
The Rush Limbaugh Show

The Rush Limbaugh Show, the most-listened-to national talk show in America, features the “Doctor of Democracy’s” unprecedented combination of serious discussion of political, cultural and social issues, along with satirical and biting humor, which parodies previously “untouchable” personalities and topics. Limbaugh’s passion inspires millions of Americans to be the best they can be and keeps the country on course to a bright future.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Oct 21 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:52:02

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Hunter Biden laptop story isn't about Hunter, it's about Joe. Did Hunter leave his laptop at the store on purpose to hurt his father? Joe Biden said to have volcanic temper. DOJ, FBI confirm Hunter emails aren't Russian disinformation, after Clapper went on TV and said it was. Clapper has been lying for years. Obama sent to Philadelphia because they're in trouble with black voters. Anyone, regardless of race or gender, can succeed in America. COVID-19 death rate falls dramatically. McConnell says Senate will vote Monday on ACB. Rush thanks Jesse Watters, DailyMail, Headline News for well-wishes, segments on cancer news. Trump's riff on differences between him and Biden at rally. What Trump should do at the debate. Trump is still worn out from COVID but he's doing five rallies a day because he's fighting for us. Lesley Stahl was the media figure who called Rush to ask if he'd tell the audience to stay calm on election night. Trump's debate task. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Consider the obstacles Trump faces. Silicon Valley mega-donors unleash last-minute, $100 Million barrage of ads against Trump. Elections matter, we would not be on the precipice we are if Obama didn't win two terms. Trump is running to protect the America you love. Swing-state polls show race narrowing. VDH: Trump's mission at debate is to keep up momentum. Most voters think Trump will win, so how do polls make any sense? The Durham report is dead if Biden wins. Libertarian caller votes for Trump because of Democrat rioting. Liberal writer defends Toobin, blames America's unease with masturbation. Emotional Trump supporter thanks Trump for being the best president of his lifetime. Rush's reaction to Trump's announcement, Access Hollywood tape. Caller called a racist, attacked in shopping lot for signing recall petition against Newsom, asks Rush if she should leave California. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Victor Davis Hanson's debate advice for President Trump. Democrats on CNN don't like Biden's basement strategy, not confident of victory. Trafalgar pollster on shy Trump voters. Will Hunter's laptop be buried by the deep state just like the coup against Trump? Caller thinks Trump won the election by playing Rush-like montage at rally. Biden to appoint Kasich and Flake to cabinet? Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Oct 20 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:50:18

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rapper 50 Cent to vote Trump because of Biden's tax plan. Trump adopts Ice Cube's Platinum plan for black community. Hard day at the New Yorker: Jeffrey Toobin suspended after masturbating on Zoom "election simulation" at the New Yorker. Video: Young woman explains why we're voting for Trump in less than a minute. Hot mic catches Joe Buck and Troy Aikman mocking military flyover before NFL game, Aikman says they won't happen under "Kamala-Biden" ticket. Rush on the first NFL flyover he saw at the 1988 Super Bowl. What's at stake in this election is the American way of life, handing control of the country to people who don't believe in it. Military flyovers are the sound of freedom. New Twitter handle @RealRLimbaugh. Debate commission to mute mics: Who do they think they are? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Debate commission trying to goad Trump into backing out of debate. Debate commission elitists are tiny people compared to Donald Trump, his accomplishments, his achievements and his ambitions. Moderator should have her mic muted. Kamala Harris goes on show hosted by NBA player, talks about police profiling black men. President Trump on Rush's cancer battle. Biden won't say who he'll put on court, if he'll pack the court. Dems not running an election, they're running a referendum on Trump's personality. Don't hold your breath waiting for George W. Bush to endorse Trump. Alexandra Lains viral video on why we're voting for Trump. Debate preview. Why did Jill Biden let her husband do this when he's not able to handle it? How many votes has Trump lost and how many votes has Trump gained? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: IBD/TIPP poll tightens dramatically, Biden up 2 points. Trafalgar poll has Trump ahead. Who has lost and gained more votes since 2016: Trump, whose base is rock solid, or Democrats who have been trashing America, burning down cities and running an invisible candidate? Details of IBD/TIPP poll show Trump has enthusiasm, Dems bleeding votes. Caller thinks Trump should skip the debate. It's possible Trump was already feeling effects of coronavirus in first debate. Don't be shocked by a Democrat October Surprise this week. This is a dangerous time, deep state determined to get rid of Trump. How Trump should answer on climate change. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

