
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Rush Limbaugh Show, the most-listened-to national talk show in America, features the “Doctor of Democracy’s” unprecedented combination of serious discussion of political, cultural and social issues, along with satirical and biting humor, which parodies previously “untouchable” personalities and topics. Limbaugh’s passion inspires millions of Americans to be the best they can be and keeps the country on course to a bright future.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 06 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:53:18

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Wednesday. D.C. Trump rally joined in progress. Weak Republicans. Give ‘em a couple of bucks! The propaganda of silence. Those who control the least, care the most. The scam of D.C. being the center of the universe. Do nonvoters realize the radical left agenda at stake? I’m excited that it’s our turn. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Did your local Republicans step up or bow down? The press hat trick turn with COVID restrictions. Time to become activists. Ted Cruz objects in writing to Arizona’s electoral votes. Caller’s story about suspicious polling. This may be the time actual conservatives help us. Nick Searcy gives us an on-the-ground report of D.C. rally. Build the Republican Party back up honestly. We care more and tire less easily than those doing this as a gig. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Everything wrong with the Turtle’s generic statement. How Trump gained voters. People like Ron DeSantis are what we want. We’re going to take back our party, Mitch. Cut cable to defund the media. Be squared away in defending freedom of speech. The bread and circus trick won’t work again. Demand for transparency is not going away. Do you want to be a part of the peaceful solution or not? Keep it peaceful. Media’s protest hypocrisy. You created a monster you can’t control. This program does not stand with violence. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 05 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:53:34

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on Tuesday. Backup emergency ballots used already in GA runoff. Republicans in broken glass mode. Trump: We tell others how to run their elections but can’t run ours. Antifa scumbags threaten Josh Hawley. COVID vaccines bound to Gitmo. Sometimes society becomes too stupid to survive. Republicans need to win two-thirds of in-person voting. Trump supporters descend unto Washington. Alana Stewart: Georgia, vote red. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Georgia runoff results won’t be known for a few days. The Democrats are serious about never going back to the old system. Trump is right: We don’t know how to run an election. It’s annoying that a state runoff is so consequential. Caller: GA polling place like a “funeral.” Today is a day to refute the Democrats’ permanent COVID restrictions. No time for a silent protest. It’s repulsive to tolerate any level of fraud in an election. It’s to your advantage to go out and vote. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: If the election system functioned, we would have the results in a few hours. There has to be a reckoning about the election corruption. Rush: The left brands conservatives as kooks. Contemporary liberalism and communism fight on all fronts. Caller: Atlanta mayor is an absolute nightmare. If you like what happened to Atlanta, it’s going to spread to the entire country. The license to the lawless and the restriction to the law abiding. Why is the New York COVID vaccine rollout such a disaster? A land where Cuomo is a hero is a land too stupid to survive. Georgia, get out and vote. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Jan 04 2021

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:51:23

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Monday. There’s more to the Georgia call. No gendered terms in the House. Philadelphia Eagles take a different kind of knee, forfeit game. Cuomo allows fans to attend Buffalo Bills playoff games. Modern Whig Party. The low-trust society is just about here. Take over your local Republican Party. Put a name to the fraud. No one wants their children to grow up in a corrupt nation. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Todd Herman interviews The Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway. Fauci is the single most dangerous man in the country. Masks in bathhouse story. Suspicious Georgia poll occurrences. Report the fraud that you see. Who are you going to trust: Us or your lying eyes? The media runs the Democrat Party. Amen and “Awomen.” Pelosi’s gendered words ban is an attempt to control nature of truth. Lost Republicans will submit to this leftist power grab. Benedict Kemp. 1.5 billion masks will pollute the ocean. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: How many of these questions do Democrats not want to answer? Follow Rand Paul’s logical path. Pelosi’s plexiglass box in the House. Over 400 intelligence personnel intend to track down fraud. Senators need to do their job and be our voice. Democrats who aren’t insane, you are driving the country in a direction you don’t want to go. Poll watchers too far to watch polling. Information is potential power. Acting on information is power. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 31 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:51:36

