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Sorry, I'm a little bit cranky right now. I had to unbutton my top button because I ate a little bit too much.In.


Your pants?Yes.Oh.


It's okay.Sorry. That was just only after you ate, right?


It's like a can of biscuits. Just when you break that seal, it goes…What'd.


You eat?I.


Was that everything. Anything that had a wrap around it, I tried.


Just scarved it down. Yeah, you went for that chomp stick.


I did a meat stick.


You love having meat sticks in your mouth.


Matthew King.


Oh, my gosh.


My sister's here, please.


Oh, Hedaya. There you go.


Oh, my God. All right. She's around. But no, you're good. Don't worry about it.Thank you.


Filming days are hard.Stressful.You.


Don't have a lot of breaks. And I stress eat, so it's my thing. I don't know. I'm pretty good at it.


It did all my life. All right, we have a crazy wild... Surprise. Surprising episode that we have coming out for you guys. So we're going to roll the intro and just get right into it, baby.


Let's go. Come Come on.


I need to fold my water. Why did my water filled yet from the...


It's on the top, baby.


Let's go. What work. Jordan's out of town. He's at an electric festival, carnival. Welcome back to Zane and HeathUnfiltered, The Podcast Show. I'm Zane.


I'm Heath.


I'm Matt.


I'm Mariah.


I'm Hedaya. Oh, oh.


Yeah, we have a brand new co-host of the show, everyone.


Welcome. Hedaya in the house. All right.


Well, my little sister, Hedaya, if you guys don't know, she is my little sister, Hedaya. She's here for the week and a half, and we're- Here for the week and a half. For the week and a half, and we're going to-Wait, why don't you stay a little longer?


It's almost my birthday.


Oh, my God.


She knew that, though. She knows when my birthday is.


No, I do. I believe her. I do.




Because it's the 27th. Very good. Yes, I know that.




Of course, I know your birthday. The thing is, I didn't even think about it when me and Zane were booking the flight.


It didn't cross your mind. That's crazy.


It crossed my mind.


No, because I asked him, When's the best time? And he was like, Just now.


Hedaya really wanted to get away. I needed to get out. She wanted to visit. I was like, You can come whenever you want. Why don't you come now?


I just needed to get out.


What's going on? What are we running away from?


Don't do that.


Don't start crying.


Anything makes her cry these days.


Me too. Is the city hot right now?


It's so hot. That also. It's really hot there. I have to walk everywhere.


It's surprisingly pretty humid in New York when it gets hot.


It gets really bad. It's been raining a lot, and I think that's why it's been getting humid It was like, it'll fluctuate. Every two days, it'll pour. Then the next day, it's ridiculously humid. Terrible.


We have to walk and go everywhere. How was your flight getting in here?


It was awful.


It was so bad. It was so bad. It was a straight flight here? Any layovers?


No, no, no layover. But I woke up, I had to be up by 6:30, and I couldn't fall asleep till 4:30. I was running on 2 hours. And then I got to the airport. I went through security so fast. I was literally at my gate in 10 minutes, so I thought, I was like, okay.


That's very rare for someone like me to get through so quickly.


I got patted down, but it was quick. It was one and done. She just... My chest, she was good. And then I got to my gate, got on the flight, and I was supposed to be in the middle seat, and I was upset about that because no one else is in the middle. But then it was a daughter and a mom. After I sat down, I was like, Did you guys want to sit together? Or did you get these seats, specifically?


Hoping that you wouldn't show up, and you ruined their trip.


I was like, Did you guys want to sit together? No, it's fine. She was like, Well, no. I paid specific and then pointed because her son was also in the next aisle. So like two aisles and a window. They all wanted their space.


So I was like, okay, that's fine. From each other? I guess. Or because you're still sitting next to somebody, you might as well sit next to somebody you know.


But I guess none of them are in the middle.


You know what I mean? I've done that where you book the window and the aisle and you're like, nobody's going to book a seat. And you hope to get the whole row.


But it's a full flight. And the thing is, but this is what happened. They finally were like, oh, honey, do Do you feel awkward? She's asking her daughter over me. She's like, Do you feel awkward? Do you want me to switch? And then ask her something like, Do you want to sit? Should we just like, I'll sit in the middle. You sit here. And I was just like...


Now it's a whole thing.


And then she was like, Okay, we'll do this. And she just got up and I was like, Okay, so I'm sitting there. She didn't tell me. I was like, I'm just... Okay. So I just got up. I sat there and then-You with airplane seats, man, you were always moving with somebody. I'm always moving. And I don't know why. I'm just too nice. But then I also did not want to sit in the middle. So I was hoping for that. That worked out. So I got in, and then the middle seat was actually empty, and then it was just the aisle, like someone in the, I mean, window. So I got lucky there.


Did you do the...


No, he was doing that. He was putting all his snacks in his cups on that seat. And the thing is, we got out to the tarmac, where you're about to take off. They're waiting in line, and we're sitting there for 45 minutes, and then they come on and they're like, So there's been a lot of traffic, and we actually have to go back to the gate because we have to take a longer route, and we need more fuel. We don't have enough I was like, You were going to go on a six-hour flight with not enough fuel? I don't understand.


They got to be coming up with... I think they come up with something random just to make people feel good, but something else was really bad happening to the plane where they're like...


Probably. They go through a checklist. You look at how much gas we got.


Yeah, that's why I don't believe it.


Why would you fill it halfway? And we're going from New York to LA. Across the country. That's a pretty long Coast to Coast flight.


That makes no sense. They're coming up with this shit just off a whim.


So we were sitting there for... It took another hour to get gas. Gas for them to even come.


You had to go to a gas station.


No, we were sitting there for two hours, and then right as they said, Okay, we're good to go. We're about to take off. I started falling asleep, and I was in the worst sleep where I kept waking up from every movement, and it was making me feel dizzy. I was dying. I was waking up in a panic every time. And then I slept for the first 2 hours, and then the guy next to me finally goes in my face. I wake up and he's in my face, and he's like, I have to pee. I was like, So I get up. And I couldn't fall back asleep after that. I was up for the rest of the flight. And every time, he got up four or five times.


People get window seats when they know they're getting up five times.


If you have a bladder issue, get the aisle seat.


That's why they have it. That's why they have aisle seats and window seats. Me, I know I'm not pissing on the plane. I'm pissing maybe once. That's why I get a window seat. You know what I mean? It makes no sense that people are doing that other people and also getting the window seat. They want to have their cake they needed to.


It is the worst when you've been on the tarmac for so long, but you start sleeping and you're like, by the time I wake up, we'll be in the air. And then you wake up and you're like, you're still on the flight and you haven't gotten up. You open up that window, you're like...


You haven't even left it off yet.


We're still here.


Do planes... The amount of gas that they pack on the flight, are they getting close to landing and it's on dead E?


I I always wonder the same thing.


Are they like...


Because think about it.


They're like, Okay, we are on dead E right now.


Because the longest flights are 12, 15 hours, right? They go one stop.


But they got the big planes, right?


I think that's where they have the bigger tanks, right?


I just want to know if they're just loaded up for the whole day and they're good, or if they're like, All right, we got like...


They were like, Let's just shut it off and just go for a little bit and save some gas, and then they kick it back on. Every time I drive.


They turned the AC off to try to save it.


They need skydivers to push it.


Attention, it's going to get a little hot on the plane.


We're low on gas. We are going to have to go crazy.


If everyone can unplug your Oxcords and shut off your TV screens, I'd be a horrible pilot, just coasting on like dead-e. I love to get to fill before. I love to do it.


I would be just so apologetic over any minor inconvenience to the rest of the crew, guys. I'm so, so, so, so, so If something was wrong, you had to go back to... Four people are getting off, I'd be like, Are you mad at me? Are you mad at me? Please don't be mad at me. It wasn't my fault. Please.


