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We are live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Welcome back. How are we doing, everybody? I'm doing good. I can do this every day.


You want to? Yeah.


I was thinking we should do a daily podcast. Daily podcast. Each one, two hours long.


It's like the toast.


The toast does it.


We could do it. They do that? I think so. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Wow. How can you talk?


They do it...


Well, when her and Jackie are... Jackie She lives in Florida. She lives in New York. They do it on Zoom and stuff, but it's so crystal clear. There's no delay at all. When I listen to it, I can't believe that they're not in the same room. That's crazy.


I can't even FaceTime. I get the delay, and it's just off. You go first.


We tried it. It was terrible, remember?


Yeah, I didn't like it. Was editing that a nightmare? A horror. A horror.


Forget it. Terrible. Try it.


I'm ready to rock and roll.


Are you guys ready to rock and roll?


Yeah, let's just hop into it.


Let's boogie. I love hopping.


I'm really excited about today because there's a few things that I'm excited to talk about.


No, can't wait to cover.


You've been jittery this entire morning.


I can't wait to hear. I'm feeling good. Holy hell.


All right, babe, let's just jump into it. Let's jump right into it.


It's Cometal, baby. Yeah.


Welcome back to Zane & Heath unfiltered.I'm Zane.I'm Heath.I'm Matt.I'm Mariah.


And we are... Excited to be here.


Excited to be here. Quick little Olympic update.


I'm sure you guys have seen more going on and stuff.




I have not actually said. Ever since we talked about it, it left me food.


Oh, really?


Yeah, I don't see it anymore. I can't believe there's still more events.


I thought we have ran out of all of them, but there's still more and more and more.


It just keeps going. Is it drama? No, not drama. It's just so funny.


I asked Mariah if she heard about it because I was going to tell you on the podcast, but she already knew about it.


I just think it's so cool. There's an Italian gymnast, right? Yes. She got a sponsorship, and all of her sponsorship pictures are so perfect. The sponsor is Parmigiano Cheese.Oh, yeah.That's it.Oh, that's great. Just Parmigiano Reggiana. It's literally all of her pictures are with this giant cheese wheel. Is it a specific... You know how you had pork? Yeah. It's Parmajian. Wow, incredible. She's posing with big blocks of cheese. Big wheels of cheese. That should be me.


That should be us. Oh, hell, yeah.


Good for her.


Isn't that crazy, though? That's an awesome brand deal.


Damn. You know Mariah was paced.


Zane would be just posing with a massive vape.


Just push out the lifestyle.


Love it. I can't wait to see more. Are they going to do a video? I want to see a big campaign, and I know that you ready to do pictures, but I want to see a really fun-Do you know that trend where people have been submitting videos of, sad to say, I didn't make the Olympic gymnastics team, and it's them at a tournament, swimming and diving, and especially gymnastics. And it's really bad. But there's somewhere it's like it looks like they are good gymnasts and they had a terrible fall. But then some of them like, why are you on the team? And there's so many of them. But you have to start somewhere. I just want to know the story behind every single clip. I just want to reach out to all of them and be like...


Or the girl that did that dive and she just didn't never move.


She ran and did not move.


No, I saw one where this girl was on the high dive and she... She was facing forward. I don't know if she was supposed to do a gainer, but she went to the edge and just did a backflip on the board.


She went away from the pool and everyone was like, whoo. I wonder if I could find it. God, we should all go to a pool like that and see who gets the best time. I have a diving board.


If we want to go, we just go to my backyard.


I want to go to the-Oh, you want to do a high dive?


Yeah. That's too much risk.


Can you do a gainer? My brother is the king of gainers. He did it my whole childhood, and I've always I wanted to.


I tried one time, and I was like, That's it.


I'm not going to try it. It's scary. What's a gainer? You run forward, you jump, and throw a backflip. No way. That was the sickest move.


You're facing front, but you have to do a backflip facing front. You have to throw yourself forwards at the same time so that you flip into the water, if that makes sense.


That hurts my neck just thinking about that. Yeah, you have to have so much guts.


It's one of those moves where you have to run and jump forward, but to get the momentum to go back.


Most people just go like this and just get stuck because you're trying to go.


That's the one you said, the belly flop.


It was so high.


She started off so high and couldn't move in another position. It just smacked.


That ruins in our day, right?


When you land from that high on your stomach. I know we talked about the synchronized swimming. Yes.


But the underwater camera changes everything. A hundred %. Especially also the clear-seeing their micro movements is underwater. Their hands are like...


To get so precise, to rise up a little bit upside down for your feet to go up.


It's just this little tiny... And making sure everyone It comes on sync. It takes one person to be like,. The US team, did you see they moonwalked upside down?


Oh, no. Yes, that was the coolest thing I've seen in so long. They were doing it like Michael Jackson, and they went upside down, and they moonwalked with all their feet in the air.


It was really badass. You know when they first implemented underwater because they have see-through cameras, underwater cameras?


Because back then, there was no such thing as underwater movements.


You just had to make sure you looked good above water. You know how pissed they got when they're like, now they're-They see everything. Now they have to do all these underwater synchronized movements. It's unreal, though. I'm the worst when I'm watching the running, I'm I could go a little faster than that. I always think I could maybe just have a good stride and beat everybody. But you see the one guy who pole vaulted, but his package got in the way?


That's points off, right? Yeah, you He didn't clear it. He's out. He's the only thing that hit the bar was that. And it like...


And that looks soft, too. You know what I mean?


He got a hefty package.


Yeah, and you know his DMs are a flood. Well, did you see he got offers?


To do what? To do OF? They're offering a quarter million dollars. Come on.


I think they're just going with just the joke.


Would you do it?


Would I do You know you got a cup of the Olympics and the whole world is paying attention to you because of your package.


No, because I know I can get better jobs. They should just have him do Calvin Klein or something.


There you go.


That's how you can show it off in a tasteful... I'm just surprised if you knew you had of a package, wouldn't you just tape that down? You're a pole vaulter. It happens often because it's happened to other...


I don't know if in the Olympics. Other Monsters Others? Other Poles.


Pretty crazy.


Yeah, pretty wild. Dragon ass. I saw other people clearing the vault, but they still hit it, but then they would land and then they would scream and be like, yes.


You canWhat's the difference?


If you tap it and the pole doesn't fall off, that's still clearing it.


Yeah, you made it. The pole didn't fall off, though, when he hit it. So he cleared it. It did. He cleared it.


Oh, he cleared it. Did you see the guy who broke the world record? No, the pole fell.