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on New Year’s Eve. Where we are right now is not where we thought we would be. Rush will be back in 2021. Garbage poll shows Democrats hold slight lead in Georgia runoff. China didn’t become more like us, we became like them. WaPo: China declares 2020 a triumph because of COVID. Lockdowns are like Communism. U.S. government has to pay back $27 trillion just to be broke. Republicans spewing Democrat rubbish. Ireland lowers carbon footprint by killing its economy. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Indian casinos don’t have to follow COVID restrictions, schedule New Year’s bashes. Election challenges and the need for reform. People of Georgia, you’re voting for your county. Talk of healing. Nurse ruins over 500 doses of Moderna COVID vaccine. Koch Brothers Republicanism. Democrats exercise power seriously. It’s easier to get new elites than for elites to get a new base. If you can recall vegetables, you can recall this election. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Nurse suspended for stripping PPE to have sex with COVID-positive patient. What’s the acceptable amount of fraud for an election? Reliance on judges is playing defense. What do we have to lose? We are in a post-Constitutional order. Don’t let Meghan Markle hear this: Hawaiian princess gets $142,000 from PPP. Resist the all-powerful state that microregulates. We are not all in this together. Talk of the Great Reset. Vicious squirrel terrorizes Queens. Rush’s message for 2021: Never give up on America! Remembering Walter Williams. Happy New Year! Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 30 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:47:17

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1:                                         Long-time EIB call screener Brett Winterble, now heard on News Talk 1110 & 99.3 WBT in Charlotte from 3 to 6 p.m., guest hosts. How and why Rush built the greatest radio show in history. Talk radio is the original social media. Sen. Hawley will contest the Electoral College certification. California produced the most Trump voters of any state.                                 PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2:                                         The EIB Network's own Brett Winterble guest hosts on New Year's Eve Eve. We're living through a man-made disaster with COVID that the local governments made and expect the feds to fix. Where's blame for Communist China who's responsible for this plague? GA election. Perdue's great strategy of treating Ossoff like a leftist child. Biden will put us in masks for 100 days, but can he take off the blinders on China? The media is ignoring the source of violence raging in our cities. Caller: Red counties in Georgia should hold their vote totals until blues report.                                       PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3:                                         Our own Brett Winterble sits in for the man who gave him his start in talk radio. Some in Congress plan to challenge the Electoral College votes. Brett peels back the curtain on how Rush prepares for the show and delivers the best product. Why aren't we fighting the way the left would in Georgia? If the president is willing to campaign in Georgia, then you can get out and vote. Spending bill. Alec Baldwin's wife Hillary, who for decades posed as Spaniard "Hilaria" and spoke with stereotypical accent, outed as white woman with no Hispanic ancestry born not in Spain but Boston, and raised by privileged parents in tony Beacon Hill. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 29 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:52:16

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1:                                         Todd Herman fills in for Rush. The counter-culture movement. Erasing history. WHO is the health care version of communism. Suicides are up 30% due to lockdowns and economic collapse. Caller frustrated with the apathy of Americans. Todd’s movie idea: Locked Down. Elevator pitch explaining election fraud. Caller going to D.C. for the demonstration on the 6th.                            PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2:                                         Living in the era of lies. Sidney Powell joins the show to talk about voter fraud and give her elevator pitch on why the election was stolen. Louie Gohmert joins the show to explain why he’s suing Pence. Callers express frustration over the GOP’s lack of being on the offense. All eyes on Georgia. Not voting isn’t the answer to election fraud. Flood D.C. on the 6th?                                          PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3:                                        Why Todd isn’t taking the vaccine. The WHO is erasing the concept of herd immunity. YouTube is erasing the debate around election integrity. Never be cowed into not telling the truth. COVID number inflation. Caller from Canada says don’t give up on Trump. Caller: How much evidence is required to prove election fraud? Caller accuses Todd of crony capitalism and tries to woo him to socialism. Kevin, a cop from Ohio: I don’t trust either side! Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 28 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:07

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1:                                      Ken Matthews fills in for Rush on Monday. You are the glue that holds the country together. Lib calls with typical talking points. “Systemic” widespread election fraud is provable. Look what happened in 2020 despite it all. Why the BBC is condescending to conservatives. Mask mandates. Book recommendation: Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes by Jacques Ellul. The importance of resting your voice as a broadcaster.                              PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2:                                    COVID update and the relief bill - Trump demonstrated good leadership by signing, despite the garbage it contained. Why can’t Congress (both sides) get a budget done on time? Ten-plus million more people supported Trump this time around. Mask wearing paranoia is getting ridiculous. Asymptomatic spread is a myth. Turn off mainstream news media. Ken lists alternative news websites that provide real information. Trump is chess and the left are checkers.                                      PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3:                                Government bureaucracy incompetence. Why Ken thinks the election was stolen. This should be required reading in college: Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes. Intellectuals need propaganda. Which side refuses to debate? The censorship police should concern everyone. Cop calls with ridiculous story about masks. Keep the pressure on your congressmen, senators and local assemblies in your states reminding them that if they knowingly certify this election they are complicit. Caller that lived under a real dictator tells everyone how it really is and why Trump is the opposite. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 25 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:48:48