10_19_2020_C13_Rush Limbaugh Show.PDF

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:45:51

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush gives an update on his health: It's a roller coaster. Cancer has progressed slightly after regression. The baseball analogy: Stuck on second base, hoping to steal third and head home. Rush thanks the audience, for listernership, ratings through the roof. Rush reveals after his cancer diagnosis in January, he never thought he'd be alive in October. But now, the future looks bright. Polls tightening, Thaddeus McCotter column on Trump vs. Biden. No excitement for Biden or issues he represents, entire Democrat campaign is based on hating Trump's personality. Biden-Harris is a generic ballot. Trafalgar Group pollster Robert Cahaly predicts a Trump victory, but warns of potential for voter fraud in Pennsylvania. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Campaign puts lid on Biden until the debate. Debate moderator Kristen Welker of NBC in the tank for Biden. Democrats blame Russia for Hunter Biden emails. Biden can't answer questions about what's on Hunter's computer. Fauxcahontas says Trump is a threat to life on earth. Rush in August on Biden's "listen to the scientists" argument. Harvard Law professor: Rush and Trump have shrunk the GOP base. Rush's new twitter handle: @RealRLimbaugh. Trump supporter thinks Trump has to act more presidential, less combative at the next debate or he'll lose. Rush thinks Trump will change strategy at next debate. Trump predicts victory, touts positive early voting numbers. Kristen Welker, longtime Democrat, announces topics for debate. Welker caught on tape in 2016 giving Hillary staffer questions in advance. Trump talking about Hunter's drug addiction, makes people uncomfortable. Joe runs the Biden crime family, not Hunter. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush explains how Joe Biden used his drug-addicted son as part of his 47-year scheme to get rich in Washington. Schiff says Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation from the Kremlin. DNI Ratcliffe says it's not Russian disinformation. Andrea Mitchell NBC News says that emails can't be verified, but they can and have been. Trump's strategy at first debate was suspect. Trump's personal attacks worked in 2016. Kristen Welker as debate moderator. Dr. Fauci: Cancel Thanksgiving. Our side is capable of fighting a legal war over ballot fraud. Did COVID impact Trump's first debate performance? New Yorker suspends Jeffrey Toobin for exposing himself on Zoom call. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Oct 15 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:51:20

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: The Hunter Biden story is different than other Democrat scandals. Elite member of Drive-By Media asks Rush if he will urge his listeners to remain calm on election night. What an insulting question: Will you ask your readers to remain calm? Dems know they can't stop ACB, so they're whining and moaning at hearing. Graham gives them ammo by telling them they could win the presidential election. Why we have to fight for President Trump. Obama says that if people listened to Walter Cronkite, instead of Trump, democracy would work again. Everybody worries about Trump turning off suburban women. Why doesn't anyone ask, "What's wrong with suburban women?" Can't they see their country is at stake? Dems want to defund their police, anarchists want to burn down their houses? And they worry about Trump's tweets? Hispanic conservative turns a Democrat! PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: The Drive-Bys are angry at NBC for hosting Trump town hall opposite Biden on ABC. Rush unpacks the Hunter Biden scandal. This must impact the election. Twitter suspends White House press secretary, Trump campaign Twitter account for sharing NY Post story on Hunter. We cannot allow media companies to suppress the story. FBI has had the Biden laptop information for months, during Trump impeachment. Biden bragged about shaking down Ukraine. Biden and son were very blackmailable. Hunter Biden texts show he secretly kicked back half his income to "Pop." The Bidens were operating like a crime family with Joe as the head, making appearances of living in modest house with modest income. Suburban woman for Trump. Burisma asked Hunter to stop the government's investigation. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: At Barrett hearings, Durbin quotes Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on originalism. Carl Bernstein: NBC "capitulated" to Trump. ABC News reported on Hunter Biden in 2019. How can they ignore it at tonight's town hall? Julia Louis-Dreyfus calls for boycott of NBC, network that made her famous, over town hall with Trump. Suburban woman Trump supporter. Rush has battled the suburban woman problem for 30 years. Mazie Hirono's questioning of ACB on sexual assault. They are said not to like confident men. Caller wants more people to watch Biden. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