Oh, the pole fell.


Damn, your junk made the whole pole fall. That's a strong one. Good for him.


Good for him. At least he won with something.


I want to vent about something real quick. Let's hear it. I just don't really understand I understand. The gold metal is not actually gold. It's like 95% silver.It's just painted gold.It's like a gold plate.


They put a little bit of gold in there just for the… I mean, that would be a lot of gold. 92% pure silver. Okay. I mean, that would be really expensive to make each metal. It would be about 42 some odd thousand dollars to be completely gold.


But it's like the Olympic Netflix is making millions and billions of dollars in advertising, streaming, people watching it, people going out. I feel like the least you could do is give an athlete a real gold medal.


The last time it was real gold was 1912. These people are the best in the world. Also, you have four years. You should hire a team of people in those four years to go mine gold. Come on, let's go. That's a whole sport. That would be such a fun I think a gold medal, though, is already worth $42,000, though, probably. If somebody was to sell it on the second-hand-Yeah, it's really sad.


Some people have had to sell their metals just because they don't make that much. I could I'm going to get rid of that.


But how much-The actual value is worth 950 bucks.


Well, for the-Actual value of the metal. Right. But if somebody were to buy a gold medal-But still, I just think-How many gold medals do you have to make? Especially entire teams, like an entire soccer team wins the gold medal.


You're telling $42,000 per...


How many gold medals get printed? That has to be so expensive. I don't think it needs to be real gold.


Honestly, if anything, I think it's better to give them a check and then that fake gold. It doesn't need to... Shit could get lost. It can get stolen. That's why they probably put that into consideration. There's only so much of that gold.


That gold will never also get circulated ever into the... And it just raises the value of it. The global of gold. Okay, would it raise the currency? If you're taking gold off the market, it's a supply and demand. But I think gold bars are still...


I don't know. I'm not a financial expert. We also are holding and storing multiple football field-sized buildings of just straight gold. I thought there's only enough gold to cover half a football field. Let's see it.


Show us.


The world has about 244,000 metric tons of gold. And how many metrics makes It's one...


A metric ton? A ton is what? 3,000 pounds? So I don't know what a metric-It was heavy.


Weren't they saying that their metals were heavy? I swore I saw a TikTok one time showing the entire world gold on one football field, and I was like, That's it.


I love how all of our information comes from TikTok.


I just feel like these people should get a real prize. Yeah, I mean, they do.


They win gold. They win gold, and they get a lot of money.


That parmajian, to me, is worthworth its weight. It's worth its weight in gold.


Yeah, I'd rather get a parmajon Reggie on a deal than it.


You'd want to put that in your mouth right after.


I saw something really cool in person that would have been so cool as a little commercial or an advertisement.


I was on the highway, and there were two cars in front of me, and one car was slightly ahead of the other.


And the person in the passenger seat was eating chips, and they stuck their chips out the window and were reaching towards the other car. And I was like, Do they know each other? Are they passing each other some snacks? And then the car eventually caught up to him, and the driver of the other car was eating the exact same chips, and they cheers each other. Oh, wow. And then just took off. It was like a barbecue-lazed chips. It was barbecue-lazed chips, and I was like, I could not believe I saw that in person. It looked stage. They didn't know each other. One person exited, and one person kept going. But the guy reached out to show like, Hey. It was just such a cute moment. That's exactly something. If I saw somebody eating the same exact chips, I would catch up and just hold it out. I almost was tearing up. It was just beautiful. That's so fun. Just little moments like that is so funny.


But if somebody was recording that, I feel like that would blow up and then Laze would post it.


It was just so cool. Just a good, authentic- Such a cool moment. Just a real moment that you just saw. Humans are so cute. They are. Just a little cheers on the That's the way, too.


They were flying. To me, a moment like that is when you open your textbook and the teacher tells you to go to a certain page and you would land on that certain page.


It's not cool. You're like, What are the odds? When you tell someone, they're like, Oh, cool. But seeing it and fucking experiencing that, you're like, Damn it. That's crazy. I wish the whole world saw from my point of view that. I get that same freak out, too, when somebody says something, if I'm driving and I see a sign on the highway that says that word, and it's a random word. I had another one, driving When I was coming back from my work, I was thinking about something about the Denny house, our house on Denny Street.


And you passed the Denny's.


No, I was behind a car, and that license plate was Denny One. I saw that. I was just like, Oh, my God, that's so weird. It's just like, saying it out loud is silly, but why did it do that? There's frequencies.


So weird. So interesting. There are frequencies out there.


Love that.


I love those little things. It just I don't know. It lets you know you're in the right place at the right time.


The universe is winking at you.




It's winking at you.


But what about the other lady that you saw driving the pink Corvette? Do you remember?


Yeah, that was weird. Her name was Angel.


Wait, Angel? They made the whole movie about her. The old lady with the blonde hair. I guess so. I saw it. Yes. Yeah. Oh, Angel. Why did I think her name was Céline? Yeah, that's a whole story. She was a girl who moved out to LA in the '70s or '80s, and she was just a who wanted to be famous. She did a little bit of rock music here and there, but she wasn't that good.


Just like a modeling. Angeline.




Okay. Yes, there you go. I saw a billboard one time of this lady on there. I thought that's what you're talking about, but I forgot her.


Angeline, it's a Yeah, the girl from Shameless played her in that show. Got it.


Who is she?


Mariah was just a socialite.


I was on the highway and I saw this pink Corvette, so I wanted to pull up and see just who was driving it. I took note of the license plate because stood out. And I pulled up and I looked over, and it's just this blonde, big boobs, plastic surgery, blonde hair. I'm like, Can't forget that face.


Trixie Mateo.


Big boobs.


And then big boobs. And then I didn't think anything of it. I didn't research or anything. A day later, I go on Facebook. The only reason I go on Facebook is to check Facebook marketplace. But I went on the feed and started scrolling for a second. I scrolled once, and there's this billboard. This. I see this exact picture posted. That's the one I've seen, yeah. And it's just a random profile of LA history or something. And this came up, and I'm like, Oh, the blonde and a pink car, but this wasn't the car that I saw. So I saw the license plate. I was like, That's what the license plate said. So then I did research and I put Angeline. Is that how you say her name? Yeah, Angeline. Angeline. I looked up Angeline pink car, and she has three of them, and I saw the pink Corvette. I'm like, What the heck? So then it made me do research to see who the heck this woman was, and I saw that she's just from old Hollywood.


Yeah, she's just a Hollywood staple. She always just advertised herself like, I'm Angeline.


