Transcribe your podcast

Do you wear an Apple Watch?


Used to.


When you work out, do you have anything that tracks your...


Well, when I was tracking my steps, I had the Apple Watch because it was much easier instead of my phone because I always put my phone down when I'm working out. But after I finished the journey, now I know how many steps I need, how long I need to do cardio for and work out, and then I know my steps every day, but I don't need to track it anymore.


Most annoying thing sometimes, I need to just figure out what the function is and turn it off because I know there's a way. But if I'm in my car and I have on CarPlay and I'm wearing my Apple Watch, my Apple Watch is giving me the directions. It'll be vibrating and saying, turn left, and I'm like, Obviously, I know Apple Watch.


Oh, your watch still...


My watch will give the directions while I'm having it on my CarPlay.


Mine doesn't... It's not connected in that way. When I'm doing directions on my phone, my watch does not go off with it. Mine would, too. I feel like you have to connect it in a...


I must have right when I set up the Apple Watch as I allowed maps to function on on my phone, but I'm like, you just would figure if my phone does in like I'm on CarPlay mode, it turns everything else off. It turns off texting. Why are you notifying me on my watch?


I'm so anti-connecting my phone to anything. I hate text messages popping up on my laptop. I hate that. Oh, yeah. I disconnect everything off that.


I also hate photos. I don't need my whole iCloud library on my iPad. I don't need it all because I'm rarely... If I want the photos, I'll AirDrop it to the computer and I know my select ones. I don't need the entire library of my whole life taking up all this storage that it's already. Have we compared who has taken the most amount of photos on your phone?


I think hers was the highest. No, I think mine was the highest. I thought mine was the highest. No, wait.


We thought Nobody could beat us. Zane is almost double us.


No, I thought nobody could beat me because of Snapchat, but Matt beat us.


But I don't know what it is.


How many photos do you have?


Okay, so you know how... You've never lost your phone where you'd lost everything, right?


Or is that happened? One time.


How long ago did that happen?


It was in 2014 or 2015.


That's why. So you have everything from 2016? Yes. Okay, so mine goes all the way down to 2018. That's why you have more than me.


That crushes me sometimes. What's your number at? 187,000. Oh, wow. And I was with TK over the wedding, Ms. Tk, Taylor King. She's just miss content. That girl, she gets all of it. I was 60,000 photos ahead of her. But I thought her, but I thought, of all people would have more photos in.


Yeah, I only have 112,000.




I thought I had a lot.


I started deleting something. I just got that notification that said out of storage. So I went in and just deleted all these videos.


What do you mean out of storage? You don't pay for iCloud?


I do. I do have iCloud.


I actually did get a notification during the wedding.


But I don't think it saves automatically to iCloud. I mean, can I delete everything off my photo album and it's still on iCloud? Don't risk it.


Google it before you do anything like that.


Okay, so what do you mean? Oh, you mean get everything and put it in iCloud and then delete everything off my phone?


You just pay for the monthly 5 terabytes.


I think it shows on your phone, but if you want to open it or do anything, you have to click it and then it pulls it from iCloud.


All I'm Zane.




I'm heet. I'm a tie.


I'm a rier.


I'm a tie-kang. I'm a tie-kang. Nice. All right, well, you're here again. Hopefully, you're having a wonderful Monday and Tuesday whenever you're listening to this. If you're on your way to work, if you're on the if you're at work.


And thank you.


If you're on the treadmill. At work.


The treadmill, at work.


But thank you, though. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to this. It really does mean a lot.


You really did not have to.


Absolutely. Yeah, it really means a lot.


People How dedicated an hour of their day for us. It's really nice.


I would love to see a trivia show of all of our most hardcore fans being quizzed on... In this episode, Zane brought up that this was his most embarrassing memory. Who has the best recol-off quiz-off this quiz, but it's for our show?


That's so good.


If we ever go on tour, we should do a Trivia Night. You know how bars have Trivia Night? The Office Trivia Night, French Trivia Night. We should do an unfiltered Trivia Night.


Crickets. Who remembers? Why do I feel like AI could do all the questions for us? I wonder.


You just put all the episodes in AI, and they just... They're like, right, isn't AI so good these days? Chat GPT+.


You know what? Let me ask it.


Whatever you kids are doing. Yeah. Whatever you guys are freaking with these days.


Write 15 Trivia Questions about the podcast Zane and Heath unfiltered that really good hardcore fans would know the answers to.


That's really good. Wow, you are specific.


That scares the hell out of me.


Me? What I do? Can you write a question? One second.Q&A.One second.


What is it? Can we do... Q&a for this podcast? You know Trivia Night? When you When you go to a bar.


When you go to a bar and everyone's having fun drinking, ChatGPT is like, the clip.


These aren't good.


But did some come up?


The first one is, what are the first names of the hosts of Zan and Heek on It's still a turn.


I love how you feel hardcore.


I think it didn't hear me when I said it because it didn't add Hardcore. No, I think they don't know. Which host is known for their previous work with the Vine platform before starting the podcast? Yeah, these are like... I don't I don't know either.


Which one is it?


What significant life event did Heath share on the podcast in 2020?


Now, that's way too... I don't even know. That's way too hard.


2020, a life event?


But sometimes these are just like they're looking at normal trivia questions that have been applied to other things and just putting it on there and thinking. It doesn't even know the end.


That's why I don't trust that shit. You see, he couldn't even do that. That's so easy.


It's only going to get better, though. It's just the beginning. The dot com era of the Internet. That was pretty primitive.


I hope. Okay, well, guys, I have something to tell you. What?




Okay. I got to breathe. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life. Okay, It's not that crazy. The whole life.


The bar is now hot.


No, I know. Okay, you guys know how I'm obsessed with Game of Thrones. I'm obsessed with House of Dragon. You are? It's all I am, all I want to do, all I want to watch, and all I want to talk about, right? So I get a package from House of the Dragon, right? I open it.


Oh, my gosh. You're in the next movie. You got offered a roll.


I got invited to the House of the Dragons Season 2 premiere.


The House of the Dragon. Isn't that crazy?


Insane. I get to go.


World premiere in New York City. Yeah.


Oh, my God.


Oh, my gosh. And it's the The official one, right?


That's literally dream come true for me.


It's laminated.


I couldn't believe when I opened the package, I was freaking out. It's the official one, so everyone's going to be there. The whole cast is going to be there. And there's one more person that's going to be there. I couldn't believe. Guess who's going to be there.




Just guess. Amelia Clarke.


Oh, Macy Williams.


No. You want to guess?


I don't know the names. Justin Bieber.


Kelly Clarke said.


No. Heath.


Oh, my God! No way. Oh, my.


That was so sick.


Wow. They weren't going to let me go alone. I was like, I need one more. I need one more.


Thank you, Zane. This is...


Wow. Damn.


He's like, Shit.


I'm glad you set it up like that because I saw his face and he was like... He was excited for you, but he was like, Damn, that's so cool.


Perfect. Yes.


That's really cool.


Let's You can see it?


You can kiss.


I want to see it.


No, I'll let you do a kiss.