Or both captains getting out of their seats to come and say sorry. Everyone's like, Why are you... The door closes behind them.


Oh, shit.


Our plane has been hijacked by, Who? Nobody.


We just can't get back in.


All right, well, it's good. Great. Got in? Yeah. That was the only problem on the flight.


Every time he came back from the bathroom and to come back into his seat, he would stand in the way of where I would have to get up. He was just stand there. And the first time, I literally put my foot over my armrest to get out of the way from him. But then the second time he did that, I was like, you're going to have to pick aside.


He had to stand when people don't have spatial awareness.


He was also fighting with his wife on the phone.


Yeah, before we took off. He got on the phone at one point. He was telling her what And then he was like, I already told you this is how it is. I'm not about to do this again with you. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it. Okay? Okay. I love you. Bye. And I was like, Why for a daughter? I was like, It's one of them because you said, I love you. Okay.


I love you, Mom. Bye.


I love you, Gam, Gam.


I love when flight attendants get passive aggressive when somebody went up to use the restroom and they haven't gone back to their seat and they need to get to be like, We cannot move until everybody is in their seat. People were using the bathroom, and I'm like, I'll just look at that bathroom door waiting for that person to come out because they are just not paying attention at all. That all these people are waiting on you because you're in the bathroom. How embarrassing.


Did you see the video of the lady that was getting... She had her two kids sleeping next to her, and then she was getting kicked. Yes, I just saw that. You saw that? What was going on in that situation? Because I was really pissed watching that.


Everyone was like, Context, please. There was no context, but it was a flight attendant trying to escort this mother off of the plane.


I don't know if- If they were getting booted just for overcapacity.


I think they were getting booted. They overbooked it, but her kids were passed out. She's like, You want me to wake up my sleeping children? They were young kids. She was like, Or you can just come with me. She goes, I'm not going to leave my kids on the flight.


Or do you think she sassed first and then was like, Act like you're asleep. Act like you're asleep. And then the time they're like, Ma'am, you're off the flight. She goes, They're asleep. Those kids were good acting. They were like... There was a flight recently where they give the voucher. It's been overbooked. We have this many people coming on, and it almost becomes like an auction. They're like, This much, this much. And it was for nine people to get off the flight. It went up to $3,400. What? An airline tickets to get off the flight.


That's amazing.


I'd hop right on Jeff Blumen.


Here I come. It was the first nine people to get off 3400 dollars, and all of these people ended up getting up and going straight off.


That's amazing, though. Being able to just book a first class immediately, getting off that plane. So worth it.


There's so many flights.


You'd be able to get there in time. You could do Emirates first.


I'm like, screw seeing mom and dad. I'm going to Dubai.


Yeah, I am.




I'm taking all that and getting a nice seat.


Did you hear about the baby that was left on the flight with a note. With a note? With the note? With the note, as they were deepboarding and everyone was getting off, someone left their kid in the first class area as they were getting off.


Who wrote the note?


The mother. The flight attendant came back and saw the baby.


She wanted to be in a movie so bad.


She put the baby up for adoption note?


They left them like that, and they were like, I can't provide life for the baby.


Wait, how are they able to do that?


You can't provide life, but you got a first class ticket.


No, she left the baby there on the way out, just in the first class so they'd see her.


When they landed, she left the baby and then left. She thought she wasn't going to get caught.


I don't know if she did get caught. In first class.


Wait, and it was such a cute baby.


She must have forgot him.


But she loved to know.


They were accidentally-No, I would love to know. She forgot. You checked that baby in, I would imagine.


Yeah, your name is attached to the ticket.


It's a free ticket. It's a free ticket for the baby, so it's like...


Weird. But you think the mom left it? Did she have first class tickets or did she go up there?


She's in jail is where she is.


Yeah, that's a good sell. Oh, yeah, that's a good sell. She's going to be put in.


Did you see the plane that crashed on a golf course and almost hit that guy teeing off?Yes, I saw that.What?




Plane just comes right in.


Like a private plane, like a tiny... Like a small private The glider.


Yeah, just came flying in, landed. The guy didn't even hear it coming, which is crazy. Guys just sitting there getting ready to just swing, and the plane just comes in, boom, right next to him.


This was in Sacramento. So, yeah, this was at a golf course. The guy is just standing there.Oh.


My God.Oh.


My God.


Isn't that terrifying? What's over there? On the other side of it. Is that a stroller?


That's your golf bag.


It's your golf bag. You carry it around.


Oh, shit. Imagine. Someone left the baby on the shoulder. Someone take care of him in a plane.




Did he survive?


The pilot? I'm not sure. It looks like it.


It looks like he did. It looks like he's all right.


I wonder if you were playing that game and you had somewhere you had to be, but you're like, Okay, well, now I got to stay for news interviews and stuff. I have to go do something.


Matt, my whole day is now 10 minutes in that story. Absolutely. I'm not leaving. Are you kidding me?


As if golf wasn't long enough.


As if what?


As if golf wasn't long enough.


The wife does not believe you. You know, we were just on the plane came and crashed. Yeah, I bet.


The plane crashed. Sure, Derek.


You were swinging.


Got it. Okay, wow.


Eighteen holes in one interview.


That's great. Easy. Do you still finish the rest of your game?


That's a wrap on your day. You're done. We're done for the day.


That would suck if you paid 300 bucks, whatever private course that was.


I'd be staying at the bar talking to all the guys buying me drinks.


The wing clipped me.


Bill, it came right in. My heart dropped. Every time you switch it up.


Getting drinks with a pilot, you're all at the bar and just getting drunk. You're in a survive, man. It's like a whole moment.


It looks like the plane landed in the rough.


Buba, good. Rough?


The sand trap? Or the rough-He doesn't get it.


Is that a golf term? Yeah.


You got your fairway.


Yeah, all right. There's people listening that don't know that.


Coming from you, you called it a stroller.


Is that a stroller? Yeah, right. She knows We're in golf.


Have you ever golfed, Aya?


I've been in a golfing accident.


What? Explain.


Perfect transition. In the golf of Mexico.


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It was like mini golf. We went to the indoor club, baby.


No, get ahead. I have to know.


It was butt-butt.


That play went butt-butt. No, it went melt.


No, my cousin. There was those rock pillars that they have just around in between the sets. Then I was standing on it. I was standing, I guess, behind her. She turns around the whole way and hits me in the eye the golf club.


Who was still swinging at a pop-up course?


I was like, Why are you wound up? Why are you so wound up like that? Where are you going?


Who was it?


My cousin. It was my cousin.


I shouldn't even talk. You remember when I swung it at Topgolf?


Threw it into the heater.


Did I tell you that? The club left my hand and it went into the AC unit, into the vent. It was stuck in the vent.


That's really hard to do.


I've never been a tall fan.


No, they weren't even mad, remember?


They were like, It happens all the time. Don't worry. My favorite is the... My favorite. The people falling off. It's like multiple stories.


Don't they have a net, though? They do. But people will... After a couple of drinks, you're like... Out of their shoes.


But you know what's crazy? They had to put the net because someone fell. Because it always happens, right? Someone falls and you're like, We need to put nets.


Well, wouldn't you have it because it's so high up and there's no railing. They should have had probably from the beginning. I love me a pop-up course, though. I love it. I haven't been since.


It's trauma.


Now we know what to do in her week and a half.


Isn't there one in Burbank?


There's one right there. Yeah, Sherman Oaks.


They have one in Sherman Oaks? Yeah.


Or they open the Topgolf.


Topgolf is open here, too.


It's really fun.


The food is so good. I love it. They have a Topgolf in this area now? They just opened it.


It's like downtown. We had to go so far to go to the closest one.


Yeah, Vegas.


It was so far.


What do you want to get done while you're out here? Except for Snapchat, you're Snapchat queen.


I wanted to I wanted to make some videos of cooking. I wanted to use up the kitchen. Oh, there you go.


