Transcribe your podcast

I wanted to show you guys something.


Did this girl eventually get kicked off? She did.


I think she did. This reminds me of the time we were on that one flight, and I just was not thinking.


And just, you did it on the flight. A hundred %. None of the staff saw it. Early or mid-flight? No, it was while we're on the runway. It doesn't matter. Any time on a plane, whether you're in the sky or on the ground, you're definitely not supposed to be.


And I just was not thinking. And I remember just freaking out and apologizing to people around me, but I don't even think they heard me.


They didn't see it. I was like, that day, I was so disgusted with myself.


It's You're just sitting there not thinking in the moment. Yeah.


That would be a clip, though, where a guy truly accidentally is being like, I am so, so sorry.


You know what happens? It's a bit of an addiction in a hat.