10_13_2020_C13_Rush Limbaugh Show.PDF

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:50:43

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Without notes, Judge Barrett takes on fossilized Democrats led by "Leahy Flynt." People are scared about health care. NY Times: Thanks to Trump's efficiency, pandemic to end sooner than expected. Eric Trump on his father's Radio Rally: "Did you see the numbers for Rush?" DiFi tries to trip up Judge Barrett, who parries by citing Justice Kagan! Trump is not "packing the court," which means adding justices; he's filling a vacancy! Biden rips Trump for shutting down the economy as WHO comes out against lockdowns. Biden hides behind the virus and his lunatic base. Twitter thanks @RealRLimbaugh for diving into the cesspool. Rush Revere sends care package to grandmother. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: America is a good nation, a beacon of liberty; Trump is the only one who seems to be fighting for it. Republicans refused to pass the Trump agenda when they were in the majority, and we know why. When did making America great again become controversial? Republicans didn't expect to win with Trump in 2016, and they were not ready to lead. In half-hour Q&A, Amy Coney Barrett says nothing as senators bloviate. Sen. Whitehouse, nerd, tries to rip ACB on "dark money" before his actual dark money ties get called out. Who is the "shy Trump voter"? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Take 17 minutes to visit @RealRLimbaugh on Twitter and watch a video by Tom Klingenstein on what's at stake and why he's voting Trump. The president assumes his audience knows the details of things like the Biden Ukraine scandal or the embassy in Jerusalem, and he needs to do a better job. Why has Google squelched the Great Barrington Declaration opposing lockdowns over COVID? Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Oct 08 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:51:38

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: A message from Rush on Pence’s debate performance and Trump’s Radio Rally tomorrow here on the EIB Network. Mark Steyn guest hosts for Rush on Thursday. Pence flourished while Harris had nothing. GOP needs to say: “enough with all this.” Susan Page’s dumb China question. Jane Fonda: COVID is God’s gift to the left. Get your non-insane lefty friends to vote Trump. Pelosi: Dems to hold hearing on 25th Amendment. Democrats will be nervous to go full Kavanaugh on ACB. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Pelosi: Trump is in an altered state. COVID is the Afghanistan War of public health crises. The Deep State plot failed and now they won’t take any chances. China’s censorship of Mike Pence during the VP debate. All Beijing, all the time companies. NJ mail carrier arrested for dumping over 1,800 pieces of mail, 99 ballots. Chaos is a conscious Democrat policy choice. Pence was lethal, Harris was a big nothing. The endless game of adding justice seats and states. Why do we need to have a Zoom debate? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush announces Trump will be here tomorrow for a virtual rally. Pelosi to hold a conference on 25th Amendment. Brain-Dead Bureaucracy: Billed for pedophile doctor visit. Dems never have to accept scientific consensus. No interest in returning to the old-form Republican Party. The Democrats are the party of chaos. Pelosi’s altered state comments are an insult to chemo patients. COVID is harming sperm count. Stephen Nolan of BBC chases people for not wearing a mask. Absurd forest management. Spectacular one-off Trump radio rally tomorrow. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Oct 07 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:50:18

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Todd Herman fills in for Rush. Rush was right, Trump was right: Declassified Brennan notes prove Obama knew Hillary Clinton invented the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative. The wall of lies around COVID. Mark Meadows mask photo. Left is desperate, trying to delay Barrett hearing, going back to Trump taxes, separating children at border. Pence will be calm in face of accusations of racism and bigotry. Gregg Jarrett of Fox News, author of "Witch Hunt" on declassification of documents in Russia hoax. McCabe refuses to testify because of COVID. Plexiglass at VP debate is useless, just a symbol of fear. Cuomo, de Blasio target Jewish community in NYC. What Pence should do at debate. Cuomo uses 14-year-old photo to smear Jews. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Plexiglass replaces the woke mask at VP debate. Pence must talk to independent voters not insane from fear. Even NYT admits, 90 percent of cases have barely any virus in the body. The only thing plexiglass shields do is help the economy. Undecided voters’ short memories are a concern. Avowed Antifa member leads Wheeler in mayoral race. Be righteously angry. China has a model and it’s not the U.S. model. The repugnant rage of Kamala Harris. Dr. Fauci’s love letters to Hillary Clinton. A vaccine is a path to herd immunity. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Todd Herman interviews Kimberly Fletcher of Moms for America about her role in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. It’s crunch time for Mike Pence. Trump’s base matters more to him than anyone in politics. Pence must reveal the multiple versions of Kamala Harris tonight. What socialist country is an environmental haven? Joe Biden will not stand up to Chinese pollution. Trump is the environmental president. The rebuttal to Kamala Harris’ common retort. We know the stakes of the Pence-Harris VP debate. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Oct 05 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:50:54

