Localizzazione audiovisiva per LSP

Benvenuti in Happy Scribe, il vostro partner nel migliorare le vostre offerte di servizi linguistici. Ci impegniamo a dotare gli LSP con servizi di sottotitolazione e trascrizione stranieri alimentati da intelligenza artificiale.

G2 2023 Leader Award G2 2023 Momentum Leader Award
Valutato 4,8/5 sulla base di 850+ recensioni

Perché i fornitori di servizi linguistici scelgono Happy Scribe

Se sei un fornitore di servizi linguistici (LSP) che serve diversi tipi di clienti, Happy Scribe è la tua scommessa migliore. Sappiamo tutto sul contenuto audiovisivo e possiamo essere il tuo alleato, potenziando i tuoi progetti con tecnologie all'avanguardia. E se hai picchi ma poca capacità per la correzione di bozze linguistiche, siamo qui anche per te.

Trascrizione Sottotitoli
  • Multilingual Excellence for a Broad Client Base

    Multilingual Excellence for a Broad Client Base

    Happy Scribe supports many languages, accents, and dialects. We offer both AI-generated and human-made foreign subtitling, transcription and localisation services. This helps you meet your clients' different needs quickly and efficiently. Happy Scribe can help with proofreading subtitles and transcriptions, especially for large volumes and tight deadlines. We also provide translation services for many language pairs.

  • Advanced Project Management Features for Enhanced Collaboration

    Advanced Project Management Features for Enhanced Collaboration

    Happy Scribe's platform has helpful features for easier project management in language services. It lets teams work together, label projects, arrange and share files, set specific levels of premissions and keep track of versions for steady quality. And if your end client wishes to edit the output, you won’t need to restart the entire production chain from the scratch. These features make big transcription and subtitling projects more orderly and quicker, helping LSPs give great service.

  • Streamlined Integrations and Customizable APIs

    Streamlined Integrations and Customizable APIs

    Our seamless integration with key video platforms and data storage solutions (such as Vimeo, YouTube, Google Drive) alongside customizable APIs, ensures a frictionless integration with your existing workflows, enhancing productivity and service quality.

  • Adhering to Industry-Specific Requirements

    Adhering to Industry-Specific Requirements

    Each project you handle is unique, and our transcription and subtitling services are adaptable to fit specific guidelines and standards. Whether it’s precise verbatim transcriptions or accessibility-oriented subtitles, we have the solution to deliver the accuracy and the quality you are seeking in every project.

Richieste Commerciali

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