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Welcome, welcome. Welcome to armchair Anonymous. I'm Dan Shepard. I'm joined by Monica Mouse.




We have our favorite prompt, wild card.


Okay, sorry. This is reminding me of something. Does this ever happen to you where you're listening? This has happened multiple times to me. I'm listening to a podcast. I fall asleep to it.




And then I wake up to this.


Oh. Cause ours auto starts.






And it's our voices, and it's so jarring to be woken up by your own voice.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. sorry.If you did, you could have written into wall attacks.Yeah. Tell us about a crazy time.You've been attacked by a wall.So they start calling for help. Of course, the tour guides are nowhere to be found. They don't know where anyone is. And they start asking students, does anyone have medical experience? By luck of all luck, there is one student named Eric. On the trip. He had some medical experience. I don't know if he was studying medicine or if he was an EMT, but he took charge. He instructed everyone to find something that could be used as a stretcher. A group of guys pulled a door off the great wall, put it next to me, carefully put me on the wall. And then a group of guys carried me off the wall. The same hike that we just did up. It took them about an hour to get down. Oh, my God. When they got to the bottom, magically, the tour owner had appeared, and he had called a van for us to go seek medical help. It was like a passenger van. And they put all the seats down, and they wedged the door in there, and the door was so big that friend reported, I was put on seizure medication. I was on keppra. Monica. Oh.Ding, ding, ding, ding.When I went back to school, I felt almost like numb to the world. But also, you have to understand, I had no cognitive deficits. I could go back to college, but emotionally, I was like a teenager. I honestly attribute it to my now husband and my roommate, Rachel. Shout out to Rachel. She is the one that made me write in, thank you, Rachel. They're the reason why I was able to stay in school, because they held my hand through it. Rachel was like my mom. Like, okay, Gabby, we're gonna do laundry today. Let's take a shower tonight. It's been a few days since you washed your hair, right?And that's because of the actual damage or just trauma?It's not like I wasn't capable of it emotionally. I was just immature.Yeah, maybe. Like, the frontal lobe took a minute longer to come back fully online and think ahead and plan.And the keppra really numbed me out. When I went off of the keppra a year later is when I really started to see the deficits in my mental health. Me off of it. And for the first time in, like, a year, all of these emotions came. I went through, like, the stages of grief. Like, holy shit, I just lost my semester abroad. I mean, I graduated on time, but I took a semester after I walked in graduation to, like, finish credits up. I thought that was a failure. I was just so hard on myself. I'm also a Virgo.We have a lot in common, keppra and virgo.Really, the hard part was after the fact.Oh, man were on fire to do all this. You were jumping around, you're driving here and there. Oh, I love it.Well, thank you guys so much for letting me share my story. I'm so thankful for everything you guys do.Well, thank you, Jacob. We're delighted to have you as a listener. And thanks for telling us that story.All right, thank you so much. Nice to meet you guys.Take care. Bye. Oh, boy, what a sweetie pie Jacob was.Yeah.I love the nicest person I've ever met. Every time he had to point out how nice the staff was ever. He loved his bosses.And you said the Christmas tree spike was really nice.Yes. Gentle, avoided all the arteries.It wasn't the Christmas tree's fault. Okay.You remember.I was gonna say yes. I mean, it feels weird to say it now because it was about the first story, which was, if we remember, pretty hard. But it's sort of one of these. You just never know when something can come out of nowhere.Yep.The other day I was walking down Hillhurst. I walked by my store and all the lights were on, but the doors were locked. So I was pissed because I wanted to go buy a ride. Soap. I come back later and I said, oh, I came by earlier and it was locked. He was like, oh, yeah.Well.Cause did you see what happened down the street? There's a cafe down the street and there was a car accident. A car drove off Hillhurst into the cafe.And there's outdoor seating in front of the cafe.Exactly. Like, obviously ran into all the outdoor seating and through the window nuts. And no one was hurt. But there was a guy who was sitting outside but was in the bathroom.The most lucky case of diary he ever had in his life.Ever.Wow. Yeah.Isn't that crazy?I know. I know. And it probably confirms both of our worldviews, right? Like, any information you hear confirms your worldview. So for you, it confirms, like, the world's really dangerous. You got to be really careful. And then to me it goes like, yeah, you might as well be as reckless as you want because madness comes out of nowhere and you can't even plan for that.I didn't think, like, oh, my God, you have to be so careful. It was just.Wow.Life is so fragile. You just really do not know.You don't know. Almost nobody dies of the thing they were afraid they were gonna die of. That's for sure. I'm afraid I'm gonna die of old age at 2000. So I don't wanna knock.Oh, okay.Yeah.Don't knock.And I die of an orgasm. Don't knock.Okay. I don't. This is getting confusing. Okay, bye.I love you.Do you want to sing a tune or something? We know a theme song.Oh, okay, great. We don't have a theme song for this new show, so here I go. Go. We're gonna ask some random questions and with the help of Mom Jerry's, we'll get some suggestions. Choir rhyme dish. On the choir rhyme dish.Enjoy. Close.




