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The most insane thing happened to us on our way back. We took Dean with us. It was when we were leaving Allentown. They pull it aside. He opens it up and he's looking at it. I'm like, Yeah, it's litter. It gets stopped, whatever. He's like, Yeah, we're going to need to test this. The litter. The litter. Then he calls over somebody. He's like, We need to get this tested. This is an Allentown airport? Yeah. There's little nerds clusters. Just a poop? Yeah.


They call Heath on the other side of the rope. We need to pat you down. I don't know what the device said.


It tested positive for explosives. What's Dean eating? Then he's doing this full pat down search on me. He's going through everything, and I'm like, Well, yeah, you're trying to sneak explosives on a plane. We had to go dump this litter box, come back, go through.


The guy told me on litter is okay. It's just when he goes to the bathroom, the chemicals that mix with the urine comes up as explosives. Oh, whoa.


Science. What's technically chemicals you're bringing on the.