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Biden says he broke his foot pulling his dog's tail after he got out of the shower. The Georgia smoking gun video shows suitcases full of ballots being counted after observers had been cleared from room. Where's DOJ, FBI? Barr says DOJ can't fix every problem, Trump legal team says DOJ hasn't examined the evidence. Left labels every piece of evidence of voter fraud kookery. Biden says if he disagrees with Kamala he'll develop some disease and resign. GOP must win Georgia senate seats. Trump's legacy and future depend on walking through minefields of the next 30 days. The kook accusation will become like accusations of racism, sexism, bigotry. Liberals can't compete in arena of ideas, so they call us kooks. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The MAGA agenda is on the line in Georgia runoffs. Lin Wood is trying to use leverage to have changes made in time for runoff. There was no evidence for Russia hoax, impeachment. What happened to the seriousness of the charge? There's no news anymore. Trump will have to overrun them with bombshells. Through Christmas, 100% of Rush Store profits go to law-enforcement families. Frontpage: Why the Democrats had to rig the election. Smoking suitcase video narration, Jenna Ellis on video, state legislatures. Georgia Governor Kemp says he wants signature audit. Legit ballots don't come in suitcases. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Governor Kemp's signature audit request. Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State want no part of this election controversy. Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling says the ballots weren't in suitcases. Emotional caller says Americans will rise up, not accept this election fraud. Nobody stood up to the rioting and looting of the spring and summer. Cuomo arrests bar owner who created autonomous zone. The only person who can mobilize Americans to protest the election is Trump. What if Trump is worn out? Take pause and be thankful for Donald Trump. He's the only Republican who never caved. Poll shows both Democrats ahead in Georgia. No evidence that millions and millions of Americans are rising up? What are the odds on overturning the election? Trump at White House Christmas party. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 24 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:50:18

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Christmas Eve. Listen very carefully to Rush talk about the nature of Christmas, this disease and the Georgia election. Never listen to those who say you can’t when they couldn’t and didn’t. Thank you, Rush. Politicos blame Trump for their three-month game for government shutdown. You will carry the ball to end voter fraud. If the Deep State can do this to Trump, who can stop them? Let's be our own assurance. Republicans don’t rally their base at the grassroots level. Huge things begin with three or four people. Carry the flame for Rush. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Ben Sasse calls Trump pardons “rotten to the core.” What is “rotten to the core,” Ben? Comparing elites and non-elites. Apply pressure to the Red States. Make a plan to challenge for tomorrow. It’s not Christmas Eve in D.C., it’s Anthony Fauci Day. Why Trump vetoed the defense bill. Use righteous anger to drive action. Son of prison camp survivors: Don’t give up! Dad moments during Christmas. Restaurateurs band together to ban Cuomo. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Listen carefully to Rush’s words. How much pressure can you put on Republican officials? Our awareness has changed and so have we. Caller thankful that Rush helped him understand his conservatism. What can we politically threaten the establishment with? It’s up to us to discover what we have to offer and give that to our country. It’s easy to take over your local Republican party. Follow ideals, not people. Let’s be tired of being sick. We got a country to save and God on our side. Merry Christmas and thank you from Rush. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 23 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:52:25