Was she a Paris Hilton type? I'm trying to figure out.


Back in the day.


She just would go around and make herself known to turn heads and stuff.


She was the first socialite?


Pretty much. I saw it.


That's the car I saw.


Definitely. How old is she? I Oh, has to be in her late '60s, early '70s.


200, I think. She's definitely the oldest socialite then.


Probably. That's still out and about.


Because Paris Hilton would be considered the first social media- I think Paris Hilton has excelled socialite.


Paris Hilton has excelled socialite. I'm talking about just in general, just timeline-wise, she would be the first socialite.


That's not an actress.


A Hollywood socialite, I guess. But I think socialites have also been around for a very long time. If you go back to even Zelda Fitzgerald was a socialite. There were always famous wives of people who were-Muriah, it's going to be you.


I just thought that was crazy because this was before I mentioned it to anybody.


I didn't say it out loud, the fact that it came up on my Facebook feed. So crazy. I haven't even talked about it. It was crazy.


Damn, it's crazy that I've seen her billboard a few times in the past four years, five years.


You know that's just her spending her own money just to get up on it. Just It's like, put my name on.


You know, it's crazy. She got a show deal. At least it took her 30, 40 years of doing it, but it was like a full Hulu show, I think.


You forget that you can just put whatever you want on a billboard. Yeah. That's crazy.


You did that.


I know. It's just crazy. How is there no filter system? How is there not a-Yeah, I feel like you should be selling something. Exactly.


Sometimes it's just pure publicity.


So interesting to me. I have nothing against it. It's just crazy that for a whole city, You just put whatever you want.


I mean, if you're paying, they're going to take your money. Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, Built.


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We've talked about this before a long time ago, but we have a friend who works in advertisement, and he was explaining to us why some billboards are where they are. They'll track, say there's the 101, they'll track the demographic on the 101. They'll see Okay, this is 18 plus or 21 plus, female, male, whatever, and they'll put an alcohol advertisement.


How do you even track that?


How do you track who's going on? They sell data. They'll go to as you're driving on maps and it pulls your information. Certain roads, certain parts of town, whatever it is, they go, Okay, the most people driving down this specific road is predominantly female, predominantly male in this age group. So they go, This is where your billboard is going to go to get the most eyes for your target audience.


Wild. I also know that they will put certain celebrities on certain billboards if the celebrities live close to where they live. Josh Peck, when he was doing that show with John Stamos, Josh, I think he told me this, that by his house, all the advertisements that he would see mostly around LA were all of him and John, or just of John Stamos on it.


Because they think they'll take a picture of it?


Yeah, I guess it's just the enthusiasm from whoever is part of the project, but they'll put it wherever if they live nearby so they can see it.


I love how big actors now don't even post themselves on big billboards anymore. I don't care how big I was. I will always take a picture. If I'm on a giant billboard, it's crazy. I'm like, Leo DiCaprio or Brad Pitt or Margot Wright. We'll just drive by and they're on the biggest billboard in the world. You would think that they would...


Just be like, Oh, well, that's me. Or if I was a musician and hearing your song in public has to be like such a rush.


I couldn't even imagine that feeling.


Do you think their team goes like, Oh, don't post stuff like that. It'll make you less mysterious? They're Can I open up Leo's camera roll?


There has to be a reason why they don't.


Or do you think just in that industry, it doesn't look cool? It doesn't look cool.


No, it doesn't look cool.


But also, they're just not posting anything. It would be storyworthy, maybe. They're so boring. But I see a little bit. Leo's not snapchatting his day.


I'd love to see Leo's snapshots of the day.


That'd be so interesting. I'd love to see Jennifer Coolidge's Instagram story.


Oh, my God. Wow.


Just You look like the fourth of July. But they're also old, too. They don't like that type of shit anymore.


If you've been around the block, I mean, Leo has been working since he was a kid, so I feel like he's pretty cynical to it.


I just think celebrity should have more fun with branding. I feel like someone like Jennifer Coolidge should work with Oscar Meyer or something. Just something that would work and that would make sense.


You see it sometimes. I feel like some celebrities have been having fun with different brands.


Like the Michael Sarah with the Sarah Vee was a perfect-Perfect, yeah.


That's genius. The Parmajian, perfect. Just simple things that'll help both parties. I don't know. I just think they should be more personable and humane.


I think we'll see a little bit more of that in the coming years, for sure. I think they're going to have a lot more fun. I think traditional type campaigns are going to start going out the door, too. I feel like these new, younger people are now starting to work in these big brands and big companies. I feel like they're going to have a lot of say in the creative and all that. Because many of the creative for brains can be just dog shit. I hate seeing bad campaigns. It pisses me off.


Someone was sharing infomercials from the '90s and stuff, just silly, like, Oh, this is a personal egg cracker. This is a way to mow your lawn. Everyone's like, I'm happy about the time I became an adult. They got rid of infomercials because I'd be buying all of this stuff. Because I feel like infomercials, we could never buy what was because we didn't have access to a credit card.


It felt inaccessible. If you called the number, you don't think that you would even get an answer. It just didn't feel real watching an infomercial.


I don't even know if I've ever asked my parents if they ever bought anything straight up from an infomercial.


My parents have never.


They were like, Why would I get on a phone and just share my credit card information with some random person? My grandma would.


She would be like, call. She still watches that shit.


My mom would do all sorts of TV shots, like QVC. But I remember watching those commercials, and it's like, Call now. If you call within the next whatever minute, you're going to get this discounted rate. I asked my mom, I was like, How do they know that you just watched the commercial? How do they know it's been five? How can you prove it?


Now, it's obvious. They would know because they know exactly the times.


Remember the late hours of the night? This would be the only thing on. It'd be this and George Lopez.


That little the cat color-changing thing.


The Marvin's Magic Arase Board, and they would go in It dries instantly. And that motherfucker, I would get so close to the TV, and he just would go like that. He would never fucking touch it. I was like, Scam.


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Back to the Olympics real quick. Do you know you made a real prediction?


About what?


Okay, you know he said Tom Cruise should do a stunt?




For the LA Olympics? Yes. Zane.


No way.


What's going on?


Did you know Tom Cruise just confirmed that he's doing a stunt to close out Paris Olympics to show that it's going to LA?


I was just saying, That's how you open an Olympic ceremony. That's crazy. That's so insane.


That's the perfect transition. That's really cool.


What's the stunt? Do we know?


I cannot, but it's real.


Yes. This is that Zane.


I think Tom's team saw what I said. They saw what I said, and they came up with the idea. That's what I said. And this is to promote his last movie.