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Kayleigh McEnany tests positive. There are no coincidences in politics. Dems try to postpone Barrett hearing. Democrats invoke God, think he's punishing Trump, can't contain their glee. Drive-By Media has cow over Trump drive-by SUV ride to thank supporters. Attending physician at Walter Reed criticizes, Meadows defends. Caller raises bioterrorism as possible source of WH outbreak. Caller wishes Trump didn't do the limo ride. Dexamethasone hysteria. Medicine corrupted by politics like everything else. We can't make the media stop hating us, we just have to keep defeating them. CNN fake sympathy after two McEnany staffers test positive. Former Secret Service agent on Trump ride. Three WH reporters have tested positive. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Axelrod tweets Trump should hand power to Pence while on Dexamethasone because of mood swings, Pure hatred on CNN and all through media for us. Rush's video in support of law enforcement. Menopause causes mood swing, should women be disqualified from the presidency? Media touts NBC News/WSJ poll showing Biden +14, same poll, same time in 2016 showed Hillary +11. Montage of media in 2016 saying election was over. Rush in 2016 told us NBC/WSJ poll was fake. Babylon Bee: Trump puts BLM sign on SUV to avoid criticism. There's no Plan B for America if Trump loses. We can't lose. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush talks to Lord Conrad Black about President Trump, the election, the state of American media and the update to his latest book: "A President Like No Other: Donald J. Trump and the Restoring of America." Conrad Black amazed anyone in America would choose Biden over Trump. Trump surges in Zogby poll taken after coronavirus diagnosis. Impact of Access Hollywood vs. COVID-19 diagnosis, both have caused psychological pauses in campaign. Trump tweets that he's leaving Walter Reed at 6:30PM, says don't be afraid of COVID -- David Rodham Gergen's worst nightmare. Dems try to delay Barrett confirmation by any means necessary. There's no Plan B, just Plan A: Winning. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Oct 02 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:49:56

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush was crushed when he heard the news about the President and First Lady's COVID-19 diagnosis, but the reality is they have a 99% chance of a full recovery. Our perceptions have been distorted to think COVID-19 is a death sentence. Trump is a larger-than-life figure, whether you love him or hate him, he seems invincible. Donald Trump has lived life to maximum ability, never a wasted moment. Trump doesn't stop fighting for America. If Rush had a medal to give Donald Trump, he'd give him one. Amy Comey Barrett, Biden and wife test negative, Mike Lee positive. Is assumption that masks would have made a difference really accurate? David Gergen: What if Trump comes out in a few days and says he's the man who beat COVID? Michael Moore speculates that Trump is faking it for sympathy, says he outfoxed GOP, Dems, Comey. NYT says Trump shouldn't be on the ballot. Callers think Rush sounded sad talking about Trump diagnosis. Gallup: Trump approval highest since May. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: How far would you go to stop getting coronavirus? NBA Finals Game 1 records lowest TV ratings ever. Wonder why? Charles Gasparino: GOP giving up on Trump after debate and COVID diagnosis. People who believe the polls think Trump has no chance. Gallup poll filled with contradictory information. DiFi asks for delay on Barrett hearing, GOP must confirm before election. Rush invites Trump to do radio rally on this show any time. COVID-19 is a perfect reason to skip SCOTUS confirmation hearings. McConnell waffling on hearings before election? Reaction to Rush's opening monologue on the president. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Jobs report: Economy recovering but blue states dragging down the rest of the country by design, as Democrats planned when they stayed locked down. IBD Poll: Biden lead cut to 3. The Democrat Party represents a revolutionary. Was Trump feeling COVID effects at debate? Rush releases video tribute: "Support Our American Heroes". Where's the urgency for Republicans to confirm Barrett? Caller thinks when Trump recovers he'll be unstoppable. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://news.iheart.com/podcast-advertisers

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Oct 01 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:50:46

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Unprofessional press corps brings Trump debate strategy into WH press briefing, barrage Kayleigh McEnany with questions on white supremacy. Biden lid called at 11:23 this morning, maybe to stop him from groping and sniffing women. Michelle Obama: Trump wants us to tune out. Rush in 2016 on faux media outrage over the Access Hollywood tape, mimics faux outrage over civility at debate. Astounding stats from Trump Duluth rally, filled with Democrats, new voters. 100% of Rush Store promotions now go to law enforcement heroes; go to Rush store for new apparel, to nominate heroes for the Support Our Heroes campaign. It's time to start celebrating law enforcement again. WH press corps does to Kayleigh McEnany what they think Trump did to Biden. Trump has denounced white supremacy over and over, but media trying to create impression that he won't do it. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: TIME magazine reported Trump's Charlottesville comments correctly at the time. More of WH press briefing on white supremacy. Hogan Gidley on Joe Biden's racist past. Democrat hysteria over white supremacy must have something to do with Trump attracting black voters. The international chairman of the Proud Boys is black. Democrats want to end elections. Proud Boys leader: We're not white supremacists. BET founder Robert Johnson says he can't vote for Biden because he doesn't know his economic plans. Barry Diller says New York is dying. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Chris Wallace asked Trump the same question during GOP debate in 2016, Trump denounced white supremacists, David Duke, KKK. Why did Wallace ask the question again? BET founder Bob Johnson says he's voting for Trump. Barry Diller says NYC is dying and work from home doesn't work. 18-year-old says there are young Trump supporters who are being missed by media. Former black Democrat on why she's voting for Trump again. Chris Wallace and Trump. Biden campaign reverses itself on canvassing door-to-door, as Trump camp leads in new voter registration. C-SPAN's Steve Scully, next debate moderator is a former Biden intern, attended 2016 “Biden Beach Boardwalk Bash.”

