Transcriptie en Ondertiteling voor Bedrijfsteams

Welkom bij Happy Scribe, het platform dat uw interne en externe communicatie en mediastroom vereenvoudigt en uw wereldwijde zakelijke aanwezigheid vergroot.

G2 2023 Leader Award G2 2023 Momentum Leader Award
Beoordeeld 4,8/5 op basis van 850+ reviews

Waarom bedrijven en ondernemingen vertrouwen op Happy Scribe

Happy Scribe is de slimmere keuze voor uw transcriptie- en ondertitelingsbehoeften. Wij begrijpen de nuances van zakelijke communicatie: van externe sociale mediakanalen tot productvideo's, trainingsmateriaal voor bedrijven en verder. Met functies zoals video-platformintegraties en mediawerkruimtes voor team samenwerking, bedienen we alle zakelijke behoeften.

Transcriptie Ondertitels
  • Multilingual Mastery for a Global Business Audience

    Multilingual Mastery for a Global Business Audience

    Boasting support for over 60 languages, including diverse accents and dialects, Happy Scribe stands unmatched in linguistic versatility. With both expert human-made and AI-generated subtitling and transcription, we offer collaborative features, ensuring effective cross-border communication.

  • Seamless Third-Party & Custom Integrations

    Seamless Third-Party & Custom Integrations

    Our integrations with major video and data storage platforms (Vimeo, YouTube, Drive), and customized API offerings result in a smooth transition and efficient workflows, even with established systems.

  • Transcription and Subtitling Standards

    Transcription and Subtitling Standards

    Every business is unique, and so are your transcription and subtitling criteria. We can provide verbatim transcriptions, accessibility-focused subtitles, everything according to custom guidelines, ensuring precision in every project.

  •  One-Click Access with SSO & Extra Safety via 2FA

    One-Click Access with SSO & Extra Safety via 2FA

    We offer Single Sign-On (SSO) for our enterprise clients, streamlining secure access. All Happy Scribe users can use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for free. This 2FA uses QR codes, boosting account protection.

Happy Scribe For Business

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