


Jeffrey Tomer, Ted Bundy.


It's like there's a certain charm.


But those were heartthrobs. This guy isn't trying to charm.


He's a heartthrob. Look at him. He's a little cutie.


He He wasn't portrayed as that. It's just he seems... He just comes off so innocent.


He's just a grandpa.


He's a old man.


We love him. For the people who are listening and watching, you may be like, Oh, but this has been around for a long time. Why are they talking about this? The reason why there's been a revival in people watching the Jinks is because they just came out with the Jinks part 2, which is a follow-up on what all went down with the Robert Dyrs case post the document.


There's a reason they came back.


Yeah, there's a reason they came back, which is seven Seven years later. What crime doc has come out with a part 2 seven years later?


On such a cliffhanger.


On such a cliffhanger.


I don't know any documentaries that this has happened to.


Yes.un Unbelievable.100%. It's pretty crazy. Just watch it. Documentaries, I respect people that make documentaries. There's that whole world. I get it. But this just made me fall in love with the whole-With Robert?


Me too.


Of documentaries. Because the investigation happens within the documentary. I hate the ones where it They're covering a case, but they're just drawing it out so long where you could have just read the Wikipedia page and fully understood what was going on. There's nothing new.


They got right to everything. The timeline was seamless.


It's documented the entire time. You're in every single aspect of the show with the cameraman.


It's not even a full documentary. It's a documentary/movie. It's a movie. You're watching a movie in real-time.


It felt like I was watching an episode of Catfish.


Yeah. Yes. That's the vibe.


I don't like the documentaries where they use actors. They're showing everybody.


I will say this is the first time I've seen Mariah stay up and not fall asleep.


That says not much, but- Well, she also got hooked within the It was five minutes because the wife was clearly from New York and had a Staten Island accent and was just like the attitude. Cathy. Yeah, she was nasty.


No, not Cathy.


The new wife. She was a nasty one.


You know who she reminds me of Cathy Moriarty?




I was thinking the same thing.


Okay, there's a lady that... She's in the Casper movie.


Zane, how do you know Catherine Moriarty? That is crazy. Right when you're saying it, I'm like, he's not talking about the Casper lady.


Yeah, the Casper lady. That's the one. That's who-Oh, what's this? Yeah. Oh, you want this? The whole time, that's who I'm seeing is her. That whole time. In my head, I was like, She's bad. 100% bad. Guilty, guilty, guilty because of Casper.


Fun fact about Catherine Moriarty, she's in Casper for some strange reason. She's also in Casper meets Wendy with Hilary Duff. Why? She's a whole different character. She's one of Wendy's evil stepmothers.


Why would they do that?


I don't know. I was high as fuck watching Casper meets Wendy, and I'm like, That's the woman from the first Casper.


That doesn't happen often. No, it doesn't. You would think somebody in there would be like, Hey, we shouldn't this. But maybe he just loves her so much. She is good. She's great.


She's still alive.


That was a really good impression, by the way, of her and Casper. What's this?


Oh, I'm going to live forever. And then Eric Carwell is in it, and he's like, You don't understand We need to get a potion. How we're going to?


Such a good movie. Yeah.


And the set of Casper is also where they shot the Everybody music video from Backstreet Boys. When they're all the Monsters and they're like, Everybody.


Oh, wow. And that's because of the Casper movie?


Because I think they were like, We need a haunted set. They're like, Well, we just shot Casper, so if you guys want to come use this set. Get it for a couple more days. I love that chair that goes around the house.


I love that house so much. My mom got me a set where you open it and it's the Casper house. No way. It shows the door where booby traps and all that in the house. I play with that for a little bit.


Casper gets dark, though.


Oh, my God, that's it.


Where? That's it.


That was my favorite.


You had that?


Show it open.


That's worth $100 now, Zane.


Wow, that's pretty cool.


You see the closet on the second floor?


Yes. So That actually, when you go in, it goes down all the way to the back of the house. It's like a booby trap, or it's like an escape route to the back of the house.


Have you seen a Barbie dream house?


It'll blow your mind.


I didn't give a shit about that.


Casperian shit.


No, I love that.


Catherine Moriarty.


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Did you guys have a fake kitchen when you were kids?Of.

[00:42:26], it never did.


I still don't understand it.


I would go to other kids' house where they had kitchens where I'd play.


I had a fake backyard plastic shack house that had a kitchen in it, but I didn't have the Fisher Price one.