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 28 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:55:47

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Leftists keep recycling: Now they've got Trump yet again on his taxes. Where are the Russians supposedly in the tax returns? Why didn't Joe Biden change S-Corps if he didn't want citizens to take advantage of tax law opportunities? Professor smears Judge Barrett as "white colonizer." Polling results look close to 2016, as Trump surges in polls. NBA is losing viewers. They're loading Plugs up with 90 minutes of insults for the debate. Why and how are the pollsters doing what they are? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Polls look suspiciously like 2016, as does the frail Democrat nominee. Are pollsters deliberately oversampling squishy, liberal, suburban woman who are Republicans to show a lead for Plugs? Critical race theory. The IRS never went after Trump for taxes, so they looked at it and he didn't do anything wrong! PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Dick Durbin: Hillary is wrong that Biden should never concede. Trump's crowds are even larger than 2016, as eerie similarities line up. HBC in Delaware refutes Biden's claim he attended. Now we're hearing that Durham won't release his findings before the election. Graham: We'll confirm Judge Barrett on October 22nd. Should it be combative Trump or low-key Trump in the debate? What medication might be juicing Biden? Jill Biden heads to Michigan in sign that her husband can't. Black Trump supporter calls out Biden's racist policies.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 24 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:50:26

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: We don't need hearings to see who Democrats are, they show us every day. Democrats rioting in Louisville. Democrats want the chance to destroy Trump nominee. Trump, just like in 2016, refuses to commit to accepting election results until he knows the circumstances. Axelrod says Trump is encouraging violence after the election. How Biden can still avoid debates. Wisconsin ballots found in trash. The Breonna Taylor story is the definition of Drive-By Media, narrative based on lies has roiled the nation. Democrats boo Trump at the RGB memorial, cannot stop from politicizing everything. Rush stands by prediction that Biden won't debate. Democrat Colorado governor encourages in-person voting. Rush has been encouraging everyone to vote in person, flood the zone, create a landslide. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Liberal icon RGB had 100 clerks, most of them white. Systemic racism? Dems worry DiFi too old to run SCOTUS hearing. Benjamin Crump compares the Louisville cops to Nazis. We don't need hearings to understand who Democrats are. NPR on Rush's suggestion to skip hearings. Graham says Dems will get their chance to probe the nominee. Caller challenges facts of Breonna Taylor case. Never Trumpers run ad based on vicious lies about Trump in fake Atlantic story. We should not subject a SCOTUS nominee to destruction by Democrats. Meadows, McEnany push back on question from Playboy reporter. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Democrat flip-flop on in-person voting is big news. Kayleigh McEnany vs. Jon Karl. Previewing potential Amy Coney Barrett hearings. Will Biden debate? Is Biden campaign calling early morning lids on campaigning because they're trying to change his Biden clock so he doesn't suffer sundowning in 9PM debate? Ex-cop on Breonna Taylor case. RGB is beloved by liberals for advancing liberalism, not for being a great jurist. Dukakis in 1988 was last Democrat nominee to concede on Election Night. Ask Biden if he'll accept the election results, not Trump. NYT: 5 things Biden should be worried about.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 23 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:53:49