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Last show of the year for Rush. Rush talks about his cancer diagnosis, what he's learned this year. Rush understands how Lou Gehrig felt. Rush thanks everyone for the outpouring of love. Biden says America's darkest days are ahead of us, but he's wrong. Trump's masterful speech on the COVID relief bill. Pelosi and Democrats say they agree to $2000 payments in bill. Only an outsider could do what Trump did on the COVID bill. Trump still puts you first. Trump could use pocket veto to kill bill. Florida is bustling, people moving from everywhere to enjoy life without lockdown restrictions. COVID bill is a return to the way Washington used to be. Pelosi's hypocrisy. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush wanted to be on the radio from the time he was 8 years old, playing with his Remco Caravelle toy radio. Rush's bond with audience is same as Trump's bond with voters. Rush's ratings in 2020 have been through the roof, thanks to all of the listeners. Perdue and Loeffler must win in Georgia. Peter Navarro urges Georgia to delay runoff to February, fix fraud. The demise of California. Dennis Prager on leaving Florida and returning to California, which feels like the Soviet Union. Prager: America has become two countries. Rand Paul against $2000 checks. Trump's position is a winner politically. Legislation like the COVID relief bill was the reason Trump was elected. Immigration and the COVID-19 pandemic. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: California doctor on immigration and the pandemic. Hispanics make up large number of COVID cases in Los Angeles. Biden immigration policy will flood country with millions of unvaccinated people, will make it take longer to achieve herd immunity. Susan Rice: Border won't be erased overnight, but as soon as possible. Caller doesn't want to be a Debbie Downer but she sees no hope of Republicans ever winning again. Former Democrat converted by Rush. Part of Rush feels like a failure, politically, liberalism has advanced despite gains of conservative media. Caller says he listens to Rush because he reminds him of his dad. Election of Trump was symbol of Rush's success. Rush thanks the audience and his family. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Nov 22 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • over 3 years ago
  • 01:49:56

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: The Trump Vaccine is American Exceptionalism on display. Washington Establishment said a vaccine this fast wasn't possible. Limbaugh Echo from Sharyl Attkisson: There is no news. Washington never changes: All the pork, foreign aid stuffed into so-called COVID relief bill. Trump should veto it, but probably won't. Bill includes $600 checks, restaurants and small businesses get nothing in bill. Families of illegal aliens eligible for stimulus checks in bill. GOP Senator Barrasso hails climate provisions in bill. The COVID relief bill marks the end of the Trump experiment. AOC tweets correctly that nobody got a chance to read the bill before they voted on it. COVID bill begins Green New Deal, turned into climate bill. Biden's climate change agenda. If the climate's changing, we'll adapt.                 PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Only 10% of COVID relief bill goes to COVID relief. Charlie Gasparino on poll blaming social justice protests as reason for boycotting the NFL. Pete Hegseth echoes Rush, says he hopes Biden fails. Rand Paul on the COVID bill. You can trace the indecency of the modern Democrat Party back to the attacks on Bork and Thomas. Who should get the vaccine first? What else can we do to fight back against this stolen election? How about take back the education system. Tulsi Gabbard blasts the COVID bill. How California is going to go after taxpayers who leave.                     PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush outlines the many accomplishments of the Trump legacy. Democrats could reverse American energy independence which Trump secured. Only a bunch of collectivist socialists would cheat to undo this legacy. California proposes wealth tax on citizens for 10 years after they leave the state. Rose Bowl moves to Texas because of Newsom coronavirus lockdown. Will Trump run in 2024? Only Republicans think they can win by losing, Democrats don't think that way. COVID bill begs for a veto. Rush runs through list of pork items in COVID bill again. California small business owners on crippling coronavirus regulations and lockdown. Caller on how Rush's voice connects him with his grandfather and father. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 18 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:51:04

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ken Matthews guest hosts on Open Line Friday with the latest election news, and his belief Trump will win. Who's a coward in your state's delegation? Judges and justices are afraid of the violent left, so they won't touch election fraud cases. Dominion. We ought to hear Joe Biden testify under oath. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Ken Matthews continues on Open Line Friday. Brave Dominion whistleblower in Michigan. Krebs is a typical DC backstabber. Nobody likes this theft and dirty politicians. Trump set to announce pardons. Biden voters say they'd have switched if they'd known about stories the media refused to cover. Trump's census is right not to count foreign nationals here illegally. Nurse has bad reaction to vaccine. Pence gets vaccinated. Remember when Whoopi Goldberg wanted Jill Biden Ph.D. to be surgeon general? The mask thing is about control. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Ken Matthews finishes up. Cuomo bans sale of Confederate flags, etc. Trump, like Rush, respects you in a way government does not. Judge rules for pervy son whose parents threw out his porno collection. Biden goes on late night shows when he knows he has to pretend to answer a tough question. Dominion. Trust in the president's ability to persuade. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 17 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:53:25