I can't believe it's laminated. That's really cool.


I can't wait to see Zane propose to a girl because he was shaking.


I'm going to find the love of my life there, 100%. Oh my God. 100%.


What are you going to wear?


Yeah, what do you wear to that?


He goes as the Night King, the dragon suit.


Zane goes the chair.


You get there and they're like, We said no cosplay. You're like, What do you mean? I can't get in.


It's a lifestyle.


I wear the Night So embarrassing. It's not even the right season.


You're just sitting on the red carpet as the throne.


They're like, Sir. We all take pictures on your lap.


Oh my gosh. They all take pictures. I think they would love that. Yeah. Wait, so the whole cast is going to be there? Yeah. That's freaking sick.


I don't even know them. That's so cool. Do they fly you out?


Yes. Damn. Everything. Everything covered.


Damn, for one of those New York events?


Yeah. That's so cool.


You're going.


We're I'm going. Wow.


This is crazy.


This was a long time comment.


Long time coming. Too long. The thing is that I was made aware that they've received over 100 emails with my name in it.


Oh, from fans going like, you all better invite Zane in this.


I don't know, but they were like, I think they were just sick of it. And they were like, we need to shut this kid up and just give him two tickets.


You know what? A customer just keeps complaining and you're I'm just like, Yeah.


What does it make you work the right carpet? You got to ask people. He has to interview them.


You know what? I think when I'm somewhere where I really want to be, I think I perform. I feel like when I'm doing something where I don't really want to be, I struggle.


Do you think they're going to just show the first episode, two episodes?


What is this going to be like? I think they'll probably show two episodes because that's usually how show premieres. Do it. They show the first two episodes.


So eight hours?


No, I think it'll be the so we get to see the first two before anyone else.


I can't believe it's in New York.


I know.


Is season one, did it leave on a big cliffhanger?


Yes, very Blake, Kiffhanger.


That's so cool.


Our flight over there is the dragon. With us for six hours.


Dragon Airlines.


I would, though. If I was running the campaign, I would do something crazy.


Give it dry ice goblets. Here, here, here, here, goblet. Yeah, like dragon deviled eggs. Yeah.


Your plus one has to be a relative, a sibling.


Yeah, it has to be a niece.


A niece? Is that the incest?


Yeah, a lot of incest. Your niece. Yeah. This is just One step closer to being a villager extra in season 3. I'm like, this is one step closer.


We should go as a villager just to show them what we look like.


Oh, you know those actor? When you go to the haunted mansions, I'm like, Oh, those actors are just always acting. I think I'm going to do that just to show them that I can do it, and I'll do it for free.


Zane, I go as a blacksmith. I'm just like,.


You should definitely go even more or go silver with your hair.


Really, bleach your hair.


I have to do either blonde or brown hair because that's who's in the show.


Go like your bleach, bleach blonde.


You still want to look inviting, though, to the stars. They don't want to be like, Can you give me a cocktail? They think you're working. Can you give me a cocktail? Thank you so much. Love the fit.


Anyways, All right. I show up and they're like, All right, perfect. Zane, you ready? I'm supposed to be, imagine, I'm supposed to be interviewing all of them, but I don't have anything ready or any lines ready. They're just like, All right, Zane. All right, first one, Olivia Cooke. Ask her a question. Perfect.


Who are you most excited to see? Are you excited to see a certain person?


I'm excited to see everybody.


If you see Fabian, tell him you know me. Oh, I will. He's been to my apartment or our place.


Matt's friend, right?


Yes, Patricia. I love Patricia. Please tell her I said hi.


Yeah, I'm just so excited. I'm so excited.


That's really cool. Wow. Thank you, HBO.


Finally. Thank you, HBO. Thank you, Max.


That's so cool. I got to ask, though, are those really the passes or did you get to lead it a little bit?


No, I got it made for it.


That's funny.


But you don't have to. I know it's a-I'm going. It's a mission. Okay. It's like...


No, I'm going.


I thought it was here and I was like, yes. And then I saw it in New York, I'm like, I looked at the day. I was like, We are jam-packed. But you have to go. Because I just come. I come back two, three days before from the trip I'm doing. And so when I saw it, I was just like, Oh, my God. Because in my head, I was like, Oh, I could just go to New York instead of going home. But it's like, We have to come back and record. So I feel like...


Oh, man. Yeah, that's going to be rough. We are world travelers. People do this every week.


I know. I know. It's great. I'm going to be so sick. I'm going to be...


I'm the fucking-Get that airborne in.


I'm also, I'm going out of town starting the 16th through the 29th. I'm traveling the world with Hedaya.


Oh, fun.


Wait, Hedaya is going.


Is she doing all of it?


The whole thing. No, I thought she was doing all of it. No, she's done the whole thing. That's so cool. This London opportunity came up to just watch Furiosa, the premiere in London. Cool. So we obviously took it. I was like, Fuck, yeah, we're going to take it.


Did you see that wedding that just happened in front of the pyramids? No. Our friend, this This happened two weeks ago, well, a while back, where our friend's friend went to a wedding with some billionaire couple. Tons of celebs were there. They got married in front of the pyramids. You can do that? Their whole is in front of the Sphinks. I couldn't believe. That's insane. Yeah, I think this was it.


It looks like it's at a resort. Well, is it true?


They were up close this wedding.


When you're at the pyramids, if you just turn around, is there a whole city behind you? It's like a burger king across the street. That is so... I can't even imagine.


It takes away from the magic of it.


I'm not going to lie. I did not expect a burger king to be right there. I expected it to just be open.


No, you think you would need to drive out into the desert for an hour and then they're just there. No, it's like everything is around it.


Did everything seem very close to each other in Egypt?


Yes and no. There's a lot of really cool things to see there, and I hope you do it all. Valley of the Kings was one of my favorite things in the world because it's where they started finding all these different tombs from the Kings at the time.Oh.


My goodness.


You go around this whole valley that's in the desert, and you can walk down into the tombs, and they're still painted. They're still in perfect condition.


That's insane. Wait, is that where they shot Dune? Zane, look. No, actually Dune One, isn't that the... I swear that whole temple right there?


I mean, a lot of Dune is...


Go back to that picture, though, bubba.


Like, CGI. I thought they inspired. I thought they fucking CGI that shit.


But look.


Zane, look at that photo.


Wait, you saw that?


You walk into this. This is one of the tombs.


I feel like I'm in a video game.


It feels like you're in the mummy Return ride or something. Something stupid where you see fake versions of this all the time.


I'm going to go to Universal and do mummy Returns.


To go there and somebody painted that on the wall thousands and thousands of years ago, and it's still there.


It's insane. It's right outside of Cairo or is it Giza? Because they're called... Is Giza a town? Because it's the great pyramids of Giza.


I don't know if the Valley of Kings was in Cairo. I think it was outside.


Okay. The mummy Returns, though, goes so fucking hard. I love The mummy Returns. The mummy is good.


Are we talking about the ride or the movie?


The movie with Brandon Fries.


I thought you were going to have to ride. Yeah, me too. That shit goes hard.


When it hits the brakes and then the bugs start crawling out, sprays your ankles with air.