Or did your dad tell you?


No, my dad... No, I said it. It just felt like he should... Because he is the... He is America. He is the definition of high action. If somebody says name a celebrity, you go Tom Cruise.


Tom Cruise.


I wonder what the stunt is going to be. Probably like a motorcycle stunt.


I don't know, but it's death defying.


Always. It better be death. Death. Death. That's what I want to see.


You think he's going to motorcycle through the Eiffel Tower? Through the rings. Through the rings.


Over the tower. Yes.


Hopefully, they- Then the beginning of the LA Olympics, he's going to be entering it. You know that transition on TikTok where people jump over their phones onto vacation.


All over to the beach.


It seems like we really need it for a take. He's like, Fuck, I don't want to do this shit. This is my This is my show.


His silhouette in the moon.


I think I should get an invite to the closing ceremony.


That's crazy that you called it. Come on. Actually, insane.


It's going to be happening soon. How many more days are left? I mean, I can tell by the time this episode comes out, it may have already happened.


May have happened.


May have happened.


So cool. They don't show him landing the bike until the next Olympic ceremony. You know what I mean? He disappeared. It's just his jump. It's like a cliffhanger. That's really cool. He's cliffhanging.


Make another prediction, Zane. Make another prediction.


He's skydiving. He goes off the edge.


He's definitely promoting the last movie for sure. The final Mission Impossible.




Why do I feel like you can't do that? It's the Olympics. It shouldn't be the-Yeah, but they're paying the Olympics to do that, I think. That's why I'm saying, give the damn athletes gold.


They're making billions.


Yeah, it has to be... It's not going to be the motorcycle stunt. I don't think... Because that was the first... That was part one. It's been done. It has to be something from the new movie because there's going to be obviously a big fucking stunt because that's what always does. Oh, 100%. But it's crazy that he has to get it done. He has one chance. But he also had one chance also for the movie. It's not an ad for Mission Impossible.


It's an ad for the Church of Scientology. Everyone's like, What? Whoa, Tom, Tom.


They would never show it on the screen, but I think that he definitely does a lot of donations there, secret donations.


Yeah, he goes and speaks at a lot of their stuff. Remember when you got... Scientologists are weird, but I don't think they're- Remember when you got invited to be on a commercial for Scientology? We did? You did.


I did? Yeah. Remember you said you got hit up and you said- Oh, Matt's the perfect victim. You denied it.


Oh my gosh.


You denied it. You're like, No, I'm not doing it. But you got asked to be in it.


Yes, I did. Back when I had a commercial agent and stuff. Yeah, it was in the Church of Scientology. Oh, my gosh. Holy shit.


I forgot about that. Remember, we were saying maybe they reach out to you because you are so anti, and they're like, Oh, maybe we can switch in.


I'm not anti-Church of Science.


No, this was around the time we were talking about it, like every other episode, in small increments. Yes, This is coming back. So remember, we're like, maybe they reach out to you purposely to be like, We can flip.


That would be so easy. He'd be like, No, I'm good. And he'd be like, We have every celebrity. You can imagine.


He'd be like, Cool. That's where Scientology gets you. You get booked and busy. If you are, Join the church and you say you're an actor.


They give you everything.


What do you mean they give you everything? What does that mean?


There's always somebody who works for the church that works in casting and is like, We like this kid.


We should pick this kid. They play favoritism with people that are... If I joined Scientology, can I be in the next house?


You'd probably be really rich and famous.


I'll say the odd zane would go up at least 35%.


That's not bad.


Better than zero.


If that gets me a chance.


Hasta la vista unfiltered. I got season three of a Hot TD to hit. Be careful.


That possessed tattoo is getting to your head.


Do you want to talk about that tattoo?


I already did.


Did I not? We talked about it on live, and you talked about basically unfiltered.


Oh, I did. I did. We'll wait for you to go watch it. My tattoo of my exorcism girl that I got, it wasn't supposed to be exorcism. She was supposed to be fallen, and now she's exercising. She got infected badly, and it ruined half the tattoo, so I have to get it redone.


Was it painful?


It wasn't painful, but it was-Oozen. It was ooosing.




The blood. The lines were split, basically. It looked like it was carved with a knife because the outline of it was open and ooosing and bleeding.


It's called a heavy... So some tattoo artists, they'll have a heavy hand and they'll dig deeper than they should and it'll cut you everywhere. So where he was Having a heavy hand was the bottom of the dress, and the entire area got infedited.


Matt, how eerie is that? Spokey. Isn't that really strange?


So that entire bottom, you see the bottom of the dress, Matt? Yeah. That entire area is like it's fated. It It just ate up the ink.


Oh, no. So wait, do you have to let it heal for a little bit?


I have to let it completely heal, and then my guy is going to just fix it.


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How was Elton's wedding?


Oh, yeah. How was that? It was so perfectly Elton. It's not even funny.


It was honestly a beautiful mix of both of them. Love it. It was the perfect mix. It It was like indoor-outdoor. They had the dinner inside and the cocktail hour. The flowers were beautiful. The room itself was stunning. There was lights.


The ceremony was under this massive tree.


It was like whimsicle carnival. Loved. Then after we ate, the other half of the reception, it felt like an after-party because more people showed up at that time. I felt like we were at a real carnival. It was crazy. It was packed with people.


The whole field was full of carnival rides. The field was full of carnival rides, the ferris wheel, there was a pirate ship swinging thing.


They had the guys who bounce on the trampolines and run up the wall and do flips. Oh, cool. They had jugglers, they had snake wranglers, they had silts.


There was people on stilt walking around. It That is really cool. That is very Elton.


It was Elton wedding for sure.


It sounds weird, but it was tasteful and cool.


It wasn't them. It's a reflection of the couple, and that's what a good wedding should be.


It was beautiful. I know it was hot out there. I was working out that day in the gym, and I was dying in the gym. It was warm. It was really hot.


It was really hot because we were sitting in the direct sun for the ceremony. But as soon as that was over, we were relaxed.


I know you guys are glad you're doing it inside, right?


Well, ours is going to be in the winter.


It's going to be cold. But even still, I just feel like it takes so much of the stress having an inside wedding because it doesn't matter what the weather is like. You know you don't have to worry.


I'm excited for it to be chilly because no matter what time of year you go to a wedding, you're going to be hot indoor, outdoor, because when you're dancing, everyone takes off their jackets.


Once you're dancing, it'll matter.


You get really hot. I'm excited for people to step outside and still see the property just to cool down. Could it be snowing?