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Trump rally crowds are massive, ignored by media. No curiosity about who these people are, why they turn out. Senator Chris Murphy: GOP is a cult, already support nominee they don't know. Dems already have started destroying nominee they don't know. Man who gave ultimatum to parents with Trump sign in yard and threatened to withhold grandchildren has apologized because of discussion by Rush. Senator Murphy's wrong, two Republicans already have defected, the cult is the Democrats. Trump supporting grandmother from The Villages says she'd disinherit kids who tried to blackmail her. Today's parent-child relationship compared to the way Rush and his brother were raised. Biden campaign scared to death, doing debate prep, Trump outworking him. ABC panic over poll showing Trump leading in AZ, Florida. Trump supporter says she lies to pollsters. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Louisville preps for Breonna Taylor riots. Rush gets angry email from mother who says he doesn't understand the perils of modern parenting. Facts of Breonna Taylor case. Who are the people at Trump rallies? People at Trump rallies have felt ignored by Washington elites, now these people are the most influential people in the country, but they go unacknowledged by the media. Millions of Trump voters were never registered to vote before 2016, so nobody ever talked to them or cared about them. Trump was first person to try to reach these people. Democrats plan to steal the election after election day, have already undermined the integrity of our elections with Russia hoax. Senate report on Hunter Biden proves Trump was right to ask the Ukrainians to investigate. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: One cop indicted in Breonna Taylor case, CNN says mob not satisfied. Hunter Biden report shows Trump was right about Biden's son's illegal deals in Ukraine. Biden on tape bragging about firing prosecutor investigating his son. If a GOP candidate had a report like this come out about son, campaign would be over. Where's Hunter? Biden was briefed on his son's illegal dealings, claims he never spoke to him about it. If Chris Wallace doesn't bring up Biden's lies about Hunter's business in the debates, it will be journalistic malpractice. Daniel Cameron announces facts of Breonna Taylor case, which do not fit the mob's narrative. Video shows U-Haul in Louisville pulling up with signs for "spontaneous peaceful protest". Caller thinks smaller families open up grandparents to blackmail with fewer number of grandkids. Voter fraud. Leftists can't tell themselves the truth.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 21 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • almost 4 years ago
  • 01:49:13

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Rush tells Democrats that they brought their Supreme Court panic on themselves by eliminating the filibuster. Democrats threaten to retaliate with court-packing scheme, statehood for D.C. & Puerto Rico, and 16-year-olds voting. "Moderate" or "undecided" today just means anti-Trump. Remember, the GOP won Senate seats in 2018 thanks to Kavanaugh. What could RINO Republicans do in a vote? Why won't Plugs release his list of SCOTUS nominees? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: President Trump praises Rush in North Carolina speech. Trump dares say he doubts RBG deathbed plea. A president has the power to nominate for the Supreme Court as long as he or she is president. Harry Reid ended the judicial filibuster, and now it's biting them. Somehow, it's our fault that Plugs said 200 million will die of COVID. We need to fill this seat ASAP. Andy McCarthy: The Constitution's requirements for a nomination are all met. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Leftist hate embodied by Leo Guinan's column where he demands father choose between voting Trump and never seeing his son or grandson again. Will Democrats want to be seen attacking Barbara Lagoa, the Cuban-American judge on Trump's shortlist? Barbara Lagoa, Cuban-American on Trump's short list, fought to keep Elian Gonzalez here in freedom. A 4-4 Supreme Court isn't good for America.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 18, 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:49:57

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Trump holds another great rally in Wisconsin, contrast with Biden town hall. People asking Rush where the campaign stands, will we win? Lee Smith on China's influence on the Washington Establishment. UK Daily Mail scare headline on the iOS 14 orange dot. Kerry said in 2016 that the kind of peace deal Trump reached was impossible. Democrats wound up with Biden, nominee nobody wanted, so that radical can run the show. Biden town hall was elder abuse, held onto mask for dear life, answered questions you would ask a child. Drive-Bys say town hall proved Biden isn't senile. Millennial woman says she had to marry an older man to find a masculine mate. Rasmussen: Trump at 53% approval, on track for huge electoral college landslide. Media looking at last election, not this election. Corey Lewandowski says Trump could sweep a bunch of purple states. 80% of questions at Biden town hall were from Democrats. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush on where we stand at the moment: Democracy at stake in this election, Dems will eliminate opposition if they win. Trump inoculated by daily "bombshells", Democrats conceding landslide loss on Election Night to be reversed by mail-in ballots. Reagan, Bush 41 were down big in polls at certain points. Biden's cognitive disabilities are his Iranian hostage crisis, Willie Horton ad. Biden repeats Neil Kinnock story. Rush thinks Trump could be on way to blowout win, but don't tell anyone. Biden uses his dead family members to attract suburban college-educated white women. Like the Never Trumpers, nobody is listening rich liberals. Caller: We're fed up with Democrat lies. Liberal speech patterns. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: New EIB audience model: 62.7 million listeners a week. Lee Smith column on Washington Establishment and China. Some liberals speak with an uptick to sound like victims. Biden says Trump will cut Social Security, Democrats have been making this charge for 70 years, and it never happens. Biden has been in Washington for 47 years, why didn't he fix anything? Biden couldn't do 99% of what Trump has done in his life. Trump has done more in 3 years, than Biden did in 47. The "undecideds". Democrat plans to steal election with mail-in ballots. Wisconsin Trump rally-goer compares Rush and Trump.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 17 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:44:32