Please use the kitchen.


I hate cooking at home, honestly.


I've told this girl a million times to make cooking videos because she loves cooking.


I just wanted to try to maybe make some desserts.


Any recipes? Oh, desserts.


Yeah, I was going to do some sweets.


Do you get inspo from just seeing a TikTok recipe? You're like, I want to try that, or do you follow any food blogs or a certain chef and you like seeing what they're cooking, or do you just whip it up your own style?


So usually on TikTok, I always have cooking videos or food pop up on there. It depends on if I see something and I'm really craving it and I don't have it around me, I'll try to make it. Or then I have a bunch of recipes from culinary school. I usually go back and reference those recipes because the best. Tried and true. Yeah, I know how to do it.


You should come out with a parody of the bear. It's you and a bunch of yous in chef uniform. You're yelling at each other.


On your left, on your left. Yes, chef. That would be fun.


That would be funny.


I'll direct it.


I still want to do croissants while you're here.


We should because we have the week. We have a lot enough time this time. The week? Week and a half.


A week. It takes a week to make one croissant.


Are you a big grocery shopper or do you like getting your ingredients from online and then arrive at your I prefer to get it myself to make sure I'm picking up what I want.


Because any time I've ordered something online and try to have a rush, it's always a man going to pick it up and they're like, I don't have where it is. They don't have it. I talked about this.


I said it. Bro, that's me. If I worked, if I ever worked as a threr.


They go to the first aisle, they see, and they're like, They didn't have it. Do you want something else?


I'm like, Ask a worker because it's there.


I'm with you guys on that. I feel like guys are shit at a grocery because I know I am.


Especially with produce, they never pick ones that look good. It's the first apple they see. It's got like, chunks missing. It's rotting on it. I'm like, Why?


It takes time. We both said there's a worm coming in.


Why is that such a common image and trope? Like the worm and the apple.


I know, but were worms in apples a lot back in the day? Was it a logo of a children's book? Yeah, the world of Richard Skerry.


I don't know what that is. The children's You said that like I was going to remember it.


The skull or something.


The marvelous world of Richard Skerry is the little helicopter of an apple with a little worm. Or wait, the- Scholastic? I thought it was the Scholastic logo.


I thought it was the scholastic book fair.


Like the... Oh, yeah, the apple. I've never seen that. What the hell is apple?


You guys don't know what this is?


No. I've never seen that. Have you seen that?


Sometimes at grocery stores, they have a little ride you could ride on with that. That's not the logo we're thinking.


Type in Scholastic Book Fair.


Okay. You're thinking of just teacher imagery, and that is a big thing.


No, I'm not. No, Zane, there's a specific-No, no, no.


There's a specific little apple with a little word coming out of it from the book fairs. I think it might have been a Florida thing.


No, it's a book.


It's a book.


Are you thinking of this?




The hungry caterpillar. That's the hungry caterpillar.


That's the hungry, hungry caterpillar. That's the hungry, hungry caterpillar.


That's the hungry, hungry caterpillar.


Do you know the apple logo has that bite because of Eve? Yes. Bit the apple in the Garden of Eden. Oh, wow. Yeah. In the Bible.


I went through a phase of drawing a worm in an apple every single day for a year straight.


A heart and an arrow, too, right? Arrow and a heart? I did that one.


Mine was worm an apple. But as I was saying-I didn't know what. But I was doing worm in an apple. It was the same time the S. Yeah. Same time. I would draw the worm in the apple every single day. I was so damn good at it.


It was such a rush when you learn to make a perfect box, how you would do the square and then the other square and connected. You're like, I'm an artist. Put me in the moment.


Then you would make a house and amp it up.


I know you were doing the star where you color one side? Yes. What are those called?


The star.


People haven't like... It's a star, but it's got like...


Oh, yes. But you would shade every other one to make it look a little three.


There's a name for that star, specifically.


You definitely drew that shit.


I did that three times every day.


Remember your art teacher would teach you-Nautical star. Perspective, and you would draw the line, and you would make the road, and you would get the rollers out, and everyone's making a fucking barn and shit. It was the same. Everyone was doing the same thing.


And then going to the eye doctor for the first time, you're like, I've seen this. You were in the barns at the horizon. They're like, Stare at the barn, and I feel like I'm in a fever dream.


Yeah, they have that. At the eye exam, they put that little hot air balloon. That's the one that puffs air, and you're like, Hold on to that shit. They're like, This isn't the one that has air in it. You're like, Oh, okay. I fucking hate that eye exam. You're like, Give it to me.


We always did it as kids, too. Why?


I don't know.


An eye exam?


Yeah, we have to.


We always had eye exam.


You have to, Dave.


You have to do a hearing and sight.


Because some parents do not take their kids to go get tested, and they need to just tell parents, your kid can't see the board. It's important.


Also, kids lie.


They don't want to wear glasses. I wanted to get glasses so bad. You know that game where you look at that black dot? You have the little... You're doing it late. You're like, I saw something.


Or the hearing test, you just wouldn't raise your hand a couple times.


You would hesitate, though.


You'd be like... It would go off and you're like, didn't hear.


We wanted to be impaired so bad. I can't see, I can't hear.


Did you have braces, Hedaya?


I did for a You have perfect teeth. It was a sped up process in Lebanon. I had it tightened every four times a week.


Every few minutes.


It was tightened four times a week. We need to adopt the Lebanon method.


What are they doing? That's what they do. The dentists didn't want to do it. They all go to Lebanon to get any dentists shit done. It costs literally 50 bucks to get a cavity filled.


Look at her now.


Look at my teeth.


They're saying. It's a drive through dental clinic.


You know what? Because everyone's teeth, they always say they revert. They don't wear the retainer. I wore the retainer when I came back for seven months. After that, they said you could stop, and my teeth didn't ever revert back. Must be nice.


Must be nice.


I was like, I feel like they just did it well in Lebanon. Scam. They extracted four teeth.


They just broke your jaw. They extracted four teeth to do it.


I was like, Oh, that's wrong. They were like, Overcrowding. And I was like, Okay. What is this, a prison?


What is this, overcrowding? Hey, I remember when the kid at the mosque threw that metal pipe?


Yeah, that's what started all this.


Yes, but you lost a tooth. You lost your baby tooth, right?


It was all my baby teeth, thankfully. Well, have you all talked about this? God, they were all- Someone threw a lead pipe at the mosque?


Yeah, when I was eight. It was the priest of the mosque. It was his son, so he got away with it.


I remember my brother, our other brother who was there at the time, he went looking for him after it happened. He was hiding behind his mom.


What did you do? Did you have it happen? Did you have it come?


No, we were literally sitting there for lunch. We were sitting outside. They had a tree house outside the mosque for lunch and for the kids to play. It was during Sunday school. We had 30 minutes break. We were sitting out there. Everyone was playing, but they had just called us to come back in for class. I stood up and I was with my friend. I turned around and the kid was like, I guess he was throwing it upwards. I stood up at the right time and turned around and it hit me and everyone ran. They were like, blood. They started screaming blood and they ran. I was literally just sitting there crying, bleeding, just panicking.


My dad and mom didn't want to do anything because it was the priest's son. They're like, We can't get everybody. They were afraid that everyone would not...


Are they called a priest or Oman?


It's a Sheik.


A Sheik, yeah.


I just want to keep saying it.


That was in Lebanon when you guys were there?


No, that was in Florida. That was in Florida. That was in Miami Mosque. That happened when I was eight. Then my teeth, they just Because it was all my baby teeth, we had to extract a bunch after that at the dentist. Then they were like, your teeth won't grow straight. They did X-rays, and I had mouth trauma. They just weren't going to grow straight at all. They were going to go crooked. I'd be pissed. No, I was so pissed because I didn't even get a chance. You didn't even give me a chance to see if I would have this straight teeth or not. That's messed up. Then years later, sorry, years later, when I was going into middle school, that's when we went to Lebanon and got my degree.