Very good. It could. If it snowed, it'd be really sick. It would be really cool. The pictures would be sick.


As long as people get in smoothly. That's what I'm saying.


The only thing I'm worried about, I'm not praying for snow until people get there. That was really cool because I don't know if you guys are going to be able to get there on time.


But having it in It doesn't cause delays all the time, right?


It does. When you're coming from just different places, I mean- Or just in general, it could cause different planes.


I think we'll be all right.


It hasn't snowed like that around that time of year in a really long time.


I'll pray for you. Thank you, Zane.Thank you.


But, yeah, it was really, really beautiful.


Yeah, it was a really fun wedding. They did a good job.


Anybody wear white?




What? There actually was.


Not only white, but it was white with sequins everywhere. She really stood I was like, Oh, I wonder if that's the mother of the bride. Yeah. Was not the mother of the bride.


That just baffles me that a person is getting ready for a wedding and is looking at dresses and goes white.


That doesn't cross your mind.


Then even their spouse, were they not like, Honey, we're going to a wedding. I know.


How about you go change? I said the same thing. I said, When you're picking out a dress, the first thing in your mind is the color white. Okay, white is obviously off limits.


It's not that hard to one up.


Zane. You know what Our friend that we just saw.


I don't even talk about it.


What was it? They were at the wedding, too? No, this person, she was wearing it. She was showing- At a wedding? At a wedding. It was just like, this is not wedding-appropriate.


I Definitely not.


At all. Definitely not.


But you know how you go to... I feel like girls talk about it on TikTok all the time. They'll just have a wedding. They're talking about it. I told this girl, she shouldn't be wearing anything like this, and she still showed up like that. It's just You don't want to look way too sexy in a wedding.


There's a tire for weddings. You need to be appropriate.


Yeah. It's not here to draw a ten.


You know what I mean? There are grandparents. There are parents.


But it's not even that. It's just like, it's their day.


It's not even It's not even that. It's not even that. You just did it. Not even that. Because it is that.


It is that. And God is more than that.


I was right in Mariah right when it came out.


I was like, I just did it.


Can you believe him?


Can you believe him? It's not even that. No, I was actually disagreeing with you at that I wasn't agreeing with you. But you're right. I did say it.


You would want someone to be skimpy in front of grandparents. I think it's disrespectful. I think it's disrespectful. Yeah, that's very disrespectful.


I would have thought if I was a grandpa.


You're weird. Zane is a grandpa.


I Zane. Zane. Thank God you were a girl. You would be wearing... Zane would be doing the most if you were a girl.


Forget it.


Every night, Zane at a bar.


Zane would start every video. I would be in a pro, but it would be bad.


Save it for Coachella, girly.


Who's the designer brand right now that's selling what looks like a used festival wristband?


That's like an accessory.


Yes, I think it might be Gucci. No, I think it might be Balenciaga.


Balenciaga added it again.


It looks like an old, ripped up Coachella wristband.


You know people are going to buy it.


It's 3,000-pound couture festival.


Oh, my.


Oh, no. What is that? What is that? No, no, no, no, no. Because the second the festival is over, I want that shit off of me.


Do you at least keep all your wristbands? I keep a lot of them.


I Keep all of my-You keep all of my... You keep all the...


Nice ones. The nice ones. The nice ones, yeah. But that were stitched and stuff.


I just four grand for that is absurd. Hey, artist's wristbands are five.




That's probably how they came up with the price. That's just stupid.


That looks like Hulkamania.


You know who would buy that? Remi. She'd buy that in a heartbeat.


No, she wouldn't. She would not.


You know Remi bought a... She bought a Birkin, and then she wrapped the handles to protect it, the burqas, to keep its value. I was like, Oh, you wrap it with a bandana. Bandana? Bandana? Bandana costs 200 bucks. She bought it from the same store. I was like, Why did you just put a regular rip?


I think Birkins are badass when you beat them up and you really wear a fucking Birkin.


She was saying it keeps her value when you keep it in good condition.


Yeah, but I think, well, if she plans on reselling it, I think if you buy a Birkin, you have a burqa for life.


I think she plans on-The Olson twins, when they walk around New York and just an overstuff Birkin, it's so go to hell and badass. But from dumb, I think that makes it worth it.




The Birkin holds value. It's like a stored value. It's like an appreciating asset, like a certain Rolex or things like that.


You don't think they attach names on certain pieces to make them a little bit more-The Birkin seemed after Jane Birkin. No, I understand. I know that. I'm talking about just the person who used to own it.


If a super fan of that person was selling it, they might be able to get more to be like, I have Mary, Kate, and Ashley, whatever it's, Birkin. But you can't buy them.


You have to be invited to purchase them. It's very hard to get. That's so crazy. Would you want a Birkin?




Too expensive?


I just don't like the way they look. It's not me. I'd love to buy. I like the story behind it.


Yeah, the story is crazy.


The story is cool.


The story is really sick. So cool. They have a story like that for every very expensive designer, right? Or is it just this one that had No, but this is the whole thing of the designer being on a flight, sitting next to this lady, and coming up with the idea for this bag because she needed something that was bigger that you could open and stuff with.


Yeah. And named it after her.


She just passed away, Jane Birkin.




Rest in peace.


Oh, shit. She was gorgeous.


I got a notification when I was in the bathroom. I was talking to Sheetz. I'm sorry, Mariah. This is the first time I receive a notification for Earthquick.


Oh, yesterday.


That was your first time, too?


That was the first time ever.


We got the notification and we looked at each other like, We're getting notified? This is a first? And then immediately everything started shaking and we just looked at each other and I was like, Whoa.


It was five seconds after receiving that text. Why didn't we ever get a text like that in the past?


It made me nervous because I was like, this has got to be it.


It's got to be big. Because they didn't see a number or nothing. I was like, this is it. Hedaya was in the shower and I was on the toilet. Did she feel it? Not in the same bathroom. I just knew she was thinking this.


I did not even think about that.


I know, but I just needed to reiterate that. What were you saying?


You were saying.


I thought you said something in between.


You were in the bathroom, she was in the shower.


Yeah, and When I saw that, I started feeling, I was like, Oh, my God, I hope this is it because Hedaya is in the shower. If it's go time, having to pull her out of the shower, what's going to happen? It would have stunk.


It's crazy to me that people can be in the exact same room and one person will feel it and one person will.


Patricia didn't feel it. I felt it. But Patricia was on her feet moving stuff around and I was just in bed.