I feel like I'm in the movie. I'm sitting there like, what are we going to do?


But the mummy returns where it's his son and his son puts on the and they're chasing the dawn and the sunrise, and he's trying to get him back to the temple. Rachel Weis is in it.


So good. I used to have this on VHS.


Oh, yeah.


Would you say this is your favorite Egyptian movie?


This is definitely my favorite Egyptian movie. All right.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this podcast, SeaGeek.


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Thank you SeekGeek for sponsoring today's episode and making sure that we all get the best deal on our tickets, baby.


Do you know where your passport is, Zade? Yeah, it's all ready. Okay, good. The new passports are nice. I haven't seen them yet. Oh, I got a new passport. It is fresh.


Does the cover look the same?


It just feels so much sturdier in the paper. It looks like you can't even tear it out. Oh, really? Do you know how the paper feels like money? It's like this, it just feels really sturdy. The edges almost feel like a credit card. Oh, wow. You couldn't even fold it.


Because people's passports, they crumple and It looks like ass. I'm sure that they had a... People were getting damaged.


Yeah, mine always got damaged because one time I forgot my ID and I had to carry on my passport with me just to go to bars. You know how there's that little RFID chip that scans? Yeah. Mine was always broken because I was probably sitting on it. Every time we were leaving a country, I always got flag.


I don't know if we talked about this already, but I saw a lady talking about how she was at a register and they were talking about like, Palm Pay. Did we talk about that already?


The city of Palm Pay?


No, Palm Pay. That's what I thought, too. Sorry, Palm Pay. There's something in your hand and you pay with your palm. She's like, Huh? We accept Palm Pay now, too. She's like, No, I got a credit card. Oh, okay. Well, it's new here now.


It's basically like an Apple Pay, but there's a chip in your hand.


It's a chip in your hand.


People are chipped or is it doesn't scan your hand?


No, it's like... Like a fingerprint. I think it's like a chip. I think it's like something you have in your palm and you just go, beep. It's just your hand. She was talking about, I don't understand why credit cards are so hard to use. You just Why you have it in your wallet and you pay like that. Why you got to have it in your arm?


The app pay it so easy.


Your hand. But imagine someone trying to steal from you.


Yeah, give me the chip. Where's the chip?


Damn, imagine that, though.


I wouldn't mind. You wouldn't mind that? Getting the chip?


Absolutely not.


What if something happens, it just infects your hand? You know what I mean?


I trust the science, I guess, behind it. I think I'm right.


I want to shout out United Airlines really quick.


Do United Airlines.


We just took a flight recently, and I didn't want to tell the story because I'm going to sound irresponsible, but here's what happened. We take Dean on the flight, and we were late to the flight for last week's story time. When you're late, they usually check the rest of the bags that are left. So we have the carry-on bag, and we have a layover for this flight, and then our final destination. So they said, We're going to check the bag, but it'll meet you at your final destination, which usually isn't a problem, but it was all of Dean's travel stuff that he needs. His bathroom, his food.


So it had that litter box.


Right. So all his stuff. And we were like, Is there any way you can ask again? And she was like, Yeah, no problem. We get it. So she asked and she goes, I'm sorry, there's really nothing we can do. I'm like, It's okay. So I empty out my backpack and I put the litter in my backpack. I put all of Dean's stuff in my backpack. And in my head, I blacked out after this, but in my head, because I put my pocketbook in in my backpack and I took it out. It's this vintage little coach bag. And I thought, Okay, maybe I'll just put this in the carry on and then get that checked. But maybe in my head, I was like, Oh, but I really don't want to risk losing this bag. So I don't know what happened. Apparently, I got on the plane with it, and then, Keith and I got off the plane. I grabbed everybody's stuff, mine and Dean's stuff, and we're walking to our next terminal, and we hear an announcement. We're at the Chicago airport.


It's huge. Oh, yeah.


Do the announcement impersonation.


It was like, a flight from LAX, from missing item. And I was like, we didn't hear anything.


We missed all the important parts. And we looked at each other, we're like, How is anybody going to hear that?


Or you're like, Glad it's not us.


Well, for a second, heath paused because he was like, Did they say heath? And I'm like, If they wanted your name, they would say your last name, Mr. Hussar, Whatever. He thought he heard heath. I'm like, I don't think so. But we did second guess, but we were like, We have to go to our next flight. We could not hear the announcement. I'm like, Whoever's missing something, they're shit out of luck.


So then we get to our final destination, and I can't find my bag.


I'm like, I was already at my parents' house.


We made it to her parents' house, and she's like, You see my I didn't notice it was gone because I carry my wallet with me because my ID's in there, so I want easy access to it.


So thank God, the only thing in there was lipstick and trash. So I'm like, Thank God. So in my head, I'm like, I think lost and found is like, I just think it's a lost cause. Lost and found really put the lost in the lost.


It's lost in Chicago. It's gone.


That's where I think, because the second I couldn't find my bag, I felt like that's a raven, but I went back to everything, and I was like, That announcement was for us. I know it. Even though we didn't hear it, I'm like, I know that was for us. It was just in my gut. So we go on or we try to call. Calling is impossible. It says, Go online and fill out this form if you're missing something.


Every time I see them, I'm like, They're not going to look at these forms.


As I said, I'm like, You know what they did with that? They threw it in the garbage.


Threw it away.


I was like, Let me just fill it out. I'm not kidding. A couple of hours later, item found, pay for shipping, and we'll ship it to your house.


Pay for shipping.


What I had to do, I had to fill out the description. I put pocketbook missing, right? Purse. Then you've put the description, the brand, everything, and then you can upload a picture of it. I had pictures of it that I posted on Instagram, so I uploaded a picture. They found it immediately.


Oh, she has a following. How many likes it? Okay, get on it.


Charge her a little bit more.


She's on a podcast. She'll talk about it.


By the way, this is Raven. Raven with United Airlines I found this.


She's sending this screenshot to her daughter. Do you know who this girl is?


Yeah, I just found her bag.


So, yeah, I got the notification, and the other day, it just announced that it shipped out. I paid $30 for shipping. I would have paid $100 to get it back.


But don't tell them that.


But don't let them know. So it should be here in a day or two, all the way to California.


United, more like re-united with your belongings.


Nice. It's being said to your first house. The last house you just moved out of.


I thought it was so interesting that you can just ship it to... And they're texting me updates.


That has to be new. I've never heard where they can ship it to you. Pretty crazy.


People who work in lost luggage, that's a very intense shop. I feel bad for people who work in lost luggage. Maybe that's what I was thinking. They have mad respect. But lost and found, get me up in that. I will find everyone's belongings to the right owner. I will not give up until my room is empty.


Because you would feel that this person really needs this item.


No, but I feel like a lot of them are like, Man, I hope somebody doesn't claim this in three days because it is mine.


I wonder if they do. I feel like that happens sometimes. I feel like at some point, they're allowed to take it, right? Because if they're not here coming back, it's pretty much just there until- Wait, when does it become unclaimed free?


Maybe 30 days.


But why do I feel like at the end of the day, they tell the workers, Just take what you want.