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Thursday. Mitch McConnell’s middle finger at us. It takes one senator to have a debate about this election. Silence on four states changing election laws. Circular, self-defeating excuses. Maybe we should say China stole election for Biden. Democrats’ silence is just as telling as Republicans’. Texas election whistleblowers being prosecuted. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Jennifer Rubin’s Limbaugh Derangement Syndrome predates her Trump Derangement Syndrome. 74 million-plus wanted an outsider. John Kerry will advise Biden on the climate. The story of the year is the Deep State. Are you brave enough to do the work? Ideological equity in Utah. What you can to to change things within the system. Let’s fight for what’s right. Don’t light the fuse, the left is begging for war. Mitch McConnell, it’s not time to pay the game. Woke masks and technocrats. Seattle councilwoman wants to decriminalize crime. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: 38 State AGs file monopoly charges against Google. Do you want any level of violence to break out? Media lies about Rush and secession when West Coast has already seceded. Don’t lose your soul and don’t lose your country. This is a test of the journalistic ethics system. Election Deflategate. Young people’s path for freedom. Power of prayer and power of action. Not one Senate Republican will stand up to election fraud. Make a list of three things to take action. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 16 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:53:56

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Biden nominates Mayor Pete, who couldn't fix the potholes in South Bend, for transportation secretary. Senator Ron Johnson lets Democrats have it for their lies from Russia, to Hunter Biden, to election fraud. Rush outlines the one constitutional scenario open to Trump, House and Senate contesting the Electoral College vote, throwing the election to congress. The Turtle is begging GOP senators not to object to electoral votes. Democrats interrupted the electoral vote tally 11 times in 2016, Biden gaveled them all down. Under this long-shot scenario, congress can use the Electoral Count Act to delay the count, leave an empty presidency on noon on January 20th, Trump reelected by House. VP Biden tried to take Trump out via the Logan Act and that has never been tried before. Effort to shame Republicans not to try to interfere in electoral vote. Caller sides with McConnell on the "Electorial College." PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The brilliance of the Electoral College. Left-wing lawyer Larry Lessig tried to disrupt the Electoral College vote in 2016. NPR, Little Brian Stelter on Rush and Trump. CNN reporter Zeleny refers to Biden as "Joe-Bama". Biden serves at the pleasure of Obama. Democrats go bonkers over GOP attempts to remove Swalwell from Intel Committee over Bang Bang affair. Liberals try to rehab Jeffrey Toobin. Caller says 74 million-plus Americans are mad as hell, want something done about stolen election. Another caller blasts Republicans for standing by and doing nothing while their voters are raped. How the unemployment rate is calculated. Callers find creative ways to say Republicans suck. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Election fraud hearing: Rand Paul responds to Krebs. Josh Hawley says 74 million people won't sit down and shut up after 4 years of lies about the last election. Borger on Hawley. Calypso Louie on Kamala and the coronavirus vaccine. Caller says 74 million Americans should march for Trump. We will never give up on America. 74 million of us will continue to fight for the country. Support Our Heroes campaign. Mitt Romney laments Trumpism isn't going away. AOC says Schumer and Pelosi should go. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 15 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:55:18

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush apologizes for missing a few days. Rush takes on the secession controversy. Rush is not for secession! Montage of media saying Rush is for secession. Geraldo, Martha MacCallum, Meet the Press on Rush. Rachel Maddow tries to explain the magic of Rush, fails spectacularly. The Supreme Court rejected the Texas case because the court, like the rest of Washington, wants to get rid of Trump. The Turtle congratulates Biden and Harris. Washington Establishment, Deep State wants to get rid of Trump, happy to have Biden as president and use the Hunter Biden crimes as leverage to control him. When California liberals discuss secession, nobody said a word. Billionaire Bill Gates says we should close down restaurants and bars for 6 months. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush's day-to-day health issues. Every day is gift. Rush wishes his brother David a happy birthday. AMA quietly admits they lied about hydroxychloroquine, it's safe to use. Bill Gates wants to shut down bars and restaurants for 6 months, says we won't get back to normal until 2022. What makes Gates an expert? Ted Cruz responds to Gates: Shut down CNN and Microsoft. The GOP Establishment thinks they're going back to pre-Trump days, but they're wrong. Steve Schmidt compares Trump voters to Nazis. Fox's Neil Cavuto said hydroxychloroquine will kill you, now AMA retracts its warning, says it's safe. Montage of Biden coughing throughout speech followed by montage of media ignoring the coughing and calling it "forceful". Biden will serve until Obama gives the green light to get rid of him. Georgia voter wonders why she should go vote for GOP senators. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Bars and restaurants accounted for less than 2% of COVID transmission in New York. Elon Musk says electric cars will require more electric power than we currently have, not less. The Heat Gap. Democrats want to close bars and restaurants because small businesses are the engine of capitalism. After they get rid of Trump, the will go after Trump record, revisionism of Trump economic policy begins. Who will pick up the mantle of Trumpism? Caller thinks Biden selected Harris as impeachment insurance, because she's unpopular. Angry Trump voter says everyone dropped the ball not focusing on voter fraud in the summer. Calypso Louie says the vaccine is toxic waste. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 11 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:51:01