Jordan didn't feel it. I texted him immediately. I was like, Because he's never felt one. I was so excited. I was like, there's no way he didn't feel this. I go, bro, did you feel it? And he was like, there's no way.


You have to be in a certain spot. Even on your bed, sometimes you won't feel it. But if you see, you'll see shit on the wall moving.


Our light over our kitchen was like, swinging. All the bottles were like the liquid was in it going like It was bad.


It was up by Bakersfield. Yeah.


Crazy. I love it's this game that we're all playing. We're all playing the same game. We all know what you get if you lose. We're all ready. It happens. We're like, Oh, shit. Oh, Okay, good. I did go. I did get up immediately.


Nobody's moving.


Nobody's moving.


I got up immediately and I went to the door frame. I was like, Patricia.


Where do I go?


Me and he were like,.


Yeah, you keep going.


It is fun, though. It's so interesting. It's a really bizarre feeling of you're nervous because you don't know what it's going to be exactly. It could be huge, it could be nothing at all, but you're just sitting there and you don't run. You don't let go. There's nothing to do other than it's such a strange feeling.


I was thinking about this scenario yesterday after I have it. I was like, because imagine this was it, right? The first, it's shit's going down. You're immediately probably going to lose service because those towers are going to probably be on the ground if it was the big one, right? Everything's down. You have now no internet, no fucking signal, no wife. So now you have no contact with any of your friends, and shit's just going down. Just knowing that you can't, you don't know what anyone's or what anyone's going through right now in that moment, having to escape this house. The house is crumbling down because it's a fucking twelve magnitude earthquake. But having to find everybody, all your friends, without any phone or signal is scary. Oh, boy. Sorry, I just blacked out. What did I say?


You were actually imagining and envision it.


That was real. Wow. I also envisioned Tom Cruise at the closing ceremony.


Don't speak anything else.


You're clairvoyant now.


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I'm going to a bachelor party tomorrow.


You're going to what?


A bachelor party. No way. Who's? Tahoe, my buddy Justin. You It was one of my grooms.


Justin. Oh, Justin.


Tahoe, you're going to do some lake activities?


Yes, we're getting on a boat. I know that. We're doing a boat.


Boat days are always the best. You should always include that in a bachelor.


Oh, yeah, absolutely. Get a boat date in it. I don't know if it's a pontoon or what. It's a party barge. We already did the pontoon for you, so try to find something else.


The party barge, the double decker pontoon.


Yeah. Give me all that. We're doing beer Olympics, too. Maybe some gambling. What's beer Olympics? I don't know. They split you up into teams, and you got to do beer pong, flip cup, all the classes.


That's fun since it's going on.


What is your favorite game? Are you guys good at beer pong?


I don't know any of what the games are called. I don't know. You know what beer pong? I know what beer pong is, but I don't know the other ones.


I was really good at, well, flip cup and Rage cage.


I hate rage cage.


Rage cage is great. When someone's like, Let's play Rage cage, I'll fucking play it, but I'm not having a good time.


Remember during the pandemic, we went on a Rage cage marathon? Yes. It was just the four of us.


There's nothing cattier than you get it, and then you look at the table and go back to the person to fuck them over.


Or when somebody slaps your cup, but it's a little too aggressive of a slap, you're like...


Yeah, it's like, calm down. Oh, me and Todd have been playing a lot of beer dye.Beer dye is the most fun.Beer dye. Mariah, you would love beer dye.


I see clips of beer dye and amazing shots. I have no clue how people Do you know the game?


Each team has a dice and you have your drink on each corner. You have to throw it in the air really high and it has to bounce on their side once and it has to make it off the table and the other team has to catch it. If they catch it, you lose a point.


Do you have to catch it with your non-dominant hand? Is that true?


No, one hand.


One hand. Yeah. You can't use two hands. But what happens if it... But isn't it amazing if it goes up, bounces, and gets into the cup?


Into the cup, that's three points. That's the best shot you can do.


Then you have to chug the beer.




And then you have to spit the dice out after you chug it.


We don't do that. What?


Yeah. So if it landed in there, you have to chug your beer, put the die in your mouth, and then spit that out. And if it hits a certain number, it's like another type of thing.


Oh, I didn't know that. I would joke all that shit.


I would too. If it hits the table and bounces off and you catch it, it just negates it. Nothing happens. You save the play.


Got it. We played it on the beach a couple of days.


It was really fun. It's a really fun game.


Flip Cup, I I love.


I love Flip Cup. It's a great party starter.


There's nothing then realized that you have the weakling on your team and you're like, damn. You see someone's whole core as a person.


Your whole team is ripping through it one shot and then you're like, Come on.


You got it.


It's such a simple task.


No, no, no. Lighter, lighter, lighter, lighter, lighter,Lighter, lighter.


You know they're getting pissed off at themselves because they can't get it. It's so embarrassing.


That's where it gets to the point where they're pissed.


Sorry, guys. So embarrassing.


You know that's the party starter, too. It's flip clubs. That's usually what you start with. When that one person really just sets the mood, nobody wants to talk to them. Nobody wants to play with them.


Can we trade? Can we trade players? Let's switch it up.


There was one really fun game. I think it might be part of that, but it's a relay game where it's at a beer pong table, but you have six cups in a row.


That's the beer Olympics, I think now.


What you're talking about. Wait, six cups in a row.


Six like, pointing forward, then you have to make them, and then you get it back and you have to keep...


Yes, it's like beer pong, but it's in straight lines. I know that one. Or what's also the It's like a King's Cup where people get the cards. I remember playing King's Cup. Four horrors, like six.


King's Cup felt like a spin the bottle.


Yeah, it wasn't my favorite game.


You know what game I love? Spoons. It's so funny.


It's fun to watch.


Spoons is so easy.


It's something you really have to watch.


There's nothing taking the spoon and no one even knows, and you're just chilling.


A classic. I thought of a Spoon's version. I just played Spoons at the Bachelorette, but I thought of a version, you're all going to roll your eyes, but I think it's so fun. If somebody hides the Spoons in the room, and then you're playing, and you have to run and try to find it instead of grabbing it in front of you.


Oh, that sucks.


It's like an Easter egg hunt at the same time.


You know what my hack is with Spoons? I don't even fucking play the game. I just sit there and look at the Spoons the the entire time.


Oh, wait.


Just wait for just someone to take it and then you go.


I think it gets to that point where you're just like, okay, just- But you have to start paying attention when it's down to one and two.


I thought if somebody caught you doing that, it would be like, you can't do that. Oh. Yeah, I didn't think that was allowed. What if everybody did that?


There's a hack.


You know what we realized while we were playing? We played 10 rounds, and we realized we never double-checked anybody's work. Because it gets really hype at that time when you're grabbing the spoons. So by the time you grab it, everyone's screaming and you're collecting the cards and you're like, I almost got that one, but I went for this one first.


And the knowing questions, though.


The cards are everywhere, too. They slip everywhere.


Because you grab the spoon, you let go of everything that you've ever held in your life.


When was the last time you played musical chairs? Oh, pretty recently. I feel like it was actually Scott's birthday. Why the fuck were we playing musical chairs? It was like Liza. We were all in that boat and we were playing musical chairs.


I remember that. I think it was honestly just said, we're like, Oh, this would be really funny to play, and then we just played it. Oh, musical chairs. Why was there so many chairs? I think that was the boat's... Whoever was running the boat.


I got a fun game we could play.


Musical chairs.


It was really funny. I love watching people play musical chair. When it gets to the last three, then they start recording. I can watch those all day.


Watching it when there's money on the line and people will literally throw them.


Did you see the girl that grabbed the chair? She went and talked.




That's a splice and shirt. Just grabbed it.


Boom. Damn. A good old competition.


Be right. For your birthday, you should do a birthday party where it's all those types of games everywhere. Yeah, I totally...


I've tried that so many times.


We bought a tug of war and nobody played.


I thought everybody played tug of war.


Nobody played. No, we played jump rope for two seconds. We bought double Dutch ropes. We bought tug of war. We bought corn. Nobody gives a shit. I'm like, Come on. Everyone's like, Where's the pong table?


I'm like, Grow up. I went to a party.


Play musicalCircle chairs.Crow.




Up and let's have a scavenger hunt.


I saw a video of the Olympics from 1910 or 1920s, and they had tug-a-war as one of the... Yeah, it was really cool.


Good old tug-of-war classic.


By the way, I did not know the Olympics went back that far. It started like the 1918, 1920 or something. Before that. Before that. I did not fucking know that.


That was way back, even way back to the Greeks, I feel like we're having Olympics.


That all my life would have been 1969.


Oh, no. You're going on a long-Zane, you think that's the '60s?


We got Zane Hadjazi right here. 1912, tug of war.


That's amazing.


So cool.




So, so cool.


I want to see that.


I would watch that.


It's also amazing to see-Tug of war?


It's also amazing to see sports then, especially like gymnastics, all the illegal tricks now. It is unbelievable.


What's it called, the demon drop?


The girl, when you go up to the top bar and you do the back flip off. But I also learned they changed a lot of those, not because people can get injured doing the moves. The bearing of the bars has changed. It used to be really flexy, so you could hop back and forth. Now it's so tough where you can't... I just love more rigid. Even if you tried, you would hurt yourself.


My favorite thing right now is a meme. It's basically my parents buying a home in the '70s or whatever, and it's just somebody on a gymnastics mat who does a little bounce on the pommel horse thing or whatever it is. Then it's me trying to buy a home in 2024, and it's like, Simone Biles doing the multiple twist and All this shit just showing how easy things were back then.


That's so funny. That's literally it, though.


Look, look, look. Just like these are teams.


Oh, come on. I can do that. There's no way that was it.


It's just a cartwheel on a balance beam. You did it.


I love it.


We became machines.




Yeah, that's sick.


Have you seen the tug of war with rowing?


Like you're on the boat?


You're in the same boat, a team on each side, and you're rowing against each other.


I didn't even think about that. Like, tug of war, not on the ground. You can do swimming.


There's a line in the center of the boat, and you're just rowing nonstop in the water trying to gain-I've seen that before.


Because there's also a little bit of a break in it because you have to-Look at it.


It's so crazy. When's the last time we saw this? Because I've seen this on TV before or somewhere.


That's actually cool.


Oh, there's not even a rope. Oh, it's-No, they have to get to the other side. I have a question. When you tuck a war, you know how they always say, Heave, hoe. Yeah. Heave. Is there a difference between the heave and the hoe? It's a good question. When you give a hoe, you have to give it also just a little bit so we can pull it back once more. Or is it just all heave, heaving, and hoe?


When you give the hoe, you got to... Do they have to row back or row forward?


You're pulling.


You want to try to move forward?


Just a little bit. Just to give it a little bit.


You're pulling back to move backwards. You're going like this to push away, right?




You're trying to get them to come across.


With a heave and a hoe.


I think heave hoe also doesn't really relate to so much the tug of war. It's more like sailors pulling things on. It's like a heave, hoe. We pull, grab the next thing. There's a heave, and then there's a hoe, heave, hoe, like that I wonder where that originated from. I think the sailors.


But what about a garden hoe? That would be more of a pole.


So maybe hoe is the pole.


That's what I'm thinking.


The tool is just called a hoe.


Right, but I'm sure it would have to do with heave and hoe.


But what do hos do?


No, your heave, he's the hoe.


They could push and pull. I've met them both.


You're looking at one. You're looking at one. I have an interesting story of something I read or I saw. There was this woman. Her name was Joy Milne, I think is her name. She would smell this stench.


This sounds like a riddle.


She was smelling this odor off of her husband. She couldn't figure out what it was, and it was driving her nuts. She would even get to the point where she would tell her friends when they were around him, Don't you smell this smell that I'm smelling? Everyone was like, No.


Was it like a fishy smell?


It was just a stench. Yeah, she didn't like the smell, and it was driving her nuts.


I think I know what you're talking about.


Then a few weeks or months go by, and her husband gets diagnosed with Parkinson's. She's devastated. It's so sad. She then goes to a Parkinson's support meeting with families and people who are dealing with Parkinson's, and she smells it instantly when she walks in the room, that she can smell all of these people. The same smell. The same smell she was smelling off her husband. She's like, what the hell?


She can detect who has Parkinson's?


She is like, I can smell Parkinson's. She even goes to a researcher, scientist, going, I smell Parkinson's. They go, Yeah, right.


She can only smell it?


She just realized the smell that I was smelling off my husband and no one else could smell. Then finally, when I went into a room with all of these people who have Parkinson's, my husband just got diagnosed with Parkinson's. It has to be what I'm smelling. I'm smelling Parkinson's. What happens? Then she goes to researchers saying, I think I can smell Parkinson's. All these researchers are like, We've never heard of that. That doesn't make sense. She goes, Please, please, please. I think she had to go multiple times to researchers begging for them to just conduct a study to see if it was true. Then they do this blind study. They give her 12 different shirts of all of these people who have Parkinson's and even also ones of people who don't have Parkinson's. She was able to go through and smell them and smell them. But she failed on one. They were like, Sorry, you smell Parkinson's on this one, but this person doesn't have Parkinson's. Twelve weeks later, that person gets diagnosed with Parkinson's. Oh, my gosh. She even detected it earlier, too. Now, she was able to contribute her smelling ability to help scientists identify that there is a secretion, I think, in our skin oil that they can early detect people who have Parkinson's.