Have you ever tried looking him up? What's he up to?


Did He did apologize? He's a dentist.


I think his dad ended up-I think they made him apologize.


But I remember after that, I would always look at him. I remember my best friend at the time, after that, she had a crush on him, and I was like, You have a crush on the guy that literally threw a pole at my mouth? Are you freaking kidding me? I was so pissed. That's a crazy statement, right?


You have a crush on the guy that threw a metal plate in my mouth?


That ruined my teeth. I couldn't imagine maarring somebody like that.


Kids are just so reckless.


They They don't think about the concept. They're a kid.


There was a kid in my neighborhood who his pupil was deformed because he had an accident. A kid threw a stick into his eye and he rubbed it and it made it really worse. Then 10 years later, I'm with another kid at a party or something, and someone whispers to me like, That's the kid that messed up Ross's eye. I was like, What? You're the kid. I didn't think we talked about it. You're a spammingo. It was an accident. It was an eight-year-old, a I'm a five-year-old, but like...


Nothing's ever happened to me that I've done something stupid where I fell. It's always someone did something that I'm not staying.


You also have to be active to get hurt like that.


No, I'm not just active. I'm saying I played a lot of sports. I got a lot of sprains, but nothing ever broke.


You got strong bones.


Can I have a hijab question? Yeah. Are there athletic hijabs?


You're looking at her. You're looking at the wrong person.


They made a Nike athletic hijab. Sponsorship. It's thinner material.


Can I remember when I sent you that picture on the Nike side? I was like, We're going to get It came out like, 2016 time.


It was more recent-ish, and now they've started making different materials.


I can't believe it took that long up until 2016.


Were there any Olympians who had any?


This year, they didn't let the girl with a hijab in the basketball team. What? This year, actually. Why? Because of the scar. No, it was just an attitude. Because France banned the hijab. They've been trying to ban the hijab in the country as a whole for years, like the mayor and the stuff.


Is it the hijab? I know in this situation, it's the hijab. But is France the country where you're not allowed to wear a burqa?


A niqab? I don't know. Maybe. I just know that France has been very much hated towards... They don't like Muslims a lot. It's a very much stereotype.


She wasn't allowed to compete in the Olympics? How was everybody allowing that?


Is there a way around it to where it might not necessarily be a hijab, but can you wear something else?


Not this specifically, but if they had a swim cap on to where you're still like...


I think they could because technically, I know a lot of women have just worn... She could have worn a turtle neck, cover her neck, and then more like something more like form-fitting around her head. That wasn't so loose. If they want to say it's because it's loose and bagging for the game or whatever.


Is that what it is?


No, I don't think it was. I don't think that's what it was. Yeah, that's ridiculous. I don't even think they wanted to consider that. They were just like, she can't compete.


Interesting. That's interesting. You made it. That was a joke, but that's an interesting point about your pieces.


I feel like we also made that joke last time we had. Because I had a teacher say that to me.


Oh, you could eat chips so easily because you could probably just be listening to something. And I was like, A teacher? Yeah. And I was scared of her because she was always like, so like... She was like one of the mean AP teachers. And she was British. So everything she said came out more harsh and like, you're literally stupid.


You're literally stupid. You're cheating under that hijab, Hedaya. Say it And I literally was like, I really could.


Because I was like, And what are you going to do? Tell me to take it off?


No, why don't you take it off for me? Why don't you force it off my head?


Peel it back.


Let's see what happens.


And take off your attitude while you're at it.


There you go. Boom, boom. We got you a bad baby girl.


And take off that accent.


It's fake, I heard.


You could be faking it.


You can drop the accent now.


Good. You got the job. You're fine. The hijab.


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Whenever you're in an accident, I immediately think they're just smarter than me when I hear the accent.


Yeah, I guess.


It just sounds so cool. Like a British accent? Yeah, just any accent, honestly.


It's wild how just accents are just so... They're echoes of the past where it's just been people from long and long ago, and it's just keeps spreading. It's crazy.


Did you see the clip? I think this has been a thing for a long time, but the white kid that was born and raised in China, white. You're looking at him like, he looks just like you. Full Chinese and has an accent, too.


And doesn't even know English either.


He can't speak English without having the heavy Chinese accent.


It sounds like an American making fun of a Chinese person trying to speak English.


And he talked about how he can't go anywhere without people thinking he's making fun of them.


Without people thinking he's making fun of them. Like, get mad at him thinking that Oh, just faking. They think he's making fun of a Chinese person, like trying to...


Oh, my God.


That's frustrating. That's annoying. Because he was raised in China. I believe that so much because even when I went to North Carolina for just two weeks, I was talking in a country accent. I couldn't not. It was just coming out naturally.


I know. You want to blend in.


You see the one Olympian who sounds like Mickey Mouse?


No. She talks like this. It's really high-fit. It's like... Do they have a voice?


I don't know if it's a deformity, but I don't even know if she is from an English-speaking country, and maybe this is just her English-speaking voice when she speaks English, but it's so It's so high pitch. It sounds like a cartoon character.


What is she on? What sport?


Track. I believe it's track or volleyball. I'm not sure. Volleyball.


I can't remember. Imagine her spike noises.




I just want to play tennis just to be able to... Why is that the only sport? We're grunting.


You don't hear golfers up there?


I think it's because you're doing so much running, and then after you finish running on the other side, you have to swing. And I think it just...


It's like... Does it come out naturally? Or are you doing it to make the hit harder? Because it's like... Maybe the hit hit the hit harder. If I'm doing it, am I going to make that noise? I'm not a professional. Is that naturally going to come out?


I think it's rhythm and momentum and just like... We should test it. I know it's coming.


See if it just naturally comes out.


When I lift weights and it gets getting hard, I have to grunt to get it to get that power up.


I think it's just like you hit it and it's like, I don't know.


Because it's so fast paced.


Yeah, it's like the way a baseball player knows right when it's coming and they have to hit it in that moment. There's timing to it. But by hitting it, you've acknowledged that you've hit it and it gets the grunt done. So it's like a timing thing.


What about ping-pong, though?


But it's so fast. I feel like...


Yeah, right?


A, E, I, O, U.


A, E, I, O, U.


Sometimes, why?


Sometimes, what?


Sometimes, why? Ping-pong is a fun thing to be really good at. It's so fun.


At some point, it's just like, it's two... You guys are killing it. It's also professional bowling. If you're getting strikes every time, then what are we doing? You beat the game.


Or make it like, put more pins. You know, it could only... You get strike every time and that's it.


Or make it like two floors. Yeah.


Like, see you Like, see more bowling?


Like, put, but bowling. It goes up a ramp.


It's like in an S shape.


The bumpers are up. You got to bank it.


Yeah, why are the lanes all straight? Do different shapes.


Mariah, you really got something here.


Hedaya, what is your game? What do you think that you could beat a lot of people at? I'm not talking to sport. Is there a game or something that you know how to do where you think actually I'm pretty damn good at that?Mancala.Mancala.I don't even know how to play.Is that the one with the beat?


You do drop, drop, drop, pick it up.


I love that. That feels good. The best, most satisfying game.


That's a good question, though. What's something you think you could just Excel at? Even if it's something so minuscule, just put something you know you're really good at.


I think it's just cooking.


I think that's why I'm doing it.Time, cooking. Do you think you could... If you were under pressure and we got a recipe and you're a bunch of chefs.


I think I do better under pressure when it comes to cooking. I like a time crunch, and I like fast pace. I wanted to work in kitchens because I like how hectic and chaotic it is. I like the noise, and I like how loud it is and The chefs. I need stuff going on. I need that noise. Like, bakeries are too quiet. It's too much early morning, just like no one-Time goes by slower. It's very slow. That's interesting. There's something about the rush of the kitchen and when there's service.