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Open Line Friday. Todd Herman interviews BizPac Review senior staff writer, Frieda Powers. Rush’s clarification of Drive-By Media’s secession lies. The spirit of tyranny. How can we unite? What Rush actually said. Science is a process, but the left has made it a conclusion. The bitterness and entitlement of these Antifa types. Big Tech will erase dissent against the official state positions. The special people: Shower curtain glory holes for sex. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The left’s sickness to break the country and break us. Perils of the expert class. Lockdown deaths. Democrats’ dangerous, authoritarian rhetoric. No accountability for liberal’s sedition. Cynthia Johnson’s threat to Trump supporters. BLM absconded with money instead of helping black community. Secession by incremental progressivism. Bill Barr and the Hunter Biden investigation. Who you are, not hue you are. Don’t cry like a Democrat. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: The real definition of American Exceptionalism. The Founding, the Constitution and the Texas case. Jeb Bush’s rage tweets. Republicans haven’t paid attention to Arizona. Fight back against Colorado experiment tactics. Anthony Fauci, Guardian of the Year. Xeroxed election ballots. Mask hypocrisy. Historical context to masks. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 10 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:52:44

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush's answer to Mr. Snerdley on secession blows up in Drive-By Media, Twitter. Rush never advocated for secession. Hunter Biden story is back, as Rush predicted. Swalwell and Bang Bang. Long knives out for DiFi. Obama says Rush broke his bond with conservatives, which is delusional, he called us bitter clingers. CNN's Nia-Malika Henderson: Republicans back Trump to get on Rush Limbaugh. Dan Abrams: Rush is giving "on edge" audience false hope Trump can win election. Why Rush's mention of secession hit a nerve. We don't resort to violence and bullying and canceling, we engage in the arena of ideas. They want to rule by force, no matter public opinion. Axios' Jonathan Swan blasts Swalwell. "Limbaugh accused of saying something he didn't say", how many times have we heard that? Trump voter's riff on what the American people voted for and what they're going to do if it's stolen from them. What are you going to do if Trump doesn't win? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Ken Paxton on the Texas case. Texas is not asking SCOTUS to elect Trump, just to protect the Constitution. John O'Sullivan law: Everything and everyone that is not actively conservative will become liberal. Not enough Republicans understand the threat of the left. Fox News loses its way. Caller says Republicans have to combine policy and tactics to win. Why should Trump take 70 million voters to a new party? The RINOs and Never Trumpers should leave our party. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Al Michaels elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Audio of Michaels during the 1989 World Series earthquake. Michaels makes every game he calls bigger. What happened to the Tea Party? Trump voters believe we're in the majority, Trump won. As Rush predicted, the Hunter Biden story returns. Biden, media claimed Hunter story was false. Democrats now admit it was true. Big Tech, Big Media did not allow anyone to hear about the Hunter Biden story and it worked. Caller wonders how her children grew up and became liberal. Who's leaking the Hunter Biden stories? Prep underway to move Plugs out of the way and install Kamala Harris. The coming Biden narrative. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 09 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:54:06

