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I went up to one of the bars one night. He gave my ID all confidently to the dude, and he goes, Jeremy? I'm like, Yeah? He was like, Dude, I went to high school with Jeremy. I know him. Oh, no. No way. Okay, well, dude, he gave me this ID, and he said, I could use it or whatever. He goes, If you get another ID that says Jeremy's name on it, I'll believe you. Sure enough, Jeremy was a few bars down, and I hit him up, and I was like, Hey, do you have another ID on you that has your name or something? He goes, Yeah, I have my gym membership card. I was like, Can you bring it up? Oh, my God. I got it. That's funny. And then I ran all the way back down to the bar to the guy, and I handed to him. In your face. When I said, There. He was like, All right. So he knew it wasn't me, but he appreciated I put in the work because I knew Jeremy, and I could find him. And him and him were like, Homies. But he just got the homie discount, all right?


Yeah. That's really funny. That's my fake ID.