Can you raw dog a a recipe. For instance, if you're on the Great British bake Off, obviously you're a professional baker, you don't have the recipe, but they go, This is the theme, make it, and you don't have any documents on you. Do you know how much milk needs to go into this thing and how much you need to balance out everything to achieve the dish you want?


Like surprise on surprise ingredients on a surprise challenge.


I think I could probably gage how much I would need to put of flour, milk, baking powder and stuff. I've done at home where I went home and I wanted to make focaccia bread, and I couldn't make it in New York because our oven wasn't working. So I wanted to wait till I went to Florida, and they don't have any scales at my parents house. Their one measuring cup is the measuring cup that has the little lines. It's completely washed off.


They don't buy you shit.


So it's just clear cup, and there's no scale. So it's like you're just eyeballing things at that point. So I made the bread and it came out really good. It probably would have came out perfect, perfect if I had a proper scale, could measure, stood out. But you look at the texture, you'll add things.


So you learned without having to see all that shit.


But I don't think I could create a recipe on my own, honestly, because I don't think I practice that much. I don't think I have played around with enough food.


You have to perfect one so well and then work off of that in the moment. How well do you think you could handle yourself emotionally under the pressure on a cooking show? Do you think you could actually keep your cool, or do you think you would actually stress with all the cameras around and even taking the criticism? Or if you got eliminated and they're like, Sorry, didn't work, do you be like, Okay, screw it. I was just on TV. I don't care. Or would you be like, Fuck.


I would be very disappointed in myself that I lost because I have this mentality when I do things that I think I'll just win. I just have... That's good.


Me and you are very different. What's that feel like? I'm a loser. No, because I have this...


I feel like sometimes I have very good luck sometimes, and I'm just like... I just feel like I just think it'll work. I I don't know why I just have this comment sometimes. That's a good mindset to have. Manifest. But then also, if I lost, yeah, I'd be very disappointed. I'm an emotional person, so I'd probably end up crying.


Then they'd be like... Mtv loves a good cry.


They would love that, because I would definitely cry. But I take criticism well when it comes to food because I know I'm not perfect, especially where I'm at. And you're learning. When I wasn't working in the restaurant, I wanted critiques. I was waiting for them to say something about it. Even if it's bad, just tell me something.


You're like a dream student.


I would love to see you on a show. It doesn't have to be a Gorda Ramsey type show, but just any type of show like that. Even if you get off the first, second episode, I think it's just such a cool experience for you to have under pressure like that. Just see if you can kill it.


Is Hunter still the host of Sugar Rush?


No, I think Sugar Rush is over. He went to that glass-blowing show. What's your thoughts on the sourdough craze?


That everyone's making sourdough now yet? Yeah. I love sourdough. It's one of my favorite breads. It's such a good bread.


I think the whole idea of the starter is crazy.


It's very intimidating to a lot of people. That's the one bread that a lot of people don't want to do because the starter can be intimidating.


You're watching it breathe.


Some people pass down. They have starters that are hundreds of years old.


It's been in the family. You make a starter. Matt, do you know this? For sourdough, you have to make a starter. You put the flour, a little bit of water, some yeast in a little container. You can flavor it. It's alive. You can You put garlic into it, and then you put a damp cloth on top of it, and you keep it in a tight container, and every day, you feed it. You feed it water because it's yeast. It's yeast, so it's growing. It's going to keep getting bigger. Then after a few weeks, once it's ready, you can start using it. You take out a portion, a fourth cup of it, and you make a bread recipe. That's what sourdough is. It's because it's sourdough. It's been fermenting. It's been sitting there. Then, no, but then, you keep feeding that sourdough. It never finishes.


It never goes away. So we're eating parasites.


Baked. That's like Henrietta Lacks his cells. It's like cheese.


It's like cheese and wine.


The holder gets the better it is. You just keep adding. It'll never go away because you just keep building it. You keep feeding it. It keeps growing.


It tastes good, but it's just a gross thought. Really? Knowing that it's...


No, it's so good.


There's nothing gross in it. It's literally just yeast, water, flour. It's magical.


It's some culinary magic, truly.


Look at it. It just gets bubbly. It's not gross. It's just weird to think about.


It's weird how someone thought of that. Actually, guys, if you have to test it out.


They left it there for a little bit. Maybe they just left it there one time and they're like, Oh, let's see if we can still use it. We don't want to waste it. It's just like a science experiment. It's probably like a hoarder.


They're like, Oh, wait. I forgot it.


I had this switch to this. I forgot it.


Pancake mix.


Oh, that's good. Because I love sourdough.


Is there any cooking appliance that would be your dream cooking appliance to get your hands on, but it's too expensive? Do you have a kitchen aid?


No, I want a kitchen aid. That's the most simple thing I want.


I had no idea that's something you wanted. I'm going to get you the whole fucking set.


The whole kit and caboodle.


Remi and Alicia got it for our registry. Yeah, love it.


They're so nice. Because they have so many attachments. You literally can make the dough in there. It just makes the cookies better because there's something about... Yeah, you can mix bread. I mean, not bread. Butter and sugar together to get the...


Together? You're like your brother.


It reminds me of that video. The ingredients of the smoothie. The smoothie?


Very good.


Very good. Very good.


But there's something about paddling butter and sugar in the machine. It gets to that perfect texture. I can't get it by my hands.


Hithaya, thank God you brought that up because I'm going to get you that.


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We love you. Do you have a good set of knives, or do you think just any What types of knives will do?


I have a good set of knives that I got from my culinary school. Oh, cool. They're Japanese knives. They're very nice knives. To the best. They're very sharp, and I have a sharpener for it. But I feel like a good knife, everyone needs good knife. It changes the whole thing.


Are you a big believer in a food thermometer? Yeah.


Especially for chicken and meat and oil. Just testing your oil so you don't have to do the splatter test. You don't have to do the wooden chop test. I stick my hand in the oil. Sometimes I do the wooden chop, so I just see if it's bubbling. She takes the boiling water and put it in her ear with a garlic clove.


Yeah, I take a shot.


Perfect. What's this wooden chopstick thing? You can hold a chopstick in the... If you have a pan of oil, and if it starts sizzling and forming bubbles around the chopstick, it's ready to go. It's hot. It's good enough.


Good to know. We should get you that. While you're here, we should get you that set. Can you get it or you have to order it online?


Kitchen Aid mixers? They got them everywhere.


Yeah, you can just get it from a-Target. A little pottery barn.


I can't take a Kitchen Aid with me on the plane.


Oh, shit, ma'am.


I'm like, Sorry, it was my gift. I'm not leaving it.


She's just whipping it off some starter.


You buy the middle seat just for the Kitchen Aid.


She does it on the plane.


There's an outlet. Oh my gosh, she has. That would go viral. What is this girl doing? She's just like, Can you open up your tray? And you're sprinkling. She's just doing... I'm making coffee.


She writes a note and leaves it in first class.


Your food is better than the first class food. You're just giving everybody little Do you own a blowtorch?


No, I don't.


Just to roast some meringue?


No, but honestly, they had just to roast some meringue.


Don't you toast a meringue?


Yeah, you can blowtorch it. Yeah, you can blowtorch But I don't make those dishes that much. But honestly, if I needed a torch, I would go to the bodega and get those little hand torches that they have, and I would just use that because they're pretty good.


Get a ham and cheese roll and an orange soda if you know.


I've definitely asked you this, but what's one dessert that you kill it at? I feel like you've answered this before already. Tiramisu. Tiramisu, yeah. I remember.


Yeah, because that's really easy to make.


Because it's so simple.


That is the simplest dessert. It's the simplest thing, but I think it's just because I've been making it in the house since I was a kid.


Do you want to make some this week?


I can make it. I think the guy who invented Tierra Massoud just died a week ago.


Yes, he did. This keeps happening to us, guys.


Well, we're going to miss Masu. Tiramisu. We're going to miss you terribly. We're going to miss Masou terribly. Oh, man.