I feel like they have to donate it.


Have you seen a Prada bag? What's it look like? No, we haven't seen it.


It's red.


This one's maroon. Yeah, right? It's like, Orange and purple? Not yours. Yeah, ma'am. It doesn't sound like yours. Sorry.


I would be curious if you set up a fake. You know the guy, what's his name? The YouTuber who does the stink bombs around the holidays for package themes. But you create this luxurious bag that's miced up, cameraed up. You purposefully lose it lost and found to see what gets picked up by the people.


That's genius.


This looks good. Let's keep this. And then you call them, they're like, No, we don't see it. That is genius.


But I feel like wouldn't they catch that in the...


Yeah, like you probably would go through security like, Yo, this is wired hot.


You see their face like, Yo, there's cameras and everything.


They're flashing the lights on it. What is this?


You actually get in trouble for bringing in a surveillance device. What are you, a spy from Russia?


One time, my aunt came to visit, and she wanted to gift us it was like a cheese board. And it wasn't open. It was wrapped, and then she wrapped it in gift wrap. This thing was locked, and she got pulled aside for it, and they had to undo the wrapping paper and everything to see what it was. So they undid it. They took everything out. It's in the styrofoam. It's brand new.


It's melted. So they're just...


And she didn't think, so the knives got detected, the little spreads. So she was like, so they were going to make her throw the whole board away or get it checked. She goes, Well, I don't have time to get checked. She was like, Can't you just take the knives away and I keep the board? They're like, No, we have to take the whole thing. They took it away from her.


They wanted that.


The whole cheese board. I think the world wanted it.


Guys, it's in the break room. It's in the break room. Cheese is good stuff.


Cheese is phenomenal.


Lunch was awesome that day.


We got Steve. He's cutting it up right. Bring out the tors. Let's melt the steak. Are these Japanese? This is quality. It's good.


Dan, that really sucks.


That sucks, yeah.


It's just the knife that got detected, not the cheese at all.


I thought-There wasn't cheese. I just like that you were running with the cheese jokes. Got it. It was just the board where it slides out and the knife spreads are in there, whatever it's called.


We'll cut that out then.


No, it was funny.


I had a friend who bought a cane in a foreign country one time. I thought it was this really cool vintage cane. Got to the airport. It gets detected. They open it up. It's a fucking rapier. A what? A rapier, a very sharp- A spear? Yeah, a spear. The whole thing is like a sword. Never heard that.


What did you call it?


A rapier. R-a-p-i-e-r.


They should change the name of that.


Actually, now I'm thinking about it.


Did he get it at a spy store?


This wasn't a friend. This was my ninth grade English teacher, Ms. Brownly. We were talking about the word rapier because we were studying Romeo and Juliet. We were like, What's a rapier? She goes, Oh, funny story. She told that story, and that's how I the word rapier.


It was a cane that just turned into a sword, and she was at the security going, Oh, my gosh.


I had no clue that this was a weapon that I was bringing on board.


That's a whole sword. She brought on the plate.




That's bad.


Yeah, she had no clue when she bought it.


But then if the old person didn't know, do you just take their cane away?


Do you trust or do they take their word?


I bet she would. I think she was just taking it.


No, I know. But think about it. What if this was a lady that was genuinely trying to bring it on board? What if she needed a cane? No, no. Trying to bring it on board as a weapon.


Well, I think they would give you a-Replacement. Replacement cane. The way they give you wheelchairs and stuff, they would probably. I know, but like-I never have this ever happened.


Imagine TSA, and you're like, I don't know who this lady is. What if she's a crazy per? What if she was genuinely trying to hurt somebody on this plane, and she's playing this up? Oh, I didn't know it was a sword. It's a cane. I didn't know that. Take her to the room. Investigate her. Keep her in there for 2 hours and ask her all these questions and see if she was lying or not.


I got stopped for cat litter bombs. Question her.


I would have take your ass to jail if that was TSA. We are in hard times.


Yeah, you never know.You never know.


You never know. Yeah. Oh, my. Keith, can you please show them the flight that you guys were on? That you showed me?




He was like, Oh, this isn't a big deal. I'm like, Keith, I would have died. I would have had a heart attack on this flight.


When woke you up to say, Look out the window right now. Yeah, I feel like-Matt, you should have never woke me up. This is the craziest thing I've ever seen while being on an airplane.


I'm sure Matt's... You've probably seen this.


We get up in the air and then the pilot comes on and makes an announcement like, Hey, there's severe weather up ahead. Tornadoes, blah, blah, blah. We're going to have to try to go around this thing. It's going to add some time to the flight.


There was like, tornado warnings in Oklahoma. There was like, thunder and lightning storms. So we had to tag on an hour of our flight. We had to fly for an extra hour just to avoid I'm enjoying it.


Thank goodness, there was enough fuel.


So pretty much, he was like, Zane, if you're on this flight, you would have never flown again. I was like, let me see this. I don't like that.


Zane would have had a PA.


Watch this video. You're going to see lights Keep in mind, it's not from the plane. The plane light will flash red every five seconds, but just look at everything else.




Isn't that insane?


Oh, that looks like the end of time.


End of time.


It looked like the end of the world. It was like that out my window for an hour.


Oh, my. I would have Xanex immediately.


I would have done anything I could to knock myself out. Wine, wine, wine, wine. Just keep chugging. Keep them coming. Just keep chugging.


Give me the whole bottle.


But he said the turbulence wasn't as bad as it looked. But if there was turbulence with that, with that visual, because I'm all about visual when it comes to turbulence. When there's turbulence, I open my window and immediately I have to look outside. If I can see a city for some reason, it calms me down. So the fact that it's dark outside and you can just see that with turbulence on top of it, Matt, I would have started hitting myself until I knocked down. No way.


Yeah, it was really bad. But it's also mesmerizing. I just literally stared out the window the entire time and I was just in awe.


But imagine being in that part of town. That's crazy to see that much lightning and thunder at once.


I think it's just the vantage point of where you're at, that you're able to fully see the scope of a storm versus being on the ground.


But also seeing a storm below you felt really weird.


Yeah, that's happening below.


It's really bizarre.


I want to put some techno on and see if the lights went into the beat of the song.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our next sponsor of this podcast, Betterhelp.


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I just found out that grocery stores do this Disgusting. Disgusting thing. I didn't know. I mean, I guess it's normal, but like-We can't trust restaurants, now.


Just a little weird.


So this guy is working. He works in the back of a grocery store, with fruits and vegetables, all that. And he talks about how this term is called reworking or something like that. They pretty much what they do is they take strawberries that have like... The strawberries will be out, and then if they get old, they'll bring it back, they'll go through it, remove all the mold and stuff. They'll take the strawberries and put it back with a new batch and then repackage it and then put it back on the shelves. The specific one, he was working. He's like, I don't know if you guys do this, but this is what we do in this grocery store. But it's like a popular chain. But he didn't say which one you worked at.


But doesn't that mix the strawberries that are already about to expire with fresh strawberries?