If you did, you could have written into wall attacks.


Yeah. Tell us about a crazy time.


You've been attacked by a wall.


So they start calling for help. Of course, the tour guides are nowhere to be found. They don't know where anyone is. And they start asking students, does anyone have medical experience? By luck of all luck, there is one student named Eric. On the trip. He had some medical experience. I don't know if he was studying medicine or if he was an EMT, but he took charge. He instructed everyone to find something that could be used as a stretcher. A group of guys pulled a door off the great wall, put it next to me, carefully put me on the wall. And then a group of guys carried me off the wall. The same hike that we just did up. It took them about an hour to get down. Oh, my God. When they got to the bottom, magically, the tour owner had appeared, and he had called a van for us to go seek medical help. It was like a passenger van. And they put all the seats down, and they wedged the door in there, and the door was so big that friend reported, I was put on seizure medication. I was on keppra. Monica. Oh.Ding, ding, ding, ding.When I went back to school, I felt almost like numb to the world. But also, you have to understand, I had no cognitive deficits. I could go back to college, but emotionally, I was like a teenager. I honestly attribute it to my now husband and my roommate, Rachel. Shout out to Rachel. She is the one that made me write in, thank you, Rachel. They're the reason why I was able to stay in school, because they held my hand through it. Rachel was like my mom. Like, okay, Gabby, we're gonna do laundry today. Let's take a shower tonight. It's been a few days since you washed your hair, right?And that's because of the actual damage or just trauma?It's not like I wasn't capable of it emotionally. I was just immature.Yeah, maybe. Like, the frontal lobe took a minute longer to come back fully online and think ahead and plan.And the keppra really numbed me out. When I went off of the keppra a year later is when I really started to see the deficits in my mental health. Me off of it. And for the first time in, like, a year, all of these emotions came. I went through, like, the stages of grief. Like, holy shit, I just lost my semester abroad. I mean, I graduated on time, but I took a semester after I walked in graduation to, like, finish credits up. I thought that was a failure. I was just so hard on myself. I'm also a Virgo.We have a lot in common, keppra and virgo.Really, the hard part was after the fact.Oh, man were on fire to do all this. You were jumping around, you're driving here and there. Oh, I love it.Well, thank you guys so much for letting me share my story. I'm so thankful for everything you guys do.Well, thank you, Jacob. We're delighted to have you as a listener. And thanks for telling us that story.All right, thank you so much. Nice to meet you guys.Take care. Bye. Oh, boy, what a sweetie pie Jacob was.Yeah.I love the nicest person I've ever met. Every time he had to point out how nice the staff was ever. He loved his bosses.And you said the Christmas tree spike was really nice.Yes. Gentle, avoided all the arteries.It wasn't the Christmas tree's fault. Okay.You remember.I was gonna say yes. I mean, it feels weird to say it now because it was about the first story, which was, if we remember, pretty hard. But it's sort of one of these. You just never know when something can come out of nowhere.Yep.The other day I was walking down Hillhurst. I walked by my store and all the lights were on, but the doors were locked. So I was pissed because I wanted to go buy a ride. Soap. I come back later and I said, oh, I came by earlier and it was locked. He was like, oh, yeah.Well.Cause did you see what happened down the street? There's a cafe down the street and there was a car accident. A car drove off Hillhurst into the cafe.And there's outdoor seating in front of the cafe.Exactly. Like, obviously ran into all the outdoor seating and through the window nuts. And no one was hurt. But there was a guy who was sitting outside but was in the bathroom.The most lucky case of diary he ever had in his life.Ever.Wow. Yeah.Isn't that crazy?I know. I know. And it probably confirms both of our worldviews, right? Like, any information you hear confirms your worldview. So for you, it confirms, like, the world's really dangerous. You got to be really careful. And then to me it goes like, yeah, you might as well be as reckless as you want because madness comes out of nowhere and you can't even plan for that.I didn't think, like, oh, my God, you have to be so careful. It was just.Wow.Life is so fragile. You just really do not know.You don't know. Almost nobody dies of the thing they were afraid they were gonna die of. That's for sure. I'm afraid I'm gonna die of old age at 2000. So I don't wanna knock.Oh, okay.Yeah.Don't knock.And I die of an orgasm. Don't knock.Okay. I don't. This is getting confusing. Okay, bye.I love you.Do you want to sing a tune or something? We know a theme song.Oh, okay, great. We don't have a theme song for this new show, so here I go. Go. We're gonna ask some random questions and with the help of Mom Jerry's, we'll get some suggestions. Choir rhyme dish. On the choir rhyme dish.Enjoy. Close.