Roberto Linguanado.


Very good.


Eighty-one years old.


Oh, wow. Do you think they put him in this casket with a little Terra Mizzou?


Probably. Or the casket is made out of Terra Mizzou.


Okay, if you were feeling frisky enough for it and someone, I guess, paid for it, would you ever do a habachi course? Learn how to be a habachi chef? I don't know how long the academy What he is. Do you think it's a month?


Hedaya's habachi.


I feel like I wouldn't do good with the tricks. I feel like I wouldn't be able to do all the tricks they do. That's the challenge. That's the whole deal. You're paying for dinner. It's a show.


It's a show. Hedaya's sense of humor is just habachi humor from here on out. She's just like, Hey, do you want this? What? She was like, Okay, Hedaya.


You know when they catch the egg in the hatch? She goes…


I catch it with my scarf.


Perfect hammic.


She has tricks where she's like, It's a fake scar.


There's three of them.


The magicians with the scarves that come out of their sleeves, she's like…Penny hijab.


That's so funny. That's funny. I think Matt wants you to learn, so he can hire you.


I just want to see her flip some knives.


I'm juggling the knife.


How long are those academies, though?


I'm always dying to know. I feel like you could learn it in nine months.


I thought you people learn at their house. I didn't think they did it in academy.


You have to get trained, probably.


That school must be so fun.


Based on some of the recent times we went, I don't think it's very long.


I feel like people get like three to four months.


You should try it. I can see you. Three to four months.


Come on, while they're practicing, they definitely get hurt.


Habachi injuries, let's go.


So it says three to four months. Oh, boy.


Someone gets hurt. Someone gets hurt for sure.


I would just be like, How are we everyone doing? With the face hair. With the face hair.


That's scary, really.


But it's like a butter in hand, too. You're like, just kidding. And you just get started with that.


That's all right.


That'll be good.


I just got you. All right, we have chicken teriyaki. That's so good.


The knife through the fingers.


Just kidding.


It's a hot dog. Yeah, lost this one in school.


High five.


Damn, that's good. That's good. I can see a TikTokeer just being the Hibajie chef that just goes over and over with their guests. But people They're hiring him because they love what he's doing on TikTok.


Zane would make the Game of Thrones. The king's landing on a rise. Dragon. Up here comes the dragon. Oh, a fire breathing dragon.


I'm surprised it's been the same performance for 25 years.


Yeah, nothing new. I feel like they could.


I've seen that egg roll over and over again.


The volcano, the beating heart.


Oh my God.


Seen it.


Seen it.


Wow me.


I saw somebody flip a raw egg at somebody. Oh, what?


Like the joke and the-Yes.


You know how they do the egg crack and then they separate the YTS with the joke? He flung it for somebody to catch the egg. Oh, the egg joke all over their face.


Or did he meant to throw the eggshells?


No, they did the egg yoke. I don't know why.


Oh, that's terrible. I would hate that. That'll ruin your night. Yoke doesn't come off you.


He just vomits onto the habacha. Everyone's like, Okay, whoa. Starts cooking the vomit.


Like fried rice.


Oh, God.




Like the roll ice.


You could still... Chilly rolled ice cream. That's a bad prank.


That's horrible.




Oh my God. She sent me this video of this prank, and she was like, This is something I would do to you. It was an awful prank. They pranked this man, and they said he was in a coma for 10 years. They had their friend, he aged himself up. They was like, You know your girlfriend, before you guys left, you got her pregnant, man. You're 10-year-old. I've been taking care of him for you, and they had a kid come out. This man is in the hospital just having a panic attack. What in the world? I literally looked at her and I was like, I would kill you if you did that to me. That's so messed up. If you did that to me, I would never recover from that.


How long was he in a coma for?


They said 10 years. They faked it.


No, or he just woke up?


They probably had him uncal.


I think he went in for probably a surgery. As he was coming out.


Probably wisdom teeth.




You can get me with that.


That's terrible.


Oh, my gosh.


Yeah. Apparently, you don't need to take your wisdom teeth out. It's like this thing where dentists just try to make money off you.


Because sometimes it could come out and then you have overgrowth, and then they push. They push together.


Because everybody's wisdom teeth comes in different ways. Some people are coming in sideways. Some can come in perfectly, but if they know the spacing and lining of your mouth, it can maybe cause problems.


Because they removed so much of my teeth. They told me that when your wisdom teeth come out, you won't have to take them out because they'll grow in and it'll form the space because we removed so many.


Because you lost so many. You're going to need some. I'm about to get a whole another campaign going on on my teeth again. I have to go in and he's going to go fix everything that needs to be fixed.


What else needs to be fixed?


Oh my God, just enough. Aren't you tired?


I know I am, Mariah.


It's just the. It's like the root canal is like, they're not working anymore. Oh my God.


Wait, what do you mean? Aren't they broken to begin with?


Isn't that the root canal? I just have really weak bad teeth, and I just need them worked on all the time.


Just pull them. It's that condensed milk sitting there.


Every photo that my mom has found going through the photos, Zane is in the picture trying to feed me a candy. No. Like a popsicle, a lollypop. That's really funny. He's literally just feeding me candy in every photo.


You have three or four of them. That's funny to do a dump of them.


I think I have two of my photos. That's so funny. That was bad. That was squiging, boy.


Can you hear that?


You just started your own podcast, right? I did.


Very good.


What is the name of it? Who is it with?


It's called Instable, and it's with my best friend, Bri.


It's a play off unfiltered, as you can see.


Love it.


And it's with my best friend, Bri, from Florida. And we literally just trauma dumb. We talk about things that are happening, stories that we have.


You're four months into it, right?


We started in February.


Wow. Wow. Oh, my gosh. That's amazing. Is it audio and video or just We post the audio on Spotify, and then we have just the video. We post every week on it. Okay, cool.


When we were in New York for the House of the Dragon premiere, I actually came over to the hotel. We actually did an episode. If you guys want to check that out. Love it. I haven't seen it. They've been consistent. They're on their what episode? How many episodes have you done?


Twenty-four. Twenty-four episodes. I remember our first 24. We posted blogs. We've been posting blogs in between. You're doing it right. We noticed that people have been saying, We like your blogs better. But then some people are like, Oh, we like your podcast. We enjoy listening. So it's like... Do both. Satisfy both ends. We're trying to make the time to do both.


You're now in the top 10% of... Yeah, top 10% that still have a podcast. Because I think it was like, what? 80%, 85% don't get past third episode. Really? Yeah. Really. It's like startup businesses. It's like people cannot just stick with it.


It is. There's times where... You get it. No, because there's times I literally ask Bri, and the thing is I'm always down to film because I don't want to miss a week because she's like, Oh, we could skip. And I'm like, No, we can't. We can't do that. We're not there yet. Brother likes sister. We're not there yet to skip. It hasn't been that long. And then I'll notice sometimes I'm like, Let's film. And she's like, I don't want to. I'm like, We're trying to make this our job. You don't have to do it.


You get to do it.


There you go. We get to do it. So I was like, I don't want to get tired. Reminder, it's It's a fun job.


It's supposed to be fun. It always flies by. We'll look down and we're done filming because it's really just us talking.


It's good that one of you are the one that- Someone is pushing for it.


Do you listen to podcasts?


Sometimes. I mostly like... I like visual. I have to watch audio. I can't just listen. I'm not a-Yeah, I won't be able to hear it. I can't understand. I need to look at the expressions on the face.


I do like seeing the expression on faces when they're speaking about something.


Exactly. That's the only way I watch.


You're saying which podcast is unfiltered, right?Unfiltered, basically.


That's the only one I watch.


Good, good, good.


It's like stand-up comedy. I can listen to it just audio, but watching it is so much better. It's a different show. You get to see them doing their stage movements and their stage work, all of that. Their props and things like that. The props.