Probably washed it. That's probably why when you grab strawberries-How does a health code let that pass by? It's to save money. I mean, isn't everybody always trying to save money in the end of the day or save?


It's just disgusting.


Because a lot A lot of fruits do go bad. Think about how fast fruits expire or get moldy.


Compost. I don't know. I don't know.


Maybe cut the price a little bit. It's gross. So strawberries are cheaper and everybody would be buying and eating a lot more strawberries.


And just all the work that people put in to even get strawberries into the shelves in the first place.


Have you ever seen people picking strawberries? What it looks like?


Can I pick strawberries?


No, like professional.


Like in large amounts of what they have.


It's not a machine that does it?




Fifteen people on one machine.


I picked strawberries in Australia one time.


They're all laying down, right?




On basically a masseuse board. Yeah. So there's like 10 people in a row laying flat, and their head is down in the little thing they're laying, and it's being pulled. So they're just hovering over it, and they're just one at a time.Genius.As they're just gliding over top of them.


No back pain, Yeah, I could do that all day.


They start doing that because their back was probably killing them after an hour.


Yeah, and you don't want workers suing you. Exactly. Back pain. It reminds me of like, Honey, I shrunk the kids where they lose the kids in the backyard, and they have to hoist themselves up so they're not stepping on the kids, but looking through the glass, and they have all their magnifying glasses on them.


What a great movie. I want to watch that again.


Okay, Honey, I shrunk the Kids, Honey, I shrunk Ourselves, or Honey, I Blew Up the Kids.


I mean, they're all pretty good. I think I shrunk is probably the best now.


Honey, We shrunk Ourselves. That one I like because they're the race cars and the Hot wheels and all of that.


How did they shrink again?


The first time? Yeah, what was the- The The baseball goes through the attic and accidentally turns it on, and they're trying to find the baseball, and it zaps them, and the kids shrink.


Got it.


Then the dog, they get on the dog, and that's how they end up in the backyard. The second one, similar to that where they're showing off the new machine, and they're about to go on a big vacation, all the parents are, and then they get shrunk. Then the kids start having a party while they're away. Guess what? Big A-list celebrity is in Honey, We Strunk Ourselves. Who? Mila Kunis. Really?


Yeah. I want to watch it now. I'm going to watch it again.


Then that's how I learned that potassium is in bananas.


I feel like that's a movie that they're going to remake very soon. Yeah, they could bring that back. Because it's such a classic, and I mean, they'll ruin it, obviously.


Honey, I blew up the kid, though. I hate that one because the kid becomes massive. And he's in the playground, in the house. Like, get the fuck out of here. They don't even get into the poop in that movie, but I don't even want to know what that poop situation is. Oh, the poop.


Is this dinosaur poop? Weren't they like, What is this?


Rick Moranis, though, man, it's so sad that guy was the biggest... Well, actually, it's beautiful. You know how he was in Ghostbusters? Was he in Ghostbusters? I don't know. Little Shop of Horrors. He was in so many movies. But his wife died of cancer, and he decided just to become a full stay at home dad and just be their present with his kids. So that's why he doesn't act anymore. It's so surprising that he hasn't made a return. But, Honey, I shrunk the kids. Terrifying.


It was a horror movie.Good luck.


The cereal, it's about to go into their mouth, and then that's what he realizes.


They were shrunk this small, right? It was microscopic. Yeah.


Good luck. Good fucking luck. I'm surprised that one got killed. I feel like one person needed to die in Honey, I shunked the kids just to make it a little bit more realistic. The massive ants.


Maybe PG 13 or Rated R version, they'll make it happen. But killing a kid, though, that's Yeah. Mariah, what was your favorite childhood movie? Ever? Yeah.


What's one that you just- What age are we talking?


Like early teens.


Oh, early teens? I like those Chick Flicks. It was John Tucker Must Die. I don't know.


I remember when that movie came out, that was the first big, oh my God. Teenager movie. You got to watch it.


Yeah. Oh, remember she makes him put on a thong and then climb out of the hotel room Yeah. To come into- 2006.


Yeah, I was 12.


Jessie Metcalf.


You weren't even a teen yet.


Was it a good movie? If you rewatch it now, it hits. Is Ashanti in that movie?


I think so. Is Ashanti in that movie?


I think so. I I feel like it was so close to Mean Girls. It could have been the first Mean Girls movie. That's what it felt like, yeah.


It's not as quotable as Mean Girls. I mean, Mean Girls is a line after line after line. You can sit there and recite that film.


I just loved the Bring It On movies. Those over and over. Still to this day, I could watch those over and over and over again.


How many did they make?


There's got to be five, maybe. Five?


But the first one's the best one. Then the one with Hayden Patanier is pretty good. Love that one. Bring It On Again or Bring It On All or Wait, Hayden Patanier wasn't in the first one.


Who was in the first one? Who was in the first one? Oh, there's six of them.


The first one's Kirstin Dunst. Kirstin Dunst. What's her name? Eliza Dushku.


In Intuin, it's so good.


Oh, I like her. Oh, wow. They were cranking those out almost every year.


Yeah, I was like, wow. They were like, We're printing money, people. The Olson twins, fucking every time they went to a different country, made a new movie.


But they always... Oh my gosh. Those were always straight to video, though, the other ones. They weren't going to the theater, it was like, Bring it on.


Oh, no. No, I wouldn't expect those to be going to theater.


My favorite movie as a kid, Double Double Toil and Trouble.


That was the name of the movie?


Wait, the Olson Twins?


I watched that movie at least twice a month.


You're an avid Mary Kay and Ashley watcher?


That movie?


Is that a movie? Or that's like a 30-minute VHS, Halloween special?


I don't know. I had it on VHS, though. I remember watching it all the time.


I had Mary Kay and Ashley VHS. I had them as the kids and them as the teenagers, but it was like SNL-y, where it was just different clips, like the pizza party and the prom and stuff like that.


I have the slumber party on VHS, which has pizza. P-i-z-a.


I want some pizza.


They were busting out movies. The Olson Twins. I'm always amazed to this day. They overworked them. Dude, now they own Row. Was it called Row? What's the name? Row. Is their fashion line.


Row? What's row?


Row. It's a fashion line. I was like, Oh, babe, you want to get something from Row? Patricia's like, You mean that? Because their sweaters are $1,500. Wait, really? They are in the high end of the fashion world.


They're killing it. Yeah, they're good.


It's called The Row.


The Row. Their store is right by our place, and I always want to be like, who would have thought?


I thought they were doing nothing.


No, they've been in fashion for... Oh, my God. I've been wearing Mary Kay and Ashley. Mary Kay and Ashley and Jessica Simpson were the clothes to Walmart had them.


The Brandy Melville to you. Yeah.


Jessica Simpson had edible lotions and stuff. It was called taste. What? It was like skin cream that you could eat. Oh, my God. What? She's like, I remember her having like, whip cream, and it was like this line of edible skin products.


That's horrible.


Yeah. Dessert. No. Dessert.


And you're rubbing it on your body? In all that you can eat. I guess that makes it the most natural, right? If you can eat it.


It's like something that should have been sold in Spencer's.