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: How the left and the media are poisoning the minds of America. Axios podcast blames Rush for people not evacuating from hurricanes and wildfires. This is how media influences: They reinforce lies about Rush the same way they do it about Trump. Column: Return of Big Ten football a win for Trump and masculinity. Trump economy beats expectations again. BLM popularity plummeting but still dangerously high. Former Never Trumper calls to explain why she changed her mind. Trump gets things done. Media, ABC "undecided voters" rude and disrespectful to Trump. Comparison of sycophantic media questions for Biden and nasty questions for Trump. So-called undecided voter admits she's voting for Biden. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Rush explains how the left will eliminate meaningful elections if Democrats win. Democrats are using polls to set up their supporters to riot when Trump wins. Feminism has created generations of angry women. Millennial women can't find masculine men in their own generation. USA Today's Christine Brennan rips Trump for Big Ten return. Trump wanted college football to return, not for politics, but to restore tradition and normalcy in America. Chinese scientist says ChiComs created virus in lab, released it on purpose. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Rush attempts to answer some questions on iOS 14. Carrot Weather app. Jill Biden says you have to vote Democrat to end the pandemic. It's obviously false, but Twitter didn't take it down. Rush teases a new Operation Chaos-type idea. Schools indoctrinating kids with liberalism. Barr blisters the left in Hillsdale College speech. Formerly liberal woman admits she dated and married conservative men because they were more masculine.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 16 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:46:00

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Trump does town hall with Stephanopoulos of the Clinton War Room as debate practice. Trump thinks he can charm anyone. Voters were stacked against him, but Trump did well, connected, was empathetic. In 2009, Obama at ABC town hall showed no empathy for woman whose mother wanted to live at 105 years old. Axios: "Mostly peaceful" Democrat riots have done $1B in insurance damage. MNF ratings down 20%, all games down except for Tom Brady game. Measure ratings drop since Kaepernick's first protest. If Dems win, Marxists will rule America unopposed, end of democratic America. Biden plays "Despacito" for Hispanic audience, song with lyrics about sniffing women's hair. Apple iOS 14. Never Trumper Danielle Pletka says she may be forced to vote for Trump because of Dems' lurch left, end of democracy if they win. Biden delayed two hours inside building before coming out for Hispanic event in Florida. Rush reads the perverted lyrics to "Despacito". PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Michael Anton's book on what this election means. Democracy, two-party system is on the ballot. Elections stand in the way of liberals acquiring total power. Dems talk about Trump not leaving office, but it's not Trump you need to fear, he's the one guy trying to save the country. Dems still haven't accepted 2016 election. Global economy doing better than expected. MSNBC: Woodward book says Trump spoke more about Rush than coronavirus at the State of the Union. Rush outlines how Democrats will end the two-party system if Biden is elected. We won't be able to vote them out because they will do to the entire country what they did to California. Homeland Security committee subpoenas Brennan, Clapper, Comey. Michael Anton's book: The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return. What will Trump do to quell unrest after he wins? Rioters and Dems are of same mind. Waiting for iOS 14. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Big Ten reverses decision not to play, USA Today sports reporter Christine Brennan blasts, says they're putting health at risk for money. Amazing how many sports reporters hate the sports they cover. Alex Perez column on the pushback against the chickification of America, how diverse coalition of men could elect Trump, Dems becoming party of women. NYT's Charles Blow warns black men are turning to Trump, RNC made big play for black and hispanic men. Frustration over lack of action by Barr and Durham against the coup conspirators. Russia and Charlottesville lies damaged Trump. Poll: Voters in riot zones back Trump 2-1. Minneapolis Democrats who wanted to defund the police now asking, "Where are the police?"

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 11 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:53:10

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Ratings plummet for NFL. 19 years ago, BLM and Antifa types were not born or infants, police officers were heroes, now these same people are destroying America. Rudy: Nobody took a knee in 2001. J.J. Watt doesn't understand why fans booed. The Atlantic editor admits his story could be wrong. They can't get Trump, no matter how much they lie, and it's driving them nuts. Trump always gets the last laugh. Bolton's book debunked The Atlantic hit. Trump rally in Michigan interrupted when crowd chants "I love you." Obstruction of justice: Mueller lawyers wiped their phones before turning them over to Durham. NFL fans livid, corporate America misreads the public. NFL ratings down double-digits. Fans are booing the politicization of sports, support of Marxist BLM. Liberal deforestation, energy policies are major cause of worsening fires, power supply. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Bahrain joins UAE-Israel peace deal. Corporate climate change marketing and the rejection of the politicization of sports. The NFL has joined the media: The customer is always wrong. NFL hierarchy embarrassed of their fan base. Trump rallygoers love being part of something special. Trump tweets Ivanka's theme: Washington hasn't changed us, we're changing Washington. Culture is downstream from politics. Portland Mayor is wildly unpopular. Every day is a new scandal that is supposed to be the end of Trump and it never is. We're the majority, and, if the left didn't have the media, we might not even notice the tiny minority. California's energy debacle. Trump scandal outrage has reached absorption level, nobody believes or takes media's new scandals seriously. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: LA County Health Director admits schools won't open until after the election. Stories hyping worse is yet to come on coronavirus. Trump has momentum, Biden spokesman dodges questions on teleprompter use during Q&As. Gayle King, CBS morning show crew doesn't understand NFL crowd booing, social justice preaching, blaming. Chiefs fan caller felt like he was being called a racist. Poll: 86% of people think other people's news sources are biased. One Chief knelt for anthem. Andy Reid's face shield fogged up. NFL teams tell players they cannot have guests in hotel room, but not to stand for the anthem. Soviet-bloc immigrant sees communists taking over America.