friend reported, I was put on seizure medication. I was on keppra. Monica. Oh.


Ding, ding, ding, ding.


When I went back to school, I felt almost like numb to the world. But also, you have to understand, I had no cognitive deficits. I could go back to college, but emotionally, I was like a teenager. I honestly attribute it to my now husband and my roommate, Rachel. Shout out to Rachel. She is the one that made me write in, thank you, Rachel. They're the reason why I was able to stay in school, because they held my hand through it. Rachel was like my mom. Like, okay, Gabby, we're gonna do laundry today. Let's take a shower tonight. It's been a few days since you washed your hair, right?


And that's because of the actual damage or just trauma?


It's not like I wasn't capable of it emotionally. I was just immature.


Yeah, maybe. Like, the frontal lobe took a minute longer to come back fully online and think ahead and plan.


And the keppra really numbed me out. When I went off of the keppra a year later is when I really started to see the deficits in my mental health. Me off of it. And for the first time in, like, a year, all of these emotions came. I went through, like, the stages of grief. Like, holy shit, I just lost my semester abroad. I mean, I graduated on time, but I took a semester after I walked in graduation to, like, finish credits up. I thought that was a failure. I was just so hard on myself. I'm also a Virgo.


We have a lot in common, keppra and virgo.


Really, the hard part was after the fact.