Yeah, the mosquitoes must love that. Just flocking to you. Damn.


Yeah, it looks sticky.


Oh, boy. We should get the Olson twins on the pot.


I think they would come on.


Can you imagine just Mary Kate?


I was in a success. We're all in a row. They would I love it.


You think so? I bet they would.


Is it men and women's clothing or just women's?


Just women's.


Well, Ryan, all of our viewers get a 1% discount on anything from the row website.




I love them. And props to their sister, Elizabeth. She's now topic actress out there.


She's bigger than the two of them now, right?


How do you want to say? In terms of blockbuster actress? Yes.


Who most people know now more.


I think if you showed a 10-year-old boy, Elizabeth Olson, they'd be like, I know her. If you showed them the Olson twins, they would say, I don't know who that is.


There's two more.


Was she older than the twins?


She was younger. She was younger. She got famous a little bit later. Then there's a brother who looks just like the Olson twins. There's a brother, too? Yeah, he was in some of the birthday episodes as well. Why do I know all this about the Olson twins? What a successful family. Yeah, but it's sad. Their family, they did get divorced, but...


You know That's bound to happen, 60% great.


Have we talked about the Olson twins before?


Yeah, plenty of time.


They always come up in conversation.


But it's crazy how they were cast as infants, that they came into a studio with two babies, and they were like, We're looking I've heard two twins to play the role of a young baby on a sitcom called Full House. What about these two kids? They seem adorable. Little did they know that these kids would just happen to have the chops to continue on and become these massive stars.


Because normally, I think they got hired at six months old when they first started. But normally when they have a kid on a show, they switch out the kid. If the baby grows up and can't act and can't recite lines or whatever, they just happen. It's them and the Sprouse twins. They were like, damn, they're good. They started as kids and they grew up and actually were phenomenal. They didn't have to switch them out.


Do you think if social media existed at the peak of the Olsen twins, when they're 11, 12 doing all their little mini holiday in the sun, our lips are sealed. But do you think, though, there would have been this brain rock to them in their own selves and their ego? Because they were never having to compete with relevancy of... You know what I mean? Because they were like their own thing. They were famous, but they didn't have to be famous online. Yeah. They aren't consuming like, What are people saying about me? Do people hate us?


There's no comments. Oh, my God. I know.


It must have been nice.


It was probably so nice.


Because I don't think you Can't see twins like that ever having that level of success because they would be so involved in social media and they would rot their mind.


The Dobre twins.


I mean, they walk away from it, right? Wait, who am I thinking of?


Dobre, the Lucas They're YouTuber.


You're thinking about the Dolan twins.


Dolan twins. The Dobre ones are those?


They're still going strong. The Lamborghini, his mom is like, What does she say? When she gets the car, she spins the wheel and gets the Lamborghini.


And what does she say? She had to spell Lamborghini to win it.


Oh, if you spell it, we buy it.


She spelled it wrong, but they already bought the car for the video. So it was just-What's the line that she said? I don't remember.


Oh, that thing's a beast.


Dude, I don't want to be a hater. I hated those videos.


488 Pista.


Those videos were junk.


They're for young Young kids. I guess when it's all set, it's set up.


It's a Miss Rachel video, but it was like, super cars. You know what I mean? I think they understood their audience. They knew exactly what they were doing. But you know.


Do you ever rewatch a show that you used to watch growing up, and then you realize they switched a cast member, and you're like, How did I not notice? I just saw My Wife and Kids. I used to watch. That was one of my favorite shows growing up. Claire, the oldest daughter, was totally different in the first season.


You don't remember the first Claire?


I looked it up. I was like, Wait, who the hell is that?


Who's in that?


The Damon Waynes.


Oh, I've never seen that.


Yeah, this show is so funny.


This is still, to this day, one of the funniest shows ever.


Was it a season three switch, or did they-I think it was season two.


Okay. So, of course, I looked it up and I saw that the original girl, her mom, Mom pulled her out because she read the script for the following season, and Claire, who's the eldest daughter, her best friend, gets pregnant for one of the episodes, and she didn't want her daughter exposed to-That level. Teen pregnancy. That level. Yeah. Oh, wow. They pulled her and they found Claire, who I think is a perfect fit.


She's like, Mom, what?


She's like, Okay, you pulled me out, and this show's been going on for seasons, Mom. I'd be making a million an episode. I don't know, not to that degree.


That wasn't a very good move.


It's crazy What are the stories about people who are cast in things, and then they get pulled out halfway through production? Back to the future. There was a different Marty McFly, who they shot with for months, and then they realized it wasn't working. They pulled him out and replaced him with Michael J. Fox. No way.


Who was the first one?


A guy who is not as famous as Michael J. Fox now. Did they replace him because of the performance? I don't think it just wasn't working. The chemistry wasn't there. After a while, you cast people and you think, Oh, this kid's great. And then you start recording, you're like, This is not what. Eric Soltz? I think, yeah, that was the original kid.


That's crazy that they can film for months. I feel like they can see the chemistry not working in the first few days. That it's not working. Takes months.


You know for twilight, the plan was to not bring Taylor Lautner back because he was scrawny, and they wanted the next movie. He needed to be like, buff. So they told him, We're going to recast you. So he worked out so hard, and he came back huge, and they were like, All right, you're in. They didn't want him. Damn. And then they didn't think he was athletic enough, and he was like, All right, I'm pretty good.


I would do the same thing.


Watch me do a backflip.


That's insane.


If he didn't make that Yeah. That was literally- But he was Shark Boy. No, I know that. But that's why the money that brought into his- Were you and your sister big twilight people?


My sister was. I never watched. I've never seen it. I watched Jersey Shore.


I was pretty into it. I mean, I read Up to New Moon.


You read the books?




Oh, I didn't know that. My sister was upset. She read all the books, all the movies. I'd never... That and Hunger Games were at the same time. I just was not into that.


I've actually never seen the twilot movies.


I don't think they're good, but actually, it's like a cult classic where the more you watch it, it's actually fun. I'm planning, I think, a trip later this summer, though, to go to Forks, where they shot it. Forks, Washington, I think, is the town.


Is that the reason why you're going?


No, we just want to go up and see the Washington. Someone in our group really wants to see it. I was like, Sure.


So someone in the group is going for that reason?


Well, they were like, Can we see Forks? We're like, Sure, we can go see Forks. But you can go stay in the twilight house, too.


You should do a little twilight skin out there.


Probably. Put some fangs in. Bella, where you been, loca?


I'm sure they take advantage. They squeeze our They're milking it. Milking it, milking it for sure.


No vampire signs. They know what they're doing.


Yeah, I would do the same thing.


I just can't believe those vampires are that old, hundreds and hundreds of years old, and you got to go to high school. Figure out your fucking lifestyle to where you're like, homeschooled. Why do you need to go and learn?


They were in high school?


Yeah, that's where she meets him is in chemistry class, and he's hundreds of years old. Why? I didn't think school at all. So all the vampires pretend that they're the Cullins. They're the Cullen family. And so to maintain their disguise, since they're all teenagers, they go to high school. But just be homeschooled. Go live abroad. I don't understand why we're going back to high school. Wouldn't she be sick of taking precal?