Where you had a spatula and a fake burger and a fake...


There's a microwave, there's an oven.


I blame my parents for not getting me that because now I can't cook. I feel like if they got me that, I would have been able to at least...


They should have been teaching you young.


Did you have a workbench?


I had a full-blown... I'm not joking.


I feel it. I Full tool set.


Like, skillsaw, everything.


I remember bringing that around a lot. I used to go to all the soccer games with it.


But that was the worst. You'd be playing on a fake kitchen set, and you're already hungry, and you're like, I'm making myself a fake grilled cheese.


I get easy baked ovens. It's a toy, and it's a treat. Did that actually work?




Why did they make a boy easy baked oven? They did. But it was like, bugs. It was creepy crawling like gummies. If the boys are going to be cooking, give them bugs.




Can I just make myself a little treat?


I want to make it a pop cake.


Why a pop cake had to be only for girls? The toxic masculinity up in the toys of the '90s, man.


They had to make it so cute.


Yeah, come on.


I had that, the creepy crawlers.


That shit was chemicals burning, man. You needed N95 mask for that. We were probably inhaling stuff. Just a RAD 40 everywhere.


Even the easy bake oven, it was cooked with a light bulb.


Isn't that insane? That was the heat. It wasn't an oven.


Oh, yeah, because it wasn't connected to the heat.


It was a light bulb.


How long was that cook? Was it like an hour? 45 minutes. It was like a weekend.


How long did it actually take?


You have to set it up for a slumber party.


It was like a crockpot. Dump it and leave it.


Make sure you leave that in for days.


This is the one I had. You can only cook one at a time. So your friend who came over, play time was over. But you had to go home. You never even got to enjoy the cooking.


I bet you parents, they would buy that and they would see how long it took. They're like, damn, this is a piece of shit. When the kids aren't around.


Have you heard about that new way of cutting a sandwich that's going viral?


The Mercedes logo? Yeah.


Like a peace sign?


So the traditional ways are you cut across, you cut diagonal, you cut it in half, or you do psycho mode where you just don't cut a sandwich at all. This one says to cut it in a Y formation. Why? Because you get three different bites. You're catching things on a different angle. People just think it's the move. It's a a new way to spice up eating a sandwich.


I already know my favorite-Fly on internet potentially just changed everything we know about cutting.


Shut up. Just eat it.


Someone at buzz feed like, I got to make this.


Meanwhile, if you scroll down to my Instagram, I have a piano made out of my sandwich.


She does. A A piano made out of your sandwich.


I took cold-cut ingredients, the bread and the cold cuts, and I made up a grand piano.


Holy shit.


A grand piano. How big was it?


Like a full Steinway. Steinway sandwich.


When you're bored and poor.


You have all of the piano keys, the black keys and everything.


I'll show you. What was your favorite ingredient household snack?


For example, if we If we wanted some dessert, my mom would give us a handful of chocolate chips. Yeah, the chocolate morsels.


Yeah. Or ingredient household snack would be... Shreaded cheese on top of Doritos. In the microwave.


Yeah, Tostitos, people do that.


Croutons. Croutons, yeah. Just croutons.


Just croutons.


Did you not grow up in an ingredient household?


I used to do that all the time.


Ingredient households are households that...


The strutal icing.


You didn't have fun stuff in your pantry growing up.


Yeah, you didn't have It weren't allowed to have- We weren't allowed to have- We weren't allowed to have-for a snack.


Yeah, we didn't have the pop tarts and the fun snacks. We just had ingredients, and you would make your own meal out of it.


We at least had pop tarts. No. But we couldn't have it every day. It would only be sometimes.


Our treat was like you go in, there was that yellow toll house bag of chocolate morsels, and you just...


That was it. That was it. That's all you got. You put in the little Dixie cup.


You know what was a treat, though? We would take white bread, and you would put it in a toaster, pop that bitch out, put some butter, and then just cinnamon sugar on top.


Yes. That's a move.


My mom would make French toast, but it was that.


Zane. A spoonful of peanut butter.


Yes. What was it? Celery and peanut butter and a little bit of raisins, a little bug in a boat.


That's good.


That's Ant on a Log. Leah just made me that, and I've never heard of it.


Zane, you're saying, Ewe, but the point is, we didn't have another option. We didn't have dessert in the house, so we would do chocolate chips or ovultine. I was just like, anything.