So many facial expressions.


Like, Kat Williams with his stool. God, I love him.


Sebastian Manescalco. Imagine just listening to him.


You got to see it.




Especially he's Italian, right? He's Italian. He's Italian.


He's Italian.


He talks with his hands.


Manescalco, are you kidding me? He's in a vowel?


Do you have a favorite comedian?


I laugh at like, like classics, but then the thing is there's also like, new guys that I've seen on Netflix pop up.


Do you see any musicals?


I I don't watch musicals. I'm not a big musical person. I don't really like musicals that much. No worries.


She likes shows like a New Girl, the best.


I love classics. I just love classics. I rewatch like the old... I like old sitcoms. That's what I grew up watching. That's just like Grounded for Life.


It's one of my favorites. I love DoTol.


It's very hard for me to start something new.


It's really hard. I'll try. The thing is all these series are good, but they're always just one season. I'm like, Okay, what am I supposed to do?


It's like a limited series.


I miss the five, six seasons, 24 episodes each. They're either an hour or 30 minutes long.


They just have to be watched by a lot of people to keep getting renewed. That's probably why they do limited series because the risk, right? Of getting...


But then it's also like they take forever now to come out with new seasons. I feel like it's taking longer than it used to. It's taking longer than it used to. Now you'll go two years without the season coming out. And then I'm like, I forgot it was even coming.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, Better Help.


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That's betterhelp. H-e-l-p. Com/zaneandheath.


Thank you, Betterhelp, so much for sponsoring today's episode. We love you and thank you.


How are we feeling about New York? Do you still like it? Is it worn off? Do you want to come to LA again?


I do want to come to LA after this next lease.


You all here to hear me.


We're trying to because the thing is we wanted to for this lease coming up, but then we couldn't afford to make the move. So we were just like, let's do one more year. But then I've just been more realizing that New York, I do love it and I appreciate living there a lot. It's better to just visit. No, it's not even that. I feel more that I didn't benefit from New York. Does that make sense? It makes a lot of sense. The city didn't give me anything. I feel like I've just spent so much money. I'm glad that it's just taking my money.


It's just taking my money. It's draining. I know.


It's so hard to- There's really not much to do.


Unless you're willing to spend money. Right. And then it's like my mom's like, Oh, get out of the house, do this. And I'm like, yeah, but I don't want to spend 70 bucks just to go out and do that.


New York, you have to get out. I'd rather just stay home. And then you feel so small staying at home and you feel a little worth those because you're like, Why am I just sitting at home all day?


What's nice about what we do and being around people is that if you want to leave your house, you just go to someone else's house where you're not spending money.


That person's house is pretty comfortable and has enough space to host people. In New York, everyone is living in shoe boxes. It can't have people over.


It's so expensive.


Everyone's 45 minutes away. No one wants to take the bus and go.


You can't just get in your car real quick and just go drive. You have to walk to go to the subway.


Everything feels like a chore.


Yes. I'm glad that you committed a lot of years. I feel like you last much longer than I thought. Really? Yeah, I thought after two years, you'd be like, Okay, I'm ready to try something. Yeah, I thought that, too. I didn't think you'd be there for four years now. It's our fourth year. It's a long time. Yeah, I was not expecting that.


It's impressive.


Because the first year was literally just a wasted year because I was settling in and getting scared. It's tough the first year. It's just you waste the year, basically, trying to get accustomed to not living at home. Then the second year, I actually started school, started work. I actually started involving myself in New York, I felt. I was going out. Then, yeah, these last two years, I've been just starting a podcast, doing work here and there.Compassion.




Once your lease is up right now, you're going to make the move out here?


Well, we had to renew this lease to next year. Next summer, we'll be able to move. Okay. Because we need the year to make more money, starting to work, YouTube, and then we will come out here.


Try to get here before these guys move.


Yeah. Can you guys not leave after? When I get here, that sucks.


Mariah just gave me the eye like, Yeah.


She moves into my house. We move out.


Well, that'd be nice. Easy transfer with the least.


Yeah, I think you would just thrive more out here.


But then I was also just looking at the traffic yesterday coming from the airport, and I was just like, Oh, my God.


But the thing is, you have to go down there. Yeah, there's nothing by the airport. When people come to visit and they're like, Where should I stay? I'm like, not by the airport. You think that when you first come out here, you want to go nowhere near that.


We're nowhere around near that area unless we're going to the airport. We're never going to hang. Not even downtown.


Never. Because you're never going over to the west side or you're never shooting across LA unless you have a commute. I mean, a lot of people have to do it, but if you don't have that... I think also our lives operate around traffic. You don't leave your house from certain hours to certain hours.


We justIt's impossible.


But I genuinely think you and Bri can have a lot of fun and kill it out here for at least five years.


For sure. You'll make more connections out here also than New York for stuff that you want to be involved with.


She moves out here and she's not friends with us anymore. Hattaya, she's like, Sorry. Euphoria Season 5. It's just things are different.


There's just so many people that we know out here where I feel like if there's something you want to do that's in this field of work, you know somebody. You're going to find somebody that can help you get there.


It's also just having family out here because I don't have anyone out there. Me and Bri, we don't have family out there. We just have a small amount of friends.


I love having my brother out here. It's the best.


Just having one person, then she has her aunt out here. So it's like we both have a family member out here.


There you go.


I think it would be really good for us. That says a lot. And I think it's just only a bad thing that we would have to get a car. We need to get a car. That's why I need the year.


Why don't you buy back your red wave Toyota that got you?


I'm sure he took that off.


Just Honda? Or Honda, whatever. That was an era, huh?


My favorite era. I miss her. I wonder if that decal is still on there. I'm I'm 100% sure they took it off. I'm 100% sure he removed it immediately. He probably pulled it off himself.


How long ago did your brother move out here?


My brother moved out here three years ago. About three years ago because his girlfriend at the time, now My fiancée went to UCLA grad school, so she did that for two years, and then now...


When are they getting married?


They're getting married in March.




I think so, yeah. March, right after yours. Where? Texas. Right after yours. Out here in Pasadena.


Oh. Yeah. Mariah loves Pasadina.


I think it's a house that's also a venue type of thing. A Pasadina Princess. Is it?


That would be crazy. No, that's a crazy venue. Is that the venue we're trying to do that shoot at? That's where we did our shoot.


That's where we did our shoot.


Oh, no, it's not that.


I think it's almost like a really pretty craftsman-looking home. He wasn't there. I forgot the name of it. I'll send it to you.


There's a lot of cool spots in Pasadina.


That's great. Yeah, I'm excited for that. But no, it is nice having someone who you have known the longest out here, too. You feel really grounded with yourself. It feels more comfortable. It's a good fun escape, too. It's awesome having your friend groups also collide as well. It's great when it works out like that.


You could work at a Paris baguette. Oh, my gosh.


We have to take it to Paris baguette tomorrow. You're going to love it.


What's Paris baguette? It's our favorite sauce.


It's a bakery?


It's a bakery. They have insane coffee, and the bakery is so fun. You go up, it's basically like a mini mini mini mini mini mini mini mini It's not just over the counter. You grab it yourself, they give you a tray, and you go and you open the doors and you grab what you want.


Oh, it's like sweet tomatoes.


No, I miss sweet potatoes. Don't even bring up sweet tomatoes. I'll cry.


You go fill up your tray, and then you walk it up to the front, and then they'll heat up certain things. If you want your croissant warmed up.


That's so good. They don't have a lot of those anymore. I love it.


I know. Because they do self-service.


It's literally right down the street from our house. Oh, that's sick. We can go tomorrow. All right.


We'll show you around tomorrow. Okay. Calabasis. Let's go to crumble Cookie in Calabasis.


I've never had it. I love it. I've never had crumble. I don't get the hype. I don't get it either, but I want to try it because I don't get it. That's just a cake.