Mariah, you didn't watch twilight. You actually watched the Jersey Shore twilight.


Yeah, I know that one. I know that one, backwards and forwards. Got it confused. That one was good.


Whenever you meet Snucky, just don't even bring up Jersey Shore and go, Oh, my God, I loved you in twilight. That's also a character in...


Who wants to do this for Halloween?


Us as Jersey Shore as twilight.


Is this in Vamp Suck?


No, this is twilight. They did a twilight spoof.


Oh, this is the whole cast.


Was it to promote the movie?


Wait, me, Zane and Heath.


Wait, can we please do this?


That's funny.


Because isn't Snuki also a character in the show Trueblood? Or there's a girl named Snuki. It's Sookie.


Sookie Stackhouse.


Oh, is that what it is? Do you know Trueblood?


Yeah, I watched the whole series. Oh, damn. Oh, my God. We were obsessed. Me and my family were obsessed with that show. Really? We loved that show.


What is the new... Like... It was vampire. It was vampires. It was zombies for a bit. And now, what is it?


Was it a vampire show or a zombie show?


No, I mean, the... What's the new fad thing? The fad, supernatural fad.


Anime? Oh, I don't think there's... I mean, is vampire or zombie? Maybe it's fairies with the. Walking Dead.


Maybe it's like end of the world stuff people are really into, like Fall Out and The Last of Us and all of that.


I think they really do keep up with what people are talking about online and they're just like, Oh, this is what's trending. This is what people want to see.


Oh, yeah. That's definitely it.


Maybe just paranormal in general.


True. Like possessed stuff. Yeah, demons right now. I'm doing a really huge exorcism.


Sam and Kolby stuff.


This YouTube channel did this video where they were pranking one specific girl. They set up a whole thing where it was a whole restaurant with staff and waiters and all this. It was just one of the girls This is my favorite type of videos. I love telekinesis pranks. People think that somebody has super... I love those videos. This was another style of pranks that is just so good, where there was one of the TVs where they would usually play sports. It was like, breaking news, blah, blah, blah. There's reports that hundreds of people missing since 12:00 PM or something like that. It was like a whole news anchor on TV. All of a sudden, and then everyone's like, and the restaurant starts shaking. The girl is like, obviously, she hears this and she's freaking out. All of a sudden, the lights turn off and 10 seconds later, everybody in the restaurant is in on this. The lights go back on and everybody has disappeared and everybody's clothes are on.


This girl is freaking out.


She's running and somebody from the back comes out. He's like, Where's everybody? She's like, I don't know the light turned off. But I was watching this, but it was just like a teaser clip and it stopped. I was like, oh my God. It's like, if I didn't do what I did now, I would do those videos. I would make prank videos like that, telekinesis pranks.


Who did a really good job with their prank show? It was a guy.


Carbonara Effect? No, the other one.


But didn't we find it was fake?


Punk? No, not that.


Improv everywhere, the guy would do those flash mobs.


Scare tactics?


Scare tactics. That was good.


I love Scare tactics. You're on Scare tactics.


They did a pretty good job of it.


Are you scared? Yeah. You should be because you're on Scare tactics.


What was his Morgan? Tracy Morgan. Is that his name?


I guess he must have came on later because the first girl who was on Scare tactics was that gal from not Baywatch or Melrose Place or Beverly Hills 90210. Yeah. That woman.


You know they had to end that show because somebody got a heart attack. You know what I mean? There's no way this show ended in a good note.


Remember the little rat person? They had that very feminine guy, and he's like, Oh, my God. And this little person dressed in a rat costume escapes from the lab, and he's like...


Do you remember the one where they were in a coffee shop? It was a telekinesis type thing, too.


Yeah, that's one of my favorite.


Where they lift the person up and they're hooked up on the wall, but you can't... And it tables move and she's like...


There's a lady that's grabbing her a coffee, and she's like, it grabs her coffee before leaving. She thought that coffee was more important to be able to grab before leaving. But it's just crazy. It's crazy that everybody... If I saw that immediately, I would not pick up my phone and start recording. I would just run out. Who knows what this girl can do with these powers and just sit in there and record? It's crazy. It's crazy what humans do in a moment like that.


I love the carbon R effect, though. It's the magic one where he's-I love his stuff, but he bothers me. I think he's so smooth about it. It's usually a guy who's in a store doing a sales presentation. At Sam's Club, they're giving free samples or he's showing some new product, and he's doing this magic in front of these people of something that makes zero sense. But they are like, How in the world?


He says it so casually.


He's like, Oh, this is a new juicer. It actually juices the pulp, and it's one orange, and it's a full gallon of orange juice. They're like, Get out of town.


But the pure shock, and they believe it. They're like, All right, can I get one of these? Can I buy one of these?


No problem.


I don't know if that was the show that I was watching on the clips or not, but it was this guy got hired to just help at a warehouse, and the guy with the vase, he's like, Hey, can you come over here and help me with this real quick? He gives them, and then it drops. He's like, Oh, shit. He goes back, and then he comes back out, and it's the guy with the same vase on the top. He's like, Hey, can you help me with this vase real quick?


And he's like, This just happened.


This just happened. He walks in. He was like, Did you just... Or no, I don't know if it dropped, but he gave it to him. Those are my favorite, too. It's just you're questioning your own fucking reality.


You just have to just basically be really good at redirecting them for a second so you can just...


This guy's like a trained magician. He knows.


Is it called sly of hand? Sly of hand.


Just all day, all day, I can just sit and watch that type of-Even good twin pranks where it's like they're in the same outfit and they say hi, and then they walk by, and then two seconds later, it's the same person, the twin, same outfit, and watching people just...


This It just happened. Right.


Did you know that twins... Oh, wait.


No, I was going to say, no, even the door went in the middle of a park where the door leads nowhere. It's just the door. Walk in and they disappear. They're like, Come on, come on.


Did you know that a lot of parents who have identical twins don't know if who they named is really their original names? Because when their babies are identical, you're like, Okay, this one's Zack, this one's John. Then you move them around one time after a bath, and you're like, I think this one's Zack and this one's John. A lot of parents cannot guarantee that the babies that they originally named. Some people have tracked them by painting maybe one of their nails, so they always know, which I'm excited because I have identical twin cousins, and I can't wait to see them this summer to ask their parents that question.


Are you for sure that they are...


Because you know how twins will be like, Well, I was born 30 minutes before him, so I'm older, but really, you do not know.


So love that.


Did you ever have identical twins who went to your school who were like, buddies? Switch classrooms. Or they stick together? Even at UT, there were multiple identical twins who would walk to classes together. And you're in your 20s, or you're 18, 19, you're living on your own, but still very similar outfits, walking side by side, doing class together, and just doing life together. Which is strange, where I don't know if that's such a lifestyle choice because that's all they've known?


I think they just... I've seen before older ladies who are twins, that they just live together all their life. They don't get married. They want to be together for the rest of their life. They wear the same thing, they have the same bedrooms.


Part of me, I think that's so beautiful. Then part of me, I'm like, we need to separate and create some boundaries in individual identities.