Don't play that. That was your mom being a bad mom.


Do you take like, ovalteed powder?


Yeah, I was bad. Like Zane with the condensed milk, I would sneak like a...


My mom was a nestquick lady. But I was never It's a lot to have it.


That jug that was like this, it was like this shape, like this tall.


And the bunny's on it.


And the whole lid pops off. That was it.


That's a Me-Maw snack.


Butter and saltine.




I was like, Zane, when we were eating at restaurants, he does like a of old ladies eating.


So Joe just grabbed the jelly and you put it on a little cracker and just make it a little something.




Pizza butter and jelly on a cracker. We do half and half.


Another one I used to do a lot, probably every day when I got home. You know that can of cheese? The cheese Whizz? It was like whip cream cheese. You eat that?


Cheese Whizz. Yeah.


And you on a Ritz cracker, you tip it upside down and then it just like...


It's the cheese Whizz.


It's the best thing in the world.


It's the leaning tower of cheese.


Leaning tower of cheese.


Smoky. Goofy movie, if you know. There we go.


The rumors are true.


Yes. That's her piano. What the fuck?


That's amazing.


Oh, this is art. Hello, Cake Boss. What?


You mainfeated that, too.


Wait, are those gumdrops at the bottom or crackers?


They're old carrots. Nice. You know when carrots get dust, they get ashy?




Put this in the moment. For the people listening, Mariah has taken bread crackers. And are those little bits of celery?


Yeah, we got celery, we got cheese as the keys, we got salami in the back doing the technical work.


Is this on Pumpernicle?


No, that's crust.


And what's the green things?


Oh, no, you know what? Those are the ends of chives.




You spend all that time doing this, but you won't post a TikTok.


In 2012? I think not.


Hey, Mariah, we're going to a party time. You want to come? No, I'm good.


I'm busy.


Booked and busy.


It was a different time. That was much more detailed than I thought it'd be. I thought it was going to be a very crappy piano. That deserves to be in a museum. I'm not going to lie. You should blow it up, make it really big, like a lifestyle piano, and make it all out of those ingredients. A real piano. That should be your next project.


A working one, though.


Someone to buy it.


It needs to be in tune. You know a piano, to get a piano tuned?


She was watching way too much Food Network.


Did you make that as well? Yeah. You should make logos for companies.


But it's all out of food. Right. That should be like a charcuterie company.


Nothing else to do.


That could be a good edible arrangement, like a logo. Yeah. That could be like a charcuterie board company. We provide music and charcuterie boards.


Did you guys hear about Thomas Jefferson University? They just had their graduation has been going viral because-This lady is-What?


It's a graduation.


You know how a graduation works? Someone is on the podium and announcing all of the graduates' names before they walk across the stage and accept their diploma. Somebody who was in charge of reading out these graduates' names does a terrible job. Now, I think it's because they were given the pronunciation written version of their names, and this person did not know how to read the pronunciation. So let's just hear these names.


You just got to see it.




Afuni Batista Santos.


That was for Stephanie Batista Santos. Jessica Lynn Bauer. That is for a girl named Jessica Lynn Bauer.


And that is for Sarah Virginia Brennan.


Thomas. She got Thomas pronounced wrong. This is Thomas Jefferson University. I'm It's a surprise that someone didn't replace her immediately.


Anybody else would have been better than this lady.


That's what I've been thinking. Anybody else. She did it for 30 minutes straight until someone was like, Hold on, and took over.


Look at her face.


Everybody is just-It took that long for them to realize that-She was mispronouncing all of them. That there wasn't a single name that was read?


No. Some people are saying, Oh, maybe she was given the students had to phonetically write how to say their name, or they were given... You know when you look into a dictionary, then in parentheses after it, they have all of the the finetic spelling of it, which is a very complicated thing to do.


It's harder to do that than it is to just try to sound it out.


Yeah. This woman just went on for 30 minutes butchering these kids' names.


How was her? On the mic, I'd been like, I'm so sorry. Somebody do something.


If I was her, I would have been like, I didn't say a single name in the last 30 minutes.


There's no way. At least I want to know, did they have it at least fully written, spelled out the original name? Or was she just looking at the finetic column? Because I think the woman who comes up 30 minutes later, she nails all of them. Yeah.


So- You know, after 30 minutes, she was just like, These names are funny, huh?


Yeah. Just... I'm like, No, I got this. I'm going on. Yeah, I got it. She's like, We're very diverse this year. She thought she was doing everyone a favor.