Oh, man were on fire to do all this. You were jumping around, you're driving here and there. Oh, I love it.Well, thank you guys so much for letting me share my story. I'm so thankful for everything you guys do.Well, thank you, Jacob. We're delighted to have you as a listener. And thanks for telling us that story.All right, thank you so much. Nice to meet you guys.Take care. Bye. Oh, boy, what a sweetie pie Jacob was.Yeah.I love the nicest person I've ever met. Every time he had to point out how nice the staff was ever. He loved his bosses.And you said the Christmas tree spike was really nice.Yes. Gentle, avoided all the arteries.It wasn't the Christmas tree's fault. Okay.You remember.I was gonna say yes. I mean, it feels weird to say it now because it was about the first story, which was, if we remember, pretty hard. But it's sort of one of these. You just never know when something can come out of nowhere.Yep.The other day I was walking down Hillhurst. I walked by my store and all the lights were on, but the doors were locked. So I was pissed because I wanted to go buy a ride. Soap. I come back later and I said, oh, I came by earlier and it was locked. He was like, oh, yeah.Well.Cause did you see what happened down the street? There's a cafe down the street and there was a car accident. A car drove off Hillhurst into the cafe.And there's outdoor seating in front of the cafe.Exactly. Like, obviously ran into all the outdoor seating and through the window nuts. And no one was hurt. But there was a guy who was sitting outside but was in the bathroom.The most lucky case of diary he ever had in his life.Ever.Wow. Yeah.Isn't that crazy?I know. I know. And it probably confirms both of our worldviews, right? Like, any information you hear confirms your worldview. So for you, it confirms, like, the world's really dangerous. You got to be really careful. And then to me it goes like, yeah, you might as well be as reckless as you want because madness comes out of nowhere and you can't even plan for that.I didn't think, like, oh, my God, you have to be so careful. It was just.Wow.Life is so fragile. You just really do not know.You don't know. Almost nobody dies of the thing they were afraid they were gonna die of. That's for sure. I'm afraid I'm gonna die of old age at 2000. So I don't wanna knock.Oh, okay.Yeah.Don't knock.And I die of an orgasm. Don't knock.Okay. I don't. This is getting confusing. Okay, bye.I love you.Do you want to sing a tune or something? We know a theme song.Oh, okay, great. We don't have a theme song for this new show, so here I go. Go. We're gonna ask some random questions and with the help of Mom Jerry's, we'll get some suggestions. Choir rhyme dish. On the choir rhyme dish.Enjoy. Close.


were on fire to do all this. You were jumping around, you're driving here and there. Oh, I love it.


Well, thank you guys so much for letting me share my story. I'm so thankful for everything you guys do.


Well, thank you, Jacob. We're delighted to have you as a listener. And thanks for telling us that story.


All right, thank you so much. Nice to meet you guys.


Take care. Bye. Oh, boy, what a sweetie pie Jacob was.




I love the nicest person I've ever met. Every time he had to point out how nice the staff was ever. He loved his bosses.


And you said the Christmas tree spike was really nice.


Yes. Gentle, avoided all the arteries.


It wasn't the Christmas tree's fault. Okay.


You remember.


I was gonna say yes. I mean, it feels weird to say it now because it was about the first story, which was, if we remember, pretty hard. But it's sort of one of these. You just never know when something can come out of nowhere.




The other day I was walking down Hillhurst. I walked by my store and all the lights were on, but the doors were locked. So I was pissed because I wanted to go buy a ride. Soap. I come back later and I said, oh, I came by earlier and it was locked. He was like, oh, yeah.




Cause did you see what happened down the street? There's a cafe down the street and there was a car accident. A car drove off Hillhurst into the cafe.


And there's outdoor seating in front of the cafe.


Exactly. Like, obviously ran into all the outdoor seating and through the window nuts. And no one was hurt. But there was a guy who was sitting outside but was in the bathroom.


The most lucky case of diary he ever had in his life.




Wow. Yeah.


Isn't that crazy?


I know. I know. And it probably confirms both of our worldviews, right? Like, any information you hear confirms your worldview. So for you, it confirms, like, the world's really dangerous. You got to be really careful. And then to me it goes like, yeah, you might as well be as reckless as you want because madness comes out of nowhere and you can't even plan for that.


I didn't think, like, oh, my God, you have to be so careful. It was just.




Life is so fragile. You just really do not know.


You don't know. Almost nobody dies of the thing they were afraid they were gonna die of. That's for sure. I'm afraid I'm gonna die of old age at 2000. So I don't wanna knock.


Oh, okay.




Don't knock.


And I die of an orgasm. Don't knock.


Okay. I don't. This is getting confusing. Okay, bye.


I love you.


Do you want to sing a tune or something? We know a theme song.


Oh, okay, great. We don't have a theme song for this new show, so here I go. Go. We're gonna ask some random questions and with the help of Mom Jerry's, we'll get some suggestions. Choir rhyme dish. On the choir rhyme dish.


Enjoy. Close.