If they genuinely just want to live together all their life because it does... You know all the time we talk about how, I just I wish I had a clone of myself that can help me get work done or help me... I wish I had a clone of myself so I can go to this thing with and not have to call up a friend and take time out. If you got a twin, that's your favorite person to hang out with, and they feel the same, too. It's like, why? You could get away with that. What?


You could if you did an at-home birth with twins, only report one of them. Then that way, that person has an identical version of themselves for the rest of their life, undocumented, that you can send out and go back and forth.


Have you ever seen the movie, what happened to Friday or Sunday?


Lindsay Lohan?


No, remember we watched that movie together about what happened to Monday? What Happened to Monday?


Dude, I love that movie. A lot of people don't like that movie.


It's crazy. It's about... What does it call? When you have seven... Oh, it's Mirror's Edge? When you have seven twins?


No, what Happened to Monday. Sex Tuplet?


Then what's it called?


Yeah, it was six or seven twins, but they live in a world where you can only have one kid.


Each twin has to go out. There's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. So Tuesday goes out only on Tuesdays. Wednesday goes out only on Wednesdays. And they all have to have the same identity and know the same thing and know their story. They have to come back and tell them what happened and just shit goes down in the movie. It's really fucking good. I like it.


I'm going to rewatch it.


There was actually two twins, though, that recently, well, one of them is an astronaut, went to space, came back from space, and his genetics changed by 7%, and they're no longer identical.




I don't know. They think it's like a scientific marvel. They're trying to figure out that his genetics were altered by being in space. Identical twins. So this twin study helps scientists better understand the impacts of space flight on a human body through the study of identical twins. Retired astronaut, Scott Kelly, spent one year in low Earth orbit aboard the International Space Station, while retired astronaut, Mark Kelly, his identical twin, remained on Earth. That is what the highlight says, but they don't look the same. They did their genetic test, and it's 7% different.


They don't look the same, too. His look changed.


One stayed on space. One looks aged. Yeah.


Interesting. Wait, so who's the one that went out to space?


He looks like he went to space.


Probably the one with- Yeah, he went to space.


Yeah, that guy looks like he's been in space.


Unless you go to space and you stop time, he went to space. Yeah.


Oh. That would be interesting.


You have to go and be in space for a year, but you look 10 years younger.


Yeah. Wow.


I bet those were fun little twins as kids. We love space. We want to be astronauts.


But then only one of them got to go?


Well, I bet they may have made missions, but one spent one year on the international space station.


Well, he needs to pop out a baby then, see what that baby looks like.


I bet gravity has a lot to do with it. Your body's moving at a whole different type of... What's the word? Just environment that it's not used to on Earth.


You don't have the pressure on your body.


Now, imagine Xenon, the girl of a 21st century. She's in the school, up in space, coming back down to Earth. That's a lot of percentage. If he was up there for six months, she comes back. She's a whole different person.


I fucking loved Xenon. That was my first big crush.


I knew you were going to say that. As soon as before that came out, I knew you were going to say-You looked like you were into Xena.


I sent fan girl messages to Kirstin Storms, telling her how much I loved her.


You know who else was in the movie? Who? Raven.


Raven only in the first one, and they recast her. Then I think she maybe came back for the third, but she's not in the second.


Have you seen what's going on with Raven lately?


Yeah, I saw that.


Oh, my gosh. I saw that. Stop it. You all coming after my wife with death threats.


Stop it. I thought it was a skit.


I thought so, too.


I was like, Oh, this is funny. And then I was like, Oh, this isn't a joke.


And then her wife sitting there and Raven's just like...


People were like, My dad, when my mom is yelling at us and trying to have the talk, and he's just like, Listen to your mother.


You know what it remind me of? Remember that video where it was a boyfriend and girlfriend, and people kept making fun of them, or it was a brother and sister, and people kept making fun of them because they thought they were dating or whatever. And he was like, Stop making fun of us. Stop making fun of her, and she's just sitting there like... But I forget what the... What happened?


So they were on Faneita's podcast. This all started because of Faneita. Faneita.


They were there.


Faneita had Raven and Raven's wife on. I think her name's like Miranda something. Raven. And Fanita and Raven were jamming out to an old Cheetah Girls song. Really got Raven going, spewing out all the lyrics. And Miranda, her wife, says something at the end where she's like, Oh, my gosh, well, I don't even know that song. And I guess Raven fans were like, She doesn't even know Raven songs, and harassed her and sent her death threats. So this is where I go, Oh, they're not normal fucking people. To where, have you not been around the walk with Fame social media. Yes, you're going to get hate. You're going to get weird stuff. But to sit there and be like, Hey, guys, stop it. Listen to my wife here. That's a person who's not that.


Yeah, but it was something like that she didn't know who she was or something, right?


It's not even that big of a deal.


I think the whole thing was that she said she never watched Raven or something like that.


Right. But to go face to face to the camera to tell to stop it.


It's something that you would have thought somebody that just started social media. Yes. It's very weird.


Small town person. Hey, guys, you better stop coming with the I'm going to fake thing, or I'm going to come find you.


She's been in the game for so long. You would think that she would know she didn't need to do that.


It feels like very small-minded for them to get so worked up in thinking that the video is going to, oh, squash it. No, you just made it It works.


Yeah. If people were kidding, now they're not kidding after that.


Whose idea do you think it was to post that?


I think it was Raven's idea. I think she saw that it was getting to her and she was upset, and she made that video.


You all are in your mid-30s sitting down doing a full-on video thinking you're making a point. I feel sorry that you are.


You also have to approach it like, light-hearted, too. You can't just be Yeah. You got to be like, Guys, listen, enough. Enough is enough.


It's gone too far. As soon as you show that it annoys you, it just makes it 10 times worse. You can't let it bother you publicly.


That is like millennial cringe to the max, where it's like, Guys, stop it.


Yeah, her PR team should have been on that one before she posted that, for sure.


They were like, That looks good. Oh, you look great. She goes, I know. I was wondering.


That ice cube's there.


It looks like she's not even listening to her.


She's just so happy she made her point.


Just looking at herself in the camera. Yeah.


I'm surprised I haven't seen a remake... Not a remake. Like a parody to it.


I know.


I hope she's okay. I love Raven Simone. She is a little...


I think people have fun also going after celebrities that just hop on social media. I think it's a thing that people like to do because they know that they can get a reaction out of them. And they're not used to.


They're not used to it. The landscape of how it is these days. Yeah, that's probably has a lot to do with it.


Wow, what a jam packed episode this was, baby. What a wild ride. It was. Unbelievable. My hair is sticking up because of this roller coaster.


It is not sticking on this shit. Flat.


All right, well, guys, thank you so much for tuning in to another episode of Zane & HeathUnfiltered. You can check out these episodes every Monday, audio form on all the podcast platforms and apps and video version on our YouTube channel, youtube. Com/zaneandheath every Tuesday.


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Get ready for the House of the Dragon content with Zane and Heath, baby. Okay. You're your, let's go. All right. Love you so much. Thank you, and we'll see you next time.