I mean, it's funny. I mean, the kids got to graduate with a little entertainment.


They need to hear their names right.


I got I got it.


Yo, it was cringe, man.


That's so funny. And all them just smirking as they're walking up.


Honestly, it would have been exciting. I feel like, Joe, don't say anything. I would want to hear what they would do for mine. You know what I mean? I'd be like, Don't say no.


He hot.


He hot. Damn, that's a really funny. Wow.


What does that APC thing do? What is that?


Power bank, just in case the...


Oh, power goes out. So we lose the footage. Got you. I just look at it every time I'm here and I'm never known what it is.


The world ends, but our podcast keeps going because we have the box. Just in case. That's pretty nice, huh? The world collapsing and we're just able to still finish.For.


Just a couple more hours.Just a couple more hours. Keep it going. How much That stops us. I wonder how much a backup generator is for a home.


To power your full home?


Yeah. I know some really nice-ass houses have backup generators.


You got to be like... Big mansions.


Oh, mansions that are $20 million.


Oh. You're asking for how much or how long?


Just I've known that they have backup generator. If your whole neighborhood lose power, but you have a backup generator, but I just don't know how much that is.


It looks like we're between 6,000 to about 42,000.




How long does that run for? Obviously, you're not going to want to have all your shit on in the house because that's just going to take up all the energy.


Well, I think it's maybe gas-powered. So as long as you have fuel for it because the generator How does a generator have power? I mean, it's a battery.


It just stores it in there, right? You plug it in the wall and it's taking it in. And then once it fills up, it's filled up.


I don't know, but I know generators have to require fuel.


I know there's portable generators. My dad has a portable one that's powered by gas.


The regular size one, though, right? The one that's like...


That's the one that will kill you.


Did you ever have one of those air pumpers, but it was electric as a kid? You would fill up your tires with it, but it was electric and it was so fucking loud. Yeah. That shit scared the shit out of me.


Oh, it's like the little box?


I have one at the house. Oh, yeah. Are they still loud as fuck?


The air compressors? Yeah.


Oh, man. They just used to scare me as a kid.


Now that you say that, I need to fill up my tires. I've been driving on it with low pressure for the past two and a half months. No. I don't like to take care of my car, do I? That's crazy. I remember when Did my car got towed. Did I tell you my car got towed two months ago?




No. And guess what's still in his car today?


The boot. What they ride on the boot. The numbers that they ride on the windshield. What they ride on the windshield.


It's still on it. It's still on Where did you get it towed? Where did it happen?


I had to go for a shoot two months ago at this building in downtown. It's so hard to find parking there. So I found this parking lot right next to it, and I thought it'd be good. I was definitely risking it because it didn't I have a big-ass sign that said that we will tow your car. But I've been getting good luck with that. I remember parking there, I'm just like, I think I'm good. I've been good. I went in two hours later, gone.


Two hours later, damn. Downtown LA, they don't fuck around. That's how they make a lot of their money.


You usually look at it like, there's no way somebody's going to call for them to get somebody out here.


Someone's on security camera footage, and they're like, he didn't pay.


No, it wasn't paid. There was nowhere to pay. If there was somewhere to pay, I would have paid it. It was just a lot of park there because I couldn't find parking anywhere. Even paid parking, I couldn't find paid parking anywhere. They only had meters, which were all taken on the street.


They That's what you have Uber because then... Back then, if you had toad.


It was downtown, and I didn't think to Uber.


Then how far away did they take your car? That's the worst.


Twenty-five minutes away, the other way of East LA. Home, and I was like, Oh, my I had to Uber all the way to the east, and then I get there and cash only.Cash.


Only.that's what they did.


I'm like, I don't care.


Then they have the ATM set up with a 15% interest in there. They're like, We have an ATM inside.


They didn't have an ATM around there. That's what I would do. They didn't have an ATM. You know what I did? Pretty much there's a room of six people in there, and everyone's upset. We're all pissed. Everyone's just in a mood. As soon as they're like, I waited 15 minutes to get help, and once I got there, it was like, only cash. I'm like, I don't have... Do you guys see Venmo? Literally anything else. They're like, No, sorry, we don't. And I was like, okay. And I looked around, I was like, No one is going to give me $400 a cash. There's just no way. Nobody just has that money. And I look at the room again. I'm like, hi, everyone. I will pay- You did not.