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: ChiCom spy named Fang Fang compromised Dem. Rep. Eric Swalwell, financed his campaign. For four years Swalwell and Democrats falsely accused Trump of being a Russian asset and he was an asset of the Chinese. Democrat Party is in the back pocket of the ChiComs. Heritage Foundation names radio studio after Rush, gives him Titan of Conservatism Award. Swalwell was put on House Intelligence Committee, despite no background or policy expertise. ChiCom spy Fang Fang had sexual relationships with at least two Midwestern mayors, bundled donations for Eric Swalwell. Swalwell refuses to say if he had sex with the honeypot because it's "classified". Why the Swalwell story matters. Swalwell tries to defend himself on CNN, blames Trump! The Gurgling Cod. Chinese influence. Caller wants Trump to start a news network and investigate Democrats. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The hypocrisy of Marie Harf: We shouldn't speak on air about Swalwell being compromised by the Chinese without any evidence. Democrats did that to Trump for four years! The Gurgling Cod sound. Rush told us about the importance of the Texas case. Examples of unconstitutional voting rule changes in Pennsylvania and Georgia. If the court hears the case, how do they ignore the facts? Swalwell and Fang Fang. Rush's goal has always been to shine the light of truth through the lies of the liberal media. Are we ever going to win elections without taking back blue cities? Rush still believes we can win back and dominate the culture. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Jason Whitlock: Chinese big advantage over the United States is their ban on Twitter. Trump lawyer Jordan Sekulow, Texas AG Ken Paxton on the Texas case. Does the Constitution still matter to anyone anymore? Barr and Durham. Trump tweets that he's joining the Texas lawsuit. Does Trump have a master plan? The court hasn't officially decided to hear the Texas case yet, they've just asked for responses from the four states named by Texas. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 08 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:54:34

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush's friends need photo ID to get COVID-19 test, pick up something at Pottery Barn. Do African-Americans get COVID-19 tests? Do they go to Pottery Barn? Democrats say photo ID is racist. Soon we'll have photo ID for COVID-19 vaccinations. Joke about AOC, Bernie and a capitalist in a bar. Piece on how the Georgia Trump rally drove Democrats nuts. Ted Cruz, Amy Coney Barrett lurking under bed. Growing optimism on Trump side. Biden's strategy was to get Trump to concede, but he hasn't. Biden has the media on his side, but Trump has options. Favorable rulings on Trump side. Jenna Ellis diagnosed with COVID-19, still working. Texas sues other states for changing election rules, will SCOTUS take the case? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Trump to sign "America First" vaccine executive order. More on the Texas case. Jenna Ellis on the Trump legal teams two-track strategy. Sidney Powell case tossed in Georgia, without judge even looking at evidence, but will be appealed. New lawsuit in Georgia based on voter roll irregularities. It's the Trump vaccine and we shouldn't let the media give Biden credit for it. NY AG says Trump will resign and let Pence pardon him, but New York can still go after him on state charges. Kris Kobach on the Texas case. More details on the Texas lawsuit. Dershowitz thinks Texas lawsuit is creative, but doubtful to succeed. Caller asks Rush what he remembers about the killing of John Lennon, 40 years ago today. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Howard Cosell announces the death of John Lennon on Monday Night Football. Rush JIPs Trump "America First" vaccine event. The sound of the fans in the stands. Gloria Borger beside herself that Trump won't concede, says he's undermining democracy. What do think the Russia hoax did? Goya CEO names AOC employee of the month for sales spike after her demand for a boycott. Dreams die behind every locked-down storefront. Marketing expert predicts BLM, social justice-themed ads throughout Super Bowl. Trump isn't going away. Heritage Foundation honors Rush, names studio after him. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Dec 03 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:51:05

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman guest hosts for Rush on Thursday. Media refused to air voter fraud hearings. What do we have to gain and what do we have to lose? Flip the perspective. Will we be ruled or will we speak up? There’s no lockdown on the economy, there’s a lockdown on you. 18 international life scientists: COVID tests fatally flawed. Bezos should do what he pretends to do: help the little guy. Student loan bailouts. Trump has exposed the Deep State, what do we do with that opportunity? Confused by not voting for GA Republicans to own the libs. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: We live in the age of disinformation. Media lies and hides select information to benefit one side. What the Drive-Bys program us to believe. The Supreme Court needs to take this case live so we can watch. Obama admits Rush is right: Democrats can’t run on what they believe. Demand answers for voter fraud data anomalies. Did the Democrats create an environment for fraud? Follow the law. Missing context. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Democrats set up environment for fraud. Unnatural occurrences in raw data. The Supreme Court must hear this case. Some young people have not learned to stand on their own two feet. The case for personal responsibility. Georgia video play-by-play. Imagine this scenario with Obama v. Romney. This is the video that will be remembered if SCOTUS doesn’t hear the case. The Big Banks’ student loan bailout grift. Spirit of truth. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers