Transcribe your podcast

When was the last time you went to Disneyland?


Have I ever been to Disneyland? I think we just talked about this.


No, where we talked about.


Remember I told you about the car set?


Oh, shit, man. Look at us. We're losing our fucking minds. We're losing our minds.


Oh, my gosh.


We're losing our minds. There's always comments of people saying, you already talked about this. Guys, we genuinely, like, cannot remember. We just talked about this last episode. Our brains cannot capture what we talked about. Do you remember every conversation you've had with your friends? This is us. No, it's not.


It's not knowing.


That you talked.


About it or nothing. I think you asking if you've been to Disney and us going through it, and then you still not knowing and then asking, have I been to Disneyland?