No. I want to see the security gear footage of Zegu. I got I'm saying.


I was like, businessman. It's like, what will entice them to immediately pay for my ticket? I go, hi, everyone. If anybody has extra $400, I will pay 15% of your-No, you didn't. Of your-Hold on, $400 for a two-hour zone? Matt, I had no choice. There was no ATM around, and I didn't have cash.


No, he said it was the price for being illegally parked somewhere. They charged you $400? $400. I feel bad. I feel bad for people who have no money. That is-So I wanted to make it worth someone's...




Just... Or what?


Just worth someone's convenience, and immediately A guy goes, I got it.Wow.And he pulls up because I asked the first time, nobody said anything.


Wait, and so what was the incentive?


15% of their ticket.


You'll pay for 15%?15%.


Of their ticket.He.


Goes, Well, I was illegally parked for two weeks.


Well, my ticket was 5 grand.


I think it came out to like 30 bucks or something. It was like 30 bucks, 40 bucks, something like that. I was just like, Thank you so much. I Venmoed him, but my Venmo wasn't going through. But he already paid it, right? I was just like, Look, dude, I promise I will pay for you. There's something wrong with my account. Something was wrong with my Venmo account. I was like, I will Venmo you, I promise. He just let me go. That was really nice. Then two days later, I sent him a little bit of extra like, I'm so sorry for it being way.


Wait, he let you walk away?


His name, Robert Dunst.


He was the sweetest old man.


That was him.


I'm done. Zane, that's actually crazy that you never told us that.


Yeah, that's wild. I think I was a little embarrassed, too, because it's embarrassing to have your car.


Getting your car towed just sucks.


It is embarrassing, but that was really nice of that guy.


Yeah, it was really nice of him.


But the people who work there, they're smoking behind the plexiglas.


They know what they're doing.


And You realize it's a private company, too? The money isn't even going to the city. It's just someone else's business.


No, it has to be. Oh, no, because those are private lots.


It's a private business, and they cut a deal to where the lot can also profit off the people getting towed. It's a whole fucking...


My favorite thing to watch, though, is people that would do anything to get out of a boot.


Yeah, ruin their car.


Or their car getting repowed. Dude, go one night, just search it up. People that are trying to get their car off of a repo truck, it's being towed. They're jumping into it and they're smashing the gas, and it's just like, and then it's going sideways.


Causing thousands of dollars of damage. Them not realizing that that $400 ticket, it's much cheaper than what you're doing to your car right now.


Well, first of all, your car is getting repowed, but then they're totaling their car in the process of trying to get off, which is hurting them even more.


It's funny because it's a private company. So legally, you can't...


You're going to be responsible for damages as well.


Repo is the bank. Banks not getting their money. They send the repo to come get their shit.


But the bank hires the repo company, too.


Oh, the bank hires the repo? Yeah, because the bank owns the car until you finish paying it off and you get your...


Legally. Yeah. Got it.


I want to see someone repo a boat. They do that, too, right? Do they just take it off your dock and then they tow it to another marina?


That would be a lot easier.


I think it's a lot easier to tow a boat.


All you got to do is go up to the rope.


Yeah. And you just come up and just cut it. Sorry. My boat.


Yeah, that's a lot easier.


What a cool job, too.


Honestly, it's dangerous.


You're committing thievery, but legally. You're stealing people's property.


And you have a sense of power. You're like, No, take it up with the state. Sorry, take it up bank.


But it's crazy, too, because they're like a private eye, and they wait for the right time to go in there and repo it. They follow you. They wait until you get out.


Oh, so the car that escaped, they will go back and find him and take his car.


I mean, they have to repossess it again. But just leading up to the car getting repoed. They're watching you like a PI, wait until you go home, wait until you leave. They know your schedule.


From your garage.


It's time.


I would love to be a private investigator.


Dude, watching the jinks, I'm like, I'm with you. I need to solve a...


A crime. Yeah. Look up some cold cases in your hometown. Try to find them, man. Fascinating.


There's a couple of people that went missing, I feel like, in our-There is, probably.


It's Florida, baby.


No, there was a couple. Remember a couple just went missing, and everyone was like, Where the fuck did he go? Where did he missing? And just nobody ever found him.


Tune in next week. All right, let's close it out.


We're going to close it out.


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All right, Unwinders. We'll see you in a second. Love you.


Peace. Ciao, ciao.