Let me explain to you. So, Keith and I were the same way. We were like, I don't understand. It obviously looks very good, but I was like, I saw one of the stores and they didn't have that many flavors. I was like, I don't understand why everyone's doing reviews, reviews, reviews. I didn't get So I looked into it and I didn't realize every Monday, they start over and they come out with all new flavors. So I'm like, oh, that's why everybody-It's weak.


It's like salt and straw.


With different ice cream.


Because salt and straw always has a new batch.


But every single week. So people wait for Mondays and they go, We're going to crumble today.


Do they announced it, the Monday?


The Monday, yeah. But there's people online that leak it before.


Remy sent it to me.


I got the whole leak for the of this month in early September. Oh my gosh.


So that's really cool because not a lot of places do that. So then we tried it. It is amazing. It's really good, but we'll get four cookies, and they're giant. They're really big. They're so soft and cakey and gooey. The Frosting is amazing. I can literally only do a sliver a night. It's so heavy.


Yeah, it's not like cookies that you go and sit there, I'm going to go have some cookies tonight, and you sit there and snack. It's a one and done.


You almost want to put it in a bowl and make it crumble and make it until you're on the street.


Yeah, we do a slice a night, and then it lasts us throughout the whole week. It makes sense. And we just cut it like a pizza.




So it's very heavy. Did you get the cookie?


No, we don't have it yet.


Oh, my gosh. We have to. So I get why people get excited.


They're very- Looks very sweet. Rich.


Yeah. It tastes delicious. You couldn't pay me to take multiple bites.


I just think there's much better cookies that should be more Hyped.


I feel like they sent me a bunch. Did they send you a bunch?


Crumble? Yeah. No. No, I think those are the milk cookies that you think.


Milk are the ones that they have it in package.


They were like, these ziploc That's the thing. They had really funny cookie names on those. I've seen those. I've seen those. Those were really good. I've seen those. I don't even know if I've had crumble.


It's in the pink box.


It's fun. Something to look forward to.


I'm just surprised. I felt like you guys would think it was overrated, cookies.


I mean, they are.


It's just like- The thing is, Zane, you're very... You are the dessert king, so you can- Say that again.




No, I think Zane is very picky.


You're very picky.


I'm like, Oh, dessert. About what sweets she's going to eat.


Yeah, to me, dessert's dessert. I'm like, okay, great. After dinner, you have a bite of dessert, and then go on.


It's also fun to try different things. Obviously, I have a favorite cookie, but it's like, I don't know. The raspberry lemon isn't my favorite cookie, but you eat it and you're like, That was amazing.


Because Because you've never had a raspberry lemonade cookie.


I normally would never get that, but it's different, and it's cool.


Mint chocolate chip ice cream.


I love mint chocolate chip ice cream. They had a cookie.


But it's a cookie like that. They sound like middle America.


I'm not waiting in line for a tree.


Oh, yeah. You just order it, right?


Wait, order it.


It comes in 10 minutes. Oh, great. I just see crumble Cookie people. It's a Chapel Roon sign it. I'm like, What the fuck is going on in here?


No, I just order it, so I get it.


It's fun. You know I think should have just something just like that? Like Krispy Kreme. Imagine Krispy cream came out with a new flavor.


A whole box. I could demolish it.


It's so good. I just put my face up to a glass and watched them make it.


Have you ever had a Krispy cream?


It was an old lady. I saw that. Keep your eyes filled around town. Do you see her out and about. Really? She lives here?


Is it Krispy?


I don't know if she comes here. I've seen her at two times at a restaurant. Oh my gosh.


I would shout out Krispy Kreme.


They got the one in Burbank right there.


Oh, the show?


Where you see it? Like the full one where you get the hot and ready light on. It's like a...


It's a Burbank. We should go. I love Krispy.


Is it the one in the back steakhouse? Yeah. I don't like the ones that have Frosting on it.


Is that just me? I think it's too sweet. I like the chocolate Frosting. I think it's too sweet because it's the glazed and then that.


It's supposed to be too sweet.


I also don't like them. I used to like them warm, but I don't like them warm anymore. I like them when they cool down and that shell hardens. I don't like when it's sticky.


I want it to crumble.


I can eat it anyway.


Cold, stale, microwave.


Stale, just move it for a second.


Get a little...


Back at it again at Krispy Kreeg.


Do you remember that? I used to love that video.


That sign definitely fell, right?


A hundred %. No, he broke it. I just wish there was no video of it on the floor.


It just stopped. We just never saw what happened after.


That guy should repost that for, Unfortunately, he didn't make it to the 20th century.


They should end it with AI just to finish the video.


To see what happens. They had to. Yeah, already.


That's really good. He lands it.


He just goes in the outer space. I'm surprised he didn't do a whole campaign with him, a crispy cream.


He vandalized the property.


Flipping for donuts, flipping through donut holes.


Flipping good.


Flipping out over these new flavors.


Zane, you would like the ones today? They have their chocolate chip cookies good. It's not a crazy soft one. It's crummy, harder. Then they also have one that has M&Ms in it and peanut butter chunks.


You can never convert me.


You've tried it and you didn't like it?


Yeah, he said he didn't like it. But he kept eating it. But he watched the video of how much he ate.


The thing is that there are so much better cookies out there than crumble.


Yes, but it's just having fun. Just be open mind.


I can't be fun. I am open-minded. Be there for the vibes. I'm very open-minded.


You're not. I put Zane onto Love Island last night. We're watching.


I am hooked.


You're going to love Leah, and then you're going to go to... We go to the same crumble cookie. Does she? Yeah.


Have you seen it?


Oh, no, we order it. It's that one that she goes to.


She's a Calabasas queen, so I knew when you said that. She's a Calabasas queen. Is that the cosmic brownie-looking one? That looks so good. That looks really good.


Everything is amazing. I would eat that one.


The flavors are so creative. They're just so cool. They're not like other cookies.


Are we good? Yeah, we're good. We're good. Hadiah, thank you so much for coming on. This is such a pleasure. Guys, be sure to check out her podcast, Unstable with Her and her friend, Bre. We're so proud of you guys.


And also she has a snack Snapchat. She posts her every day. She's very active on her. Good for you. She's up to 300K subscribers on Snapchat, guys. She's killing. We went to... Did I tell you? We went to the We were in the Jordan airport. And the kiosk where you scan your tickets to get on the flight, he's looking at her. Passport. And in my head, I was like, Oh, he must know her from the blogs.


What would you have to hang it from your beard?


She puts her tag, her a ticket, and he goes, You're on Snapchat. You're on Snapchat. And I'm looking, I was like, There's no way. That's crazy.


I went into the bodega, and the bodega man was like... He was talking to my friend because it was the bodega by her house, and she knows him. And he was like, Yeah, these are my friends. And he was like, Yeah, I watch her Snapchat every day. And I was like, Oh, God. Zane, she's getting recognized without you.


Is it crazy? I'm so proud of you.


Good job.


You got something hanging from your beard.


And you couldn't tell me before?


I just did, but you I don't have headphones. I don't.


That's been on the whole fucking time.


In front of your sister. Go ahead.


Go ahead. Do it. Do it.


I dare you. All right, we're done. The joke's over.


We love you guys. Thank you again for watching another episode. Thanks for coming on and joining us.


You'll see her again very soon, I'm sure. We'll see you guys next week. Thank you so much. Toodleoo.


Make sure to check out our Patreon, patreon. Com/zaneandheath. We post a bonus episode every single month. We do a live Q&A every month. We also keep these cameras rolling. You get an extended cut of this podcast. Bonus footage, everything all on Patreon. Com/zaneandheath.


We just hit 500 posts on Patreon. There's 500 pieces of content on there. So binge it. There's a free trial. Have fun, get crazy.




But the state does. But yeah, thank you so much. And we'll see you guys next week. Unwinders, we'll see you in a sec. Peace and blessings. Blocked.