That's amazing.


I wonder if people are trying to make appointments with her, just like a I've bought it. Yes, no.


What sucks about her is that she's only one person. There could be others that can also smell it, but she's the only one that's...


There also could be other people who can smell certain diseases, but they've never put... She luckily had the connection where if she never went to that support meeting or was around other people with Parkinson's, she wouldn't have made that connection.


Wow. Imagine them holding different call-outs where it's like, If you think that you can smell a certain disease. Please call our office and let's see if we can figure it out or what you think you smell. Take them all, but just in case they actually can smell different.


They would also have to know that they have that talent, right? Because the only reason she knew is because they went to that thing with all the people around. If she didn't go to that, she would have just been like, I guess my husband has a weird smell now.


It's tough. To me, I'm like, What's the worst that can happen? She's wrong. If she detects it, you go get tested. If it's a yes, it's a yes. You know what I mean?


What's crazy to me is just you think you have something and you're just going up to scientists being like, I have this gift.


Just believe me. It's something that doesn't really make it, I can smell Parkinson's. You're claiming you can smell somebody that has a muscular- very serious disease.


I can smell cancer. Yeah, right.


Yeah, that's crazy.


If you think about it, how can she actually contribute in society when it's just her? I feel like the only way she can actually contribute if she's around If she's at a bar and she can smell it, that's not her husband. It's not-And help them out. It's like a personal.


It's not like she's actively doing this as her job. She helped Parkinson's researchers realize that we can technically Because what she is smelling, I don't know if it's a fungus, but it is... They are identifying what it is she's smelling, and they're able to use that and figure out what it is that's being smelt through the skin. They're able to detect it earlier on, I It's good also that if they do get that proof, they can also start putting it on different websites.


Hey, you might be a person that can smell this disease on people. If you do smell it, you should...


Kim Kardashian can smell if someone has a cavity.


It's true. She goes to my mouth.


It's a smaller scale, but it's the same thing.


Some people have a gift.


She can smell cavities.


It's just crazy. I just I don't know if I- That's really interesting. I'm worried that I would talk myself out of thinking I made that connection. I was smelling that, and then the whole room smelt like it. I could also see myself being like, now, maybe I'm just in my head.


You wouldn't go as far as calling them and be like- Matt, never mind.


It's stupid anyway.


It's stupid. No, it's nothing.


Excuse me, doctor?


Never mind. It just also stinks. It's stupid. Or imagine you were like, you have that connection. Now you have to sit there and just smell this terrible smell that you have. Oh, I'm exhausted.


You have to clear your palate. Yeah.


Smelling like a bounty sheet every... Oh, man.


Coffee beans.


That's amazing, though. It's cool that they were able to figure out something completely new that some people in the world probably can do what she can.


It's like such a classic superhero moment. Beautiful.


Not all super heroes wear capes.


Do you know the story of Henrietta Lacks, too? Oprah was in that movie, The Immoral Life. Henrietta what? Henrietta Lacks. It was this-Henrietta. Henrietta Lacks. It was a woman in, I believe the '40s, '50s. I think she was just this poor black woman who went in and did a blood donation, or I can't remember if she had cancer. Yes. They basically used her cancer cells We're the source of a Heela cell line, which is the first immortalized human cell line of one of the most important cell lines in medical research. Her cells, hopefully I'm getting this right, were able to duplicate themselves. We use her cells to this day for so many medical research. The sad story is she got nothing.


Really? Wait, she died at 31.


Yeah, she didn't even get to know the legacy she has, but her family knows about it. There's a very successful book about it. There is a movie about it as well. I think the family does make money from that. But what the medical advancements have been able to use her cells for, they don't really get a cut.


It was just her birthday a couple of days ago.


Happy birthday, Henrietta. Henrietta It's a really incredible story.


Why don't they make us read these books in school?


I know. This is something we all should learn.


This is crazy.


It's just incredible. This one woman just had these magical cells in her.


Were they able to find this cell and other people since her?


I don't think so. No. We still use her cells to this day because they're just endlessly- That is wild.reduplicating themselves. Crazy. That is unbelievable. Hopefully, I'm getting all that right, but yeah, that's the skin. Some humans are super heroes. They truly are. They are among us.


They have it instilled in them. It's just we don't know. That's so crazy. To me, that's like special powers. You know how special powers are like, Oh, invisibility, or you can fly. No. These are just our form of special powers that I feel like we can have.


Like, realistic.


Realistic super special powers.


It's so sad because there is, I think, a bit of racism in it because it was like, what, 1951, the '40s when they realized they had this. They didn't want to credit. They were like, Oh, should we reach out and tell her how magical this is? And they were like, No. Then I think as time went on, they were like, Wait, where are these from? This was from somebody, and we never acknowledged that they gave one of the biggest contributions to medical advancement and research. It's crazy. Yeah, wild story.


It's amazing. Well, I've literally never heard of this. Thank you for bringing this up.


Yeah, the Immortal Life of Henriette Lacks, the Oprah.


Wow. Well, that ended on a very good note. Thank you, Matt, for the- Spread the word. Yeah, spread the word. I feel like this is something that a lot of people don't know about is this. I've never heard of this. Well, guys, thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Zane & HeathUnfiltered. Make sure to check out next week's episode. We're going to have Hedaya on. She'll be in the house. She's going to be in town. So, yeah, get ready for that. And you can check out these episodes every Monday. Audio form on all the podcast platforms every Tuesday. Video form on youtube. Com/zaneandheath.


That's right. And don't forget to check out our Patreon, patrion. Com/zaneandheath. We We also post a bonus episode every single month. We also do a live Q&A every single month. We also keep these cameras rolling, and you get an extended cut bonus footage of the podcast as well for every episode all on patreon. Com/zeanandheath. You can also do a free trial to see if you like it.


There's a lot to look at.


Binge as much content as you want.


Yeah, honestly, you could binge it and then delete the trial. Who knows? All right. Love you so much. Someone's screaming outside the door. I think we're done. I think the next show has to come use this room. Thank you so much. We love you and see you next time. Unwinders, we'll see you now.


Love you.