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 09 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:34

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Mark Steyn guests. Trump says no to endless wars, and wins endless praise from Americans (especially soldiers) who want to win. Don Jr. is a big draw. The 2016 Trump campaign was all candidates, no consultants -- and the media hated it. Biden's handles have to type responses to questions for him to read. What will blue city liberals flooding the red suburbs and states mean for the election? Gender-reveal parties. Academy in Hollywood to require list of gender and color for nominations at Oscars. Virtue-signaling PM Justin Trudeau of Canada dressed up in black face over and over because he's so miserable about being told white people are terrible.  PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Mark Steyn: Biden's campaign events are super weird, even if you buy into all the COVID. Arriving at an airport includes being told to wash your hands and social distance, which is spectacular advice, but the person is standing right in your face. COVID has been the death of music, public sports, handshakes, eating in restaurants, and so much else. "Fourteen days to flatten the curve" is entering its six month -- ENOUGH! Chris Hayes says Trump is pro-COVID. Alberta brewery inadvertently names beer after Maori word for pubic hair. We closed down the country based on threats of millions of deaths. The lockdown is no longer about COVID, and dragging on and on at ridiculous lengths.  PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Mark Steyn interviews Donald Trump Jr., the second-biggest draw of the campaign when there was a campaign, about his new book titled, "Liberal Privilege: Joe Biden And The Democrats' Defense Of The Indefensible." Cuomo flips on indoor dining, deigns to allow 25% in dying restaurants. Leftist race faker Jessica Krug gushed over Bronx murder of 15-year-old, called it a "revolutionary moment" because he wanted to be a policeman. Why are all these miserable, unhappy white leftists pretending to be black people? There will be a Mark Steyn cruise in October 2021. Martin Luther King's sole purpose was equality through non-violence, and the March on Washington was calm and peaceful. Rush returns tomorrow!

The Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast - Sep 03 2020

The Rush Limbaugh Show

  • about 4 years ago
  • 01:50:43

PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 1: Gutsy Trump threatens to pull federal funding from blue cities. NFL bows to BLM. Pelosi goes on offense, demands apology from salon owner. California Wiener bill that reduces penalties for perverts who have sex with minors. Justice Ginsburg officiates wedding maskless. Dr. Fauci returns to scare people about coronavirus spread in fall. The left doesn't want you to vote in person. Fauci throws cold water on Trump administration push for early vaccine. ABC's Jonathan Karl says the Russians made you think Biden is senile. The fall of the once-great state of California started decades ago. Pelosi wasn't set up, she made the phone call to make the appointment. Where's the Children's Defense Fund when you need it? Weinstein, Epstein and the Clintons. Why aren't maskless Democrats afraid of COVID? PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 2: Pelosi’s daughter releases letter from law firm attacking salon owner. Why do these Democrats think it's safe to go out? Biden's reason for staying in the basement was fear of COVID-19. Salon owner speaks out on Fox News, wants to know why Pelosi feels safe, but she can't open her business. Denies she set up Pelosi. Flashback to DC Mayor Marion Barry in 1990: The B-I-itch set me up. London mayor calls Trump a tyrant, blames him for closed SF salons. Senator Kennedy on the Washington elite. Former prosecutor on California bill. Pelosi attacking salon owner. Democrats have the opposite of compassion for the little guy. Democrats have branded themselves as the people who care. Ohio nurse reveals COVID quarantine hypocrisy. PODCAST SUMMARY HOUR 3: Biden trip to Kenosha shows Trump's moves are winning. Polling all over the place. Trump has monumental task ahead of him, overcoming what Democrat shutdowns did to the economy. Events that will decide election still in progress. Trump needs all of us to overcome the onslaught of the left. Is AOC a Never Pelosi Democrat? Whitlock and Walsh on NFL and BLM. Caller wonders about ChiCom-Democrat conspiracy on virus.